Danny Phantom X Oc- The Outca...

By AnimeMavy

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Her name is Aero. Her father was born into a family of famous engineers and researchers. He grew up, knowing... More

The Move
Mystery Meat
Parental Bonding
One of a Kind
Attack of the Killer Garage Sale
Splitting Images
What You Want
Prisoners of Love
My Brother's Keeper
Shades of Gray
Fanning the Flames
Teacher of the Year
Fright Night
Public Enemies
Lucky in Love
Life Lessons
The Million Dollar Ghost
Control Freaks
Memory Blank
Pirate Radio
Reign Storm
Doctor's Disorders
The Fenton Menace
The Ultimate Enemy
Identity Crisis
The Visit
Secret Weapons
Micro Management
Flirting With Disaster
Beauty Marked
Double Cross My Heart
Kindred Spirits
The Fright Before Christmas
King Tuck
Masters of All Time
Eye for an Eye
Infinite Realms
Girl's Night Out
Torrent of Terror
The Birth of the Half-Ghost
Family Drama
Urban Jungle
Identity Swap

Reality Trip

886 18 21
By AnimeMavy

"Oh, Crud! Of all the days to oversleep!"

Danny groans, puts on a shirt, and scrubs his hair into its standard look.

"Can't have Lancer keep me after on the last day of school, so..."

He goes ghost and flies out his window.

"I'll just take the aerial route."

Jack is in the shower. He looks up and sees Danny Phantom through the window. He shakes his back scrubber at Danny.

"You, ghost kid! When I get my hands on you, I'll tear you apart-"

He squeezes his rubber duck so it squeaks.

"-molecule by molecule!"

He picks up an ecto-gun off the shower floor and fires it at Danny, who dodges and flies away.

"Which is a perfect example of why I won't be going ghost during my Fenton family vacation."

"Listen to me when I'm talking to you!

Danny flies through the sky as the sun shines.

"It's summer! Starting at 3:30, I don't have to listen to anyone for a long, long time."

Danny flies over Amity Park Penitentiar, towards the school.

The bell rings, meaning school is out for the summer. The doors burst open, and a crowd of shouting kids come running out to cheer around a stage. A concert stage is set up next to Casper High. There is a large banner over the stage, reading 'Dumpty Humpty Live Tonight'. The group walk through the door, holding folded sheets of paper.

"Finally! I've been looking forward to this summer vacation forever! The four of us, traveling together cross country seeing the sights."

Danny is holding is a flyer for Space Camp in Florida.

"Cape Canaveral Space Center in sunny Florida."

Tucker is holding a flyer for a Comic Book Convention.

"The Comic Book, Sci-fi and Fantasy Expo in sunny San Diego."

Sam is holding a purple poster for Gothapalooza.

"And Gothapalooza in the bleak Nevada desert."

The four walks over to the concert area.

"But tonight we rock out at the Dumpty Humpty concert!"

Sam looks to Danny.

"You sure there isn't anywhere specific Aero wants to go?"

"She said she'd be fine going anywhere. Last summer we stayed here and she helped her dad with searching. She's still having trouble with her powers, her...what she call it....telekinesis! That has gotten better. She's never done anything like this with friends so her dad told her to relax a bit because that's what her mom would want her to do." Danny explains.

"Is that why her dad pulled her out early?"

"I think it was because he wanted her to try one more thing before she had to leave."

Suddenly Jazz walks right into Danny, bonking both of their heads; making Jazz drop several books and papers.

"Jeez, Danny, watch it!"

"Jeez, Jazz, watch it!"

Danny looks down at one of the books she's dropped. He bends down to pick it up.

"'Ghost Envy for Dimwits...ghosts are not the boss of me?' What is this?"

Jazz kneels down to pick up her dropped papers.

"My college entrance thesis on ghost envy. College might be a year and a half away but you can't be too prepared. In fact, did you know that ghosts often-"

Danny shoves the book back at her.

"Don't know, don't care, not listening. From now on, it's no more pencils, no more books, and no going ghost so my parents can't tear me apart molecule by molecule."

"Which reminds me, how did you convince my parents to let me spend an entire summer with your parents?" Sam pipes in.

Danny smiles.

"Uh, let's just say I finally got under their skin."

Tucker gives him a look.

"You overshadow them, didn't you?"


All of a sudden, people start running and screaming past the group. Danny's ghost sense goes off. They look up to see Lydia floating above the concert stage, her tattoo minions swirling around her and flying around attacking people. Sam and Tucker scream as two of the tattoo creatures are fly off with them.

Danny hides behind the concert curtain, goes ghost, and flies up. He sees that several of the tattoo ghosts are attacking Paulina.

"Aaah, get away!"

Danny starts picking off the ghosts one by one. Paulina counts them.

"He loves me! He loves me not. He loves me!"

Danny sighs.

The bat tattoos that have captured Sam and Tucker drop them in a trainyard. Before they can wrap themselves around the two, Aero blasts them and destroys them. Sam and Tucker look around as Aero flies down next to them.


"This danger sense has been really helpful lately." She remarks.

The three look over as they hear footsteps and see Freakshow walking over, wearing some sort of gauntlet.

"Oh, look it's the guy who tossed me off a train." Aero remarks.

Freakshow smiles.

"In the anemic flesh. How's tricks? Had a nice few months while I was rotting in jail because of you?"

An ectoblast knocks him away. Danny flies over.

"Actually, yeah! I've been working on my aim!"

Freakshow aims a red beam of light from the gauntlet at the barbed wire security fence below Danny, which springs up and wraps around him, dropping to the ground.


Aero turns to Freakshow, eyes white. Freakshow smiles.

"Ooooh...that's new."

He snaps and two glowing wire fences wrap around her wrists and slam Aero to the ground.

"I have new powers too! Say hello to the Reality Gauntlet!"

There are four stones on the gaunlet; red, yellow, blue, and another red one which is the power source.

"Now it's twice as powerful now that I've activated the Gem of Form!"

The Gauntlet glows yellow, and Freakshow shoots a beam of yellow light at two nearby train cars. They reform into two metal golems. Everyone looks forward, worried, but when the golems simply stand there unresponsively. Danny pops out of the fence to go look more closely. He chuckles.

"What are they gonna do, rust on me."

"And Freakshow said, let there be life!"

Freakshow sends a red beam at the golems, which activate and attack Danny. One of them seizes Danny by the jumpsuit with its teeth, shakes him around, and throws him down, disoriented, at Freakshow's feet.

"Hm, that's odd. I commanded it to eat you. I need more practice."

Danny glares up at him, starting to get up. Freakshow then gets caught in a sky blue glow and gets slammed into a train car. Danny looks as Aero releases herself from the fences.

The four look to the side as the Guys in White show up in a hovercar. The agents stare up at the golems as they drive up.

"The Gauntlet is active. Bad news."

"Very bad. When I file a report, I shall be affixing blame to you."

Agent O scowls and reaches into his own jacket for handcuffs.

