Troublemaker | Station 19

By goonerscribblesox

345K 8.1K 1.8K

When the arrival of the youngest member of the Bishop family, Maddie, turns up at the station, skeletons come... More

{Cast & Characters}
1. Arrival at 19
2. Home sweet home
3. Exhaustion
4. Sour Mood
5. Escape Act
6. Grounded
7. Staying At The Houseboat
8. Risking It
9. Hero
10. PTSD
11. Oh Mother Dearest
12. Sick Day
13. Reunited
14. The World As We Know It Now
15. Our Fallen Hero
16. Tiger on the loose
17. Moving In
18. Bringing Up The Past
19. Probie Sullivan!
20. Victims
21. Wrongful Arrest
22. The Aftermath!
23. The Chase Is On
24. It's Too Early To Say Goodbye
25. Too Soft
26. Memorial Service
28. Pushing Her Luck
29. Uncle Mason
30. Back To Italy
31. Hospital Trip
32. Confessions
33. Recovery Begins
34. Date Night
35. Unforgivable Actions
36. Unfamiliar Face
37. Anxiety
38. Leaving For Italy
39. Late Night Fears
40. Confrontation
41. Mood Swings
42. Reconnected
43. Teenage Trouble
44. It's Wedding Day!
45. Fallout Of Events
46. Happiness Doesn't Last Long
47. Turmoil
48. Awaiting News
49. Other Side
50. Awake
51. Nobody Likes Hospitals
52. Welcome To The Family
53. Wrapped Up In Cotton Wool
54. Recovery
55. Surprise Visitors
56. Show Some Respect
57. Back To School
58. Violence Doesn't Get You Anywhere
59. Birthday Wish
60. Who Doesn't Like Fireworks?
61. Rise From The Ashes
62. Celebrate!
63. Celebrate! pt.2
64. Fear
65. Truth Comes out
66. Seattle Heatwave
67. Maybe One Day
68. Are We Ready To Try This Again?
69. The Beginning Of A Downward Spiral
70. Sneaking Out, Again!
71. Testing The Limits!
72. The Calm Before The Storm
73. Devastation
74. Grief Stricken
75. Depression
76. Late Night Hospital Visit
77. Therapy
78. Feelings
79. As The Bells Ring, Blood Is Shed
80. Diagnosis
81. The Truth Hurts
82. Homophobic Slurs
83. Burnt Turkey
84. Accept That Its Over!
85. Actions!
86. Deep Trouble...
87. Rose Petals And Champagne, All Around!
88. Realisation
89. Christmas Is Just Around The Corner!
90. It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year, Well Kinda!
Book 2 Update!

27. Unwanted Guest

4.2K 94 38
By goonerscribblesox

It had been a few weeks since Andrea had passed away and things were starting to get better. Maddie is sat at the kitchen table doing the school work that she had pushed aside, that was the last thing on her mind. Carina was sat opposite her while she made arrangements for Andrea's apartment but at the same time, she offered to help Maddie with her school work if she got stuck.

"What's got your face all scrunched up, kiddo?" Maya chuckled, noticing the annoyed facial expression that her daughter wore.

"Online Math schoolwork. It really sucks," Maddie pouted. Maya brought a cup of espresso over to Carina who was on the phone.

"And the water will be turned off when?" Carina asked while Maya brought her over a cup of espresso.

"Thank you." Carina quietly said. "Mhm-hm?" Carina took a sip of the espresso and automatically pulled a face. "Mm," she said.

"I don't think that your coffee skills are up to scratch mom," Maddie smirked.

"Be quiet you," Maya said rolling her eyes.

"Yeah. Uh, yes. The movers will be there on..." Carina said, looking at Maya briefly.

"Friday," Maya told her.

"On... on Friday," Carina spoke on the phone.

There was a knock on the door just as Carina finished hanging up and Maddie looked at her mom confused.

"Who's that?" Maddie asked.

"Okay, thank you," Carina said as she got off the phone and looked briefly at the door confused.

"I don't know. You're not expecting anyone around are you?" Maya asked confused.

"Nope, not that I am aware off at least," Maddie said just as confused. "I'll go see who it is," she offered.

