Vergil's Irritation Rises

By Haise_Sasaki_Soul

180K 3.6K 2.4K

Virgil got thrown into a world with questionable customs. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 (Valentine's Special)
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Omake: Salty Reunion
Omake: Salty Reunion Part 2
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Short: Mamono Reacts to Vergil
One BEEG Omake pt1
One BEEG Omake pt2
Chapter 34 (Fox Season)
Chpter 35

Chapter 21

5.1K 87 124
By Haise_Sasaki_Soul

3rd Pov

Demonic corpses slowly disintegrated from the sand. Allowing the desert's residents to be at ease as they can no longer feel the threat.

All thanks to a man, whose cold gaze sent shivers from the Mamono's backs and a certain Demon Lord spawn.

Many has been told by their instinct to claim the man, but a quick pulse of local Demonic Energy seemed to freeze them on the spot. The ones close to claiming him all turned to the source and found Druella, glaring at each and every one of them.

Vergil, however. Ignored them, tending to his loyal ally of this world.

Vergil: Are you wounded Meera?

The Wolf Woman shook her head no.

Meera: Nothing too detrimental, Master. Only shallow cuts that will heal quickly, maybe a broken rib or two.

She quickly added.

Vergil: I see, let us return and tend to your injuries.

But before he could create a Portal. He was stopped by the Demon Lord Lilith.

Lilith: Wait! Don't go yet Vergil. You have yet to receive your reward for helping Ruz and her Empire.

Vergil scoffed.

Vergil: I have no need of such pleasantries. What I did is a necessary action for our agreement.

Lilith continued.

Lilith: Yes I know. But She said it herself that you must be rewarded.

Vergil only clicked his tongue, but glanced at Meera. Who slightly whimpered after touching her side.

Vergil: Very well, but in exchange. Have Meera be healed.

Lilith smiled.

Lilith: Worry not, it is agreed that the Savior of Re'zakh and his companion will be attended by only the best healer of the land. Ordered by Ruz the Pharaoh herself.

The two then followed Lilith, all the while Vergil is ignoring the lust filled stared of the Mamono around them.

Upon arriving at the massive pyramid, the three were greeted by multiple Anubis. Which seems to hold back greatly upon seeing the freezing glare, Vergil sent their way.

A more decorated Anubis then arrived shortly after, and asked them to follow her. Vergil is impressed with the architecture of the inside of the pyramid. It is spacious and practical, no space wasted at all as each pillar they pass that held the structure itself had Anubis guards along with Sphinxes.

After a few more minute, they arrived at the throne room where a seemingly young woman with exotic chocolate-like skin and amber-red eyes that shows thousands of years worth of knowledge.

She wore basically akin to that of a two-piece swimsuit that is black in color, her too concealing perfect, moderately sized, round breast that would feel firm and will bounce back from every touch.

She is moderately accented by golden jewelries and cut gems, her arms and legs have bandages on them that would remind someone of thigh high socks and forearm warmers that ended in golden bracelets.

She carries a black and gold Crook that is almost her height in terms of length. And her throne, instead of normal stone or other materials is that of a large red cobra that follows her every command.

The Anubis bowed, along with Meera. Only Vergil and the Demon Lord didn't bow, the latter has a reason not to while Vergil doesn't care.

It gained the ire of an Anubis to his right, which the Beast-like woman tried to correct Vergil by threatening him. However, the Pharaoh only raised her hand and the Anubis backed off.

She has a smile that would make men weak at the knees, yet Vergil stands his ground with an irritated visage. The Pharaoh seemed to be enjoying his clearly irritated face, but decided to end it and introduced herself.

Ruz: Greetings Sir, Vergil. I am Ruz Dizirt, Pharaoh of these beautiful Oasis surrounded by the sands of time.

Vergil stared at the woman for a moment before sighing.

Vergil: Vergil Sparda, son of Sparda.

He then did a short but curt bow to not be disrespectful. Even if he didn't want any of this, it is still rude to not give respect to the Pharaoh of the land. Even if he did already disrespect her earlier.

Ruz: Now that pleasantries are done, I am forever grateful for your aid on dealing with those vermin, Sir Vergil.

Vergil could only nod, but felt irritated by the title "Sir".

Vergil: It was with our agreement, your Highness. However, I mean no disrespect. But this for me, is pointless.

That created friction between him and the Anubis, but they held themselves back as they realized that Vergil has not been affected by their Pharaoh's Royal Essence. Their minds went into overdrive as they think of a reason to why Vergil is able to resist her.

Ruz: That is true, however. It seems your companion needs this more than you.

He sent a quick glance at Meera, who still could feel her own broken rib, grind against the broken half and slightly touch the walls of her chest.

Vergil: I see, I suppose she needs medical care.

Ruz smiled, and snapped her fingers. Calling one of the child-like Mamono that is a Baphomet , to come flying next to her.

Ruz: Mylene, please bring Lady Meera to one of our medical wards, also bring her to a Hot Spring after. I am sure she needs to be refreshed.

The Baphomet nodded, and asked Meera to follow her. Meera however, looked at Vergil. As if, asking for permission.

Vergil nodded and she then followed the floating Baphoment, to a different room.

The room's temperature seemed to drop as Virgil's cold gaze, bore into her soul. Every passing second, felt like an hour and the longer she didn't speak, the intensity rises.

Ruz: I must admit. I felt cold from your glare, Sir Vergil. But let us get to the finer details.

Vergil raised a brow, but didn't stop her.

Ruz: I have seen Heroes before, yet you. You not only feel special, but the way you carry yourself is that of an Avenger.

Vergil couldn't help but be impressed, just by looking at him she is able to decipher who he was before.

That's right, after all. He wanted power, but not just for himself, but to avenge his Father's and Mother's deaths.

Vergil: Impressive, all that from just a look. Indeed I am, however. I have long since abandoned that path. I have found a better reason to exist is all that I can say.

Ruz nodded, but her knowledge hungry eyes continued to gleam as she looked at Vergil.

Ruz: Now for another important question. What are you?

The temperature of the room suddenly dropped. Both Anubis's and Sphinxes shivered and Ruz had to swallow a lump in her throat. But she temperature soon returned to normal, as Vergil sighed.

Vergil: I see, it is only a matter of time I suppose.

Vergil disappointingly shook his head as he rested it on his closed fist. Vergil then once more glared at both Lilith and Druella, while Ruz herself contemplated on whether she made a mistake or not

Vergil: The thing that I am going to show everyone in this room shall stay in this room, am I clear?

He gained multiple nods from the Demon Lord, Druella, and Ruz.

Vergil: Good, it would be a disappointment to quickly end this contract.

The room suddenly felt heavy, as Vergil's form changed from Human, to Demonic. Blue scale like hide covered the majority of his upper body and ended with a tail coat like design as another set of leathery scales covered the most of his chest and legs in black.

Two horns that expelled hot blue flames and his arm grew the sheath of Yamato.

Vergil: I am half Demon.

His voice is slightly distorted, but each word felt like each hold power. The room is filled with shock and surprise, The Demon Lord had her mouth agape and Ruz had dinner plates sized eyes.

Druella however, seemed to take it all well. Except for the fact that she grew a blush at Vergil's Devil Trigger.

Vergil then changed his form back into normal as the room now felt lighter. As if the pressure had been removed.

Vergil: That was my Devil Trigger form, only partial of my power. I could show my most powerful but it risks more Demons to siege your home.

Lilith was the first to snap back to reality as she stuttered slightly to ask Vergil a question.

Lilith: But that's impossible! There is no record of someone born as a Half Demon!

Vergil rolled his eyes.

Vergil: Have you forgotten I am not from this world?

When Vergil mentions his situation, Lilith could only blush in embarrassment at her blunder.

Vergil: I came to be when my Father, a Demon General. Fell for my Mother, the Human Eva. But with the threat of a Demon King, Father decided to abandon his very kind. To secure a future where He and Mother could live in relative safety. He defeated the Demon King and sealed the portal to Hell. Years later and my Brother and I were born.

Ruz: You have a Brother?

Vergil nodded.

Vergil: A twin actually. However, after our recent win against a "mistake" I have no idea of where that baffoon's whereabouts is. Nor do I care where, he can take care of himself.

Ruz: Wow, that's one of the most bitter sibling rivalry I heard of in years.

Vergil: Our ideals and beliefs clashed. Henceforth we battled. Blood were spilled and both of us received many stab wounds.

Lilith: If I may know. What is your belief?

Vergil scoffed, but gave an answer.

Vergil: That Might controls everything, and without strength, you cannot protect anything; let alone yourself.

The room fell silent. Vergil's words echoed within their minds as many contemplated on whether or not it is admirable or plain prideful.

Vergil: I craved power when I was younger. It gave me a chance to fight, but not only that. It gave me the chance to not just defeat Mundus for my sake, but to avenge my Parents deaths.

This silenced them even more, however. Only Lilith seems to understand the feeling of losing people one cares about.

The tapping of footsteps can be heard getting closer, and Meera and the Baphomet came in the room. Meera having some bandages but seemingly fully recovered.

Baphomet: I suggest to not do any strenuous activities. While she is fully healed, she has lost most of her stamina and will still need rest for at least three days.

Vergil nodded, which the Baphomet nodded back and disappeared through the door.

Vergil: Well then, I suppose it is time for us to leave. If they appear again, just call and I shall be here to assist.

Vergil then turned around to make a portal, but Meera stopped him.

Meera: Master, shouldn't we buy our groceries first before we return home?

Vergil: Ah right, thank you for the reminder. Also, should we go for Venison? Or Beef for tonight?