"Not if I affix it to you first. Freeze, freaks!"

Freakshow gets up from being slammed against the car and looks up to the sky.

"Freeze? If you insist!"

He blasts a yellow beam and then one of red at a cloud above them, reforming it into a giant smiling monster of snow. It falls on the Guys and White and the robots, completely burying them.

"Now, where were we? I was going to ruin your life the way you ruined mine, ha!"

He raises the red-glowing Gauntlet, but before he can strike Danny knocks him to the ground with an ectoblast.

"Show's over, Freak--yahh!"

Lydia phases through the ground and punches him away. Freakshow gets to his feet, the Gauntlet still glowing red.

A train engine pulls up behind him, whistling.

"Looks like our little showdown is going to require a bigger audience."

Lydia steps out onto the back of the train, smirking at them.

"A much bigger audience." He laughs.

Freakshow uses the Gauntlet to bring the train engine to life; it sprouts a pair of bat wings and flies away, whistling. Danny, beaten and scowling, walks over to his friends. Aero grabs Sam and Danny grabs Tucker.

"Guys, what about Freakshow?"

Agents O and K pop out of the snow nearby, shivering.

"Let the jerkcicles handle it. I'm on vacation. Besides, two words:-"

The trio were now waiting on the bleachers for the Humpty Dumpty concert. The audience of kids are chanting "Dumpty! Humpty!" Spotlights shine down on a giant egg in the center of the stage. 

Danny is looking excited. Aero climbs up to them with a big book in her hands.

"I found it!"

She sits in-between Tucker and Sam.

"My mom's family has collected a lot of books from here and the ghost zone. This was in my mom's study."

Aero opens the book to the section on the gaunlet and Sam starts reading.

"The Reality Gauntlet consists of four gems, which-"

Danny grumbles and puts his hand over the page she's reading.

"Guys, come on! It's summer. As in no more pencils, no more books..."

"You might want to take a look at this book. Especially the author." Tucker points out.

Danny takes the book and starts reading.

"Frederick Isak Showenhower?"

Sam reaches over and folds the page to cover the middle part of the name, so that it reads FreakShow.

"Freakshow? Well-- I don't care, Sam. As of right now-"

Danny hands the book to Sam.

"-Freakshow is not my problem."

The band starts playing.

"Oh, I love this part! This is where the band comes out of a giant egg!"

Smoke hisses out over the stage.Two red eyes open on it and it opens up like a fanged mouth, the insides draining out.. The band members pop out gasping, and the audience gasps in return. Freakshow appears in the spotlight onstage.

"Are you kids ready to have a great summer? Because Dumpty Humpty had a great fall!"

Lydia flies out into the stands and snags Tucker & Sam again.

"Will this vacation ever start?!" Danny exclaims. 

Danny and Aero duck under the bleachers to go ghost.

Freakshow's gauntlet glows yellow.

"Ah, the only thing better than an audience is a captive audience."

He gestures, and seatbelts fasten everyone down to the bleachers.

Danny flies up and towards the stage.

"Show's over, Freakshow!"

"Au contraire. That's French for, I'll bet this hurts."

Freakshow punches Danny out of the air with the Gauntlet.

Danny flies back over and the two face off on the stage. Freakshow uses the Gem of Life on the drumset, turning it into a spider-like creature. Laughing, he sends it after Danny. 

The drum spider shoots a web at Danny, which sends him flying and sticks in the football goalpost, leaving him trapped like a fly in a spiderweb. He struggles to free himself.

"Any last words? Ah, might I suggest, 'Ah, Freakshow, don't hurt me!'."

Behind him, Lydia still has Sam and Tucker. Aero appears behind her and pulls her hood down over her face. She grabs her and chucks her away, screaming. She crashes into the Ravens sign above the bleachers and sticking to it by one of her head spikes. Aero runs over to Freakshow, hands glowing with ecto energy.

"Leave him alone!"

Sam runs over and throws the book at him. Aero gives her a look.


"I wanted to help." Sam replies.

The book hits Freakshow in the head, knocking him over, and falls open on his face. Getting up, he examines it.

"I see we have the same taste in authors." 

Lydia flies over and tackles Aero to the ground, literally, the two go intangible and into the ground. Sam kicks the book out of Freakshow's hands and grabs at the Gauntlet.

"And in gloves. Let go, girl!"

As they tug over the glove, Sam accidentally touches the Gem of Form and it begins to glow. Tucker joins her in the fight, activating the Gem of Fantasy. The three of them glow blue and rise into the air. Danny finally breaks free of the web and flies up to help.

Freakshow manages to throw them off for an instant, but they all grab the Gauntlet again. Tucker touches the Gem of Form, Danny touches the Gem of Life, and Sam touches the Gem of Fantasy. In doing that, the three make the full combination of the gaunlet to go off, activating the Gauntlet.

"You did it--you found the combination that activates all the gems! Which means I control all reality!"

The world around them begins to waver.

"Guess again, cue ball! As long as we're touching the Gauntlet, we have just as much control as you do."

Freakshow attempts to shake them off.


He throws them again, but they all manage to grab back on. Sam looks to her friends.

"Quick, according to the book, the Gauntlet has a defense mechanism. Thinks of a place to hide the gem you're holding!"

Danny closes his eyes in concentration, and the Gem of Life vanishes. Sam and Tucker do the same for the Gem of Form and the Gem of Fantasy.

"No, no!"

This causes an explosion. We then see Tucker and Sam lying on the stage. They sit up, looking around. The drum spider crawls back to its original place, transforming back into a regular drumset, and the seatbelts trapping the audience disappear. The crowd begins to cheer, then gasps as a red fireball crashes into the stage. Freakshow emerges from the smoke.

"Blast! The gems have gone."

Lydia phases through the stage after getting blasted up by Aero. She crashes down beside him.

"We must flee! But dramatically!"

Lydia's tattoos detach and swirl around them in a blur, making them disappear.

Sam and Tucker stare at them as another fireball hits the stage behind them. The smoke parts to reveal Danny, who struggles to his feet, disoriented, and reverts to his human form. Aero phases from the floor, behind some curtins and gasps.

Danny looks around in worry as he realizes he's just exposed himself to hundreds of people. The crowd, staring back, gasps. Danny looks up and sees both the news helicopter and the Guys in White with jetpacks have also witnessed his transformation. Everyone begins talking at once, and Danny backs up nervously.

"Um, nobody saw that, right?"

At that moment in the Fentons' kitchen, Jack and Maddie are staring at the TV in shock; Jazz is with them. Also at the Elkin's house, Chris is clutching his hair in fear as he watches the news from his lab.

Danny is standing on stage in his human form, looking around at the crowd desperately.

"Holy sweatsocks! Danny Fenturd is Danny....Phanturd?!" Dash exclaims.

Paulina smiles brightly.

"And he's totally infatuated with me! This makes things so much easier-- for me!"

Aero glares in frustration.

