26. Promise Not To Tell

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Song: wildest dreams by Taylor swift

You ran as fast as your legs would carry you before collapsing in an empty hall. You heard someone behind you and your heart started to race
"Hello" you called out
"Just me" George said appearing from around the corner
"Oh good" you said catching your breath
"Are you okay"
"I don't know what came over me, I don't usually do things like that"
"Well I think it was bloody brilliant" George knelt down next to you "and I think you're amazing" he kissed the top of your head. You sat in silence for a few minutes calming yourself
"I don't want to go to dinner"
"That's fine love..... come with me, I have a better idea" George took your hand in his and lead you down the hall. You walked for a few minutes until you were outside the prefects bathroom
"George neither of us are prefects"
"Doesn't mean I don't know the password" he smirked and opened up the door. The two of you walked inside and you looked around
"Wow" you smiled at George "it's beautiful in here"
George strode over to a large claw foot tub that looked out over the forest and turned the water on. The steamy water filled the tub and you walked up behind George and wrapped your arms around him
"I love you"
"I love you too Samantha"
The tub filled and George slowly took your clothes off and then his own. You carefully stepped into the tub and sat in the hot water, George sat behind you and placed a kiss on your neck. George picked up a bar of soap and started rubbing it over your body. You let out a long sigh, all of your tension melting away in the hot bath water. George lathered the soap and rubbed your back as he went
"Is this alright"
"Yeah it feels great George"
"Why not" you dunked your head under the water wetting all of your hair. George put  shampoo in his hands and started massaging it through your hair. You closed your eyes and leaned your head back the feeling of George's hands making you relax even more. He rinses your hair and started trailing kisses down your neck
"So beautiful"
You and George spent almost an hour in the bath together before climbing out and drying off. George wrapped you in a fluffy towel that you snuggled down into and tied one around his waist. You got dressed back in your clothes and walked out of the bathroom with George

"I'm hungry" you whined up at him
"You're the one who wanted to skip dinner" George laughed "but don't worry love, I'll take care of it"
The two of you walked hand in hand through the castle until you got to the kitchen. You sat on a stool and watched George get to work, he opened up the fridge and looked around for a moment
"How do you feel about pancakes"
"George Weasley you know how to make pancakes" you giggled
"Not only can I make pancakes..... I can make the best pancakes" George gathered his ingredients and you rested you head on your hand watching him work
"This, I could get used to" George found an apron in the closet and tied it around his waist
"Fashionable eh?"
He modeled the pink apron that had ruffled edges and you nodded holding back laughter. George whisked together the batter and spooned it into the hot pan as you leaned over the counter wanting a better look. George was focused on flipping the pancakes and you smiled at him, his tongue sticking out while he focused on the task at hand. You loved him so much you had no words, your heart fluttered watching him thinking of the future together. Pancakes on a Sunday morning in your own home.
"Whatcha thinking about" George asked
"Just you.....and me and.... Our future"
"Oh and what does this future with you and me look like"
"A bit like this" you smiled "Sunday mornings in pajamas, in our own home, your pancakes of course"
"That sounds nice" George put the pancakes on a plate and went over to the fridge
"And maybe...eventually.... Some kids" you said quietly feeling blush creep up your cheeks. George put some blueberries on the pancakes and placed them in front of you
"That sounds perfect" he kissed your cheek and sat down next to you. You smiled and took a big bite of the warm fluffy pancakes
"George these are amazing"
"What did I tell you babe" George smiled proudly and took a bite "best pancakes in the whole country"
"Oh I'm sure" you laughed. The two of you spent the rest of the night talking and eating pancakes and once you were finally stuffed you and George walked through the castle back to your common room.

Later that month you and Hermione walked down to the library together to study
"So the twins birthday is coming up and I want to do something special for them" you told her fiddling with your locket
"I mean you already got them the best Christmas gift ever.... What more could you do" Hermione laughed
"I don't know" you shrugged "I want to throw them a party I know that much"
"Well Harry Ron and I would be more than happy to help" you spread out your books on the table in front of you and pulled out a quill and some parchment.
"Thanks, maybe the four of us and Ginny can meet up at the three broomsticks this weekend to plan"
"Sounds good" Hermione started reading her advanced potions books. You followed her lead and started on your essay for defense against the dark arts, though you could barely focus.
"What about you and Ron" you said pushing your work aside
"What about me and Ronald"
"Well didnt the two of you kiss"
Hermione nodded
"And maybe do a bit more" you wiggles your eyebrows
"Unfortunately we did and now he won't talk about it or barely talk to me, but he'll talk to other girls.... And song them"
"What a complete ass"
"My thoughts exactly"
"I'm sorry Hermione"
"I'm not sure how you got the romantic Weasley and I'm left with.... Well with that" Hermione pointed towards Ron and Harry who were walking towards you
"Evening" Harry greeted the two of you
"Harry..... Ron" Hermione glanced at him and he avoided eye contact
"Well as stimulating as this is" you said clearing your throat "I have other places to be"
You gathered up your books and waved goodbye to your friends.

That weekend you were sitting in the three broomsticks with Ginny
"So you and Dean broke up"
"Yep" Ginny just looked down at her butter beer
"I'm sorry Gin"
"Don't be, I broke up with him"
"Oh..... well is because of ha-"
Ginny kicked you under the table as your three friends approached
"Hey guys" she smiled
"Ginny, hi!" Harry shouted, you looked at your other friends who were just as confused as you
"Guess I don't count" you teased Harry
"Samantha sorry"
"It's fine Harry I know you love me" you ruffled his hair. You and your friends sat around your table and planned out the party you were having for the twins
"So it's settled, Ginny and I are on decorations, Harry and Ron food and Samantha alcohol and sending out messages to everyone to tell them"
"Perfect" you smiled satisfied with everything
"No one makes a fuss like this for my birthday" Ron huffed
"Maybe if you were nicer Ronald then we would" you teased "and to be fair we have thrown you big parties before"
Ron stuck his tongue out at you and you got some whipped cream from the butter beer and smeared it on his cheek
"Try me Weasley"
"I have one annoying sister Merlin, isn't that enough"
"Never" you giggled
"I hate my life" Ron dropped his head into the table and everyone laughed.
Lee came bursting into the pub looking around for you wildly
"The twins" he panted "are coming"
"I thought I told you to keep them busy" you and your friends jumped up from the table
"You think I could keep those two out of a pub indefinitely" Lee shouted
Ginny and Harry snuck out of the door during the commotion and Ron chased after them. You and Hermione went to a booth in the back of the room and hid your faces.
George and Fred walked into the three broomsticks and looked for Lee
"Lee what the fuck" Fred asked sounding bewildered
"Why did you take off" George asked
"Just wanted to see if I could beat you here" he said "which I did"
"Yeah alright then mate" Fred gave him a weird look and walked past him to the bar.
"Now what" Hermione hissed
"Shhh" you slid under the table and Hermione did the same "just wait"
The three boys sat themselves down at a table George and Fred's back to the door. You and Hermione slowly crawled out from under the table watching the boys as you went, you bumped a chair by accident and Lee shouted nonsense distracting the boys long enough for you to reach the door
"Seriously mate what's wrong with you" George asked Lee as you and Hermione slipped out.
"Merlin that was hard" Hermione said standing up and dusting herself off
"All in a days work" you joked and stood up yourself. You spotted Ron outside the pub and you nodded your head over to him
"Go talk to him" you said to Hermione "straighten it out"
She let out a big sigh and nodded
"You're right, see you later?"
"For sure" you smiled and headed back up to the castle.

Last Summer // George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now