Vergil created the portal, but Meera couldn't move due to day dreaming about food.

Vergil: Meera, you're drooling.

Meera snapped out of her day dreaming and swallowed her saliva after cleaning the drool.

Meera: I want steak.

Vergil nodded.

Vergil: Very well, we need to visit Zagat to see if they have fresh arrivals from Zipangu. Right, also Holstaur milk for dessert.

Meera: Yes... Ice cream?

Vergil: Ice cream.

With their minds made up, they gave one last goodbye and entered the portal.

Lilith Pov

The two disappeared, and Ruz couldn't help but giggle at their little show before entering Vergil's portal.

Ruz: My, somehow they appear to be like husband and wife. Even if I know they haven't had sex yet.

Lilith: From what I had observed. Vergil is rather simple, yet with his air of power, you could mistake him for a Noble. That and he is somehow immune to our Demonic Essence.

Ruz nodded.

Ruz: I can tell. He's able to ignore Young Druella's advances. Her blatant use of her abilities seemed to just phase through Vergil. Not even our presence is enough to at least give him a blush.

The Baphomet then entered the room.

Mylene: I apologize for barging in My Lady, but I have news to bring.

Ruz nodded and the Baphomet started her report.

Mylene: When I was using my magic to heal Lady Meera, spirit origin felt different. Like it has somehow changed. Normally, when I use my magic on Mamono, it would normally make them horny to the point that once she and her husband are alone, she would immediately want intercourse.

Ruz and I couldn't help but be confused, so Ruz motioned the Baphomet to continue.

Mylene: Her however, she has something that seem to absorb my magic and act as if it's a filter of some sort. It as if cleaned my magic of the aphrodisiac effect. Then when I tried to take a sample, it was overpowering. A single ounce felt like I was holding the largest mama crystal ever discovered.

Mylene then took a breath and wiped the sweat that formed from her fervent reporting.

Mylene: Not only that, when I traced it. It lead me to Sir Vergil. When I took a glance at him, I used my ability to see ones spirit origin. And I was overwhelmed. His Demonic Energy is pure and vast! It's like all of the world's sea became one large drinkable water source! I must admit, it was addicting and just being shortly exposed, I can feel my lust being suppressed.

The news is like an explosion of surprises. It seems that Vergil is not only powerful, but is a surprise as well.

Lilith: Do you still have a sample Mylene?

She nodded and handed me a specialized bottle. The bottle itself is as big as my pointer finger, but when I sensed for any source of energy. The bottle contained a lot of it. It seemed Mylene has collected more before releasing Meera.

Lilith: Oh my. Normally, our Demonic Energy is that of purple, but his? His is electric blue.

I converted it's gaseous state into something similar to molasses. As the Demon Lord, I have abilities and magic that even Baphomets could only dream of.

I poured a drop of it on my palm, and when the droplet touched my palm, I felt like gravity has increased tenfold around me. His Demonic Energy is dense! And just like as Mylene said, it is pure.

Lilith: This... This is unprecedented! The sheer purity of just a drop and the power it radiates is dangerously powerful! In fact, as single drop is enough to fill me with more than enough mana to survive off for years or even centuries!

This, this is quite the discovery! How come I didn't notice it earlier, or when he was fighting! Could it be that because of its purity we cannot detect it? That only when manually tampered with, will it only reveal itself!?

Ruz: This is a discovery of a lifetime. Just what is he? We all know he is Half Demon, but I would've thought that he would have similar Demonic signatures to us.

Lilith: Whatever it is, we cannot let him see us at threats. Not only he has the power to immediately eliminate us all, but he may have the power to overwhelm the Gods.

I then pulled Druella close and stared directly into her eyes.

Lilith: Whatever you do, do not antagonize him in anyway possible alright?! Maybe if he is generous enough, he might accept you, then you can aid me in my mission to give Mamono the ability to not just birth human males, but also females. This is important for everyone, if we want the Mamono to survive. You must tread this rope carefully, or else, we might just lose this opportunity to fix my blunder.

Druella's eyes hardened. It seems she has realized the severity of this new mission of hers.

Druella: I'll make sure, mother. If I succeed. Your wish to unify our races will come true.

I smiled and hugged her.

Lilith: Now go, and remember to not antagonize him whatsoever.

She nodded, to which I created my own portal and sent her back to the Village, Vergil currently occupies.

Ruz: If she succeeds...

Lilith: No longer shall we be at war.

Ruz: That's if the Chief God won't try to take him.

I laughed softly.

Lilith: From what I could tell, he has a grudge against them.

AND THE PLOT THICCENS! Anywho, goddamn I got hit hard with writer's block. Hopefully you peeps like this chapter, and maybe Druella would actually try to be nice this time. After all, she may be a warmonger but she is very smart. You'll know that if you read the actual books. Anyway, that's all for now and SOUL out! Might add a third book to this series, only this time. Nero gets the boot!

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