"Nuh-uh, you stay put and continue with that Math work. You've pushed it off long enough," Maya said, grabbing her mask out and putting it on as she walked over to the door, "I'll go find out who it is," She added before she opened the door to reveal a woman she didn't know. "Hey," She looked at the woman who stood there with a suitcase.

"Hi," The woman spoke, seeing Carina sitting at the table, she pushed her way inside the apartment. "Mia Cara... mia Cara, ciao!" she greeted Carina who just looked shocked.

"Cosa stai facendo qui?" Carina asked, shocked as the women hugged. Maddie furrowed her eyebrow from where she was sitting at the table, confused about who the hell this woman was.

"Ho appena sentito parlare di Andrea," The woman tearfully hugged Carina who sobbed in her arms. Maddie moved to stand next to her mom. "Sono scioccato, come è possibile?" The women said.

"Who is this woman?" Maddie asked confused. "And what are they saying?" Maddie added.

"I have no idea," Maya mumbled back as she watched the two exchange hugs and she couldn't help but feel jealous that Carina seemed to be happy to see this woman.

"Faccio sempre il test, non preoccuparti," Gabriella reassured her.

"Va bene, lo faccio anche io," Carina told her as they continued to hug.

"I still haven't a clue what they are saying," Maddie muttered under her breath, instantly judging the women who so rudely barged into their home.

"Hi. Hello." Maya interjected, waving her hands slightly.

"Maya, Maddie, this is my friend, Gab..." Carina introduced her friend to two blondes.

"Yeah, Dr Gabriella Aurora." The woman, Gabriella, wiped her tears away and introduced herself formally. Maya moved her mask off her face.

"Hi." Maya went to say something further but didn't have the chance as they started to talk Italian again. Maddie leaned in towards her mom to whisper.

"I don't know about you but I already don't like this woman," Maddie whispered to her mom as Carina was too busy having a conversation with the Italian woman now known to them as Gabriella. Maya felt uneasy and had mixed feelings.

"I still think it was rude for her to barge into our home," Maddie muttered as they walked into the kitchen. Maya nudged her shoulder, silently telling her to be quiet.

"Be nice and introduce yourself," Maya encouraged.

"Uh, sure." Maddie said and looked at the woman, "Hi. I'm Maddie, nice to meet you." she said sticking her hand out for Gabriella to shake but Gabriella dismissed the gesture, "Alright, cool." she muttered to herself, ignoring the look her mom was giving her.

"So, Gabriella, how long are you staying for?" Maya wondered politely.

"However long I am needed," Gabriella told Maya. Maya just nodded. Maddie's phone chimed as she looked to see that she had a text from Sarah.

"Hey, uh mom... Sarah's asked if I want to meet up? Can I go, I promise that I will be safe, please?" Maddie asked. Maya didn't say anything while Gabriella tsked as she began to make Carina an espresso.

"I hardly think it's appropriate for a child-like yourself to be going out in the middle of a pandemic," Gabriella commented. Maddie looked at the women and scowled lowly.

"Maddie, don't," Maya warned, already knowing her daughter was about to say something. Maddie shook her head in disagreement as she chuckled.

"I'm sorry but what does it have to do with you?" Maddie said, she knew she was being rude but who was this woman to give her opinion. "Your Carina's friend, you don't know me, so shove your opinion," she said. Gabriella raised her eyebrow at the teenager's attitude and then pursed her lips while she looked at Maya and Carina.

"Maddie," Maya and Carina both scolded, even though Maya felt like Gabriella had no right to judge her parenting.

"What? It's true," Maddie muttered while she rolled her eyes. One thing was for sure, she really didn't like Gabriella, despite the fact that she was a friend of Carina's. "So, uh, can I go?" she wondered.

"No you cannot," Maya said shaking her head. Maddie frowned.

"What, why?" Maddie asked annoyed. All she wanted to do was exit the apartment to get away from the women who she disliked.

"You seemed to have forgotten that I told you was grounded for a month the other day when we were at the hospital," Maya said and Maddie groaned when she remembered the other day. Well, how could she forget? It was the day before their world was turned upside down. "Besides, I have arranged for you to have an appointment with a virtual therapist, you know to talk about your feelings," Maya added.

"Ah mom, I have already told you that I don't want to talk to anyone!" Maddie groaned aggravated.

