Key To My Heart || Slugterra

By justaradomgurl

39.1K 1.3K 2.6K

"Goodbye Ales, wait for me. I promise, we will meet again." ... She thought her life could not get any worse... More

Author's Note
Alessia's Arsenal of Slugs 1
Alessia's Arsenal of Slugs 2
01| Key To My Heart
02| The Discovery of Slugterra
03| The Shane Gang
04| A Special Friend
05| Rescue Mission
06| Truth or Dare
07| Girl Talk
08| Slugs
09| First Ever Mission
10| The Infurnus
11| Conflict
12| The Encounter
13| Beast Forge
14| Mecha Race
15| Red Hook
16| Elessia
17| The World Above Our Heads
18| Revenge
19| Confession
20| Rooftop
21| Intense Slug Hunting
22| Slug Run
23| Victory
24| Illusions
25| Mecha Update
26| Undertow Cavern
27| The End
28| First Kiss
29| Birth
30| Missing Slugs
31| Underground Hideouts
32| Blakk Citadel
33| Doctor Blakk
34| Twist
35| Hospitalised
36| The Key
37| Remembrance
38| Connection
39| Love Story
40| Mission Impossible
41| Indeed
42| Threat
43| Hope
45| Junjie
46| New Finding
47| The Past
48| Shadow Clan
49| Discovery
50| Battlefield
51| United
52| Come Back To Me
53| Aftermath
54| Reunion
55| Dinner
56| Woods
57| Outing
58| Insecurity
59| Secret Garden
60| Key To My Heart

44| First Day

363 15 14
By justaradomgurl

After a goodnight rest, we reassembled at the meeting room, each chair was occupied. I was seated at the upfront seat, with Mia and Junjie seating by my left and right.

"Good morning everyone. I hope you had a good rest and came prepared with a plan to share," I said, not bothering to put on a smile. "Junjie and Master Lian, I would love to hear from you first, as your department is one of the vital ones."

"Sure," Junjie said and gave me a confident nod. "Since most people have not even master the basics, we will start with that and build our way up to mastery level. I think, through my master's and my experience of training up youngsters, the people will be prepared to go for war in time. In terms of arrangement of classes, I would like to ask a few slingers to coach."

"Do you have anyone in mind who is capable of coaching? It couldn't be anyone from this group since we also have our own responsibilities," I commented.

"Certainly no one from this team," Junjie answered patiently. "Master Lian and I worked out a list of people who would be suitable for the job. Most of them are Tad's goons, such as C.C., John Bull and many other outstanding slingers. Frost is one of the non-goon slingers, and when it comes to trainings for riding mechabeasts, we have our all time champion, Vance Bolt."

I nodded and smiled at him.

"Great work. Hope you are able to get in touch with the coaches as soon as possible. May I know when will be our first training?"

"We aim to have it this evening, right after lunch."

Junjie smiled at me, before we moved on and discussed on other matters.

"Trixie, you are in charge of food and shelter. May I know how's that going, please?"

"I spoke to Mario Bravado last night and he agreed to help out in the food department. He claimed that he himself and his speedstinger can prepare hundreds of meals in a few minutes, but just to be safe, I reckon it's best for those who are not going to battle and know how to cook to help out in the kitchen hideout."

She then looked at Junjie, and he continued after her.

"Master Lian, Trixie and I have discussed about this matter yesterday, and we think it should be compulsory for men who are in between eighteen and thirty-five years of age to go to war, the others can decide for themselves if they want to join," Junjie explained.

"Which means that the elderly should be able to help out in the kitchen," Trixie added. I nodded at them, trying to absorb every piece of information. "What about shelter?"

"I have worked with Millard and we came out with a proposal of the list of people staying in each hideouts. We aimed to place all the training slingers together, that way they could be more efficient in training. The rest we will make a few hideouts for boys-only and the others for girls-only."

"I love that idea. This could maximise our efficiency. The guards can stay together as well!" Millard added.

"Same goes to the chefs!"

"And the scientists and the manufacturers!"


Every pair of eyes was on Junjie.

"After a tiring day of work, they should be able to return to their families," Junjie said sternly.

"Agreed. Family always comes first," I supported his idea, and he nodded at me.

