65. Games

501 14 1

This chapter contains smut
Song: let's fall in love for the night by Finneas

Work was in full swing and today was the new girls first say.

Emily was very nice and you thought she fit in well, the two of you were currently in the back room while you taught her about all the inventory

"And that's about it" you smiled and shrugged your shoulders
"That's a lot" she joked

"It is but you'll pick it up quickly"
"Thanks" Emily smiled at you
"How's your first day going" you asked

"It's going pretty well, Fred and George are really good bosses and obviously you are too"
You laughed  
"thanks, I try"

The two of you walked back out into the floor and you showed Emily how to use the cash register.

Fred wandered over and smiled at the two of you

"How you getting along Emily?" He asked
"I'm fine" she said tucking her hair behind her ears

"Samantha's not being too mean is she" he teased and you stuck your tongue out at him

"No she's lovely" Emily said
"Weird" Fred looked between the two of you

"I've never met the lovely side of Samantha"
You hit him in the arm and laughed

"My point" he said pushing you away. Emily chuckled shaking her head and got back to work ringing up a customer.

You followed Fred out into the floor and stopped next to him and George

"Fred" you hissed
"why didn't you try to talk to her more"
"I don't know what to say to her" Fred sighed

"You don't have to say anything special" you told him
"just talk to her like normal"

"You think Fred can do normal" George asked glancing down at you

"Stay out of this George" Fred said
"Yeah George" you mimicked him
"stay out of this"

George slowly looked down at you with an eyebrow raised
"Oh really"

"Really" you said trying to sound tough

"Nothing" George said walking away but turning back momentarily
"I'll deal with you later"

"Promise?" you teased
"Stop with the weird sex stuff at work" Fred groaned making you laugh as you walked off.

When the last customer left Emily was sweeping up the shop humming to herself.

Fred stood at the counter watching her
"Hey Emily" you walked up to her
"Hi Samantha"

"So Fred was just saying how hungry he was and he was planning on going to the leaky cauldron for dinner" you told her
"wanna join?"

"Oh uhm sure id love to join you all"
"Well unfortunately George and I have plans but Fred would be happy for the company" you said taking the broom form her hand
"Oh alright"

You walked over to Fred a proud smile on your face

"You've got a date tonight, you're welcome" you handed him the broom and went upstairs.

George was already upstairs and when you closed the door behind you he lunged in an almost animalistic way.

Your back slammed up against the wall and he looked down at you his eyes dark and filled with lust

"Whatcha doin George" you said casually knowing very well you would just get him more worked up

"What am I doing?" He repeated slowly as his trailed his hand up your torso to your neck, his hand easily fitting around it squeezing ever so gently.

Last Summer // George WeasleyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang