17. Extravaganza

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Song: the lakes by Taylor swift

Mrs. Weasley was planning a New Year's Eve party back at burrow now that Arthur was home and safe. She had been crazy busy for days and today you, Ginny and Hermione were going to accompany her to diagon alley. You dressed early in the morning, before any of the boys had woken up and the three of you waited in the kitchen for Mrs. Weasley
"Ready girls" she asked as she walked into the kitchen. The three of you nodded and walked towards the fireplace so you could use the floo network to get to diagon alley
"Hey wait" George walked into the kitchen looking half asleep, his hair a mess, still in his pajama pants and no shirt
"George?" Ginny was a bit confused
"I just wanted to say goodbye" he walked up to you and smiled "have a good day.... I'll miss you" he hugged you tightly and then finally seemed to realize Ginny, Hermione and his mother were all staring at him. George let go and awkwardly cleared his throat
"Uhm yeah.... Hermione, Ginny" he said turning to the other girls "have fun.....I'l-I'll miss you guys" you held back your laughter and watched George walk back upstairs. You looked between the other two girl who looked like they were holding back laughs too
"Come on girls hurry up" Mrs. Weasley finally said. The three of you took turns in the fireplace to her to diagon alley, once there you each got assigned tasks by Mrs. Weasley
"Samantha dear I need you to pick up the alcohol, Ginny you'll come with me and Hermione honey can you pick up the decorations"
"Of course" you and Hermione smiled at her
"Meet me back here in an hour" you and Hermione walked off In the opposite direction of Ginny and her mom
"So what was that with George this morning" Hermione laughed
"Your guess is as good as mine you shrugged"
"I mean he obviously likes you"
"I don't know" you trailed off "did I show you what he got me for Christmas"
"No what was it"
You pulled the locket out from under your sweater and showed Hermione
"It's beautiful" she said and turned it over "oh my god...." She gasped
"What, what's wrong"
"Did you see the engraving?! He.... Said he loves you"
"What" you stepped back abruptly "no he didn't he just.... It's from a song we like"
"That's definitely him saying he loves you" Hermione said again
"No..... he didn't even say anything about it, do you really think so" your heart was racing
"I think so"
"Oh my god, I didn't say anything about it! Do you think he hates me"
"No no defiantly not...... but I wouldn't wait too long to respond"
"Yeah...." You said quietly "You're right" you found yourself outside of the liquor store already and said bye to Hermione. You walked in and headed towards the register
"Hello, I'm picking up an order for Weasley" you told the man behind the register
"One moment" he said before going into the back
"Well look who it is" you turned around and saw Adrian slowly walking towards you "long time no see" he smirked
"Not long enough" you mumbled
"Where have you been hiding" Adrian stepped closer making you back into the counter
"Nowhere" you said looking down at your feet and he placed his hands on the edge of the counter on either side of you, trapping you.
"I think we have some unfinished business" Adrian dropped his head and started leaving wet kisses along your neck making your stomach churn.
"Adrian stop" you said quietly not wanting to cause a scene. He ignored your words and kept kissing you and now he had removed one hand from your side and was running it up your leg and around to your butt. He grabbed you forcefully and you jumped a bit
"Nervous" he asked and pressed himself closer to you. His hands traveled from your butt up your stomach and he grabbed your boobs
"Adrian really stop" you said a bit louder. His hands were roaming your body making you feel sick
"You can't make me" Adrian teased and you finally pushed him with all your might and managed to duck under his arm and free yourself
"You filthy little bitch" he spat at you reaching for his wand
"Here you are ma'am" the man came back from the store room and placed a box of alcohol on the counter.
"Thanks" you mumbled picking up the box and hurrying out of the store. As soon as you were on the street you ran as fast as you could until you found Hermione in one of the shops buying decorations. You ran inside out of breath and Hermione jumped
"Where's the fire" she joked as you put the box on the ground
"Adrian" she said while you caught your breath
Hermiones face dropped and she looked around
"What did he do"
"He touched me..... again" you told her "he wouldn't stop"
"Samantha" Hermione looked shocked "I thought you guys were friends"
"We were, we were but he tried touching me back at school and I told him I wasn't comfortable and now he has it out for me" you glanced around nervously hoping he hadn't followed you. Hermione didn't seem to know what to say
"I'm so sorry, let's get going I have everything I need from here let's go find Mrs. Weasley and Ginny" Hermione picked up her bags and you picked up the box and walked out of the shop. Hermione walked unnaturally close to you until you spotted Ginny and Mrs. Weasley out in the street.
"Girls perfect" Mrs. Weasley smiled at you "that's everything! I'm going to pop over to the burrow with everything and I'll meet you back at home"
"Hey mom I think we're going to go look at some dresses for the party" Ginny told her
"Alright don't be long"
"We won't, love you" Ginny grabbed your arm and walked off with you and Hermione.
"I saw pukey Pucey walking around earlier looking pissed" Ginny said quietly
"Oh.... Yeah" you said "I saw him in the liquor store"
"Ew" Ginny made a disgusted face
"Yeah my thoughts exactly"
"I thought you guys were friends, what happened?"
"Let's look at dresses Gin, we can talk about that later" Hermione said pulling you two into the dress store. You girls walked around looking at all of the dresses pulling out the ones you liked and carrying them around to try on. You stopped when you saw a long sleeved gold sequin dress that was backless. You ran your hands along the dress and smiled before picking it up
"This one for sure" you showed the girls and they agreed squealing and making you go try it on. You looked at yourself in the mirror and smiled before leaving the dressing room
"What do you guys think" you asked twirling around
"That's the one" Hermione said
"Oh my god yes! You have to get it" Ginny squealed. You changed while the other girls bought their dresses and waited for you at the register. You paid and the three of you headed back home. When you got back to you ran upstairs to the room you shared with Ginny and Hermione to put your dress away but ran into the twins
"Hey guys" you smiled
"Hey" Fred smiled
"Whatcha got there" George asked pointing to the dress bag
"Nothing......." You smiled slowly stepping away from the boys "you'll have to wait until tomorrow to see"
You dodge the twins and hurried into your room and hid the dress in the closet.
The rest of the day you all spent over at the burrow helping Molly get everything ready. George was up on a ladder hanging up some decorations and as he reached up high you saw his shirt lift up exposing his v lines. You didn't realize you were staring until you heard George laugh, he was looking down at you
"Like the view"
"I have no idea what you're talking about" you blushed and turned away
"Hey it's okay, keep looking" George winked at you and went back to work.


Inspiration for Samantha's outfit for Diagon alley

Inspiration for Samantha's outfit for Diagon alley

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