Last Summer // George Weasley

By Weasley__writer

65.5K 1.5K 251

Samantha, Fred, and George have been inseparable since their first year at Hogwarts. But now in their final y... More

2. Don't Get Burned
3. Strawberry Ice Cream
4. So It Begins
5. Partys Over
6. Keep no secrets
7. See No Evil
8. Sweet Love and Devotion
9. Deja Vu
10. Lamb To The Slaughter
11. Complicated
12. Hear No Evil
13. Unlucky 13
14. Merry Something
15. Try again
16. Merry and Bright
17. Extravaganza
18. New Year
19. Up In Smoke
20. You and I
21. Call Out My Name
22. Oblivion
23. Suffer
24. Hot Water
25. Threes Company
26. Promise Not To Tell
27. Another year
28. You in?
29. Ready Set Go
30. New Beginings
31. Day One
32. Not My Fault
33. Easy Like a...
34. Moving
35. Going To The Chaple
36. The Day Before
37. And We're Gonna Get Married
38. Ocean Spray
39. Home Sweet Home
40. Dont Play With Fire
41. Falling leaves
42. Prisoner
43. Heist
44. Saviour
45. At Last
46. Last Christmas
47. Walk Down Memory Lane
48. When We Were Young
49. Storm watch
50. Petrichor
51. Here or There
52. How War Ends
53. Back to you
54. Work
55. Fool me twice
56. Say Goodbye
57. Fall apart
58. Make amends
59. Just the two of us
60. Welcome Back
61. Amnesia
62. Uptown Girl
63. Familiar Faces
64. White Dress
65. Games
66. Ghosts in the night
67. Family Tree
68. Forever After

1. The Beginning

5.5K 55 11
By Weasley__writer

The sun glittered in the reflection off of the still waters in the pond and the tall grasses swayed in the wind. The only sounds to be heard was the occasional bird flying overhead and the chirping cicadas. The warm breeze gently caressed Samantha's face and dragged a strand of her hair across her eyes. She lazily brushed it off of her face and let out a long sigh as she soaked in the feeling of the warm summer sun beat down on her face as she laid in the soft grass.

A large shadow cast itself in front of Samantha and she carefully opened her eyes keeping them squinted as to not let too much sun light in. Two redheaded boys looked down at her and she waited for one to speak

"You've been laying around all afternoon can we please do something fun now" Fred finally spoke. You sighed again and lifted yourself up onto her elbows.

"And what exactly did you have in mind Fred" you asked

"Let's go into the pond it's too hot out here"

"You two are more than welcome to go swim but I'm fine here" Samantha said closing her eyes and laying back in the grass.

"You're no fun" George huffed and the two boys walked off towards the pond pulling off their clothes as they went. Samantha sat up again and peeked at the two now just in their boxers cannonball into the pond disrupting the still waters. The boys swam for awhile before Ginny called for the three from the top of the hill

"Mum says it's time to wash up for dinner" she shouted loud enough that even Fred and George heard over their antics in the pond. You started to get up out of the grass when four wet arms grabbed you

"WHAT Are you doing"

"You looked too hot darling" George said as the two boys carried you closer and closer to the pond

"Thought you could use some cooling off" Fred explained before they easily tossed you into the pond. As if it happened in slow motion you could see the glistening water under you as you crashed through the surface, under the water everything was cool and quiet. But as you swam back up to the surface and let out a gasp everything sped back up and the twins were running off towards the house. You pulled yourself out of the pond pushing your wet hair out of your face. Your tank top clung to you and your shorts dripped as you made your way back to the burrow. When you entered the kitchen Molly turned as her smile dropped as soon as she saw you

"I thought I told Ginny to tell you kids it was time to wash up for supper"

"I'm sorry Mrs. Weasley I-"

"She just takes things too literally mum" Fred spoke up eyeing your wet clothes

"Went and took a bloody bath in the pond" George squeaked out and narrowly avoided laughing. Before Samantha could say anything else Mrs. Weasley was shuffling her up the stairs to go dry off. Samantha ran upstairs and into the bathroom and dried herself off before going into the twins room where her trunk was. She discarded her wet clothes and threw some of them on Fred's bed and some on George's, a surprise for them for later. She then changed into some new shorts and George's quidditch t shirt that was folded on top of the dresser before running back downstairs. You walked into the kitchen humming one of your favorite songs uptown girl and threw her still wet hair into a bun.

