Trans Tommy Story (DSMP)

By LinoIsHeree_

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He hated being a girl but he felt trapped, like he couldn't tell anyone, he hated being miss gendered but he... More

Mystery Person
The Voice
Another Nightmare
Oh No
Back Here
Piss Off Phil
Going Back Home...Kinda
The Dead Has Risen
A Prank
Beanie Boy is Back
A "Happy" Get Away To The Mountains
All Over The Place...
Going Back
The Nether, The Lava
Finally Arrived
That Time Of The Month Again
"He's not here, you're ok"
Real or Not
The End Lol

A Purple Problem

110 5 0
By LinoIsHeree_

"Maybe we are the bad guys" Wilbur smiled. "B-but I don't want to be the 'bad guys'" Tommy said quietly as they stood in front of each other in the woods. "TO BAD" Wilbur yelled as he towered over Tommy.

Tommy quickly jolted awake as his breathing was rapid. *Why, why am I like this* he thought. *Just breathe*. He tried to change his breathing pattern but was failing miserably. He then looked around and saw Tubbo, but no Ranboo. *Isn't Ranboo supposed to be there?* he thought as he got up and walked over to the bed, completely forgetting about his breathing.

Tommy then sat on the bed as he watched Tubbo turn over to face him. "Morning" he said, as if he had been awake for a while. "Good morning, w-wheres Ranboo?" Tommy asked. "I don't know, he goes out sometimes in the morning, don't know why though, are you ok?" Tubbo said as he sat up and looked at Tommy. "Y-yes" Tommy quickly responded. "You sure? Did something happen?" Tubbo asked as he saw Tommy's hands shaking slightly. "N-nightmare is all" Tommy laughed nervously as he fidgeted with his hands. "Wanna talk about it" Tubbo asked. "N-no it's fine" Tommy smiled nervously. "Want a hug". Tommy smiled as he hugged Tubbo, feeling a lot better. "Thank you" Tommy said with a smile. "No problem man" Tubbo said calmly as he hugged him back.

After a couple of minutes later, Tommy then remembered that Ranboo was gone. "Shouldn't we go and find Ranboo?" He said as they separated from the hug. "If you want, he should be back by now" Tubbo said as they got up. "One sec" Tommy said as he ran into his bedroom and put on a binder with a big jumper and a pare of jeans with shoes before he ran back to Tubbo. "You good to go now" Tubbo laughed. "Yes" Tommy laughed back as they started the search.

They soon made it to the woods. "I saw him go into here once so maybe he's in here" Tubbo said. Tommy nodded. "We should probably split up" Tubbo said. Tommy's face dropped "s-sure" he stuttered. *WHY DID YOU SAY SURE YOU IDIOT NOW YOU'RE GOING TO GET KIDNAPPED OR SOMETHING* he thought. "Hey Tu-... Tubbo?" Tommy said as he looked around, seeing that Tubbo had already went into the woods. *Good job, now you're all alone in a forest, you're just asking to get kidnapped at this point* he thought as he also started looking.

Many minutes had past until Tommy heard a twig snap behind him as he felt like he was being watched. He quickly turned around to see Ranboo. "Ranboo! There you are, I was worried- Ranboo?" Tommy said as Ranboo didn't move, he just started at him. "You ok?" Tommy asked, he then looked at his eyes, they were both purple. "Ranboo y-your eyes?" He said. Ranboo then made a little noise, it definitely wasn't English. "You alright?" Tommy asked as he took a couple of steps backwards, Ranboo just starred at him as he started to slowly walk towards Tommy. "R-Ranboo?" Tommy said as his fear grew. "P-please stop, you're scaring me" Tommy said as Ranboo got closer, until he stopped.

Tommy watched as Ranboos hands quickly held his head as he fell to the ground. "Ranboo! Are you alright" Tommy asked him as he ran over to him and knelt down in front of him. "I'm- trying, it hurts" Ranboo said quietly. "Its alright, I don't know what's happening right now but I'm here ok and I'm not going anywhere" Tommy said as he put his hands on Ranboos. Ranboo then put his head down as he let out a small scream of pain. Tommy didn't know what to do. Ranboo soon stopped as his scream died down, it soon turned into hard crying. "It's ok, it's all ok now" Tommy said as he put Ranboos head on his shoulder and hugged him.

"It's alright" Tommy said quietly as he gently rubbed the back of Ranboos head. "I-it hurts" Ranboo cried. "What hurts?" Tommy asked. "M-my head, I-I can explain l-later" Ranboo cried as he rested his head on Tommy's shoulder. "Ok, would massaging it help?" Tommy asked. "I-I don't know" Ranboo muffled. "Wanna try". "S-sure". Ranboo then laid down on the grass as he laid his head on Tommy's lap and closed his eyes. Tommy then put both hands on his head and started making small circles with his thumbs. He watched Ranboos face go from scrunched up to relaxed.