"Now that you mentioned, yes I will make the necessary arrangements," Trixie said as she jolted down notes on a piece of paper.

"Thank you," I smiled. "Mia?"

"I've spoke to Mr Tobias, Ms Katherine McGregor, Mr Bartholomev, Quintin, and the Game Master. They've all agreed to do research together, in hopes of further understanding our enemy and inventing weapons that could potentially stop them. I've spoken to Pronto and Kord; Pronto said that it is possible for him to bring his group to the surface in search of Dark Water, strictly for research purposes only. Kord also agreed to work alongside us to create new weapon to fight against out enemy."

"Wait. Who's Quintin and the Game Master?" I asked. I had never heard of these names before.

"Quintin was one of the goons from yesterday, and the Game Master was... well basically both were from the bad side, but they have changed sides. I can vouch for that," Dana said and I nodded.

"Moving on, I've spoke to the head doctors of Slugterra, and they're all more than happy to help out anyone in need of medical care without charging a single gold. They also said that they will arrange courses for the inexperienced nurses and doctors, to prepare them to assist the injured slingers during the final day," Mia continued and finished piling her papers neatly.

"Alright, thanks Mia. That's great to hear," I smiled at her. "Kord?"

"Spoke to Grendel, Red Hook, Old Man and Drusilla. Everyone wanted in and they were determined to start work. I will work closely with Drusilla and Old Man to improve our mechabeasts' mechanics, and Grendel and his team will manufacture them. Grendel told me that they have an underground factory just below the Beast Forge, and they could produce mechas for every soldier by the end of three weeks."

"Great! Pronto?"

"Spoken to Gar and his team, and they accepted the offer to follow the amazing Pronto to the surface, in search of raw materials such as food and basic needs, and also Dark Water for experiments."

I nodded, raising an eyebrow at him. I was actually surprised that Pronto can be such an accountable person and actually got work done.

"I'm impressed Pronto," I smiled, and the others laughed while Pronto put on a proud smirk. "Millard?"

"My men already have a patrol schedule. We will follow it strictly and ensure that no enemy will step foot into the hideouts," he said with pride, and I nodded with a smile.


"I'm assigned to constantly keep an eye on Doctor Blakk. Through my experience, I work well solo, so I don't wish to recruit anyone to my team. Plus, I can go in and out of Blakk's citadel in just one second, and no one else can. I'll work by myself," Dana replied.

"Sure, but do be extra careful. Doctor Blakk knows you're alive and may set up traps around his base. If you're captured, I honestly have no idea how we can get you back. Are you sure you want to do this alone?"



I took in a deep breath before continuing.

"Last but not least, Twist and Tad. They are going to be focusing on coming up with the perfect plan of attack during the battle. I will be assisting them in this department, but will still be overseeing everything else, so don't hesitate to approach me if you need anything," I announced and they nodded.

"We have yet to come out with a plan, but I'm sure Twist and Tad know more or less about Blakk's plans and we will work on that for the following weeks," I asked before filing up the papers in my hand, and looked at them. "That's all for me. Anymore questions?"

"What are some ideas you have in mind to come out with 'the perfect attack plan'?" Mia asked.

"Twist? Tad?" I called out for them to answer. Tad nodded at me, before he said, "I knew exactly what my dad's war plans are, from how they plan to arrange their army to the precise locations of where they will be placed. I understand that, now that I'm on your side, he may change up the formations, but that's still up for discussion."

"We have two Thugglet slugs, and after three weeks of training, that should be more than enough to fool our enemies with their vision," Twist added, looking at me.

"I suggest that we approach the Shadow Clan for their help, since the more the merrier," Trixie commented.

"Does that mean I have to go talk to the Shadow Clan?" Pronto asked as he shot up from his seat.

"Yes, unfortunately. But if they don't like you, I'll go," I replied. "But we still need further planning to compile everything together and make it work, so nothing is officially decided yet."

The team exchanged confident glances after hearing more about our war plan, each wearing a smile. The tension within the room was gone.

"If there's nothing else, there's one last thing I have to say. We will have dinner together everyday and I would like to take the time for us to update each other on our own progress, just to make sure we are all on the right track. If there is more urgent matters, only then we will have a former meeting," I said. "If there's nothing else, let's get to work."