"Stop humming that muggle rubbish" Fred yelled and threw a biscuit at Samantha which she caught as she sat down next to Ginny who giggled when you rolled your eyes. Everyone chatted through the whole meal especially Ron who wouldn't stop talking about Harry and Hermione coming to stay tomorrow. When the meal was over you and Ginny offered to do the clean up while the boys all ran upstairs to avoid helping

"They're so annoying" Ginny said taking the washed plate from you to dry

"Yeah but just.... Give it a minute" you said smiling down at the dishes. Moments later Fred and George yelled from upstairs

"SAMANTHA" you could hear their footsteps heading to the stairs

"What did you do" Ginny asked with a wild look on her face

"We'll they felt the need to throw me in the pond and I didn't want them to miss out on all the fun so I left my wet clothes on the bed" I laughed and so did Ginny "I didn't want them to feel left out or anything"

The twins came running down the stairs and into the kitchen. You put the plates down and glanced at the door that led to the garden

"What's up guys" you said trying to sound casual

"What's up?!" Fred boomed

"Maybe you should tell us" George shouted. You smiled and took a few small steps towards the door but didn't say anything.

"Maybe this will jog your memory" Fred threw your wet shirt over the table at you which you caught and turned over in your hands

"Oh that" you said taking another step closer to the door "I just thought you guys shouldn't be left out of the fun of getting thrown in the pond" you explained and smile creeping across your face.

"That's it" Fred lunged over the table and George ran around it but you were already out the door and running away from the burrow, you could hear Ginny cheering you on you from the kitchen window. You ran so fast your lungs burned but the twins long legs were no match for yours and they quickly caught up to you. George grabbed you by the waist and threw you to the ground, he pinned you down and Fred started to tickle you

"No - please..... STOP" you gasped between laughs kicking your legs trying to get the boys off of you as tears started steaming down your face from laughing so hard. Fred finally stopped and George let go of your wrists.

"I'd say we're even" Fred said looking pleased as he got to his feet. George offered you his hand to help you off of the ground which you gladly took, but once you were standing he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder before heading towards home. You squirmed around a bit and he lightly hit your butt signaling you to stop

"Oi" you shouted at him and Fred burst out laughing.


After you finally finished helping Ginny with the clean up you went upstairs for a shower and got into some pajamas before plopping down on Fred bed.

"I can't believe summers almost over" you said finally breaking the silence

"Yeah don't remind me" Fred said covering his face with his pillow

"Come on" George said standing up "you can't waste the last days of summer moping around" he shuffled through some records that I had given them over the years and finally settled on one. He placed it on the record player and set the needle before my favorite song started streaming out

Uptown girl She's been living in her uptown world

I smiled up at George and again he offered me his hand to help me off of the bed. I raised an eyebrow and looked at his extended hand

"Oh just take it" he laughed. George pulled you to your feet and started spinning you around

I bet she's never had a backstreet guy

I bet her momma never told her why

Fred sat up on his bed and started

humming along while he watched you and George dance around the room. Samantha laughed and danced around George and reached out for Fred to join them who reluctantly joined in.

I'm gonna try for an uptown girl

She's been living in her white-bred world

You started to sing along and no longer were you thinking of long nights studying in the library. You were thinking about right now and how perfect this moment felt.

As long as anyone with hot blood can

And now she's looking for a downtown man That's what I am

George hopped up onto his bed and started jumping and dancing and joined in singing with you.

"Come on Freddie" you giggled and encouraged him to sing along but he shook his head and laughed at you.

And when she knows what She wants from her time And when she wakes up

And makes up her mind

You got on George's bed with him jumping and singing and laughing like mad

She'll see I'm not so tough

Just because

"Fred please" you begged and he finally joined you two on the bed

I'm in love with an uptown girl

You know I've seen her in her uptown world

The three of you scream sang the song while bouncing all over the bed and finally when the song ended all of you collapsed on the bed, completely out of breath. Samanthas face hurt from smiling so hard as she looked over at her two best friends. 