They stayed there for a while until Tommy's hands started to hurt. "You ok now" he asked. "Mhm, t-thank you" Ranboo said with a smile. "No problem, wanna go back" Tommy said, happy that he was able to help. "Sure but one problem though, I can't see" Ranboo said as there was still some tears in his eyes. "That's ok, I can guild you back" Tommy said with a smile as they slowly got up. "O-ok" Ranboo said as he reached out. Tommy then held his hand as they slowly made their way back to the mansion. Tommy was being careful as to not make Ranboo crash into any trees.

They soon made it back. As they walked through the front door, Tommy felt a tug, making him turn around. Ranboo had fallen to the ground with his hands on his head again. "Is the pain back" Tommy asked as he crouched down in front of him again. "M-mhm" Ranboo mumbled as he shut his eyes tightly. "Ok, do you think you can walk" Tommy asked. "M-maybe". Tommy then put Ranboos arm around him as they made their way to Tommy's bedroom. Tommy then laid him on his bed. He then placed Ranboos head on his lap as he started massaging it again. He once again watched as his face was slowly going back to normal.

"T-thank you so much" Ranboo said with a smile. "No problem, I'm glad I can help" Tommy laughed. Tommy then texted Tubbo, "found Ranboo, we're back at the mansion" his text read before he resumed the massaging. *Please have your phone on you* Tommy thought as he soon received a text back. "Oh ok, I'll be back in about a minute or so" Tubbos text read. "Tubbo will be back in a minute" Tommy said. "Wait what! He can't see me like this-" Ranboo said as he shot up and got a sharp pain in his head, causing him to make a hissing sound. "Why not" Tommy said as he slowly laid Ranboo back down and continued.

"B-because he'll think I'm some sort of monster or something" Ranboo said as more tears started appearing. "Ranboo no one would think that except Dream because he's stupid and- sorry, anyway what I was saying was, Tubbo out of all people wouldn't think you are a monster, if anything he would help you" Tommy said as Ranboo started to relax again. "Y-you're right, I-I'm sorry" Ranboo apologised. "Don't apologise, it's alright" Tommy said calmly as they soon heard the door open. "Guys?" Tubbo said as he ran into the room. "Hey Tubbo" Tommy said. "Hey, what are you doing?" Tubbo asked as he went over to them.

"I'm giving Ranboo a massage" Tommy responded as he looked at Ranboos face. His eyes were closed and he didn't look relaxed anymore, he looked more nervous than anything. "Why?" Tubbo asked. "Can I explain" Tommy whispered to Ranboo. "S-sure" Ranboo replied quietly. "Well when I found Ranboo, he was kinda following me and he had weird purple eyes, he also made this weird noise which didn't make sense, he then fell to the floor in pain as his eyes flickered back to normal, then we found out that a head massage helps the pain so now I'm helping get rid of the pain" Tommy explained.

"Oh. Wait, purple eyes? Like an Enderman kinda" Tubbo said. "Well I mean he is half Enderman so that would make sense" Tommy said. "I-I just want to add that I-I wasn't in control then, when I have purple eyes it means that I don't have control over anything I'm doing so I could've attacked you Tommy, that's why whenever it happens I run into the woods so I can't hurt you. It also hurts a lot when I'm taking back control, it hurts like a lot so this is really helping" Ranboo explained. "Oh, good to know, why haven't you told me this before" Tubbo said. "B-because- I don't know, don't worry about it" Ranboo stuttered. Tommy knew why but didn't want to say if Ranboo didn't want to. "Ok?" Tubbo said confusedly.

They continued chatting for a bit before it got dark. "It's getting dark, anyone hungry" Tubbo asked as he got up. "Very" Ranboo laughed. Tommy didn't reply. "Tommy I'm still making you something" Tubbo yelled from the stairwell. "Ffs" Tommy said, making them laugh.

Tubbo soon came back with food and sat down on the bed in front of them. "You ok now" Tommy asked. "Yes, thank you again" Ranboo said as he sat up and got his food. "It's no problem, really" Tommy laughed as Tubbo gave him his food, it instantly made him feel sick. He sighed in disgust. He then looked at Ranboo who looked back at him, then his food, then back at him, signalling to eat. Tommy rolled his eyes, making Ranboo do a quiet laugh. "So is this purple b*tch a different person or something?" Tubbo asked. "I don't actually know, it's just kinda there to annoy and ruin me" Ranboo said.

They soon all went back to bed. Ranboo and Tubbo went back to their normal bed as Tommy went back to the sofa that was surprisingly very comfy. As usual, he took off his binder and jeans but left the massive jumper on. He laid back down and soon drifted off to sleep.

It's currently 04:34am... I need help

(Well I mean it's 1:16am now but when I wrote this it was 4:34am lol)
(Nvm, reading over it the 3rd time its now 18:06 XD)

1698 words

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