"Actually he's totally infatuated with me...sooo...." Aero remarks to herself.

Everyone is chattering and starts climbing up to the stage to approach Danny, who is looking terrified. As they gather around him, Tucker and Sam dive in to guard him, staving off the crowd with the drum stool and a microphone.

"Back! Back, savages!"

"Well, uh, it, could be worse?" Sam remarks.

Danny looks at her.

"Really? How?"

"Nobody move!"

The newscopter and the Guys in white fly closer. Agents K and O approach the trio.

"You're coming in for questioning."

"And experiments. Lots and lots of really painful experiments!"

"I don't think so!"

Aero blasts the agents away and scoops up the three. Sam quickly grabs the book from earlier as they fly off. The crowd cheers and chants Danny's name.

"Dude, you're a rock star!"

The Guys in White follow after them with great speed and shoot something on Aero's back. It shocks her.


Aero screams in pain and loses her strength. The four plummet and crash into a bush. Aero changes back as the agents hover over them, along with the news copter.

"Of course! Skye is Aero Elkins, the girlfriend!"

At that moment, Aero's dad is clutching the monitor.

"Aero, no!"

Shadows of mutiple creatures loom over him.

Back to the four, Aero rips the device from her back and chucks it at Agent O's face. It sticks.

"AH! Face has been compromised!"

Agent K tries to grab it off and both get shocked.

Danny helps Aero up and the four run off. They hide behind the locker room and look around to see if they're being followed.

The door opens behind them and three varsity jacketed arms reach out and yank them inside. The agents pass by. The lights come on in the dark locker room to reveal that the ones that helped the four are Paulina and the football team.

"You're...helping us?"

"Well, duh! You guys have only been helping us for like, ever!"

Paulina tries to kiss Danny's cheek, but Aero steps in front of him with an unamused look.

"Not happening."

"But Paulina Fenton! Hey, I finally wrapped my mind around it!"

"If anyone is having the last name Fenton, its me!" Aero rebuttals.

Danny blushes and smiles.


Aero blushes red and grumbles.

"Oh! Now's not the time for this!"

Outside, Agents O and K are patrolling around with their jetpacks, using ecto-devices that look like metal detectors to scan the ground around the locker room.

"They couldn't have gotten far."

The locker room door opens, and the football players and Paulina walk out. At the end of the file are Danny in a football helmet and uniform, Tucker in the Ravens mascot costume, and Sam & Aero in a cheerleading uniforms, hiding their faces with the pom-poms. They walk past the agents unnoticed and into the woods. Danny and Tucker take off their respective head coverings as Dash and Paulina walk up to them.

Paulina walks up to Sam and Aero.

"Star and I want those back by Monday-- minus the goth sweat."

Sam grumbles.

"We don't sweat, we simmer!"

Danny grabs Sam by the shoulders and pulls her away.

The trio are hiding in the alley beside FentonWorks. Danny peeks around the corner, scoping out the street.

"Ok, I zip in, get my stuff-"

"Then what? Run away from home?"

"Well, what choice do I have? The whole world knows my secret!"

"And Aero's! If they find out that she's the daughter of a powerful psychic ghost, she's done for! And you let her go to her house alone!"

"I know that. But she said she had to go to her dad! He's just in trouble as she is. She's better at the ghost stuff than me so I know she'll be okay."

Sam and Tucker look at each other.

"If I can get the Gauntlet, I can change reality so that none of this ever happened."

The three step through the front door into the dark living room.

"Believe me, *flicks on the light* it'll be better for everyone if I just-"

They are confronted with a squad of armed and armored Guys in White, led by Agents O, powering up their ectoguns.

"uh, disappear?"

Two agents seize Sam and Tucker.

"For those still counting, that's three times we've been grabbed today." Sam remarks.

At that moment, Aero walks into her house and finds Agent K & a bunch of armored guys in her living room.

"Aero Elkins, in accordance with the Federal Anti-Ecto Control Act, Article 1, Section 1, Sub-section A, you're under arrest. Once you're in custody, we'll be after your father."

Aero's hands shake in anger, tears go down her face. She transforms and her hair floats up.

"...Get out..."

Her hair glows and ecto energy radiates from her palms.

"....of my..."

She looks up, her eyes bright white with her cloud/sky blue glow.


All of the agents glow blue and can't move. They all get slammed into each other and the curtains of the house start to wrap around them. Aero duplicates and four of herself surrounded the agents.


All the agents' eye go white and they start to tear up.


Back at FentonWorks.

"Humans are secure. Take down the ghost child!"

"Where are my mom and dad? What have you done with them?" Danny shouts.

Lydia passes invisibly through the wall. She sends four of her tattoo bats to the trio, each attaching itself to one of them unnoticed. Danny gets an extra one. Then she leaves again.

"Daniel Fenton, in accordance with the Federal Anti-Ecto Control Act, Article 1, Section 1, Sub-section A, you're under arrest."

"I'm only gonna say this once. Let my friends go, and get out of my house!"

"Or what?" Agent O threatens.

"Or this!"

Danny runs over to a curtained wall. He throws back the curtain to reveal a red button behind a glass case labeled 'In Case of Fenton Emergency, Break Glass!'. Using the hammer hanging there, he breaks the glass and presses the emergency button. Immediately an alarm sounds and a red light starts flashing.

"FentonWorks Anti-Creep Mode activated."

The agents looks around angrily.

"Our special today is fudge. I mean pain."

Metal claws shoot out from behind pictures on the wall, seizing the two agents that have grabbed Sam & Tucker and smash them together.

"Fire ectoweapons!"

The agents open fire on the trio, but a large clear barrier shaped like Jack's head pops out of the floor, shielding them.

"What's going on?!"

"The house attacks anything using ecto-energy. I'm going ghost!"

As he does, immediately five different weapons drop out of the ceiling and target him. He quickly reverts to human form and they retract.

"Darn! If I go ghost the house will think that I'm an enemy. Run!"

They run, and several agents leap out at them. Three torpedos shoot out of the TV and unfold into four-pronged devices that pin the agents to the wall and zap them.

"Where are your parents?"

"Probably looking for me...or a scalpel to dissect me with." Danny remarks.

They run up the stairs.

A random agent comes down the the stairs, gun aimed.


Danny halts and throws his arms out so his friends don't pass.


A red light drops out of the ceiling, the siren resuming. Metal cutouts of Jack and Maddie looking inordinately cheerful smash the agent first from one side, then the other. He falls down the stairs, knocking down Agent O.

Danny, Sam, and Tucker run into the Fenton master bedroom. Danny pulls up a round rug, exposing what looks like a steel manhole cover, and they all step onto it.

"Three to the Op Center!"

A clear tube drops down from the ceiling and sucks them upward. They exit into the Op Center through the fridge, emerging from it coughing in a cloud of cold air.

"Man, your dad really needs to get rid of that ham."

Outside, five agents fire grappling hooks up at the Op Center, and start coming up the lines. Danny starts working at the controls.