"Bambina, it will do you good to speak to someone," Carina said, backing her girlfriend up.

"I don't want to talk to anyone," Maddie repeated.

"You don't have a choice. It's Dr Lewis, you know her, you have met her a few times at the station," Maya told her daughter who continued to pout, not happy at the idea of talking to someone even if it was virtual over a camera. "Look if you do this therapy then you can have Sarah come around afterwards, how does that sound?" Maya bargained, knowing it was one way for her daughter to agree even though she knew she shouldn't be bribing her.

"Alright. I suppose I will talk to Dr Lewis then," Maddie mumbled in agreement, only because she was going to be able to see her girlfriend afterwards. Maya couldn't help but notice the look of judgement that Gabriella was giving her and she was seriously starting to annoy her.

"Good. Thank you," Maya said. Maddie was quick to text Sarah to ask her to come over as Gabriella poured Carina a cup of espresso.

"Che sapore ha?" Gabriella asked.

"Mm. Perfetto." Carina said with a smile after she took a sip of it.

"You're gonna have to teach me your secret," Maya said smiling to keep her temper at bay.

"The secret is to make it good," Gabriella said as she poured another cup of espresso while Maya chuckled.

"Well, after 13 tries, 6 first-degree burns, and one cup of literal spilled milk, I have... I have failed at doing that." Maya said.

"Oh, don't forget to mention the smashed cup either!" Maddie interjected. Remembering it, it was hilarious to watch her mom make all of the mistakes.

"Yes, thanks Mads..." Maya chuckled.

"You put milk in your espresso?" Gabriella asked, "Chi è questa persona?" she pulled a face turning away.

"What did she just say?" Maddie said loudly, she was fed up with this woman and couldn't wait for her to leave. Carina looked at her and chuckled.

"Gabriella, English, please," Carina said, moving to rest her hand around Maya's waist as Maya smiled, continuing to keep her cool.

"Okay, Maya, Maddie, you live with an Italian woman and you don't speak Italian? Scusami, ma sono dieci punti in meno," Gabriella said. Maddie pulled a face at this woman, she really, really didn't like her.

"Yeah. I still ain't understanding what you're saying lady," Maddie rolled her eyes.

"Bambina," Carina gave her a pointed look. Maddie just sighed and nodded.

"I-I'm learning. It's just... It's slow." Maya defended herself.

"It's okay," Carina smiled.

"Mm. Dov'è la farina?" Gabriella wondered. Maddie and Maya both looked confused.

"She's looking for flour," Carina said.

"I got it. It's right here." Maya moved to grab the flour out.

"Flour," Gabriella repeated mockingly, "I know how to speak English." She said. Maya smiled while Maddie screwed her face up in annoyance, oh how much this woman was irritating her. "Grazie... le patate?" she asked.

"Potatoes?" Carina asked.

"Yeah, potatoes," Gabriella confirmed.

"Ah," Maya moved to grab the potatoes out. "Right here," she placed them on the Island.

"Thank you, cool," Gabriella said, moving over to the side in the kitchen as Maya knocked the saucepans above her head, Carina who was over by the refrigerator couldn't help but chuckle as Maddie snorted in amusement at her mom's awareness of them being there.

"So, you guys, um, grew up together?" Maya asked.

"Uh, no. We've been friends only since Medical School." Carina told her as Gabriella placed the chopping board on the Island.

"Well, friends. I mean, yeah, that, too, but... Abbiamo anche fatto molto sesso," Gabriella said with a smile on her face. Carina moved to sit down on the stool again as she looked at Maya.

"Yeah, that, uh... She..." Carina stuttered over her words.

"Yep. No. I got that one. I remember that one." Maya said. Maddie could see the expression on her mom's face and knew this was going to get ugly.

"Mm," Carina said with a brief nod.

"Oh god," Maddie muttered, she didn't know what was said but by the look on her mother's face, it wasn't good.

"Sorry, do you..." Gabriella said as she looked around for a knife.

"You want a knife?" Carina asked.

"Yeah. Do you have a knife?" Gabriella asked. Maya couldn't help but bite her tongue as she tried really try to stop herself from exploding, first, she insulted her parenting, then she was accused of not making the effort to learn Italian and now she found out that her girlfriend and this woman were ex sex-buddies.

