Trump's Little Girlfriend~


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Disclaimer: This story is purely fictional. Any names, persons, and events depicted in this work are fictiona... More

A Lavender Chanel Bag
Honey, not today...But maybe tomorrow.
That One "Weird" Chapter~
Uber Eats
"Call Me Donald"
Weekend At Mar A Lago
Weekend At Mar Lago - Part 2
Date Night~
A Night Alone~ Part 2
A Visit
Mexican Food
Press Conference
Break Up.
*Update~ 2*

A Night Alone~

120 1 0

Since day one of their now serious relationship, J has made one major promise to herself concerning Trump - to not make him sleep alone at night no matter what, even after an argument. And he knows it, not because she told him, but because he just knows as if he can read her mind. He can see it, when they gaze into each other's eyes in bed after a long day or a long heated argument and especially a strenuous session of love making.

Despite Mr. Trump's public persona of being such a hard tough guy, she can mentally in her mind peel back the layers of his character as if he's an onion and see the softness that resides within him. She acknowledges his silent yearning of wanting to be seen and loved and like two perfect puzzle pieces, she easily and effortlessly fills that niche for him. She can also see that he's been hurt by being left alone by his estranged per that previous emotional night.

Hence her promise.

But there was one issue that she didn't account for while making this silent promise - girls' night out and trips that do not include him. Which led her to this moment.

"You will be ok, right?"

"I'm fine! Don't worry about it J! Have fun, ok!" He exclaims gallantly, with much typical Trumpian bravado.

"Okayyy~." She responds, her voice laced with concern. She feels almost as if she's a mother checking on a "tough" son afraid of storms or something.

"Look! Have fun, ok! Don't worry about me!"


She looks up at him, noticing a hint of sadness in his soft silver gray eyes. Leaving him alone for the weekend probably will be hard on her as well. She's gotten quite used to always having her abrasive yet lovable soulmate around her. She reaches up tip toe to kiss that cute soft mouth of his, which he responds in kind, embracing her as well.

"Ok, see you Sunday!"

Bye, hun!"

She runs off out the door to meet with her girl friends for a weekend trip to a beach far off somewhere.

In her now new absence, Donald Trump stares at the huge ornate fortress like golden doors for a few moments more, then to the right and left of him.

Okay then.

He about faces like a soldier and strolls confidently off to do something.


"What happened J?! We tried calling you! But you didn't pick up!" One of her friends exclaims as she joins them in their jeep out front.

"Sorry sorry!"

"You really do have a thing with being late. Maybe work on your communication a bit more!" Another one adds.

"Sorry, I was reassuring Mr. Trump for a bit. He seems to not like to be alone..."


"You and this Mr. Trump!"

They laugh and drive off, moving onto other topics.


That's it! I'm having McDonalds!

It is now dinner time and Mr. Trump has no plans for dinner. That is, until he realizes he can freely eat McDonalds without his girlfriend's protests. He did not call on his staff to prepare something due to now being accustomed to her cooking or her ordering take out, so now he finds himself going on 8pm with an empty stomach and nothing to eat.

"Bring up two Big Macs, two fish sandwiches, a chocolate shake, and a large Diet Coke. Make it quick!" Mr. Trump demands, calling down to his staff. It'll be a full size meal, but he might as well go all out and enjoy himself, giving into a guilty pleasure.

Soon enough the meal arrives and he promptly settles in bed, ready to enjoy his meal, the massive TV tuned to Fox News.

One bite from the first Big Mac and he's over the moon. How could he be away from McDonalds for so long?! He slowly and deliberately makes his way through the first burger eating in conjunction with the fish sandwich, relishing each bite as he did with each kiss to his girlfriend the other day.


The second Big Mac didn't fare any better, as he picks up the pace, devouring it, consuming it as if it was his girlfriend. There's a mouthful of pleasure in each bite. His mind goes to another place, mind not quite on the TV. Sean Hannity seems as if he's just talking to himself.

"A new wave of illegal immigrants were caught crossing our border..."

"Mmm, so good...!"

He finishes the last bit of the fish sandwich leaving only the chocolate shake and Diet Coke, which he contently sips on as Sean Hannity continues his spiel on illegal immigration.

The euphoria of devouring his favorite meal did not last long as Trump was soon to find out. A meal can be consumed, but a meal cannot talk to you. A meal cannot discuss things with you, nor can it argue. And once a meal is consumed, it is gone for good, unless you put in for a new order.

Laura Ingraham begins her segment, getting right to the topic of "presidential harassment" and how President Trump is always mistreated regardless of what he does. He could even find a cure for HIV or cancer and they'll still want to hurt him.

By now the TV has his full and undivided attention, his heart in agreement with Laura's theories on his mistreatments by the media, politicians, and other influencers. He instinctively turns to J to get her take on it, wanting to hear her reasoning even though he already knows what she will say.

The bed is empty though. He's the only one in the bed!

He has no one to talk to now. Sure, he can always call his family, but they have their own lives to live and little kids to care for. A sense of loneliness overcomes him. With no one to discuss TV with him, he watches the rest of Laura's segment in silence.


"So what's this about Trump not wanting to be alone?" One of J's friends ask as they sit around on their hotel bed. After a fun evening of food and drinks, they settled into their sleepover discussing "guys."

"Yeah, isn't he all "tough as nails"?

"Well, when I go somewhere for a long time, he tends to miss me or something...he starts to call and text a few times."

"That's normal though, for a relationship, right? You did say you were pretty "anti-social" and didn't date much, so you may just be getting used to this attention."

