Trans Tommy Story (DSMP)

By LinoIsHeree_

4.2K 189 197

He hated being a girl but he felt trapped, like he couldn't tell anyone, he hated being miss gendered but he... More

Mystery Person
The Voice
Another Nightmare
Oh No
Back Here
Going Back Home...Kinda
The Dead Has Risen
A Purple Problem
A Prank
Beanie Boy is Back
A "Happy" Get Away To The Mountains
All Over The Place...
Going Back
The Nether, The Lava
Finally Arrived
That Time Of The Month Again
"He's not here, you're ok"
Real or Not
The End Lol

Piss Off Phil

126 5 12
By LinoIsHeree_

"Lift your sleeve up now" Dream demanded. "B-but why" Tommy said with tears in his eyes. "FINE THEN I'LL DO IT" Dream yelled as he grabbed Tommy's wrist and lifted up his sleeve.

"PLEASE NO" Tommy yelled as he jolted awake, accidentally waking Ranboo up next to him. "Tommy?" Ranboo said as he leaned up with a yawn and a stretch. "S-sorry" Tommy said with a voice crack as he laid back down and panicked quietly. Ranboo then noticed how fast Tommy's chest was rising and falling. "Hey, you alright" he asked him. "M-mhm" Tommy mumbled. "Look at me, whats wrong" Ranboo asked as he went to grab Tommy's shoulder but accidentally made him flinch.

"Tommy its alright, can you sit up and breathe with me for a second" Ranboo said as he sat in front on Tommy. Tommy looked at him and slowly sat up as he stared at his hands. "It's alright, look at me, everything's going to be ok" Ranboo said with a smile as Tommy looked at him. "Can you breathe with me for a second, ready" Ranboo said as he breathed dramatically with hand motions, soon watching as Tommy nodded and copied. "That's it, your doing so well" Ranboo said with a smile as they continued until Tommy was calm.

"There we go, are you ok now" Ranboo said as Tommy grabbed his hand and held it tightly, he still had tears in his eyes. "I-I'm scared" Tommy cried. "It's alright, want a hug" Ranboo said as he opened his arms. Tommy nodded as he jumped into his arms. "It's alright, you're safe now" Ranboo said as he held Tommy whilst stroking his hair. "Thank you so much" Tommy said quietly as he hugged Ranboo tightly. "No problem man, you ok" he asked Tommy once more. Tommy nodded.

"Guys?" Tubbo said as he sat up and rubbed his eyes, he didn't sound tired, like he had been awake for a bit. "Another nightmare?" He asked, receiving a nod. "I wanna join in" Tubbo laughed as he hugged them both, making them laugh.

They all stopped when they heard Tommy's phone make a 'ping' noise. Tommy picked up and looked at the notification, it was a text from Phil. He opened it and read it "can you come 'round to mine for a bit, I wanna talk" the text read. "Sure" Tommy texted back. "What is it?" Ranboo asked. "Phil wants me to go 'round to his" Tommy responded. "Oh alright, want us to go with?" Tubbo asked. "Nah, it's probably just nothing" Tommy said before saying bye and going.

Tommy knocked on the door, watching it fly open as Phil grabbed his wrist, making him gasp. "Why do you wanna stay with them so badly huh" Phil said sternly. "I-I don't know" Tommy responded as his breathing started to shorten. "Oh really" Phil said sarcastically as he felt scratch's on Tommy's wrist. He then stopped and looked at his wrist. "S-stop" Tommy said as he tried to make Phil let go. "I can't believe you" Phil said with a mad face. "D-dad?" Tommy said as he watched Phil dig his nails into the cuts. "OW STOP" Tommy yelled as blood started to appear.

"So ungrateful!" Phil yelled. "T-TECHNO" Tommy yelled. "Techno isn't here right now, he went out to the woods" Phil said as he stared at the cuts, watching as more blood started appearing. "PLEASE STOP! DAD WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU" Tommy yelled as he began to panic more, seeing memory's flash in his head. "WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS HUH" Phil yelled as he finally stopped and dragged Tommy into a room before locking it. "YOU WILL STAY IN HERE UNTIL YOU HAVE THOUGHT ABOUT YOUR ACTIONS" Phil yelled before leaving with the key.

Tommy was panicking more and more until he remembered, his phone. He quickly pulled it out and called his group chat with Ranboo and Tubbo. They both soon picked up as Tommy sighed with relief. "Are you alright?" They both asked. "P-please help me, P-Phil has locked me I-in a room and won't l-let me out" Tommy managed to get out as he saw little black dots start to cloud his vision until he heard Ranboo. "Ok, we are on our way now, can you try and breathe with me until we get there" Ranboo said as Tommy heard snow crunching and panting.