"Oh, yes. Off of the Amalfi Coast." Gabriella stated as they flipped through a photo album.

"Ahh," Carina exclaimed, also looking at the photo.

"Remember that?" Gabriella continued to ask. 

Maddie had already made her mind up, she didn't like this woman at all and she was pretty sure that neither did her Mom.

"Ahh. A-And with the air conditioning,"  Carina said, pointing at the photo that Maddie wasn't quite sure of what it was and neither could she understand the Italian that was being spoken.

"Yeah, remember that?" Gabriella asked continuing to laugh. Maya sat on the chair opposite the two of them with her hands together and knees crossed, trying to keep her cool.

"So, it was a fun trip with the... With the crappy car that somehow still looks romantic. Is that when you two started dating?" Maya asked trying to keep her jealously intact.

"Oh, no, we never dated," Carina adamantly told her girlfriend.

"But she said that..." Maya started confused while she looked at Gabriella.

"No, no, no, no. I never said that. I mean, we never dated. We didn't really have time, did we?" Gabriella denied looking at Carina.

"No. And neither the energy. Oh, my God." Carina exclaimed, looking at the photo album. 

"Ah, you know, we were in school, we were just working hard," Gabriella added, looking back down at the album and smiling.

"Yeah. Yeah, so many hours a week," Carina exclaimed.

"We needed an outlet, so Abbiamo fatto sesso," Gabriella said as she looked at Carina. Maddie took a side glance at her mom who looked annoyed.

"Yep. Remember that one," Maya said as she titled her head to the side, stopping herself from saying anything further.

"Oh, look at tiny Andrea," Carina said, looking back down at the pictures in the photo album.

"Ah, yes. That's a nice picture of him." Gabriella said. "Is that the week he came to visit us at school?" She asked.

"Yeah," Carina said, nodding and smiling at the photo of Andrea. "Come have a look Bambina," Carina encouraged. Maddie got up and sat beside Carina as she looked at the photo. "And he ended up spending... Spending the night in your room," Carina added.

"He looks so young," Maddie said as she smiled sadly.

"Well, he didn't stop smiling for a week," Gabriella said. Both of the Italian women chuckled while Maddie looked horrified and grossed out.

"And he said that I was the one always romancing with his friends," Carina said. Maya couldn't help but continue to feel jealous.

"Wait, Zio went with you? Was he drunk at the time?" Maddie asked.

"What do you mean?" Gabriella asked the teenager.

"Well if he was drunk then it would explain a lot... but if not then he must have been well... he must have been making a mistake or something, I mean I bet that he regretted it afterwards," Maddie commented. Gabriella looked offended, Maya tried to hide her amusement while Carina was left for words.

"Where were you here? That's very cute," Gabriella said, changing the subject as she refused to answer the girl's question.

"India?" Carina hesitated to say as Maya's phone chimed and she curiously picked it up to see a text from Jack explaining that Marsha took a turn for the worst, wasn't being discharged and they were putting her on a vent tonight.

"Mm," Gabriella said in agreement.

"So many years..." Carina started.

"Oh, no," Maya said, staring down at her phone. Both Carina and Gabriella looked at her. "It's Andy.  It's a family thing," Maya said, deciding it wasn't best to mention that it was actually Jack.

"Bambina, we're fine here, you can go," Carina encouraged, motioning towards the two of them.

"Okay, visit," Gabriella added. Maya looked at them and slightly smiled, not sure how to take it.

"Okay," Maya said, moving to stand up.

"Wait, mom. Can I come with you and see Tia Andy?" Maddie asked, giving her mom a look that she was desperate to not be left alone with Gabriella.

"Ah Mads you have that therapist appointment so it's probably better to stay here," Maya said.

"Oh come on mom, I can bring the iPad with me or even use my phone," Maddie said as she moved to where her mom was putting her jacket on, "Please don't leave me alone with that woman, I can't stand her," Maddie pleaded in a whisper with her mom as she put her jacket on.

"Kiddo, you will be fine here. Your Mama is still here as well and once your therapy appointment is over, Sarah can come around and you can hang out. Just... just try and refrain from any more of the comments, please? After all, she's your Mama's friend, as much as I don't like her myself." Maya said.