"Time to lock up for the night!"

Metal barriers close down over the windows as the agents reach them. Inside, the trio all look up in alarm as sparks start flying from the ceiling. Two agents are cutting through with a laser.

Danny runs to open the fridge. By the Emergency Ham is a red button labeled 'Emergency Op Center Release Button'. Danny punches it. The entire Op Center starts shuddering, retracting all of the instruments and devices on the outside. The agents outside are all knocked off as a giant blimp with Jack's face on it unfurls from the top and the Op Center detaches from the roof of the townhouse and flies away. The trio stare down through a window.

"The Fenton Blimp? What are we gonna do, bore them off our tail in a low-speed chase?" Sam questions.

Aero phases through the floor of the blimps and collapses to her knees.


She changes back and rests against Sam.

"Some agents are down, including K. But not for long. They got my dad...."

Danny clenches a fist and moves the Emergency Ham to reveal another red button hidden beneath it. He presses it. At that moment, the extra bat that Lydia sent, sneaks off Danny and onto Aero.

Outside, Agent O and other agents are catching up with jetpacks.

"We're gaining on it!"

Agent O looks at them.

"Duh. Of course we are, it's a blimp."

The Fenton Blimp suddenly sheds the balloon and reforms into a jet.

"...and now it's not."

The jet takes off. Danny takes the controls, looking strained, as they dive toward Casper High.

"We're gonna destroy the school!"

"I don't know what to do!" Danny shouts.

"Do something!"

Aero leans forward and presses a button on the dashboard labeled 'Auto Jack'.

Danny dashes back to join his friends in the passenger seats. An inflatable version of Jack Fenton unfurls from the wheel into the pilot's chair.

"Auto Jack activated. Please buckle up and pass the fudge."

All four teens buckle their seatbelts, looking worriedly. The Auto Jack successfully pulls out of the nosedive, hurtling down the street and narrowly missing a semi as the kids scream. Looking out the window, they see that Agent O has caught up again in a mini jet plane.

"It's after five. Why can't they quit like every other government employee!?"

Danny goes ghost and runs to the side. Bracing against it, he goes invisible, and with effort starts to turn the jet invisible as well. 

A canister drops out of Agent O's jet, unfolding into a four-pronged device that latches onto the Fenton Jet as it goes completely invisible and flies away.

The next day; the jet is flying through the sky, invisible still.

"Danny, we lost them yesterday. You can stop now."

The jet materializes. Inside, Danny reverts to human and collapses to sit against the side, exhausted. Sam shakes Aero awake and pats her back as she hides her face in her hands.

"We should contact your parents." Tucker suggests.

Danny gets up.

"And tell them what? 'I'm sorry I've been lying to you, and please don't rip me apart molecule by molecule.'? Besides, if they have anything to say to me they can always contact me."

The communications console starts beeping.

"Ugh...here we go."

Freakshow's face appears on the screen.

"Oh, hello. Hope I'm not interrupting the worst day of your life ever! But it seems I need your help."

The four glare at the screen.

"You miserable freak, why would I ever help you?! "

"I'm sorry, did I say 'need'? I meant demand!" Freakshow laughs.

He stands back and gestures to his side, showing them that the Fentons, Mansons, Foleys, and Mr. Elkins are trapped in a cage behind him.

"He's got my parents!"

"He's got all our parents!" Tucker shouts.

"Mom! Dad!"

"Dad, no!"

Freakshow smirks.

"Why look. I have something you want. And you know the location of something I want: my gems, which you three fools will retrieve if you ever want to see your families alive again! Oh, and just to keep it dramatic, you have three days."

He laughs, and the screen cuts to static.

"Three days? But we don't even know where to start looking!"

Aero rests in a chair and picks up the Gauntlet book.

"You know, school being out or not, you really should listen more. You guys are the ones who hid the gems, remember? What were you guys thinking of when they disappeared?"


" I was thinking about the comic book convention."

"And I was thinking about the Space Center." Danny adds on.

Aero sighs and stretches.

"Looks like we're gonna get that cross country trip together after all."

"Starting here."

A map lowers behind Danny and he points to Florida.

"Auto Jack setting new course for Cape Canaveral, Florida."

The four soon reach the launch site. In the jet, Tucker is sulking in his seat.

"No fair! How come we get to go your place first?"

"Does it matter? We're not here to have fun. We're here to look for the Reality Gems." Danny rebuttals.

Sam and Aero are looking at the book.

"Which according to Freakshow's book, are activated by touch. So as long as nobody found it yet."

"...maybe this will be easy." Sam points out.

The four then look as the space shuttle abruptly launches itself and flies into the air. Its windows narrow to red eyes and the nose opens into a sharp-toothed mouth. It flies right at the Fenton Jet, jaws wide open.

"It's never easy, is it?"

The four screas. The shuttle clamps the Fenton Jet in its metal jaws, sending the teens crashing into the bulkhead.

"Going ghost!"

Danny transforms and turns the jet intangible, allowing them to escape. Flying out through the bulkhead, he goes back to confront the shuttle and throws a couple ineffective ectoblasts at it. 

As he hesitates, the shuttle hits him; flattening him up against the windshield. He then sees the Gem of Life sitting in the pilot's seat. He grins, but before he can do anything about it, the shuttle growls and throws him off. He hits the airfield so hard that he leaves a crater. The Fenton Jet swoops down to land nearby.

"Danny, go, get the gem!"

Danny flies up to the shuttle again, narrowly missing a snap and grabbing it by the fin. It tries again to shake him off.

"I always wanted to ride on the Space Shuttle, just not on the outside!"

The shuttle, all of sudden, stops. Danny blinks and sees Aero holding it in place as it thrashes about.


Danny flies up to the front, goes intangible, and reaches inside to grab the gem.


Immediately the Shuttle reverts to it inanimate form, halting in its place. Aero gasps and falls back in front of the jet, releasing the shuttle. 

The shuttle begins to fall straight down, which is gonna land on the Fenton Jet.

"We had to come here first." Tucker exclaims.

With a determined look, Danny goes intangible and flies into the shuttle cockpit, sitting at the controls.

"Ok, I've run the simulation a million times on my computer."

He hits at various buttons and switches, activating the landing gear. Sam and Tucker hug the Auto Jack as the shuttle approaches, but it narrowly misses.

Danny releases the parachutes and brings the shuttle to a safe landing. He slumps tiredly, smiles briefly at the controls, then flies back outside.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the eagle has landed...intact!"

"Attention Daniel Fenton, Aero Elkins, AKA Danny Phantom & Skye. Give yourselves up!"

Aero sits up and sees the two Guys in White jets approaching, one of them fires a torpedo at the Fenton Jet. Inside, Sam and Tucker run from the window. Aero stands up with ecto energy. Danny shields his face from a blue-white explosion, sending debris everywhere. However, Sam and Tucker spring out of the smoke cloud on a pair of motorcarts, perfectly safe and sound. Aero is holding the back of them because she made them intangible to make sure they got out safely.

