58. Make amends

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Song: habits of my heart by Jaymes Young

The next morning you woke up and the spot next to you was still empty. You got out of bed and looked at yourself in the mirror. You had bags and blood shot eyes.
You heard something in the kitchen and hurried out of your room

"Morning darling" George smiled at you as he flipped pancakes in the pan. You stared at him without a word

"You alright" he asked which you ignored "Samantha"
George put the pan down and walked over to you

"What's the matter darling"
You looked down at the ground and pulled the note out of your pocket

"Maybe this will jog your memory" you spat at George and threw the note at him. George looked confused and picked the note up from the floor

"Oh Samantha.... You don't understand"
"No" you yelled cutting him off
"I understand perfectly" you ran out of the flat and down into the shop tears blurring your vision. You ran out the front door slamming it after you and ran down the street.

You had no idea where you were going but you kept running until you couldn't run anymore, you couldn't take it anymore you were barely holding yourself together and this finally pushed you over the edge.

George was your safe, he was your home and he betrayed you. You sat on a bench at the end of the alley crying unable to stop the tears. You weren't sure how long you had sat in that bench but you had finally convinced yourself to go home, you knew what you had to do.

You took your time walking back to the shop looking at the store front the lined the alley. You kicked a small rock in front of you as you made you way back. 

When you walked into the flat you looked around for any signs of George, but he had left. On the table sat a note that you read

Please meet me at the burrow tonight, I'll explain everything. I love you.

You were confused as to why George would want to have this conversation at the burrow but either way you knew it needed to happen. You looked at the clock and it was barley mid day.

You wrote a note to Hermione and sent it off with the shop owl before going to the shower. When you got out you had no reply from Hermione which seemed odd, but you didn't think on it for too long.

You spent the rest of the day nervously pacing around the flat trying to distract yourself by reading or cleaning but nothing worked. You kept thinking about what you'd say to George when you saw him and your heart was breaking into a million pieces.

It was 6 o'clock and you decided you should head over to the burrow, but before you could go a large package was dropped off by an owl you didn't recognize.

You pet the owl while opening the package, inside was a beautiful white jumpsuit and a note

Wear this

You turned the note over but there was nothing else. You looked around before taking the outfit into your room and changing.

You looked in the mirror and smiled at your reflection, it was beautiful. Nothing was making sense why would George want you to wear something special like this.

Your curiosity got the better of you and you took one last look in the mirror before apperating to the burrow.

You were inside the kitchen which was empty for once. You heard footsteps hurrying towards you and George appeared in a suit, he looked incredibly handsome.

"Samantha" he smiled and walked over to you but you stepped away
"Explain" you demanded
"The note it was from Ginny" that only made you more confused

Last Summer // George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now