Atomic recess

By Yui-umbreon

2.3K 38 7

Join 'Dede' as she goes through her life as a fourth grade student at third street elementary school with her... More

The break in
The great jungle gym standoff
The new kid
The experiment
Jinxed/slime of the century
Officer Mikey
To Finster with love
King Dede
Big brother chad/my fair Gretchen
Speedy we hardly knew ya
Operation Stuart furball of the sneeze
The pest
The box/Spindly tam kanushu
The Trial
The voice / toxic talent
Parents' night
Gus' last stand
Happy Valentine's day
Secrets Pt. 1
Secrets Pt. 2
Secrets Pt. 3
Randall's reform
The substitute
Soccor boy
Lord of the nerds
The beauty contest
The big prank
Tattletale heart
Terrifying tales of recess
When worlds collide
Big top Candy
Pharaoh Bob
The challenge
Authors note (just a quick message)
Galactic guardians no more
Great state fair
Merry Christmas
The coolest heatwave ever
Randall's friends

First name Ashley

68 1 0
By Yui-umbreon

First name Ashley.

It was now lunch time at third street elementary school and most kids were in the cafeteria, one of those kids being Randal, who was walking around occasionally talking into a tape recorder.

"February 17th, undercover observations for Ms Finster, tape number 93." Randal looked around before setting his sight on the diggers.

"So what do you think Sam? Should we dig in tunnel 32 A or take a nice burrow down 14 C."Dave asked to sam.

"I don't know dave, the last time we-" dave got interrupted by sam who elbows his arm to show that Randal had just shown up and was eavesdropping on them, before grabbing their food trays and waking away leaving Randal to growl in frustration.

"So then Hilary goes like really and then I go as like as if and she's all like totally not even." Said Ashley A to the other Ashley's.

"Err....Ashley A." Said Ashley Q as she spotted Randal sneaking up on them.

"Eww, it's Randal."

"Get out of here you little snitch."

"LOSER." All four Ashley's put the hand up with all their fingers in a L position, pointing them at Randal. Randal growled again as he walked off looking for a new victim, until his eyes spotted the group of 7 sitting at a table listening to Spinelli talk.

"So i says to chelby(? Couldn't fully hear what name she said.), that mr girly to you, then I let him have it. POW." Spinelli punched the air as she narrated, making them all laugh, before Spinelli looked down and saw the tape recorder. She grabbed Randals  arm and pulled him up screaming. "Hey, look at what I found, a spy and he's wired for sound." As soon as Spinelli grabbed the recorder she threw it on the floor before stomping on it, making sure it was fully destroyed.

"Hey." Randal protested before Spinelli pushed him away.

"Scram ya little monkey bugger." Before Randal could retort, a beeping sound was heard, he pulled his pager out of his pocket and saw it was Finster calling for him, he looked up and saw he nod her head to signal him to join her on the little platform overlooking the cafeteria.

"What have you got for me today, Randal?" Finster asked not looking at Randal as he stood next to her.

"Errr... well, hector beckle make himself throw up to get out of a spelling quiz and errr...I... saw shearly benson spit on principal prickly's car." Randal read off of his note book.

"That's it?" Finster looked at Randal as he just shrugged his shoulders. "I expected more from you Randal, perhaps you've lost your touch."

"No, no ms Finster, it's just that-"

"I like you Randal but I can't afford any dead weight in my organisation. Maybe we should talk about your retirement."

"No." Randal said falling to his knees. "No not that, please ms Finster give me one more chance."

"Oh, Douglas over there shows potential."

"I can do better I know I can." Randal fell over and hugged ms Finster's ankles. "Give me another chance and I'll dig up some real dirt."

"Well if it means that much to you, I'll give you one more chance. But this time you better not let me down." Finster said, looking down at Randal, making him gulp. Randal decided to go and try and find some dirt in the permanent records room.

"Let's see, peewee white has webbed toes, kenny saplash is a it can't be..this is way too good for Finster, why with dirt like this I could, dare I say it, rule the playground." Randal took the file out of the cabinet before laughing.


It was now time for recess and Spinelli was in line to play tetherball, however when it was her turn to be up next Randal ran in front of her.

"Hey, no cuts in line, worm breath." Spinelli said but Randal just ignores her. "What do you have crayons in your ears, get to the end of the line before I show you the end of my fists."