Danny gasps as he sees the agents moving back around. They fire more torpedos and Sam & Tucker drive to evade them. Danny grabs Sam's cart and Aero places hand on Tucker's cart. The two make them intangible again and they all sink through the ground.

"We've lost visual again!"

"Don't worry, they won't get far. We've got sensors everywhere."

That evening, we see a police roadblock on a rural highway.

"All units, be on the lookout for the ghost boy & ghost girl with their accomplices. I repeat: all units be on the lookout for the ghost boy & ghost girl with their accomplices." The radio from a car announces.

Beyond the roadblock, Danny and his friends re-emerge from the ground. Danny pulls the Gem of Life from his belt

"Let's just put you someplace where your ghostly energy can't get out."

He drops it into a Fenton Thermos.

"One Reality Gem found, two to go."

Sam scoffs.

"We'll never make it across the country in time on these things!"

Danny flies over and pushes a button on Sam's dashboard. The cart converts itself into a hovercraft and Sam smiles.

"And now we will. Shall we?"

Tucker converts his cart as well. Danny grabs Aero's hand and she smiles at him. Then the four sail off into the sunset.

Later that night, they stop to eat a restaurant called Good Eatin' All-Nite Bar-B-Que.

"Can you hurry it up, Tucker? We're on a deadline." Sam complains.

Inside the diner; Sam, Aero, and Danny have already cleared their plates.

"Emphasis on 'dead'."

Tucker tosses another clean bone on his plate. Danny is slurping his drink.

"We have to eat, Sam."

Tucker picks up a whole fried chicken.

"And I'm a meat connoisseur in the land of barbeque and bacon fat."

Lance Thunder appears on a nearby TV.

"A nationwide search continues for these ghost-powered teenagers."

The four look up and gasp. A video of Danny and Aero transforming plays as Lance speaks.

"If you have any information, please contact local authorities."

The diner cook, the waitress, and a customer drinking coffee at the bar all turn to look at four then pull out their cellphones.

"Uh, sorry about this."

Danny quickly blasts their phones.

"Hey, I still had minutes left!"

Danny calls out to them as the group makes their way out the door.

"You gotta watch those roaming charges."

They take off on the hovercars again, Danny now driving Tucker's car instead of flying. Aero is riding with Sam.

"But Thursday's all you can eat night!"

Danny turns to him, angrily.

"Not if we're in jail! We're trying to save our parents, remember? Wherever they are."

Meanwhile; Freakshow has made his temporary campout at an abandoned stretch of railroad in a field. The Mansons, Foleys, and Fentons are all in separate cage cars hitched to the train engine Freakshow and Lydia escaped in earlier. Mr. Manson crawls to the end of the cage.

"This is Fenton's fault. Pass it down."

Mr. Foley crawls cross their cage to pass it on to Jack.

"This is Fenton's fault. Pass it down."

Jack starts to passing it to Maddie.

"This is--wait a minute!"

Maddie puts a calming hand on his arm.

"Settle down now, Jack. It's all right. This whole business about Danny being the ghost boy has got me just as confused and baffled as you."

"Imagine, our own son has had ghost powers all this time and has kept them a secret from us. But we love him! I wonder why he didn't trust us enough to tell us." Jack ponders.

Jazz speaks up.

"Hmm, let me guess."

She starts mimicking her parents.

"'Hey, Maddie, let's destroy the ghost!' 'No, Jack, let's dissect the ghost.' 'I know, let's catch the ghost and rip it apart molecule by molecule!'."

She goes back to her normal voice, still with an sarcastic tone.

"You guys are so understanding."

Jack and Maddie drop their gazes, ashamed. They look up at Chris, who's in a cart by himself.

"Did you know your daughter was ghost, Chris?"

"Of course, I did. She was born that way." He replies, still looking down at his feet.

The Fentons, except Jazz, gasp.

"She was born half ghost?!"

"Amazing! That only be possible if-"

Chris looks up at them and cuts Jack off.

"My wife's a full ghost. She wasn't trapped in the ghost zone by an experiment. She was captured and forced back by the government. Seeing how much they've upgraded in so little time...it was definitely the government who took my wife. Now she's suffering by her side in the ghost zone, no idea of where she is. She's alone, slowly losing her power. Aero is trying to use her powers to find her, but nothing is working."

Jack and Maddie crawl next to end of cage.

"Chris, I can't believe you and Aero have been suffering like that for so long."

"Sadly, our way of life isn't what society sees as safe or normal."

Aero's dad looks back down at his feet.

Freakshow approaches the carts.

"Your beloved children have but a day to return my Reality Gems.

He stops in front of the Fentons' cage.

"Should they fail, well, let's just say I've got plans."

"So in other other words, we're just gonna sit around until you get your stones. Not much of a bad guy, are you?" Chris remarks as he looks up.

Freakshow glares at him.

"What's that?"

"Well, you don't have any powers. I mean technically Lydia's a lot stronger than you, and without her-"

Freakshow cuts Jazz off by throwing a tantrum.

"I will not-- be upstaged-- by ghosts!"

His eye twitches.


Jazz exchanges a look with her mom and Chris.

"Jealous much?"

Freakshow becomes calm again.

"Of ghosts? Untrue. I love ghosts. Worked with them all my life."

"By seeking to control them! That's ghost envy if I've ever seen it!" Jazz retorts.

Freakshow yells right in her face.

"I don't have ghost envy!"

Lydia phases through the next car over and lands on the ground a few paces away. Freakshow snaps at her.

"Use the door like a person!"

Lydia looks in confusion.

Around dawn on a desert highway, the four pass a billboard reading 'Gothapalooza: 5 miles'. Danny is flying again. Aero is still riding with Sam.

"Gothapalooza! The ultimate celebration of despair and darkness."

They all pull up, gasping. As they go over a hill, they discover a sunny grassy valley of flowers, smiling teddy bears, and cheerful banners surrounding a giant pink teddy. The four land, and a wave of teddy bears approach them.

"We love you!"

Sam grabs Aero's shoulders.

"Destroy them!"

Several colorful bears leap up to hug Sam and she tries to yank them off.

"Find the gem that did this *tears twos bears off* and rip the stuffing out of every last one of them!"

She tears the head off a teddy, and is immediately knocked over by several more affectionate bears.

Danny has picked up several bears of his own, but he's more relaxed about it.

"Somehow I don't think that'll be necessary."

Aero has a bear on her head and kneels down to the bears.

"May I have the Gem of Form?"

"Say the magic word!" The bears exclaim.

Sam and Tucker are surrounded by bears. Tucker is trying to shake one off his arm, while Sam chucks two away.


Danny flies down next to Aero and sweetly replies with;


The sea of teddy bears parts to let through a pink bear carrying the glowing yellow stone, which Aero accepts. She flashes the gem around and the grassy meadow becomes a desert metal concert reminiscent of Burning Man, filled with pierced and tattooed goths. Sam relaxes as the two teddy bears hugging her turn into goths. She drops her arms around their shoulders.

