Teddy Bear || Assassination C...

By Eeveelover_love

1.6M 71.2K 24.4K

Y/n L/n always has a teddy bear with him. He doesn't want to be alone without it. It was his comfort, his saf... More

ℑ𝔫𝔣𝔬 + 𝔇𝔦𝔰𝔠𝔩𝔞𝔦𝔪𝔢𝔯𝔰
𝔏𝔬𝔳𝔢 ℑ𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔰
⇢︎ Chapter 0 : Prologue
⇢︎ Chapter 1 : A Useless Plan
⇢︎ Chapter 2 : A Failed Lesson
⇢︎ Chapter 3 : Baseball Time
⇢︎ Chapter 4 : The Observer
⇢︎ Chapter 5 : Preparing For A Return
⇢︎ Chapter 6 : Karma Always Comes Back
⇢︎ Chapter 7 : The Spider And The Devil
⇢︎ Chapter 8 : Chances And Attempts
⇢︎ Chapter 9 : Eye For Poison
⇢︎ Chapter 10 : An Act
𝔄𝔯𝔱 #յ
⇢︎ Chapter 11 : Pure Bitch
⇢︎ Chapter 12 : Coming Around
⇢︎ Chapter 14 : Class Difference
⇢︎ Chapter 15 : The Principle
⇢︎ Chapter 16 : Study, Study, Study
⇢︎ Chapter 17 : Gladiator Test
⇢︎ Chapter 18 : Class Trip
⇢︎ Chapter 19 : Unexpected
⇢︎ Chapter 20 : Lost But Found
⇢︎ Chapter 21 : Kids Being Kids Again
⇢︎ Chapter 22 : The New Student
⇢︎ Chapter 23 : Upgrade
⇢︎ Chapter 24 : Things Should Stay
𝔄𝔯𝔱 #շ
⇢︎ Chapter 25 : Panic
⇢︎ Chapter 26 : Back At Home...
⇢︎ Chapter 27 : A "Better" New Student
⇢︎ Chapter 28 : "Brothers" And Jealousy
⇢︎ Chapter 29 : Koro-sensei Vs Itona
⇢︎ Chapter 30 : Consequences
⇢︎ Chapter 31 : Let's Play Ball
⇢︎ Chapter 32 : Batter Up
⇢︎ Chapter 33 : Move Forewords
⇢︎ Chapter 34 : Best Moments Lasts
⇢︎ Chapter 35 : Our Training Teacher
⇢︎ Chapter 36 : Teacher of Abuse
⇢︎ Chapter 37 : Takaoka's Method
⇢︎ Chapter 38 : Decisions
⇢︎ Chapter 39 : Kill To Win
⇢︎ Chapter 40 : Winners Only
𝔄𝔯𝔱 #Յ
⇢︎ Chapter 41 : Pool Time
⇢︎ Chapter 42 : What's His Problem?
⇢︎ Chapter 43 : Terakasa's Time
⇢︎ Chapter 44 : A Useful Plan
⇢︎ Chapter 45 : Happy Memories
⇢︎ Chapter 46 : Study for Finals
⇢︎ Chapter 47 : Library Problems
⇢︎ Chapter 48 : Pissed Off
⇢︎ Chapter 49 : Found Determination
⇢︎ Chapter 50 : Less And More
⇢︎ Chapter 51 : Amused
⇢︎ Chapter 52 : Hello Vacation
⇢︎ Chapter 53 : High Tide
⇢︎ Chapter 54 : Vacation Gone Horror
⇢︎ Chapter 55 : Assassin's Talents
⇢︎ Chapter 56 : Smoke and Smog
⇢︎ Chapter 57 : The Devil's Deal
⇢︎ Chapter 58 : Demon-Devil Duo
⇢︎ Chapter 59 : Club Love
⇢︎ Chapter 60 : Progressing
⇢︎ Chapter 61 : Shoot, Aim, Fire
⇢︎ Chapter 62 : Concern
⇢︎ Chapter 63 : A Twisting Gut
⇢︎ Chapter 64 : Takaoka Time
⇢︎ Chapter 65 : "I Remember..."
𝔄𝔯𝔱 #4
⇢︎ Chapter 66 : Of Love and Hate
⇢︎ Chapter 67 : Home, Sweet Home
⇢︎ Chapter 68 : Grocery Run
⇢︎ Chapter 69 : Summer Festival
⇢︎ Chapter 70 : Pudding Power
⇢︎ Chapter 71 : Cops and Robbers
⇢︎ Chapter 72 : Secret Perpetrator
⇢︎ Chapter 73 : Weaponized
⇢︎ Chapter 74 : Runaways
⇢︎ Chapter 75 : Who Lives, and Who Dies
⇢︎ Chapter 76 : Fear
⇢︎ Chapter 77 : "I Hate..."
⇢︎ Chapter 78 : Married to Anger
⇢︎ Chapter 79 : Hates to Love
⇢︎ Chapter 80 : A Repeating Record
⇢︎ Chapter 81 : E Class vs Teddy Bear
⇢︎ Chapter 82 : The Reaper and the Spider
⇢︎ Chapter 83 : Reaper's Time