"I wouldn't do that if I were you Spinelli, we wouldn't want everyone to know your little secret, do we?" Randal asked back.

"Get out of here you little-" Spinelli grabbed the back of Randals shirt and was about to throw him out the line but Randal cut her off.

"I know your name Spinelli, your first name."

"Hehe, sorry I messed your shirt up there Randal, did I say it was a nice one." Spinelli said Patton down his shirt where she grabbed, but Randal knocked her hand off.

"Nice try Spinelli but it's not going to work."

"Come on Randall, old buddy, old pal. You don't have to tell anybody."

"Why shouldn't I, you've never done anything for me."

"I'll do whatever you want, just don't tell anyone my name. Please."

"Well, if it means that much to you, there is a thing or to you can do."

"Anything, just name it."

"My hometown every night for the rest of the year."


"Also you must not refer to me as his supreme most honourable lord Randal."

"WHAT?" Randal just smirked at her. "Ok, done."

"Which brings us to item 3 through 27." Randal said bringing out a roll of paper with a list of things on.

"27." Spinelli shouted before tackling Randal down to the ground, causing a crowd to gather and cheer before TJ and Dede pulled Spinelli off of Randal.

"I'll get you for this, Ashley Spinelli." Randal shouted as he pointed to Spinelli, making everyone around gasp in shock.

"Spinelli, an Ashley.'' one kid said.

"I don't believe it." Said another.

"Don't listen to him, he's lying." Spinelli said looking around.

"Oh yeah, well explain this." Said Randal as he pulled out the file and threw it on the floor, allowing everyone to see the front that said, Spinelli, Ashley. As everyone, but TJ and Dede, got a look at it they all started laughing.



"Ashley, Ashley, Ashley." Said Spinelli as she stomped on sand to erase the name Ashley that was spelled out on to it, while her friends all sat on the picnic table near her. "Why did my name have to be Ashley?"

"Aww, it's not that bad, I mean, when not a Spinelli by any other name, punches hard." Said Mikey trying to reassure her.

"Yeah Mikey's right, after all it's just a name." Said Gus.

"Ashley isn't just a name, it's a curse." Replied Spinelli.

"Well, perhaps if you hate it so much, you Gould have. Change." Said Gretchen.

"I can't do that. I was named after my great aunt Ashley, the first woman to win the Iditarod. I've never met her but she's a family hero. Besides it's not that I hate the name Ashley, it's just that... well for as long as I can remember every other girl by the name of Ashley has been... one of them." Spinelli said, pointing over to the Ashley's as they sat on a blanket. "Snotty prissy member of their snotty prissy club."

"So?" Asked Gus.

" that everybody knows my name I'm gonna have to join their stupid club and wear make up and play with dollies and drink....Tea." Spinelli shuddered, making the other 6 laugh at her. "What's so funny?"

"Oh nothing.. just.. the Ashley's wouldn't let you join their club if you paid them a million bucks." Said TJ in between laughs.

"Yeah, the Ashley's hate your guts." Said Gus.

"Yeah, I think you're perfectly safe from having to join Spinelli." Dede said, putting an arm around Spinelli's shoulder.

"Aww, guys, that's the nicest things anyone's ever said to me." Said Spinelli. "Yeah, what am I so worried about, they can't do anything to me right?"


"This is a major disaster." Ashley B said.

"Spinelli, an Ashley, how can that be?" Asked Ashley Q. "I mean, just look at her hair, she doesn't even mouse."

"All these years of primping and blow drying the Ashley name to perfection and now this." Replied Ashley T. "It's a disgrace."

"Girls, we have to do something." Said Ashley A.

"Like what Ashley A?" Asked Ashley Q.

"I'm afraid our only choice is to make Spinelli of us."

"Ewwww." The other 3 Ashley's exclaimed.

"What choice do we have Ashley's? I mean if we let her go around being her crude disgusting Spinelli self, the name Ashley will be ruined forever. No longer will it stand for beauty and specialness, soon other girl will be considered cooler than us and if we're not careful, by the time we're in junior high our first dates will be with guys with names like...Paul or joe." When this was said Ashley B screamed in sorrow. "Ashley's we have no choice, we must make Spinelli into one of us, it's like the only way."