"Aahh. I love the smell of anti-establishment in the evening."

Aero drops the Gem of Form into the thermos.

"Two gems down, one to go."

"And less than 24 hours to find it." Danny adds on.

He gasps as goths start screaming and an governemnt tank rolls towards them. It fires a torpedo at Danny, which gets blocked by Aero with an ecto shield and crashes into a rock formation. Inside, Agents O and K aim again for the two. Danny grabs Sam and Tucker by their collars, goes intangible, and flies through the nearest rock formation. Aero follows them. The Agents slam their fists down on the dashboard with a growl of frustration.

On the other side of the rock formation, Danny sees a semi traveling along a highway, and the four fly inside. The side of the truck reads 'The Worldly Week Inquisitor - Your #1 Source for Ghost Kids Information'. Inside the truck are stacks of newspapers.

Danny reaches down to pick up a paper.

"What's this? Oh, great."

He turns the newspaper to his friends so they can see it. The main headline reads 'Ghost Kids and Friends Still Missing!', and has headshots of all four of them. The truck drives on.

In the morning, the groups makes it to San Diego. The truck stops at Hollywood and Vine. The four phases through to land on the sidewalk, Danny and Aero as ghosts. As the truck pulls away, we see a giant screen behind them showing Danny morphing from human to ghost and back. It does the same for Aero. Then words flash saying 'Ghost kids' identites revealed'. Cameras flash, and people start to gather around the four, snapping pictures of the two. Aero tries to hide her face in fear.

Danny & Aero grab their friends and sinking intangibly through the ground. They emerge in the Hollywood subway station.

"We've just gotta find a train that's headed for the comic book convention without drawing any attention."

Danny cosplayer comes up to the four.

"Dude! Great costume!"

He runs up to the train. The four see people lined up at a train labeled 'Comic Fab or Bust'. More than half of them are dressed as either Sam, Skye, or Danny Phantom. Tucker grins.

"I think we found our train."

They join the line.

Tucker realizes something as he looks at the lines.

"What? No Tuckers? Am I not geek-worthy?"

Behind them, Agents K and O enter the subway station.

"Over there!"

They come up behind a kid with white hair and and a Danny Phantom jumpsuit.

"Ok, spook boy. It's all over."

The danny cosplayer brushes off the agent's hand.

"Paws off! This suit's handmade."

Agents K and O look around in time to see the real four waving at them from the departing train.

"The train's leaving!"

"We know where it's headed."

At the convention, the four look around and see several more Danny, Aero, & Sam cosplayers.

"Still no Tuckers. A crying shame. I even come with gadgets!"

Tucker pulls several out of his pockets.

"Hm. Everything here looks normal."

Sam watches a tiny cosplayer in a green outfit pass by.

"Compared to what?"

"Oh, you know what I mean. I don't think anyone's triggered the Gem of Fantasy yet." Danny replies.

They walk inside. We see three exaggeratedly nerdy cosplayers: a girl in a vaguely wolfish outfit, a big guy in a blue outfit studded with rocks, and a skinny chap in a red samurai costume. The rock guy holds up the Gem of Fantasy.

"Behold, the Crystal Leviathan's life-sustaining Kleptonian gem!"

"Wow, where'd you find that?"

Wolfgirl grabs it.

"Lemme see, lemme see!"

As she gazes down at it, the gem begins to blaze with blue light, blinding and apparently burning her.


Red samurai catches it and juggles it in his hands.

"Agh, hot!"

He flings it away as well. Rock guy catches it, and it glows even brighter, making them all squint and cover their eyes. Suddenly rock guy transforms into a monster of blue crystal, Red Samurai changes into a real red samurai with a flaming sword, and Wolfgirl transforms into a scary wolf woman. The three of them hover in the air.

Danny looks up at them.

"Awesome! The Gem of Fantasy turned three regular nerds into superheroes! They can help us rescue our parents!"

"You need to read more comic books. Those aren't superheroes--they're supervillains!" Tucker exclaims.

Danny looks back up at the three supervillains in dismay as they begin to attack.

Wolfgirl, Crystal Monster, and the Red Samurai start attacking people. The four scatter as Red throws a red blast at them. Danny goes tumbling and lands at Crystal Monster's feet.

"I've gotta get that gem before these geeks do some real damage."

He fires an ectoblast at the monster, knocking the Gem of Fantasy to the ground. Danny lunges to retrieve it, but the monster tackles him and throws him into a Danny Phantom display. A biography of Danny Phantom lands open on his face. Picking it up, he realizes what it is.

"Hey! I never approved of this!"

Sam and Tucker run to pick up the gem, but Wolf Girl jumps in front of it.

"You shall not pass. So speaks Empress She-Wolf!"

"That may be the hottest geek I've ever laid eyes on." Tucker remarks.

Empress She-Wolf morphs into a significantly more wolfy and less humanoid model, roaring. Sam looks at Tucker.

"Yeah? How 'bout now?"

"Yeah, still hot." He replies.

Aero tackles She-Wolf to the floor, and she morphs back into her semi-human form, dazed.

"Aah! Our comics have come alive!" A nerd shouts.

Behind him, the crystal monster smashes its fists into the floor, roaring.

"I don't know whether to be horrified or run and report this on the internet!"

Going intangible, Danny flies up through the roof. Aero follows after him. The three villians follow as well, smashing a hole in the ceiling.

The two flyover the street, the supervillains running after them on top of the streetlights. Gaining, She-Wolf twirls a wolf's claw overhead on a cable and throws it after the two. It grabs Aero by the ankle and she slams her down to a roof.


The samurai comes up behind him and punches him down to the roof as well.

Danny rolls, narrowly missing getting crushed by the crystal monster, who he grabs by the leg and ties to a nearby flagpole.

"Now to finish off the reset of the legion of super-dweebs."

Dives back down, he smashes headlong into the samurai, sending them both crashing to the roof. Then, as if Danny didn't have enough problems, Agents O and K land nearby with their jetpacks.

"Man, these cross country ghost chases are like...totally exhausting."

The agents shoot a pair of nets out of their ectoguns, trapping Danny and the samurai. Launching back into the air, they fire several more shots at the mysteriously crystal monster and She-Wolf, but miss. 

Aero comes up behind the agents, her eyes white.

"You guys never quit!"

Agent K shudders.

"Not again!"

But she gets stopped by the Wolf Girl tackling her down to the roof.

Red slashes through the net with his sword. He attacks the agents and damages their jetpacks. Agents K and O crash to the roof. Danny throws off the net; springing into the air.

"Not so fast!"

Aero kicks Wolf Girl into the air so Danny blasts all three of them. From the resulting flash of light the Gem of Fantasy falls. Danny catches it. The supervillains crash to the roof, and when the smoke clears away, they are just normal cosplayers. The samurai looks up as the Agents walk over to stare down at them.