"Alright fine," Maddie exhaled a sigh. "But no promises. The woman really irritates me," Maddie muttered. Maya chuckled and ruffled her daughter's hair.

"Thank you that is all I ask. I will be back in a little bit so just be good!" Maya said as she kissed the top of her daughters' head.

"Bye Mom," Maddie said with a sigh before she walked back into the lounge to see the two women having a conversation in Italian that she didn't have a clue what they were saying, "Mama, I'm going to my room. I have my appointment soon," Maddie said.

The therapy appointment wasn't actually for another hour at least but she needed an escape from sitting in the lounge with a woman who judged her.

"Okay Bambina, just shout me if you need anything," Carina told the teenager. Maddie nodded and all but practically ran into her bedroom, shutting the door behind her as she dived onto her bed. Making use of her free time, she loaded up TikTok on her iPad and watched videos.

"So, Maddie is calling you Mama now?" Gabriella wondered.

"Si, after the Memorial she started to call me it and I don't mind that at all," Carina said.

"Oh right, but don't you feel strange with it not being your actual Bambina? What about Maddie's Papa, is he not in the picture at all?" Gabriella continued to ask.

"Ah no, it's complicated. Maddie's biological father was in jail up until recently and she doesn't see him," Carina explained. Gabriella pursed her lips and was ready to comment on her thoughts.

"Well that explains a lot," Gabriella said. Carina furrowed her brow.

"Explains a lot about what?" Carina asked.

"The little terror's attitude that she has. Making comments like she was earlier," Gabriella said.

"Gabriella, Maddie is actually a really sweet kid and you just need to get to know her," Carina defended the thirteen-year-old.

"Mhmm," Gabriella said as she pursed her lips again. "That maybe so, however, her attitude can do with fixing, speaking to adults like that," Gabriella said. Carina sighed and didn't know what else to say.

"Maddie is a good kid and she is just going through a tough time," Carina insisted.

Maya arrived at the apartment that Jack was staying at with Inara and Marcus, she felt sort of bad for not being truthful about where she was going but she knew it was probably better this way. Besides, she knew if she did stay in the apartment any longer then she might blow up at the woman who so kindly judged her about practically everything.

"Hi. Uh, we've met. I'm..." Maya started. Inara was surprised to see her there.

"Maya," Inara said. Maya nodded slightly.

"Yeah," Maya said, behind the face mask that she was wearing.

"Uh, come in. Please, come in," Inara invited Maya inside of the apartment 

Thank you," Maya said, stepping inside while Inara shut the door after her.

"Yeah. Oh. God. It's so good to officially re-meet you," Inara said. Jack was surprised to see the blonde woman at his apartment.

"Same," Maya agreed.

"Hey." Inara motioned Maya's appearance to Jack.

"Hey. What's up?" Jack asked awkwardly since Maya was in his past and Inara was his present.

"I got your text about Marsha. I'm sorry," Maya said. Jack nodded.

"Oh. Yeah." Jack said.

"Thank you," Inara said. 

"Thank you," Jack added.

"Is that why you're here?" Jack asked confused. "Is Maddie okay?" He asked frantically, having heard about the girls' sudden breakdown at the Memorial a few weeks ago.

"Yeah. Oh no, Maddie is fine." Maya said which Jack felt relieved about. Inara felt awkward standing there.

"Yeah?" Inara asked. "Uh, I'm gonna... I'm gonna go check on Marcus," Inara excused herself away from the situation between the two of them.

"Okay," Maya said.

"Okay." Jack agreed while Inara walked away into the other room and closed the door, "Okay, Maya, no offence, but you are not exactly the drop-everything, be-there- for-a-sad-friend-type, so what's up?" Jack asked confused about why she was actually here. Maya removed her mask and looked at Jack with an annoyed expression. 

"Carina's ex-sex-buddy is visiting," Maya said with disgust in her voice as she moved to sit on the couch. Jack looked smug with himself.

"Oh. So, this is, like, a jealousy thing?" Jack asked as he stood there with hands on his hips.

No," Maya denied with a tight smile on her face. Jack sat down as Maya shook her head as if she was unsure.