The group of 5 friends were all gathered around a tetherball pole watching as Spinelli and TJ were currently playing, until they were interrupted by the Ashley's walking up to them.

"What do you want?" Asked Spinelli.

"I, Ashley A, invite you, Ashley S, to be our new sister." Ashley A said as the other 3 Ashley's clapped behind her.

"Pfft, yeah right. Send in the clowns powderpuff."

"Actually Ashley S, you like, don't have a choice." Said Ashley B.

"What?" Said Spinelli as Ashley T passed Ashley A a scroll of paper.

"According to the constitution of the playground, rule 5 article 3, under clicks and I quote, and kid named Ashley must become a member of the Ashley's if invited by another Ashley." Ashley A read off of the paper.

"But that can't be right."

"I'm afraid it is Spinelli." Said Gretchen as she read the paper herself. "It's an obscure rarely used rule, but it's here."

"So I guess it's like, official, you're one of us." Ashley A said.

"One of us, one of us." The other Ashley's chanted.

"No, you'll never take me alive." Said Spinelli as she started to run away, only to be stopped by 2 girl as they dragged her back to the Ashley's.

"Come on Ashley S, you'll just love our clubhouse." Said Ashley A as Spinelli was still getting dragged behind them back to their clubhouse.

"Boy, talk about peer pressure." Said Gretchen as the other 6 of Spinelli m's friends watched.

"Come on, let's follow them." Dede said as she ran after the Ashley's. By the time they got to the Ashley clubhouse all they could hear was Spinelli's screaming.

"Do something, their torturing her." Said Gus.

"Right." Said Dede, but before she could get more than a few steps closer to the clubhouse to help her friend out Ashley A stepped out, followed by the other 3 Ashley's.

"Kids of the playground." Ashley A announced getting everyone's attention. "We present to you, Ashley S."

"Oh no." Said Dede as she and everyone watched as Spinelli stepped out on the clubhouse dresses very girly, the silence was broken by Randal laughing and pointing to Spinelli.

"Spinelli, in a dress. Oh this is rich. This is really rich hahahaha."

"Why You little-" before Spinelli could run to attack Randal she was held back by the Ashley A and B. "Let me at him, let me at him."

"I think we, like, have a little more work to do." Said Ashley A as they dragged Spinelli away.


"Man, those Ashley's are inhuman." Said TJ as he and the rest were all watching them from a bush. "We gotta do something you guys, we just gotta."

"I don't know Teej." Said Gretchen as she pulled out the playground rules again. "I've been studying the constitutions top to bottom and the only way a kid can get out of a click is if all the other kids of the click vote them out unanimously."

"I guess if your names Ashley you're one of them no matter what." Said Mikey shaking his head.

"Wait...that is." Said Dede as she stood up. "Spinelli's not willing to change her name right?"

"Yeah." Said Vince.

"I get it." Said TJ standing up as well. "But will it work?"

"I hope so. Now here's what we're gonna do." Said Dede as she whispered the plan to the group. "Aright, everyone knows what to do?" At the nods of the others Dede smiled. "Then let's go."


"Hey, hustler kid." Dede said when she found him.

"Ahh, hey Dede, what can I do for ya."

"Do you have any blank fake IDs?"

"I got just what you're after, library cards, social security cards, you name it."

"Perfect." Dede said as she shook hustler kids hand.


While Dede was talking with hustler kid, the rest of the gang went around the playground and got the help of fellow kids to help with the plan. Meanwhile I'm the Ashley clubhouse Spinelli was running around getting the Ashley's the drinks they wanted.

"Ashley S, I asked for a diet cola, this is not diet." Ashley A said after she took a sip.

"Ahhh, I can't take it anymore." Said Spinelli as she threw the tray she was holding to the floor before falling to her knees. "I can take this anymore, you hear me. I am not an Ashley, I never wanted to be an Ashley, I'm no good at this stuff. Please, please let me go, I bet if you."

"Don't worry about it Ashley S. why before you know it, you'll be blow drying and mousing like the rest of us." When Ashley A said that Spinelli started to cry into her hands. "I love it when she's like this." Ashley A said to B.

"Pardon us." Said a new voice, the Ashley's looked over to see Dede stepping out the whole with Gretchen behind her. "We're here for the meeting."

"Uhh.. hello, it's Ashley's only." Said Ashley B.