⇢︎ Chapter 13 : An Unwanted Assembly

25K 1.1K 824
By Eeveelover_love

Y/n shifted uncomfortably in his stance as he and the rest of E class stood in front of the school that isolated them in the first place. Everyone was either panting or sweating a bit from the heated mountain they had to go down. However, lucky for Y/n, he took a short cut that no one knew about.

Nagisa was by Y/n's side trying his best to comfort Y/n as much as he could, "It'll be over before you know it. You'll be okay," He would say as he rubbed Y/n's back.

Y/n could only groan as his anxiety was starting to slowly spike. He snuggled into his teddy bear a bit more for his own comfort, though he did appreciated Nagisa's attempts.

"Whoa, Y/n you look more nervous than before," Meahara pointed out as he wiped the sweat off his face, "Is everything alright?"

"Assembly..." Y/n muttered out.

Nagisa sighed a bit, "Y/n doesn't like crowds and he especially doesn't like the main campus. So, he's a bit nervous to be here..."

"Don't you usually cling to Karma? I'm sure he will comfort you," Nakamura slightly teased.

Y/n could only deadpan, "Karma didn't want to come today."

"And suddenly everything makes so much more sense now," Meahara stated.


A hand was carefully placed on Y/n's shoulder making all the students look up in questioning. They slightly sweatdropped at the sight of a semi-serious Karasuma standing over them.

"Y/n, you'll be staying by my side throughout the assembly," Karasuma claimed, "Usually I would've assigned Karma and-or Nagisa to stay with you but I can tell that you'll still be nervous."

"Ah... Alright Mr. Karasuma..." Y/n slightly hesitated, still not used to the caringness of adults around him.

Karasuma nodded and turned to the class, "Alright everyone! Let's head inside!"

The class groaned, as some got off of the ground, "Yes, sir..." They dragged.

"You are the cream of the prop!" A male claimed as the assembly officially started, "This nation shining elite, never forget that! I am proud to be your dean, but..." He glanced at the only standing students, "don't get too comfortable. No, let E class remind us of the problems in that."

The kids started to laugh, laugh at the pure misery of the E class students. Neither of the teachers or the dean cared to correct them. This was normal behavior, but yet, E class is still not used to it. Nagisa was slightly glad that Y/n wasn't there with them, other wise he would've started crying.

The dean only smirked, "Now, now, it's 'unkind' to laugh at their expense." And he continued on with his speech.

As time went on, the assembly continued. The teachers and students making fun of E class, the dean inviting students and some teachers to the stage to talk, the normal attar for the assemblies in this type of school. Now a student council was giving his own speech.

"Come on, Y/n," Karasuma whispered, not wanting to interrupt the speech, as he and Y/n walked into the gym.