"Carina's grieving, right? And her friend, who she used to... have some sex with, is here to comfort her," Jack said and Maya threw her head back in frustration while she groaned, "Kinda like you're doing now," Jack added.

"Oh. I'm such a dummy!" Maya exclaimed while she covered her hands with her face.

"Not in general. About relationships, yes," Jack agreed as he nodded his head. 

"Carina comes alive with her in ways that I haven't seen in weeks." Maya leaned forward from where she was sitting, "I mean, she's laughing again and eating again, and..." Maya started. Jack cut her off.

"You feel threatened," Jack said as he paused while Maya looked down at her hands. "Look, Carina... she... She loves you, and she's also going through the worst thing I think any of us can imagine. So, if she is eating and laughing and smiling again, I mean, who cares why?" Jack said putting it into perspective.

"Okay, see, this is why I don't deal with feelings, because they become other people's problems." Maya said as she leaned back into the couch and Jack smiled, "Does Inara hate me?" She wondered.

"She doesn't know you well enough to hate you," Jack smirked. Maya looked offended and threw a pillow at him

"Actually, uh, you could make it up to her by doing us a favour," Jack said, mentioning the idea that he thought off in his head so Marcus could see Marsha somehow.

"God, I just can't stand the woman. She has been judging me on my parenting ever since she arrived as well, it's not like she has any kids of her own to even think what I am doing wrong with my daughter!" Maya ranted. Jack chuckled and shook his head.

"You just need to take deep breathes and deal with the woman, after all, she is Carina's friend, you can hardly not expect her to not be friends with her just for yours and Maddie's sake," Jack said. Maya sighed and groaned.

"Why do you say the right words and it puts all of it into perspective?" Maya wondered and Jack smirked.

"Because I am wise," Jack grinned which had Maya roll her eyes.

"Hi Maddie, how's it going? Nice to see you again, even if it is over a video call," Diane Lewis spoke from the iPad where Maddie was having a mandatory therapy session. 

"Hi Dr Lewis," Maddie said as she moved to prop herself up against her pillows to get comfy.

"Okay so, your mom called me to ask to set this up since you can't go to your usual therapist." Diane started, "As you know I usually only deal with firefighters, however, I do have some experience with therapy in children and teenagers. So, what is on your mind? How do you feel?" Diane prompted her to talk.

"I'm upset," Maddie mumbled, she wasn't really all that keen on opening up to people, but after the breakdown that she had at the memorial, both women knew this was something essential.

"It's okay to talk about feelings Maddie. Whatever you say stays between you and I, nobody else." Diane told the teenager, "I know that you had a death in the family that your mom told me about. That must have affected you a lot?" Diane continued to ask.

"He didn't die. Andrea was murdered," Maddie said. Diane nodded through the camera.

"Okay, and how does that make you feel?" Diane continued to ask.

"Angry. I want to lash out and hit something when I think about it, but I did that and ended up with knuckles that hurt," Maddie said, holding up her hands to show Diane her bruised knuckles.

"Ouch, they look painful! What made you lash out and hit the wall?" Diane asked.

"One of the doctors promised that Andrea was going to be better and that the doctors were going to work on him and it would all be okay," Maddie said. "But it wasn't. He died in hospital and I won't ever get to see him again," Maddie said.

"And that makes you upset? Losing somebody can be a really traumatic experience that channels a lot of grief, it's never good to keep it bottled up inside though as it will just cause you to lash out unexpectedly towards the people that care about you," Diane told the younger girl. Maddie nodded and fiddled with the strings on her jumper.

Maddie talked to Diane for another half an hour, at the end of the session she felt better but she still felt upset, however, Diane reassured her that she would always be happy to speak to her again if she ever needed to chat. Maddie nodded and thanked the older woman before she ended the call on the laptop just in time for Sarah to arrive at the apartment.

Happily skipping to the door, Maddie opened it and practically threw herself into Sarah's arms.

"Well hello to you too," Sarah chuckled lightly as Maddie placed a kiss on her girlfriend's lips.

"I have never been happier to see you," Maddie exclaimed as she pulled Sarah into the apartment.

"Hello Bambina," Carina waved, noticing the brunette girl with Maddie.

