Dull Eyes || SakuAtsu

By koi_coffee_

248K 8.5K 6.2K

Dull eyes filled the world, grey and colourless. Only those who had met their soulmate could see eyes of colo... More

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2.1K 80 21
By koi_coffee_

"Surprise, bitch."

The sudden voice immediately caught Atsumu off guard, and to put it simply, scared the shit out of him. Which resulted in the blonde whipping his bag at the individual said voice came from.


Osamu, how pleasant.

"'M THE DICK? YA DIDN'T TELL ME YA WERE COMIN' OVER!" Atsumu yelled, though kept his distance as Osamu looked ready to slap him already.

"That's the point of a surprise ya dumbass!" Osamu rolled his eyes with a bitter sigh, no longer shouting yet still raising his voice. "Yer not s'pposed t' whip bags at yer fuckin' guests either, asshole."

"Well maybe next time my 'guest' shouldn't waltz on in without tellin' me." Atsumu rolled his eyes. "An' t' think yer s'pposed t' be the smart one." The comment was then followed with a scoff.

Osamu of course was far past tempted to shoot back with a remark, yet Atsumu beat him to it when he spoke up once again.

"What're ya doin' here anyway, I thought ya were busy with work?"

"Well if ya paid attention ya'd remember the point of this was a surprise, 'm takin' the weekend off." The brunette stated, earning a nod from his brother.

"I thought ya were seein' Suna though?" The blonde's tone held a slight bit of confusion as he assumed Osamu would've spent the time with his boyfriend.

"Last minute 'mergency, he told me I shouldn't go with but said he'd keep me updated. So, here I am."

Atsumu nodded at this and started heading for his room, after picking up his bag that is — while Osamu trailed behind him.

"Is everythin' okay with him?"

"Yeah, from what I know anyways." Osamu shrugged. "If shit hits the fan though, 'm bein' told right away."

Atsumu simply nodded in response at this, dropping his bag in his room before walking off to the kitchen — Osamu following once again. It's always a good time for snacks.

Before going to pull some snacks out, Atsumu placed his phone screen-up on the counter. Now normally, this wouldn't have been an issue — but considering Sakusa was supposed to message him, it wasn't very smart.

This was proven after Osamu took a seat, the two seemingly in silence until Atsumu's phone dinged and the screen lit up.

Naturally, the blonde left it be, not even bothering to think of who it could've been. Osamu on the other hand was a different story, as he absentmindedly glanced over to read the contact.

Unknown ID: Miya?

After reading the message, Osamu's previously plain expression changed to one of confusion as he looked to his twin. Who of which was only just turning back now.

"'Tsumu, who messaged ya? It says it's an' unknown number."

Atsumu of course, ended up giving the same confused expression as he heard this — until he picked up his phone that is. After looking at the message for a few seconds, a small smile came to his face as he opened it.

"One sec." The blonde mumbled out before turning his full attention to the messages.


Atsumu🙄: Mhm

Atsumu🙄: 'M guessin' this is ya, Sakusa?

Unknown ID: no shit

*this users name was changed to: Sakusa😷*

Atsumu🙄: can we talk 'bout our plans later? 'm a little busy atm

Sakusa😷: sure

After the last message had been sent, Atsumu finally placed his phone down. This time however, the screen stayed facing the counter top.

"Who's got ya smilin' at yer phone like that, hm?" The brunette sitting across the counter questioned, a small, almost unnoticed smirk plastered on his face.

"Sa-" Atsumu started, yet went on to stop himself not even a second later. Guaranteed if he told Osamu who he was really speaking to, he'd be dead.

This train of thought caused him to fall silent, his smile slightly dropping as his eyes displayed a slight nervousness. Something the blonde was unaware of doing.

Seeing this, Osamu's playful demeanor had dropped and on behalf of now being a bit worried, he got serious. The grey-haired gave Atsumu a rather stern look as he asked once again. However, just because Atsumu had responded that time, doesn't mean it was a good response.

"Ya 'otta swear not t' get mad at me, 'kay?"

The simple sentence alone was enough to put Osamu in a mood, so, it was already a bit too late for that.

"The fact ya 'otta say that means it's already too late, but, go on."

"Sakusa an' I applied for the same team, not purposely." Atsumu stopped to take a slight breath, feeling a great wave of unease watch over as he seen his brother's expression change. "It was purely coincidental an' we've been talkin' ever since."

"Not anymore yer not. Talkin' t' him 'cause of yer team, is fine — but he's not goin' anywhere past that." Osamu kept his tone cold, clearly showing he was dead serous. "He lost that privilege years ago."

"That was almost three years ago 'Samu," The blonde sighed. "We both changed, we're over it, an' we both decided t' put this behind us for the sake of gettin' along."

Despite Atsumu being confident in his words, Osamu still shook his head, there was absolutely no chance at agreement here. He just wouldn't.

"Nice, however, I don't give a shit. He's not havin' any part of yer life unless it's strictly work related."

Now, it was no new news Osamu could get a little overprotective of those close to him, and as much as Atsumu appreciated it — in that moment it was really pissing him off.

"'Samu, cut the shit right now. I know how ya feel 'bout him, but, friendly reminder — 'm not a kid anymore. I don't need ya t' be surveyin' my every move t' make sure 'm okay." The blonde took a small breath. "I can do it myself."

Atsumu got pretty serious with Osamu in a matter of seconds, which normally, in conversations like this, didn't happen often. Which would explain why it brought said brunette to a halt, stopping himself from speaking as he stared his brother down for a moment.

Seeing this as his chance, Atsumu decided to keep speaking. The blonde clearing his throat a bit as his expression softened.

"I promise ya, if I feel like there's any ill intent or that somethin's not right, I'll let ya know. Immediately." His tone was kept firm but soft, a clear sign every word was genuine. "Just.. let us have a second try, will ya?"

Silence followed the question, and it felt for Atsumu as if an eternity had passed while waiting on his brother's answer. Eventually however, it was given.

A bitter sigh left Osamu's mouth as the brunette muttered his response through gritted teeth.

"Fine, but if he hurts ya, ya can't say shit t' me for kickin' his ass." The younger twin went on to roll his eyes, slipping in a small, small chuckle to let Atsumu knew he could loosen up a bit.

That left Atsumu letting out a sigh of relief, clearly relaxing as he let out a soft laugh. He genuinely thought Osamu would've kicked his ass.

"Thank ya," The blonde held his smile, at least for a second before it fell into a slight smirk. "By the way, since yer here — are ya makin' dinner for yer ever so wonderful brother?"

"'M makin' dinner for myself, ya can suffer."

Atsumu let out a whine hearing this, which of course left Osamu laughing a bit.

Before, he'd been worried his brother's surprise visit might get a bit.. harsh considering the news that Atsumu himself was talking to Sakusa again.

Though now he as left to think, maybe this surprise visit wouldn't be too problematic after all.


the fact i'm back to the point where i feel like my writing skills are going 📉📉

ik they probably aren't,, but damn does it feel like it -.-

~koi ☕︎︎

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