Walking Disaster- Hosie

By hosiesmp3

46.7K 1K 105

There are two girls, pretty obvious. One girl is a party animal, the other one likes to stay away from crowds... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Authors Note
Update :)
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 8

1.5K 47 0
By hosiesmp3

Hope's POV
I didn't know what else to do with all this energy so I wasted my energy on thinking. After everything that happened, I fell asleep.

Josie's POV
It was now morning, I woke up. Thankfully to no Lizzie barging in. I see Hope is still asleep. I sit up and Lizzie and mom walk into the room. Which is no surprise at this point.

Ca: Good morning sweetie, how'd you sleep?
J: I slept perfectly fine.
L: Well today you two get to stay home. Me and mom will be out.
J: Okay.
Ca: Make sure you tell Hope that we are gone.
J: I will.
Ca: Call us if you need anything.
J: You got it.
L: Alright bye sis.
J: Bye liz.

They walked out of my room, slamming the door. I cover my face with my pillow and Hope starts moving around. I feel the pillow being pulled away from my grip.

H: Is everything okay?
J: Yep.
H: Then why do you have your face covered up?
J: Lizzie slammed my door and ran off.
H: Why?
J: I don't know but they said that they'll be gone to pick something up.
H: Okay, do you want anything for breakfast?
J: No I'm okay. Thank you though.

Hope laid back down on the bed and pulled me closer to her. I slowly laid back down, she wrapped an arm around me. I smiled and placed my hand on her chest.

J: How'd you sleep?
H: Perfectly fine. How about you?
J: I also slept perfectly fine.
H: I'm happy to hear that.

This morning went by pretty fast, we haven't moved from bed at all. Unless it was to get snacks and to use the bathroom. Besides that we've been up in my room for the entire day. After a couple of hours, watching movies. Lizzie barged into my room, I sit up and Hope has a hand on my back.

L: Come down for dinner in about 20 minutes.
J: Okay Lizzie.
L: Hope don't forget, you gotta go home later.
H: I know.
L: I hope you have everything packed.
H: I do.
J: Lizzie just go downstairs.
L: Okay fine. Bye lovebirds.

Lizzie left the room and I rolled my eyes. Hope sat up and rubbed my back.

J: I'm sorry about her. This always happens.
H: Jo, it's okay. Don't worry about it.
J: You sure?
H: Mhm.

Hope gives me a quick peck and gets up. I stayed in my spot and Hope holds out her hand.

J: Can't we just stay here for a couple more minutes?
H: We should probably go eat.
J: I know and then you'll have to leave. I don't want you to leave.
H: I don't want to leave either.

I lay back down and Hope sits down next to me. I look at her and she gives me a small smile. Lizzie barges into the room again.

L: Dinners ready.
H: We'll be down in a minute.

Lizzie walks out of the room and Hope looks towards me. She holds my hand and kisses it.

H: Let's go downstairs love.
J: I don't know, I kinda like being here right now.
H: Me too but if we don't get up now then Lizzie will continuously barge in.
J: I know.

Hope gets up again and I follow behind. Once we are off the bed, I take her hand and we walk downstairs. I seen my dad at the dinner table this time. I quickly dropped her hand and sat down. Hope stood there awkwardly.

H: I should probably get going. I'll see you guys at school tomorrow.
Ca: No stay, there's enough food to pass around now.
H: It's getting pretty late. I don't want to disturb anything.
Ca: Oh okay, well be safe.
H: I will.

Hope walked out of the room, grabbed her bag and left the house.

Hope's POV
I left their house, I didn't want to stay longer especially after the whole thing. I text my dad to come pick me up. He said he would. I heard the door open and I turned and looked behind me. It was Josie.

H: Hey.
J: I'm really sorry about earlier.
H: No it's cool.

I looked back out towards the driveway, hoping to see my fathers car. Josie sat down next to me and placed her hand on my thigh.

J: I'm really sorry Hope.
H: You don't need to apologize.
J: I feel like I should.
H: Don't worry about it.

I stood up and crossed my arms. I didn't see my dad yet. Josie stood up and looked at me.

H: You should probably go back inside and finish dinner.
J: Okay well goodbye Hope. Text me when you get home.
H: I will. Goodbye Jo.

Josie was starting to walk inside until I grab her wrist, lightly. I cupped her face and kissed her. It turned into a passionate make out. I heard the door begin to open and I quickly pulled away.

J: Ow!
H: Sorry.

I seen her dad by the door. I gave him a small smile, my dad pulled up into the driveway.