"Hi Carina," Sarah politely said as she waved back.

"We'll be in my room if you need me, Mama," Maddie said which surprised Sarah since she didn't realize Maddie was calling Carina that now.

"Okay, Bambina. Keep the door open please, you know the rules." Carina told Maddie who instantly blushed.

"Mama, come on," Maddie groaned embarrassed. "We're not going to do anything," She added.

"Either way, the door stays open please, Bambina," Carina said. Maddie nodded and quickly pulled Sarah into her bedroom.

"You literally have no idea how much I have wanted to see you today," Maddie said, plinking herself onto her bed.

"Oh, why? Has it been that bad," Sarah chuckled. "I don't recognize the woman that's sat in the lounge with Carina," She added. Maddie gave her a look of disgust.

"Oh, the she-devil? That's Mama's friend... She's rude and I don't like her," Maddie said as she scrunched her face up while she explained.

"Ah, I understand. So how long is she staying? Hopefully, you don't have to put up with her all that long," Sarah chuckled.

"Not a clue, but hopefully not too long. My mom doesn't like her at all, she's honestly just so... judgemental and she even demands that we learn Italian. I would love to just show her the door, but Mom says that I have to be polite," Maddie ranted to Sarah who was amused. "Anyways, what movie do you want to watch on TV?" She asked, changing the subject.

"Perhaps give her a chance, after all, she is like a sort of aunt to you know," Sarah teased her girlfriend who gave her a horrified look.

"Uh, no thanks. I will never think of that woman as an aunt. I already have a few of them. I don't need her as well," Maddie insisted.

"Calm down, I was just messing with you babe," Sarah laughed and kissed her girlfriend on the lips. Maddie reacted by playfully hitting her girlfriend with one of her smaller pillows that were on the bed.

They spent the next several hours relaxing on the bed just watching different movies that they both liked until Sarah had to go back home for dinner, so now Maddie was sitting by herself in her bedroom to stay away from Gabriella. Carina popped her head around the door briefly to check in on the teenager since she was quiet.

"Hey, Maddie. Just checking that you're okay?" Carina said as she poked her head around the teenager's bedroom door.

"Yeah. Therapy was okay I guess. Has the She-Devil gone now?" Maddie wondered. Carina chuckled realizing that she was talking about Gabriella.

"Do you mean Gabriella, Bambina? Maddie, I know that she said a few things but she isn't that bad but to answer your question, yes she's gone back to her hotel for the night. I really think that you would like her if you gave her a chance," Carina encouraged.

"Mama, I don't want to. That woman clearly doesn't like me and I didn't even do anything to her... well other than making a few comments," Maddie mumbled the last few words.

"Well, maybe you could have been a little bit less rude to her. Gabriella is a very good friend of mine and I would really like it if you could get along with her," Carina said.

"Does this mean that she's coming back again?" Maddie groaned. Carina couldn't help but chuckle slightly.

"Yes she will be coming back Bambina so please next can you be a little nicer? You never know you may actually get to like her," Carina insisted.

"I guess that I can try," Maddie said with a short sigh.

"Thank you that is all that I ask," Carina said with a sigh of relief, the last thing she wanted was for any of them to not get along. "Alright so your mom has texted and asked me to meet her at the hospital so do you want to come or stay here in the apartment?" She wondered.

"I literally have no other plans since I'm grounded so why not," Maddie agreed.

"Okay come on then, make sure to put a coat on as well because it's cold outside," Carina said. Maddie obliged, shoving her phone into her back pocket as she pulled her coat out of the wardrobe.

"I thought that mom went to see Andy? Why are we at the hospital with Jack, Inara and Marcus?" Maddie asked confused as she climbed out of Carina's Porsche.

"Apparently not. Marsha's taken a turn for the worse so Jack had an idea that might cheer her up," Carina explained as she locked the car up and they headed over to where Maya was with the ladder truck and Jack.

"Mom!" Maddie called out. Maya spun around and smiled at her two girls.

"Hey. I'm so glad you two could come down," Maya said. "Marsha took a bad turn so she can't be discharged anymore," Maya added. Maddie nodded.

"I know, Mama just told me now. That totally sucks," Maddie exclaimed as Jack walked over to them with his turnout coat and helmet on.

