13. Unlucky 13

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Song: moral of the story by Ashe

With the Christmas holiday quickly approaching everyone was having a hard time focusing on their school work. You sat in the library with Ginny, Fred and Hermione as you attempted to do your astronomy work.
"I would rather die than look at another star ever again"
"Well you better not look out the window tonight" Fred joked and you threw a balled up piece of parchment at him
"Oi Fred, Ginny" George said walking up to your table "mum sent an owl. She's invited Samantha and Hermione and Harry to stay for the holidays" he said turning to you and Hermione. You had planned on staying at Hogwarts for the holidays thinking George wouldn't want you to stay with them
"Thanks" you smiled "I'm not sure what my plans are though"
"......what other plans do you have" Fred asked
"We'll I was just planning on staying here" you shrugged and continued to write
"Oh come on Samantha please you can't leave me and Hermione alone with all the boys" Ginny whined.
"I'll think about it" you chuckled. Honestly you weren't sure you wanted to go with everything up in the air with George, he was still with Katie and even though he had apologized for how he had been acting things were far from normal.
You dragged yourself out of your final exam before the holiday break, you and Fred walked together in the hallways
"Have you spoken with Angelina since the other night"
"No, and I'm not sure if I'm ready to. I know she was in a bad situation but that doesn't change that she knew"
"I'm sorry Freddie"
"It's okay" Fred smiled "and at least she's credible enough for George to believe"
"What" you asked slightly shocked
"He believed her.... I mean not at first but she's really close with Katie, how could he not"
You and Fred barely made it to the common room before collapsing on the floor
"So George knows" you rolled over and looked at Fred
"Yeah and obviously he was-"
"NO I DONT WANT TO HEAR IT" you heard someone scream from upstairs "YOU'RE A FUCKED UP PERSON AND I DONT OWE YOU ANYTHING"
"BUT I LOVE YOU I DID IT FOR US" you heard someone yell back.
"YOU TRIED TO KILL HER" your stomach dropped when you realized that was George yelling. You slowly gathered yourself up off of the floor eyeing Fred and quietly made your way to the door.
"I WISH I HAD" Katie screamed back
"NEVER TALK TO ME AGAIN AND LEAVE SAMANTHA AND ALL OF MY FRIENDS THE FUCK ALONE" George yelled and ran down the stairs. He stopped when he saw you heading towards the door "Samantha" he breathed out. His face was red and hair was a mess
"I didn't hear anything I promise"
"Samantha.... Clearly you did. Fred and Angelina told me everything" he said glancing down at his brother who was trying to crawl away
"Oh well good im glad that's all clear up then" you said awkwardly "I'll see you around"
you dashed out the door and ran down the hall. Your mind was racing George knew everything and he wasn't with Katie but that also doesn't change the fact that he treated you horribly the past few months. What would you even say to him now? You walked down the hallways deep in thought when you heard someone clear their throat, fuck me you thought and turned around to face Umbridge.
"Ms. Green" she squeaked at you "why are you wandering around the halls, don't you have somewhere to be"
"I was just going on a walk..... or is that not allowed now" you rolled you eyes at her
"There's no need" Umbridge said "return to your house"
"I'm fine" you said turning your back to her and walking away
"You'll regret this" she said to you
"Sounds good" you gave her a thumbs up and hurried away.

"Ms. Green" someone shook you awake and you bolted upright in your bed. Professor McGonagall stood next to you a worried look on her face
"What's going on"
"Mr.Weasley has been hurt" she informed you "please come with me to Dumbledores office" you threw a sweater on over your pajamas as you, the twins, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione followed McGonagall to Dumbledores officer where Harry already was waiting.
"What's going on" Fred asked right away
"Your father has been attacked, he is on his way to st. Mungos as we speak"
"Is he.... What condition is he in" you asked
"He is stable but it is critical he receives care as soon as possible" Ginny clung on to you in a hug and you held her tightly gently rubber circles on her back.
"We'll be sending you all home immediately" McGonagall said
"Your trunks are being sent there as we speak" Dumbledore brought you all to his fireplace and let you go one at a time to 12 Grimmauld place.
You were the last to go through and as soon as you got there you went to the kitchen
"Come on everyone sit down" you called everyone to the large table and started the kettle
"I'm scared" Ginny said taking her place at the table between Fred and George
"I know Ginny, but your moms there with him now and Dumbledore said he was stable. It'll be okay"
George put his arm around his sister and gave her a small reassuring squeeze.
You poured everyone a cup of tea and finally one for yourself before you sat down at the table with everyone. You were next to Hermione and across from Ginny who reached out for you and held your hand while she sipped her tea. Not much else was said but you could feel how everyone wanted to be together. Eventually Ginny started to fade so she, Harry, Ron and Hermione climbed the stairs up to the bedrooms. You looked over at Fred and George who were clearly worried but didn't want it to show. The two boys cared immensely for their siblings and didn't want to scare them

"I'm going to head up to bed" Fred finally said putting his cup in the sink.
"Goodnight" you smiled weakly at him as you watched him walk out of the kitchen leaving you and George alone.
"You okay" you asked "I'm sorry that's stupid of course you're not"
"No it's okay.....I'm fine, I'm glad he's alive"
You nodded and looked down into your cup
"This is.....awkward" you said cracking a smile at George
"Yeah" he laughed "it kind of is"
"I hate this"
"Me too" George stood up and walked to the door "come on" you followed him into the living room and he started a fire in the fireplace.
"Thanks" you grabbed a blanket off of the couch and wrapped it around yourself before sitting in front of the fire.
"Samantha" George sat next to you with his cup in his hands "I feel horrible about how I treated you... I just....." he sighed "why did you never tell me"
"Well.... You were with Katie and I thought it would ruin our friendship"
"I'm sorry I made you feel like that but Samantha trust me when I say it ruins nothing" you looked up at George and felt your cheeks go red. He smiled at you and took a sip of his tea "we should probably get some sleep"
"You're right, but I don't want to get up" you said snuggling further into the blanket around you as your eyes got heavy
"Allow me" George stood up and picked you up and brought you over to the couch, gently placing you down.
"You'll stay, right?"
"Of course" George said getting comfortable on the floor.
"Goodnight" you said quietly as your eyes shut
"Goodnight Samantha"

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