It took a bit but Y/n was finally willing to walk in the gym, his nervousness was still there and it took Karasuma a bit longer than it needed to be to calm Y/n down. The two walked up to a female teacher as some eyes were on them.

"Greetings, I'm a teacher for E class, I thought I would take this time to introduce myself," Karasuma bowed to the teacher, "I also hope you don't mind if one of my students stayed with me for personal reasons."

Y/n slightly hiding behind Karasuma with a shy look on his face as he looked down. The female teacher couldn't help but blush at the cuteness of Y/n and the hotness of Karasuma as she just nodded.

"O-oh hello th-there," The female teacher stuttered with a blush.

"Who's that? I've never seen him before," A student whispered.

"He looks way too cool to be a teacher."

"Whoa who's the loli? Hella cute."

"I think that's L/n Y/n."

"L/n? No way... He looks so much more cuter in person."

"But he's still dangerous."

"Dude look at his thighs. If he's dangerous because of those, I would let him smothery me."

"Just put a dress on him and, bam, a loli, heh."

Y/n groaned a bit to himself as he clutched his teddy bear. Yeah, these words weren't uncommon, in fact it was really common whenever Y/n went to the main campus. He hates those types of comments, it makes him feel uncomfortable.

"Pst, Y/n," A whisper called out.

Y/n looked up and noticed Meahara waving him over. He wavered around Karasuma, who was approaching the girls because of their knife holders, and walked over to Meahara.

"You seem popular," Meahara teased.

Y/n deadpanned, "Seriously? This is what you called me over for?"

"What~? It's kinda funny to hear everyone switch from wanting you to wanting to stay away from you."

"I seriously just want them to stay away from me, everyone here is practically a creep."

"You and me both though."

"Like you don't crush on almost every girl that's nice to you," Y/n sassed as he stuck his tongue out.

"W-What?! Hey!!" Meahara whispered yelled, as his classmates around him snickered a bit.

A gasped from the students caught E class's attention. They all turned to who or what the other students were looking at. However, they all grimaced a bit when they realized who everyone was looking at.

"Uh oh," Y/n muttered under his breathe.

Y/n's classmates sweatdropped, "Uh oh indeed," One of them whispered.

Irina had entered the room, strutting down the gym to where E class was. Y/n slowly made his way towards Karasuma, standing next to him. It was clear that everyone, especially the male's teachers, attention was on Irina.

Students and teachers were muttering about Irina, Karasuma and Y/n. Most girls with Karasuma, most boys with Irina, and the ones who weren't talking about either were talking about Y/n, about how cute or dangerous he is.

"What are you doing here?" Karasuma asks as he stood up straight, professionally.

"Don't even try and pull rank on me," Irina answered, quickly going into a standing position, "I'm an educator just like you are."

"So you're calling yourself a teacher now?" Y/n asks as he fumbled with his teddy and stood in between the two teachers, "I thought you hated that idea, Ms. Irina."

"I do hate being a teacher but I need an excuse to scope out the student body."

"You're not going to find anyone here attractive, not in the least bit. The best among these students look like a 6/10."

Karasuma raised a brow, "Y/n, be nice for this assembly."

Y/n looked at Karasuma from the corner of his eye and stuck out his tongue, "Whatever you say."

Irina sighed and put her hands on her hips, "'Me-ow,' said nobody ever. Oh, that's right..." She began to walk over to her students, "Nagisa."

Nagisa looked up in slight surprise that he was called. He let out a small hum as Irina stood right in front of him.

"The octopus isn't around, talk to me," Irina said, "Give me some intel, you and Y/n are still keeping a record of all the ooie-gooie bastard's variable points, right?"

Y/n's brow twitched slightly, "She's doing this now?"

Karasuma groaned a bit as he rubbed his nose.

Irina and Nagisa's conversation escalated to the point where Irina shoved Nagisa into her chest while he was starting to panic. Karasuma and Y/n deadpanned at the sight of Irina's actions. Some students started to get jealous of Nagisa.

