Hunter and Omega One Shots

By crazyfangirl1121

32.1K 541 232

Just a bunch of one shots of Hunter and Omega. There will be the other members of the Bad Batch too but it's... More

I Promise
Hunter's Nightmare
Omega's Nightmare
It Hurts
I'm Sorry
I've Got You
We'll Get Him Back
We're Here For You


1.2K 25 15
By crazyfangirl1121

Okay, I'm sorry to do this to you all, but I got this idea and I can't stop thinking about it so I need to write it down. You might want to grab some tissues, you're going to need them.

TW: Character death!!!

Hunter's POV

I ran through the halls of a cloning facility. Omega was here, Tech confirmed it. She's been missing for months and we finally got a lead on her. I hurriedly checked each room for her, seeing nothing there, and moving to the next room. I opened the door of a larger room, and what I saw made my heart drop to the floor. 

Omega's tiny body floated in a tank, filled with a liquid of some sort. Her skin was pale, even more so than it was before, contrasting with the dark fabric of the tiny body suit she wore. Scars raked up and down her arms, where I presumed they performed multiple tests. I walked slowly up to the tank in disbelief and fear.

"Omega, what have they done to you?" I breathed as I placed my hand gently on the glass. A monitor beeped continuously in the background. A heartbeat. She was alive, but I needed to see it for myself. 

"Tech, I need your help. Sending my location." 

He arrived a few moments later. His face fell when he saw Omega. He walked over to me as I gestured to all the different tubes hooked up to her.

"On it." 

He detached some equipment and helped me pull her out of the tank. I sank to the floor and cradled her in my arms while Tech continued to remove more equipment. 

Omega was barely breathing, her skin ice cold. Her blonde hair was plastered to her face. I held her close to my chest to give her warmth. 

"Please wake up." I whispered. Her body started trembling. 


I ran my hand down her face and silently urged her to wake up. I need her to, she can't die. 

Her eyes fluttered open as she took a painful gasp for air. 


"H-Hunter?" she replied to me weakly. 

I exhaled a breath I didn't know I was holding, half-crying, half-laughing. I pressed my forehead to hers, overwhelmed with happiness that she was alive. Alive in my arms, never going to be hurt like that again. She cried as well and I held in her closely to me.

"Shhhhhh, you're okay, You're gonna be okay now. I've got you," I comforted her and myself. 

Tech kneeled down beside us and stroked Omega's head, clearly happy that she was okay. He used his med scanner to check her. His smile faded. 


He handed me the scanner and I looked over it quickly.

"No," I whispered, barely able to comprehend what I was seeing.

She was dying. 

My vision blurred with tears as a looked down at her face. A tear slipped down her cheek and I wiped it away.

"I don't wanna go," she said, barely audible, her voice cracking. 

"You won't. You're staying here with us." 

She blinked her eyes slowly, losing strength. Her breathing became more shallow and sporadic. 

"Promise that... you'll be here when I wake up?" 

I nodded, giving her the best smile I could muster. "I promise."

She smiled and closed her eyes, but opened them again. Tears swelled in my eyes.

"I- I love you."

"I love you, too, Omega."

I stroked my thumb on her cheek as her body went limp. The monitor behind me flatlined.

She was gone. 

I cradled her lifeless form to my chest, hoping that this was all just a nightmare. Hoping she would reawaken, happy and smiling. But it wasn't, this was real, and it broke my heart to pieces. I would never see her smile again, never hear her laugh. Never hold her when she was sad, or joke with her on those lively days with the rest of the squad. It would become so lifeless without her here. 

Sobs racked my body, tears dripping down my face. I didn't even bother wiping them away. I felt a set of arms wrap around me, then two more. They held me tightly as I murmured her name over and over, wishing she could hear my pleas. She never would. 

Well, I don't know why my imagination does this to me, but it does. I'm sorry if I made you cry.  I'm doing more of a happier one after this, I promise. Feel free to leave ideas in the comments! :)

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