A: I'm Alaric and you must be Hope.
H: Yessir.
A: I know about you guys dating. Caroline told me so it's weird how you guys are acting all awkward.
H: What do you mean?
A: Just don't hurt my daughter.
H: I don't even want to think about putting her through pain. It'd hurt me to much.
A: Good, I'll go inside. Josie come back to dinner after you say goodbye.

Josie nods at her dad. He leaves and closes the door. I let out a chuckle and looked at Josie. I seen her lip was bleeding after I pulled away from the kiss a little to quickly.

H: Fuck, I'm sorry about that.
J: It's fine.
H: Let me help you.

I grabbed a piece of my shirt and wiped it on her lip, getting all the blood off. I kissed her cheek and walked away, towards my dads car. Josie grabbed my wrist this time, turning me around. She kissed me and I pulled away. I gave her a small smile and she returned it.

J: Goodnight Hope.
H: Goodnight Josie.

She walked back inside, waving bye to me. I got inside my dads car. He pulled out and didn't ask questions. Thank god. Once we got to the house, he locked the car and looked at me.

Kl: That seemed like a pretty heated kiss. Something tells me that you guys will end up doing it in about a couple of days.
H: I really don't want to have the talk with you dad.
Kl: You sure? I could give you some tips on how to rock her world.
H: Dad I'm seriously good. I don't want to talk about it.
Kl: Oh come on sweetie. It'd be great father daughter time. You'll learn to become the best sex machine ever.
H: I don't want to be that. Please just stop.
Kl: Fine I'll get your mother to talk to you about it. Or maybe Freya sense she probably has more experience as a lesbian.
H: Dad!
Kl: What? I don't see a problem with it.

I roll my eyes and dad unlocked the car. I got out quickly and I can hear him laughing before I shut the door. I walked into the house and seen aunt Freya sitting on the couch.

F: How was Josie's house?
H: Fun.
F: We didn't even give you the talk yet.
H: Not that type of fun aunt Freya.
F: Oh whoops. Sorry Klaus told me another story.
H: Dad is just crazy.
Kl: Ouch kiddo. That's not something you say about your old man now.
H: I don't want to hear about it.
Kl: Okay well I'm going to bed. Have fun talking you two.

He walks off into his bedroom. I walk upstairs and aunt Freya walks upstairs with me. I got to my room and Freya walks in. I sit on my bed and she sits down next to me.

F: Sorry about your dad.
H: It's fine.
F: What'd you guys do today?
H: We watched movies and relaxed all day.
F: How long have you guys been dating?
H: About 6 days.
F: So far so good.
H: What do you mean?
F: Well next step is to have sex Hopey.
H: Where is everyone getting that nickname?
F: Cleo.
H: How is Cleo?
F: Well she apparently has a Saltzman on her mind as well.
H: Really?
F: Yep, Lizzie is on Cleo's mind 24/7 it seems like.
H: I should probably hang out with Cleo more. She's my best friend and I should be there for her.
F: She seems a little pre occupied at the moment.
H: I bet she is.

We both let out a chuckle, aunt Freya says goodnight and walks away. I got ready for bed and went to bed. I texted Josie to let her know that I made it home.

-Text Messages-
H: Goodnight <3
J: Have you made it home?
H: Mhm. How was dinner with your dad?
J: Well he explained why he wasn't at mine and Lizzie's birthday.
H: What was the reason?
J: He was apparently trying to find areas to go on a field trip.
H: Sounds like fun. He still should've been at your party.
J: Yeah but it's whatever now. I'm going to bed, I'll see you at school tomorrow.
H: I'll see you at school as well. Goodnight.
J: Goodnight.
-After Text Messages-

I put my phone up and fell asleep.


Josie's POV
I woke up in the middle of the night. I checked my phone and seen it was midnight. I sat up and rubbed my face with my hands. Why am I up? Lizzie barged into my room and sat on my bed.

J: Is everything okay?
L: I was about to ask you the same thing Jo. Did you hear that loud crash downstairs?
J: No. I just woke up. We should go check on mom.

Lizzie nods and we both stood up. We walked out of my room, quietly. We walked to our moms room and nobody was there. She wasn't in her bed, we walked downstairs. We checked all over the place in the house. Last place we had to check was the kitchen.

We got to the kitchen and seen mom with a bottle of champagne. I grabbed the champagne and put it up. Lizzie grabbed moms cup and put it in the sink.

J: Lizzie help me pick up mom.
L: Yeah I'm on it.

Our mom kept walking away from us. I grabbed onto her hand and Lizzie did the same. We helped her up to her room and made her lay down. I looked at Lizzie and signaled her to go get some water. Lizzie left the room and I looked at mom.