"Mr. Karasuma...?" Y/n asked.

"Getting her now..." Karasuma said in a disappointed tone as he walked over and dragged Irina away.

Irina started to whine a bit at being pulled away. Y/n sighed at the teachers' dynamic as Karasuma forced Irina to stand still for the rest of the assembly. Irina could only huff in place.

"Okay," The student on the stage said, "All of the upcoming student council events are detailed in the handouts you've all been given."

Y/n looked around at his classmates and noticed that they nor he had a handout that was 'supposedly' given to 'everyone'. He only held his teddy closer to his chest and looked down slightly. Ah, discrimination to the lower class, something Y/n should be used to but isn't.

"Uh excuse me, sir?" Isogai questioned as he raised his hand, realizing that none of his classmates got the sheet of paper, "E class didn't get the handouts."

The student perked up, still keeping that annoying smile, "Oh? Wow really? That's kinda bizarre, huh? I'm so sorry, i thought for sure that we printed enough for everyone. Guess E class will have to memorize it off their neighbors. That works out for the best really. I mean you guys could really use the mental exercise, I'm guessing."

The gym began to giggle or laugh once again at E class. Y/n hid his face with his teddy from the crowd of students pointing and laughing at him like he was a zoo animal or a idiotic pet. He hated this feeling, but he couldn't complain, he was taught to never complain about misery by his guardian after all.

"What a little prick," Irina cursed as her finger tapped on her arm in irritation.

Karasuma made sure to stay close to Y/n, knowing how his anxiety could spike up, "If you need to leave the gym, just tell me and me or Ms. Jelavic will stay with you," he whispered.

Y/n peaked at Karasuma, "I'm fine..."

Irina tched as she moved her hair out her face, "But this attitude from the school is not fine. Someobody outta—"

A gust of wind cut Irina off from talking and took Y/n by surprise that he looked up. In a flash and a heartbeat, papers flown into the hands of E class, like it came out of thin air. For Y/n however, the paper had stuck to his face.

"There you go Isogai," A familiar voice spoke up.

Koro-sensei, who was in a horrible disguise, was now standing next to Karasuma spinning a pen on his finger. He also had a wig on as his skin went from yellow to a peach skin color.

"Seriously?" Karasuma dreaded.

"That should take care of it I think. Do all of you have a copy of the handout now, correct?" Koro-sensei asked as he took the paper off of Y/n's face and neatly into his hand.

"Yes, sir. Never mind!" Isogai spoke up, "We have some! My mistake, sorry!"

"You what?" The student asked, genuinely surprised, "But... I... How did you... okay whose the wise guy?! Who killed our fun?! I-I-I mean, as I was saying before..."

"I thought we agreed that we couldn't let the other students see you??" Karasuma whispered, "What part of 'state secret' do you refuse to understand??"

"Relax, my disguise is flawless! No one suspects a thing!" Koro-sensei whispered back.

"And yet your wiggling you limbs like an insane person, Sensei," Y/n retorted, feeling a bit better now for some reason, "Very disguised."

"I can't help but feel a bit of sarcasm coming from you, Y/n," Koro-sensei giggled to himself.

Y/n could only roll his eyes at his teacher.

As the students from the other classes talked and whispered amongst themselves about the sudden appearance of the new teacher, Irina was sneaking up behind Koro-sensei, ready to pound and kill him. Y/n noticed this and moved out of the way, whilst Karasuma groaned to himself.

Irina continued to try and slash at Koro-sensei, but of course he just moved out of the way flawlessly. Karasuma had had enough of messing around. He gritted his teeth and had Irina's arm behind her as he guided her away from trying to kill in front of a bunch of people.

"I can get him let go!" Irina whined, "Owww."

Y/n could watch the interactions with a deadpanned expression. Sometimes he really does wonder how things came to be, with the teachers and all.

'Geez... So many weird people in the world...'

A/n: This took way too long to get out, I'm so so sorry
m(_ _)m

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