"Mhm" Tommy responded as he breathed with Ranboo. "We are almost there Tommy" Tubbo said as he saw the little house come into view. "Wheres Techno?" Tubbo asked. "I-I don't know" Tommy responded before going back to breathing. Tommy soon heard a door break open and yelling. "PHILZA MINECRAFT WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU" Tubbo yelled, also hanging up the phone as Ranboo started to search. "Tommy what room are you in?" Ranboo asked calmly. "I-I don't know" Tommy responded as the black dots went away.

"Ok, I'll start knocking on the doors and tell me if I knock on yours ok" Ranboo said as he started knocking. "O-ok" Tommy responded as he listened. "THAT ONE" Tommy yelled through the phone. "This one?" Ranboo said as he knocked again. "YES" Tommy said with relief as he crawled towards the door. He then felt a sharp pain as he remember his wrist. "You alright?" Ranboo asked, he had heard the little hurt noise Tommy had done. "Y-yes, please get me out of here" Tommy begged as he sat up against the door.

"Where are the keys?" Ranboo asked. "Phil has em" Tommy said as he saw the blood trail he had left on the floor. "Why is there blood outside the door, did he hurt you?" Ranboo asked. "N-no" Tommy responded as he cried quietly. "Ok, it's alright, you'll be out of there soon" Ranboo said as he hung up and sat down so he could speak through the door. "Hey Tommy, Tubbos looking for Phil right now, you're going to be ok I promise" Ranboo said through the door. "Ok" Tommy said quietly as he tried to stay calm.

"THAT IS CHILD ABUSE DO YOU KNOW THAT, YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS DO YOU HEAR ME OLD MAN, JUST WAIT UNTIL TECHNO HEARS ABOUT THIS" Tommy heard Tubbo yell, making him flinch into the door, making it move a bit. "It's alright, just listen to me ok, it's all going to be ok very soon I promise" Ranboo said through the door as he felt the slight movement of the door. "GIVE ME THE FUCKING KEYS RIGHT NOW OR I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL KNOCK YOU OUT" Tubbo yelled. "IF I REALLY AM OLD THEN SHOULDN'T YOU RESPECT YOUR ELDERS" Phil yelled back.

"You're an exception" Tubbo laughed before he punched Phil in the face and grabbed the keys out of his pocket. "I'VE GOT THEM" Tubbo yelled as he ran to the room and opened it. Tommy then ran into Ranboos arms, completely forgetting about his wrist. "You're alright, let's get out of this horrible place" Ranboo said as he held Tommy's hand and ran with Tubbo following closely behind.

"W-wait, can we s-stop for a second" Tommy said as the pain in his wrist got worse. They all stopped and looked at Tommy, watching as he fell to the ground whilst holding his wrist. "Are you alright, did he hurt you" Tubbo asked as he put his arm around Tommy. "H-he dug his nails in my s-scars, making them bleed" Tommy explained as they started to sting. "I can carry you if you need" Ranboo said with a smile as he knelt down in front of Tommy. "N-no it's ok" Tommy said as he stood up, soon feeling dizzy and stumbling. "Ok yeah I'm carrying you" Ranboo said as he quickly grabbed Tommy and picked his up.

"You ok" Tubbo asked as he looked at Tommys wrist. "I-I feel dizzy" Tommy mumbled. "That's why I'm carrying you" Ranboo said as the mansion soon came into view. "Almost there" Tubbo said with a smile. "I'll go ahead of you 2 and get the medkit" Tubbo said as more blood started to drip. "Ok, be quick though" Ranboo said as he started to walk faster, also noticing the dripping blood.

He sped walked up the stairs and to Tommy's bedroom, he then laid Tommy on his bed. "Are you ok" he asked as he sat next to Tommy. "I-I don't know" Tommy stuttered as he started to see the memory's again. He then sat up and stared at the wall. "Tommy look at me, it's alright, you're safe now" Ranboo said with a smile. Tommy snapped out of it and nodded. "T-thank you" Tommy said as tears started to form. "Got it" Tubbo said as he ran over to the bed and sat on the right side of Tommy. He then placed the medkit down on his lap and searched for the bandages.

He soon found them and slowly wrapped them around Tommy's wrist. Tommy winced every now and then until the bandage was secure. "Is there anything you wanna talk about" Tubbo asked as he tucked the bandage in and closed the medkit. "N-no, thank you, both of you" Tommy said with a small smile. "It's no problem" Ranboo said with a smile. "What he said" Tubbo said, making them laugh.

They all soon ate, (of cause Tommy only ate a tiny bit), and went to bed. Ranboo and Tubbo slept in their own bedroom this time, leaving Tommy alone in the dark.

Another chapter DOWN LETS GO

1597 words

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