"True... but at night, he usually holds if I'm his favorite teddy bear or something, sometimes even clinging to me. And if I don't sleep in the bed with him for whatever reason, he seems to get sad..."


"So he has a soft side? Interesting..."

"So I always...often stay with him in the night no matter what!" :D <3 She hugs her German shepherd plushie.

"Hmm, Sounds like a codependency..."

"I wouldn't go that far, but I think it may have something to do with his wife lea-"

Ring ring. Ring ring.

The phone ringing startles the three and they check their phones.

Ring ring. Ring ring.

"Sorry guys!" J says sheepishly before answering her phone. "Hello?"

"Hi, J!" : D

"Hi, Mr. Trump! How are you?"

Her two friends trade glances at each other.

"Fine! How are you, sweetie?! Are you having fun?!"

"Yeah! I'm having fun! We had these amazing burgers at this restaurant bar, and drinks!"

"Good to hear! ...I miss you!"

"...I miss you too!" ^^; She looks at her friends, who look back at her, amusement on their faces.

And miss her he did. It's now way past 11pm and he's having a bit of a hard time falling asleep without her next to him. He's been tossing and turning and staring up at his ornate Sistine Chapel like ceiling.

She continues, "So...what you've been up to this evening? Did you do anything interesting?"

"I had McDonalds!" : D

"Haha, of course! know it's not good for you.."

"I know... and I watched Fox News! Can't you believe these people!?!" >< President Trump sets off, going into a whole diatribe, first touching briefly on Hannity's segment on illegal immigration, then a lot on Laura's segment on him being mistreated no matter what he does, good or bad.

"And they SHOULD be ASHAMED of themselves!!!!!" He goes on angrily for about ten minutes, caught up in his feelings.

"I see..!" ^^;

Her friends trade glances again, which makes her feel awkward. She doesn't want to be rude to them in their time together by having long conversations on the phone with her boyfriend...

"I am the most picked on President in the history of the US! Can't you BELIEVE this?!!!!"

"Yeah...well don't let it get to you! remember what I always say, don't let them get to you! Don't feed into their energy!"

"I'll try, J.." he responds in a rare sort of agreement, maybe due to loneliness. He usually believes in "an eye for an eye" and "hit them back ten times harder, which is sometimes a flashpoint for arguments between the two.

J pauses, thinking how to change the subject in order to avoid another long angry tirade on the phone. "Um...well, if you keep your head high, maybe things will get better! And...and I'll be back before you know it!"


"And I'll bring a small surprise for you!"

"What is it?"

"You'll see! I can't tell you, that's why it's a surprise!"

"Ok! ...come back soon, ok?!"


"Now have fun with your friends, sweetie! I'll see you when you get back!

"Ok, have a goodnight~!"


She hangs up the phone and the three friends look at each other incredulously before bursting into laughter.

"Awwww! He reallyy misses you!"

"He really does have a soft side!"


"So what you plan to get him as a surprise?"

"I'm not sure yet. I only said that so he doesn't get worked up with his situations...but I really would like to get him something! ...maybe a food from this place. Or a small souvenir!"

"Ok! We will help you find it!"


"Thanks guys!"

"Now let's get ready for bed! We can chat and have more fun tomorrow!"

"Hopefully Your "Mr. Trump" sleeps well too, J!"

"I hope so too." ^^;


Of course, he was not sleeping well. 1am finds him staring at the clock, then the Sistine Chapel ceiling again. He contemplates on how to get to sleep.

What does J do on those rare occasions when she can't sleep?

He visualizes those insomnia moments she's had sometimes when she had to get up super early.


"Get to bed, J!" He would yell like a dad as she plays on her phone or watch YT on her side of the bed.

"No..not now!" She playfully sticks her tongue at him. This girl play too much!

"I said get to bed! You have to get up early in the morning!!"

"Well...I don't want to go to bed."

"LOOK! Don't let me tell you again! Get. To. Bed. Noww!"

"But I can't sleep!"

"You can't sleep?!"

"I'm having insomnia right now. Seriously... I'll just have to try....."

First she would go make a cup of that lavender camomile tea with milk and honey. He doesn't drink tea, but she'll make some for him anyway...

If that doesn't work, she'll listen to lullaby music or meditation on her phone. That can be a hit or miss though.

She then hugs her plushies and snuggles into the soft blanket like a little bug...or into him, gazing into his eyes. Eventually sleep would overtake her..


President Trump decides to try the first thing - drink the tea. So he gets up and makes a cup, step by step, thinking through each step that she showed him.

"First, you boil the water on the stove in the small pot.

"Then you pour the water over the tea bag. Don't spill it! Be careful.. then you cover it and let it steep for a few minutes.

"Then you add the honey. And the milk. And stir."

Looks decent. He takes the tea back to bed and turns on the massive TV to log into her YT account for the meditation tracks. Like h3LL would he listen to lullaby music...

The first playlist to pop up in her history is lullaby music consisting of Ariana Grande songs and other popular music.

Oh what the h3LL...

He clicks on it and sips the tea, being reminded of her through these little actions. The tea is decent but of course it's not the same as when she makes it. It'll suffice for now... He eventually finished the tea and moves onto the next thing, as the lullaby music plays - the next thing being her hugging her plushie and snuggling in a blanket. He doesn't have plushies and like h3LL would he, so he looks around the room for some sort of substitute.

There's a blanket she keeps on her side of the bed for use around the house, which he covers himself with. And a small photo in a frame of them on her nightstand, which he decides to move to his side to look at.

Being covered in a blanket with her scent on it and staring at the photo of the odd couple as lullaby music plays in the background seems to have done the trick, because as soon as you know it - He was out like a light.


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