You laid on the spare cot in Ginnys room where you sleep every night, looking out the window at the stars fading into the early morning sky. You had woken up an hour ago but it was too early for anyone else to be up. You finally decided to head downstairs for a cup of tea. You grabbed your wand and a threw a sweater over your t shirt and pajama shorts before quietly leaving the room
"Lumos" you whisper lighting up the hallway so you can see where you're going. You creep down the stairs being careful to avoid the third from last stair that creeks the loudest. The only sound in the house was the clock quietly ticking and your bare feet plodding on the kitchen floor. You grabbed the kettle and started filling it up when you heard someone come in behind you
"Morning" George smiled leaning up against the wall
"I'm sorry George did I wake you"
"No" he shrugged "just couldn't sleep"
"Do you want some tea" you offered. George smiled and took the kettle from your hand
"Not now" he took your hand in his and lead you out the front door.
"George where are we going" you asked
"On a walk" he said as if it was obvious.
Your bare feet came down on the Dewey grass and a chill ran through your body. You pulled your sweater closer to your body as you trekked through the morning fog. You and George walked in a comfortable silence until you came up to a oak tree with a small slightly dilapidated beach underneath it and you both sat.
"I like coming here when I can't sleep"George told you looking out over the Meadow. You pulled your knees up to your chin and rested your head on them
"It's pretty here" you whispered. It seemed as if you spoke too loudly you might ruin this beautiful morning.
"Why couldn't you sleep" George asked and you just shrugged. He knew not to press any further, that if you wanted to tell him you would.
"What about you" you asked George
"Fred snores" he chuckled and you smiled up at him.
"How are you feeling about school" George asked smiling back at you
"I don't know" you paused "we have newts this year and I'm worried it'll be too much" you finally said. George laughed and you felt your face go red
"I'm sorry but you're too smart to worry about that stuff, you're easily best in our year"
"That doesn't mean it isn't a lot of work" you said quietly looking down at your feet
"I know that" George said "you work really hard. But I have confidence you'll do great" he gently rubbed your back and neither of you said anything else.

The sun was now up and you and George headed back for breakfast. When you walked into the kitchen Molly was cooking and Arthur was sitting at the table reading the paper
"Morning kids" he said without looking up "where did you two get off to this morning" he asked
"Just out for a walk" George said sitting down next to a half asleep Fred. Ron was already on his second helping of pancakes and you sat down next to him
"When's Harry and Hermione getting here" you asked him
"Nout shiuor" he said through mouthful of food
"In English this time please" you said unsure of his answer. Ron swallowed his bite and sheepishly smiled at you
"Not sure yet, hopefully soon"
Ginny came down the stairs with her eyes closed and her hair flying everywhere which way
"Morning sleepy" you laughed as she sat down at the table next to Fred and laid her head down just like him.
"Well Weasleys" Arthur said taking one last sip of tea "I'm off. I'm working a double today so I will see you all tomorrow morning" Molly gave him a kiss before he disappeared out the front door.
"What do you say we have a bonfire tonight" George suggested "and some fire whiskey" he said lowering his voice. Ginny perked up a bit at the mention of fire whiskey
"I'm in" she said before slamming her head back down on the table making everyone laugh.
Shortly after breakfast Harry and Hermione showed up and after greeting everyone they all went up to Ron's room
"So what are you up to for the rest of the day" you asked Ginny
"Oh uhm I don't know" she looked up the stairs "might go read or like....." she trailed off still looking up to Ron's room
"Or maybe go drool over the chosen one" you teased
"What?! No that's not... I'm not I... don't" Ginny stammered Making you laugh
"It's fine Ginny. Go hang out with them, Fred George and I are going to get some last minute school supplies. But we'll be back in time for the fire" you told her before going off to get dressed.
You threw on some jeans and a t shirt and slipped on your shoes and then met the boys downstairs. You each took your turn using the floo powder to get to diagonal alley
"I need to stop at gringotts. I'll meet up with you guys after" you told them as they headed off towards the quidditch store.
After getting what you needed from your fathers vault you walked back out onto the street and headed towards the other shops. Outside of the quidditch store Fred was sitting down and George was talking to someone you didn't recognize
"Hey guys" you said when you walked up and gave Fred's leg a small kick
"Finally" he said getting up "George has been talking to Katie this whole time"
You glanced back over to the pair and they hadn't even noticed you showed up
"Can we just go without them" Fred asked and you nodded linking arms with him and walking down the street, glancing back one last time.
"Who was that" I asked Fred as we walking into Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour
"That's Katie bell she's in the year below us"
"Oh" you looked at the different ice cream flavors but suddenly you weren't very hungry
"What were they talking about"
"I'm not sure quidditch and school and other boring stuff" Fred said not paying much attention "she's such a flirt she laughed at everything he says"
You felt your heart sink and you couldn't explain why, why it bothered you she was talking to George. You sighed and tried to get it out of your mind
"Let's order" you smiled at Fred.


I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter! Im not a great writer and this is my first time writing so please bare with me :) 

This is basically what I imagine Samantha to look like :)

and here is her outfit

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