"Like..duh." Said Ashley T.

"Exactly, that's why we're here." Said Gretchen as she and Dede help up their library cards.

"Ashley Grubglha." Asked Ashley A willing her face mask off.

"Ashley King." Said Ashley Q.

"Your names aren't Ashley."

"They are now, see." Said Dede as she and Gretchen shew all their cards with the new names on.

"We have out social security card, our school ID." Listed Gretchen.

"What? But it can't be." Said Ashley Q as she and the other wiped of their face masks.

"Don't worry Ashley Q, they still have to be invited to join and which one of us Ashley's are gonna be doing that." Said Ashley A.

"Perhaps Ashley S will be so kind." Said Dede turning to face Spinelli.

"No, listen Dede, Gretchen you don't want-" Spinelli cute herself off as she saw both girl wink at her, catching on she quickly changed her mind. "Yeah, sure no problem. I, Ashley S, invite you both Ashley G and Ashley K, to be our new sisters."

"Thanks Spinelli, I mean Ashley S." said Gretchen.

"But...but." Stammered Ashley A, but she was interrupted by TJ jumping through the entrance hole.

"Woah, spiffy digs." TJ said, looking around.

"What are you doing here?" Asked Ashley A before TJ pulled his own new cards out and showed her. "Ashley detwiler. You're an Ashley?"

"That's right."

"Don't forget about us." Said Vince as he slid into the clubhouse. "Our names are Ashley as well."

"It's official." Said Mikey from behind Vince.

"But...but you're not even girls." Said Ashley T.

"Hey, it's the 90's." Said gus as he came in.

"I Ashley S, invite you Ashley, Ashley, Ashley and Ashley into our club." Said Spinelli.

"Yay." The boys cheered.

"Oh wait a moment." Said Dede before she whistled making every kid the others talked to all come into the clubhouse, making it a mess.

"Don't tell me you're all?" Asked Ashley A.

"Ashley." Everyone said.

"Their destroying our clubhouse." Said Ashley T as Spinelli was busy inviting everyone in.

"What are we gonna do?"  asking Ashley B.

"I know, well kick them out." Said Ashley A.

"Sorry, but it take a unanimous vote." Said Gretchen.

"And we kinda like it here." Said TJ as he jumped on a couch.

"But....but.." stammered Ashley A.

"Well there is one way you can get us to leave." Said Vince.

"Anything, name it." Said Ashley A.

"You let her ou it and we'll go to." TJ said pointing to Spinelli.

"I hate it when I don't get my way." Ashley A said.

"So, do we have a deal?" Asked Dede.

"Yes, now get out." Ashley A said throwing them all out, with Spinelli following them.

"Welcome back Spinelli." Said Vince.

"Thanks. I thought I was a gonna, but I should have known as long as a kids got friends like you, it doesn't matter what your name is." Said Spinelli looking at the 6 friends surrounding her, however the little bit of peace was running by laughing behind them.

"Hey Ashley S, where's your dolly." Said Randal still laughing, but he soon stopped to gulp when Spinelli ripped the bow off of her hat and stomped on it.

"I'll give you to the count of 3....1,2." Randal started to scream. "10." Spinelli shouted before chasing after Randal. "Come back here you little worm."

"There's a lot of Ashley's out in the world, but there's only one Spinelli." Said TJ.

"And we wouldn't have her any other way." Said Dede smiling after her friend.



A quick few notes from me

Firstly, sorry I haven't updated in awhile, not only have I been super busy with work but I've also been swamped with doctor appointments and babysitting my new nephew.

Secondly, as you can tell by this chapter, there are gonna be some episodes where most of the gang, and thus Dede, don't take much play in them. So for any future episodes like that I'll either be finding a way to combine them or incorporate them into an atomic Betty episode. If anyone wants to see a specific episode done sooner then chronological order just let me know.

Thirdly, they'll be some episodes that I'll change to have Dede be the main character, like Spinelli's masterpiece will become Dede's masterpiece and Dede will become the prankster princess instead of TJ.

Lastly, I'm wanting to start drawing a picture of Dede in a scene from the episode the chapter is about. Dede's outfit will continue to change until I finally settle on what I want her to wear, the only thing that'll stay is that she wears a hat.

Again so sorry it's been ages since my last update, I'm hoping I can start to get back into it.

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