The rest of the day was stressful. Admittedly, trying to save a nation was not an easy job.

Riding Dalinda around the hideout, I put the pressure on myself to ensure that everything went smoothly. Junjie and Master Lian approached their selected group of slingers and organised the necessary trainings for the soon-to-be soldiers.

Pronto and his team of adventurers went to the surface (not to be confused with the Surface), carrying out their mission and trying not to get caught at the same time. Loki and Mago followed them on their mission; they acted as their backup plan if they were ever spotted.

After Pronto's team sent back the first batch of food and tents, Mario Bravado and the women of every household started preparing our first lunch, while Trixie and a few guards were distributing tents and sleeping bags for the people.

Mia and her group of scientists begun their experiments on the biology of dark water, and simultaneously forming weapons to be used against them.

Kord was working alongside the manufacturers of Slugterra to produce mechabeasts suitable for war and earpieces so that we don't have to carry a walkie-talkie to battle. Red Hook was in Kord's team too, working on creating accelerators as well as inventing our own gattlers.

There was still no news from Dana who went on her secret mission into Blakk citadel right after the meeting ended.

Twist and Tad, on the other hand, were feeding me with information about their progress and asking me for input once in a while through our walkie-talkies.

Millard and his team were carrying out their duties, but it was hard for them when the citizens started to question and commend on our plan on action.

It was a lot to take in for a seventeen year old girl.

Trust me, my mind was about to explode.

It was already night time without myself realising. I guess we could never predict what time it is when we are living underground.

The first day went relatively smoothly. Everything seemed to be fine, and we were making progress.

Even though no tears were shed, the thought of how much better it would be if Eli was here still haunted me for the entire day.

I was on Dalinda, near the private room in the hideout of Wild Spores Cavern, looking through the menu Trixie handed to me earlier when Pronto and his team returned, earlier than expected. They entered the hideout I was in, looking stressed out and terrified.

As they were hurriedly closing the doors, I turned Dalinda around and flew towards them. I landed before them, and searched their eyes for explanations.

Pronto walked his mechabeast up to me and gulped.

"High Plains Monsters. Eels. They are everywhere on the surface," he reported. Gar stepped forward and handed me Loki and Mago. They laid on his palm, extremely exhausted.

"Darkbanes were guarding every cavern during the day. The Thugglets had kept their effect on for very long hours, until the Darkbanes left their positions when night came. We thought we could finally roam around freely, but then came the monsters. The slugs did not have enough slug energy to sustain us any longer so we retreated," Gar reported.

"We almost got caught by the High Plain Monsters," Andre Geyser, added. "We need more Fandangoes to support the Thugglet slugs, or else we can only go to the surface during the day."

I nodded at them. "Your team can take one slug carrier of Fandangoes for tomorrow's mission from the slug hideout. For tomorrow's mission, instead of focusing on dark water, we have to focus on the slugs that were left on the surface. We can't let the High Plains Monsters get to them."

I looked down on my bandoleer. Cobra looked up at me curiously.

"Cobra will go with you tomorrow," I said, and she squeaked, as if asking me if I was insane.

The team of explorers widened their eyes. Hunter stepped forward from the crowd with his signature resting bitch face and stared down at me.

"Did I hear that right? You trust us with one of your top slugs?" he questioned me. I looked up at his towering figure and smiled.

"In times like this, I have no choice but to look pass our differences and trust each other, because it's either we die together, or we live. Am I right?"

Smiles evolved on their faces.

"Besides, if anything happen to Cobra, you all are the eels' next meal so don't even think about hurting her," I added casually.

"Now that's the Alessia I know," Pronto said with a proud smile, not sarcastically, surprisingly.

"If there's nothing else, you all should rest for the night. Great work today. Thank you," I dismissed them, which they were glad for after a long day of hard work.

Dana returned right before dinner and the leaders once again assembled in the private room, devouring dinner while we updated each other on our own progress. Everything seemed to be going great, but keep in mind that a small mistake or a wrong order may lead to deadly consequences. My mind was still restless.

After dinner, the crew went back to carry out their respective tasks while Dana and I joined Twist and Tad. We worked for a few more hours before we returned to our respective rooms and called it a day.

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