"Hey, you're just geeks."

"Technically we're enthusiasts."

Aero and Danny fly down to land by Sam & Tucker.

"Nice work, Danny. We've got all three gems now!"

"And Freakshow only has one. That means once we find him, we can beat him and take the Gauntlet!"

Danny drops the Gem of Fantasy into the thermos. Lydia comes up behind him. We see her bat minions that were attached to Sam and Tucker fly out from them and return to her as she throws back her hood. Then her tattoos all detach, flying toward the trio and surrounding them.

Aero and Sam look at them in fear.

"Uh, guys?"

Tucker and Danny are oblivious.

"We can save our parents!"

"And we can change reality so that nobody remembers our secret!"

Danny and Tucker finally notice the ghosts, but its too late. The tattoo ghosts swirl around them and they all vanish, reappearing by the train where Freakshow has set up camp. The four fall to the ground, dazed, and Lydia reclaims her minions.

Freakshow comes over to loom over them, wearing the Gauntlet. The power gem is blinking.

"Well, well. Look what the bats dragged in...with my Reality Gems!"

Danny glances at the thermos, then standing up and starting to open it, determined.

"I don't think so."

Some of Lydia's tattoos snatch it from his hands and he tries to catch it.

"What? Oh, no."

Another tattoo creature wraps around the four, binding them together helplessly. Freakshow opens the Fenton Thermos, pours the gems into his hand, and tosses the thermos away.

Freakshow places each one into the Gauntlet.

"The Gem of Life...the Gem of Form...the Gem of Fantasy...and put them with a power source, and thanks to you, I now know how to activate the Gauntlet!"

He laughs, then starts tapping out the sequence.

"Danny, Aero, stop him!"

Danny struggles.

"I can't break free!"

"The tattoos are stopping us from using our powers!" Aero shouts.

Freakshow completes the sequence.

"Thanks to you, I am now ringmaster of all reality!"

Fireworks go off behind him as he rises up on a pedastal, now wearing a more elaborate hat and coat and wielding a red-gemmed scepter. He waves the Gauntlet, and the sunny sky turns into a starry night.

"Neato, huh?"

He laughs and glances over at the four' s families, still locked in their cages.

"Let 'em go, Freakshow! I brought you the gems. We had a deal!" Danny shouts.

Freakshow walks over to the four.

"The deal was, bring me the gems if you want to see them alive again. Well, here they are: alive--for now." He laughs

The Gauntlet glows red, and the Fentons, Foleys, Mansons, and Mr. Elkins vanish. Freakshow then gestures to Sam and Tucker, who also vanish. He looks at Aero and snaps, making her disappear too.

All of them reappear in a car on a giant roller coaster, which seems to have appeared spontaneously, except Aero. There are lethal barriers along the ride; a fire-breathing Jack-in-the-Box and two giant stone mallets that crash together over the track; and the track ends at 'Deadman's Drop', a dead end with a pool of bubbling, steaming green acid at the base of the fall. Lydia throws a lever, and the roller coaster car begins to move. Its unwilling passengers scream as the car races down the track.

Danny looks at Freakshow, furious.

"You lied to me!"

"Yes, yes I did. Goody for me. But it wouldn't be drama if I didn't give you a sporting chance."

Smiling, he raises the Gauntlet, making Danny's bindings disappear in a red flash.

Danny looks down at his fists, then up at Freakshow as he bends down to his face level.

"And an audience!"

An audience of thousands is seated, a giant screen above the stands displays a video of Danny looking around. The stands are full of cheering clowns.

"A big audience!"

Danny turns to the roller coaster, where his friends and their families are screaming through a loop. Freakshow gestures expansively as Danny launches himself into the air toward the coaster. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, freaks of all ages, *his scepter turns into a microphone* may I direct your attention to the center ring!"

Danny flies as fast as he can toward the roller coaster, a look of grim determination on his face.

"Where Danny Phantom, AKA Danny Fenton, will attempt to rescue his friends and family from a ghastly doom of my own construction!"

Danny lands on the track a ways ahead of the coaster car but is immediately hit by a beam.

He crashes down on the ground.

"Hey, what did you--"

"Only to be stopped at every turn by the master of all reality. Which is why I'm gonna pull at his heart strings! AHAHAHA!"

Danny looks up, horrified as Aero floats up before him.


Freakshow laughs.

"OH BUT IT IS! You'd be surprised by why you can do when you control of reality!"

He snaps and Aero's hands glow with ecto energy. Sam and Tucker look in fear.


"It can't be!" Tucker shouts.

"Danny! No!"

Maddie lunges forward, but Jack grabs her before she can fall out of the car and she lets him pull her back to him, crying. Aero's dad shouts.


Aero lifts him into the air. Danny sees tears go down her face.

"He's controlling all, but my mind. I can't stop! I'm sorry!"

Freakshow holds a hand up to his ear to the crowd.

"What's that? You want more?"

The clowns in the audience cheer enthusiastically.

"Well, since you insist, I'll give you more. Much more!"

He blasts a red beam of light into the sky, which pulses out in expanding rings. As the rings of light move outward, nearby grain turns into snapping carnivorous plants, a tractor transforms into a tiny car from which several clowns emerge.

"It's all mine now. My revenge, your nightmare."

A scarecrow turns into another clown, a barn turns into a circus tent, the heads of Mount Rushmore all turn into Freakshow's head, the Golden Gate bridge turns into a roller coaster, the Capitol Building turns into another circus tent, and the Washington Monument turns into a hammer game.

"There! A kingdom fit for a freak, and a freakdom fit for a king!"

He looks at Danny and Aero.

"Take care of him already."

He snaps. Aero's hands glow and Danny feels like he's being choked.



Freakshow laughs. Aero watches as she forced to do this and thought this is how it is to be controlled...it's horrible.

But she flinches back and screams. Danny gets dropped to the ground and breathes.


She looks forward, her eyes white but with a royal blue glow.

"I can protect her, but not for long."

"Ms. Elkins?!"

She chuckles slightly.

"Danny, you can call me by name."

Danny smiles.


She smiles back.

"Smart boy."

She then protects Danny from a blast.

"Hurry, my power is weak. We don't have much time!"

Danny nods and goes flying after the coaster. When they reach the flaming Jack-in-the-Box, he manages to get there in time to put up an ectoshield to block the flames as they pass.


"You're okay!" Jack shouts.

Jazz yells to Danny as they go down the coaster.

"He has ghost envy! Use psychology!"

"Psychology? That's it!"

He drops his shield and we see the Jack-in-the-Box rise again behind him. 

Danny flies after the coaster car again. He throws an ecto-blast at some stone hammers, destroying them right before the car passes through. Danny smiles.

Freakshow, who is suddenly humongous, looms up behind him.

"Oh, no. You do not get to leave this world with a smile."

Giant Freakshow tries to grab him, but Danny dodges. He continues to fly around as Freakshow tries to swat him.