Ca: I'm so sorry you had to see me like that.
J: It's okay mom. Is everything okay?
Ca: Let's talk about it tomorrow sweetie. Just go lay down.

Lizzie got back with the water and crawled up to mom. She handed mom the water. We both snuggled into our moms sides. Once our mom fell asleep, Lizzie also fell asleep. I stayed up, scrolling on my phone. I checked the time and realized it was 3am. I put my phone down and fell asleep. 

-The Morning-

Lizzie's POV
I woke up first this time. Mom would always wake up first but it's best if she got the rest. I look over at Josie and seen she was still snuggled into mom. I got up out of bed and shook my sister awake. Once she was awake, I walked out of the room. Josie followed right after, I decided to make breakfast and Josie would go get ready for school. I turn around and seen mom out of her bed.

L: You should go lay back down mom.
Ca: You should go get ready for school. Let me cook breakfast.
L: Okay just don't burn it.

Mom took over and I ran to my room to get changed. After changing, I seen Josie had her door closed. I knocked on her door and heard her say come in. I walked inside and she was drying her hair.

L: I see you took a shower.
J: Yes I did. I should stay here and take care of mom.
L: Mom will be fine. We just have to check in every now and then.
J: She shouldn't be left alone. She's a mess Lizzie.

We heard footsteps walking up the stairs. I turn around and seen mom with Hope behind her. I gave mom a confused look. She gave me a small smile.

Ca: Don't worry about me girls. Go to school. Also Hopes uncle wants to drive you guys to school. Don't ask just go.

Josie got up and walked out the door. I followed after her, Hope was the last one out. Once we got to Hope's uncles car. He opened the doors for everyone.

Ko: Good morning darlings.
J: Good morning Kol.
L: Good morning.

We got into the car and he drove off. He was jamming out to music while everyone looks out the windows.

Ko: So how was everyone's night?
H: It was okay.
L: It was fine.
J: It was definitely something.

Everybody's eyes were on Josie. I see her look down and I laid my head on her shoulder.

Ko: Well whatever happened last night, let's hope today is better.
H: Yeah what uncle Kol said.

We finally got to the school after the awkward silence. I quickly got out and left them behind. I seen Cleo and she ran up to me.

Cl: Is everything okay Lizzie?
L: Yeah. Just a rough night. Look let's get to class and then maybe I'll tell you after school.
Cl: Okay.

We walked to our classes.

Hope's POV
Josie seemed hesitant to get out of the car. I opened her door and helped her out. She seemed like she was on the verge of tears.

H: Do you want to talk about it?
J: No, I think I'm good. I'm just gonna go to class and I'll see you later.

Josie ran off quickly, well she more likely walked away quickly. I looked at my uncle and he shrugged his shoulders.

Ko: Actually I have something. You should give it to her.
H: What is it?

Uncle Kol got back into his car and grabbed something. He walked up to me and handed me it. It was a bracelet that had the words "I love you" on the inside of it.

H: Was this meant for Davina?
Ko: Nope. I got it for you to give to Josie.
H: What if she doesn't want it? She already has a necklace that I gave her.
Ko: Girls love gifts like that. I think. Davina likes them.
H: Okay, I'll just give it to her but I gotta go. I'll be late because of you.
Ko: Whoops, Bye kiddo.

I nod and ran off. I quickly got to my locker and seen Landon.

La: What's up with Josie? Did you guys already break up?
H: What? No!
La: Okay no need for yelling. What's wrong with her tho?
H: She wouldn't tell me. She just ran off.
La: Really?
H: Yeah, why?
La: Well what if she's-
H: Don't do that. You'll make me overthink.

I quickly grabbed my books. I closed my locker and seen Josie struggling to open her locker. I pushed past Landon and got to Josie.

H: Hey, stop for just a second.
J: I have to get to class. I can't be late.
H: Just breathe love.

I placed my hands on her shoulder and she stopped moving. I looked into her eyes and seen she was closer to tears.

H: Just inhale and exhale. You got this, okay?
J: Okay

Josie does as told, I took my hands off of her shoulders. I held onto her hands and she gave me a small smile.

J: Thank you.
H: No problem. Now try opening your locker.

I dropped her hands and she opened her locker. I looked around and seen Landon standing by my locker still. He walked up to us.

La: That was so adorable.
J: T-thanks?

I looked at Josie and she had some blush creeping up.

H: I gotta get to class, I'll see you later.
J: Okay, bye.

I gave her a quick kiss on her cheek and walked off to class. What an eventful morning.

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