"Uncle Jack!" Maddie exclaimed, not having seen the firefighter for a while.

"Hey, Mad-Dog!" Jack said. Maya quirked her eyebrow in amusement.

"Mad-Dog? That's a new one I haven't heard before," Maya said.

"I thought I would try some new nicknames out," Jack grinned. Maddie nodded.

"I like that one," Maddie agreed. Jack chuckled and ruffled the teenager's hair.

"Hey, thanks for doing this," Jack said.

"It's good for recovery, seeing family," Carina said, knowing how it was from a doctors point of view. Inara came rushing over.

"Marcus is threatening to climb up there by himself," Inara stated. Maddie laughed while the three adults panicked.

"I'm coming," Jack insisted as he ran around to the ladder to climb up with Marcus.

"So, She-Devil has gone now," Maddie smirked, liking the new nickname that she had given for Carina's old friend.

"Maddie, you can't call her that," Maya chuckled as Carina shook her head unimpressed.

"Why not? She's the literal female version of the devil Mom!" Maddie exclaimed.

"You just can't call her that. After all, she's your Mama's friend," Maya said, knowing that it wouldn't be good if Maya agreed with her daughters' nickname for the woman even though she really wasn't that keen on her. "Just refrain from using that nickname or in fact any other nickname that's insulting, please?" Maya asked. Maddie sighed and nodded.

"Alright. Fine," Maddie agreed, but what they didn't know wouldn't hurt them.

The family of three watches as Jack and Marcus are lifted up to Marsha's window.

"How come you've never let me climb up on the ladder, Mom? It looks so much fun!" Maddie said.

"Because I know how clumsy you can be at times and I don't really fancy you breaking any bones," Maya chuckled. Maddie pouted.

"I'm not that clumsy," Maddie insisted.

"Bambina, you are the clumsiest person I know," Carina piped up. Maddie continued to pout.

"No fair, you two are ganging up on me!" Maddie said folding her arms playfully. Maya laughed and slung her arm around her daughter.

"We're your mom's, we are always going to do that," Maya said. Carina nodded in agreement.

"Oh look, there at the top!" Maddie pointed out as Jack handed Marcus a banner and they held it up against the window. They continued to watch them up there as Jack helped Marcus with the banner.

"I'm sorry that I lied before," Maya said to Carina.

"Maya, I'm not threatened by Jack," Carina said.

"I am. I am threatened by you and Gabriella," Maya admitted.

"But G-Gabriella is my friend. She drove overnight in a pandemic to be here for me because..." Carina said confused and Maya cut her off.

"I know. I know. I know. I know it's not fair. I know it's stupid. I'm just telling you the truth. I mean, these past few weeks, we settled into us. I mean..." Maya said as she chuckled, "Sometimes, I know what you're gonna say just by how you crinkle your left eyebrow, and it's..." Maya paused and Carina interjected. ‭

"Wonderful..." Carina said with a smile.

"Wonderful and lovely and satisfying and something that I have never had before. But you and Gabriella have never even really dated, and you still seem to have this shorthand. I mean, you literally speak the same language." Maya said. Carina looked at her girlfriend and nodded.

"But we've known each other for years. It's... It's like the shorthand that you have with Jack, talking about fire hoses and... and ladder trucks." Carina said.

"No, that's different." Maya denied.

"Yeah.  It is different. What you and I have is, ah...What? Fantastico. Maya, it's ours. It's just ours." Carina expressed her feelings, leaning in to kiss the blonde woman.

"Ew, gross," Maddie groaned seeing the two women be so affectionate in front of her.

Okay?" Carina said pulling away.

"Yeah," Maya agreed. Maddie continued to pull faces.

"Good," Carina grinned.

"Okay." Maya said with a short smile, "But if you... if you wanted to keep making your point..." Maya said.

"Mm," Carina grinned and embraced Maya in another passionate kiss again.

"Seriously, again? You're both so embarrassing," Maddie groaned while the two women chuckled.

"We're your moms. It's our job to be embarrassing Bambina," Carina grinned at the teenage girl.

Alright, I updated again because... well why not, besides I cannot sleep at all!

This one was my favourite chapter to write,

Let me know your thoughts on it and I hope you all enjoy it!

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