"Why wouldn't I smile? So what if you're the most powerful human on earth?"

Freakshow traps him between his hands, but Danny phases through.

"No matter what you do, I'm half-ghost, and uh, you're not." Danny taunts.

"I am the master of all reality!"

He fires a red blast at Danny.

"Oh sure, but can you do this?"

Danny stretches and bends unnaturally and easily around the ray. Below, the clowns cheer.

Freakshow turns to the audience, angrily

"What? No! He's not the star of this circus! I am! Me!"

Danny cartwheels through the air.

"Ghost powers..."

Danny vanishes and reappears.

"ghost energy..."

He throws several balls of ecto-energy around.

"ghost, ghost, ghost!"

The ectoblasts burn a smiley face into Freakshow's hat. On the monitors, we see Danny waving cheerfully to the cheering crowd.

Freakshow looms furiously over the audience.

"I will not be upstaged by a ghost!"

The crowd boos, throwing drinks and popcorn at him.

"Ah, half-ghost, technically, but still way cooler than you."

Freakshow slaps Danny out of the air.


Danny crashes to the ground, dazed.

"I may be losing control of the crowd, *kneels down threateningly* but I control all reality."

Danny attempts to get up and sees the Fenton Thermos Freakshow had thrown aside earlier.

"And if you think being a half-ghost is so cool..."

Freakshow raises the Gauntlet, and all four gems blaze white. when the light clears, we see that Freakshow has transformed into some crazy thing with four arms, wings, and a face on its chest.

"What do you think of me now that I'm all ghost?!"

Danny smirks.

"I think this just got a lot easier."

Danny picks up the thermos, he sucks Freakshow inside.

"What? No! Nooo!"

As he is pulled in, the Gauntlet pops off and shrinks down to its normal size, landing on the ground.


His family and friends still on the coaster; scream. Danny looks up, remembering. They're almost to the end of the track.

Danny puts on the Gauntlet and flies back toward them. Just as they fly off the end of the track, he blasts a beam of yellow light at the vat of acid, turning it into a giant inflatable pool shaped like a duck. The car lands in it with a giant splash, and everyone pops up.

Danny lands on the side of the pool.

"Are you guys ok?!"

Danny waves as Sam's and Tucker's parents stare at him.

"Oh, Hi Mr. and Mrs. Manson, Mr. and Mrs. Foley."

Behind him, a wall of green tattoo monsters led by Lydia rises up, Lydia growls furiously.

"And you."

The gaunlet glows yellow. Lydia is turned into a fish, a mallet, an apple, a teddy bear, and then herself again. Screaming, she flies away. Danny flies to the center of the ring, raising the Gauntlet. All of the transformations Freakshow made to reality are reversed and the sun comes out again. Chris runs over to Aero and lifts her up. She turns and smiles at him.

"Dad...I saw mom...I saw her face."

Chris tears up.


"She's still beautiful."

Her dad smiles, tears in his eyes.

"Of course she is." 

The two hug.

Danny lands and reverts to his human form, still wearing the Gauntlet.


He turns to find both his parents approaching with stern expressions.

"Young man?"

"I...I'm sorry. Gah!"

Jack crushes him in a bear hug.

"We're very proud of you, son."

As soon as Jack lets him go, Maddie hugs him as well.

"Oh! Oh, my baby boy!"

She kisses his cheek several times, Danny smiles.

"But I lied to you. Over and over for a really long time. If I were you guys, I'd be furious."

"Well, of course you lied to us. We never gave you a reason not to." Maddie replies.

Jack puts a hand on Danny's shoulder.

"All this time we've been yammering on destroying and dissecting ghosts. I'd have been terrified too, if I were you."

"We love you, sweetie. You."

"Whether you're ghost, boy, or something in between." Jack adds on.

"And I appreciate that. More than you guys will ever know."

Danny hugs Jack, Maddie hugs both of them, then Danny pulls back, looking at the Gauntlet.

"Or will ever remember."


Aero runs over and hugs him.

"I'm sorry, I hurt you! I-I-"

Danny gives her a quick kiss. She blinks with a bit of blush on her cheeks.

"Don't worry. I'd never blame you for something you couldn't control."

Aero sighs and rests her head on his shoulder. Jack and Maddie smile. Danny raises the Gauntlet and there's a flash of blue light, leaving sparks around Jack and Maddie. They look momentarily confused. Then there's a great big flash.

Later in the government headquarters, Agents K and O are sitting across from each other at a table, working on laptops. A siren goes off and they both stand, looking around in alarm. A screen flashes the

"What is it?"

"A massive spike in ecto-energy."

They look up and see Danny, hovering above them wearing the Reality Gauntlet.

"That would be me."

The agents pull out their ecto-weapons and start to charge up.


He raises the Gauntlet, turning their guns into a tuba and a chicken.

"Here, a gift."

He tosses a Fenton Thermos to them. It clatters to the floor and shatters, releasing Ghost Freakshow. Danny uses the Gauntlet to change him back into his human form. Immediately Agents K and O seize him. Danny starts to leave, then pauses.

"Oh, and from now on, you're gonna leave Danny Fenton and his family alone. Along with the Elkins."

"Why would we do that?"

Danny raises the Gauntlet, which glows blue.

"Because they're not the ghosts you're looking for."

"He's not the ghost we're looking for." Both agents reply.

Danny grins, goes invisible ,and flies through the ceiling.

That evening at FentonWorks; Sam, Aero, and Tucker are sitting on the front steps. Danny stands in front of them, wearing the Reality Gauntlet.

"So that's it. I set everything back to the way it was before. Nobody knows we're half-ghost except you two, Aero's dad, and Jazz."

Danny looks down at the gauntlet.

"Now it's time to destroy this thing for good."


Danny hurriedly hides the Gauntlet behind his back as Dash and Paulina walk up to them, dressed for the beach

"Fentonio, Orlando, and Dawn! What are you still doing in town?"

"Yeah, weren't you taking a trip to Loserville? Oh wait, you're already there!"

They both walk on, laughing.

"Oh, man. That's right. Everything's back to the way it was. Which means we should be getting ready for our vacation!"

Danny turns eagerly to Sam and Tucker, who look less than thrilled.

"Uh, if it's ok, Danny, pass."

"Yeah. We already had one cross country trip together. I don't think we can handle another." Tucker remarks.

"Yeah, I guess so. All right, then,*goes ghost* time to finish this."

Danny flies up and flings the Reality Gauntlet high in the air and destroys it with an ectoblast. He covers his face as the debris of the explosion rains down on him.

Jack sees him from his window.


Danny turns.

"Yeah, you! You've got a lot of nerve, floating around like that!"

He runs and gets a large ectogun.

"I get my hands on you, I'll tear you apart molecule by molecule!"

He fires a shot, which Danny easily dodges.Danny waves to him.

"Have a nice summer!"

He flies over the street, and gets zinged in the rear by another ecto shot.


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