66. Ghosts in the night

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Song: Starting line by like hemming

The next morning you pulled Emily aside and made her tell you everything about her dinner the night before with Fred.

The two of you were huddled together when George made his way over

"I hate to break this up but we have customers"
"We'll talk more after work" you said walking away from Emily and she nodded

"Calm down George, we were just talking about last night"
"What you told her-"

"About her and Fred last night" you laughed and walked up to a customer on the floor offering assistance.

The customers started to slow down towards the end of the day and you had wandered to the back of the shop straightening boxes and taking inventory

"Samantha" Fred called from the front of the shop
"there's something here for you"

You hurried to the front and saw an owl on the counter next to a stack of small papers, your wedding invitations

"Oh my gosh" you squealed grabbing the invites and inspecting them.
"What is it" Fred asked

"Our wedding invites" you said handing him one so he could see

"Oh wicked" he smiled as he turned the paper over in his hand.

You grabbed one and found George getting a snack box off of the top shelf for a customer
"No problem" George said and flashed a smile at them

"Hey George guess what"
"Hmmm" George pretended to think and grabbed your waist pulling you closer "you love me?"

"Well yes but that's not it" you laughed and showed him the invitations

"Oh wow" George looked at them "they look great"

"October 8th" you whispered
"Soon" George kissed the top of your head and let go of your waist.

You carried the stack of invitations to the back room and set them on the desk all ready to be sent out later.

You invited Emily to come up after work since the boys would be working late.

Quinn was coming over so it was a proper girls night.

"We can get take away and finish our conversation from earlier" you said and hurried up the stairs

"Sounds good to me" Emily smiled and followed you. When you got upstairs you closed the door behind Emily

Quinn arrived shortly after stepping out of the fireplace.

"Hiya" she said hugging you tightly and glancing at Emily.

"Quinn this is Emily, our newest employee" you explained. Emily smiled and waved at her.

"Nice to meet you" Quinn said sitting back on the couch.

"Alright so what is up with you and Fred" you said quickly making Emily laugh and Quinn raised an eyebrow.

"I like him, he's a really nice guy"

"Awe I know he feels the same way about you...they went out last night" you told Quinn

"Really?" Emily asked the excitement in her voice obvious

"Oh yeah" you nodded
You saw a pink blush creep across Emily's cheeks and you smiled as you looked at the take away menu.

"What about you and George" Emily asked
"What about us?"

"You guys seem to be the perfect couple, when did you meet?"
"We met on our first day at Hogwarts, the three of us have been inseparable since"

"They're the cutest hogwarts sweethearts" Quinn teased

"Wow that's crazy, you guys go back far"
"Yeah the Weasleys had always been my family and now it's just more official" you laughed

The three of you spent the rest of the night eating your take away and talking about the boys, Hogwarts, Emily's time a Ilyvermorny and of course Quinn and Ken.

"Darling" George called when he came into the flat. He saw you and Emily on the living room floor and smile

"You alright" he asked and you nodded
"I should probably get going now" Emily said getting up

"Me too" Quinn said yawning slightly before hugging you.

"Make sure you say goodbye to Fred downstairs on your way out" you said to Emily and smirked

She rolled her eyes and walked to the door
"See you guys tomorrow"

Emily closed the door behind her and George collapsed on the couch as Quinn left through the fireplace.

"Tired?" You asked
"A bit" he said closing his eyes

"Let me make you something to eat"
You walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge looking at the contents when an owl flew into the window, Sirius's owl.

You put everything down on the counter and took the letter from the bird being careful not to get bitten.

"What does he want" George asked as your eyes flicked over the note

"Mum" you whispered
"Huh?" George peaked one eye open and glanced over at you
"Samantha?" He asked

You looked down at the letter your hands shaking unable to make the words come out.

George got up off of the sofa and walked over to you taking the letter from your hands his eyes quickly flicking over it

"Samantha" he said quietly but you didn't respond. Everything seemed really quiet and like everything around you was moving in slow motion.

You heard George repeat your name but you couldn't answer.

You couldn't help but think of Tonks and Angelina two women in your life that had been ripped away from you.

You thought about the day you found out your mum left and how George had been there to comfort you, and now
"Samantha" George said again

"I'm here" he said
"I don't really....I don't feel anything"

A look or worry flashed across George's face but his eyes softened and he took your hand in his.

You put the letter down on the table and took a few steps forward George not budging
"I'm going to.... I'm going to shower and change"

"Alright" George whispered and he followed you to the bathroom but let you go in alone.

A woman who you thought completed your life, who you longer for forever.

She was gone. Murdered. By none other than the man who you thought to be your father your whole life.

Your thoughts started to race and your breathing became erratic. Would he come after you next?

It could never just be normal, you couldn't just marry the man you loved, your mum had to die first.

Standing in the shower you heard a loud crack in the living room followed by voices
"She's in the shower"

"What did she say" it was Sirius
"Not much"
"Well I don't blame her, she barely knew the woman"

"But now she won't get a chance to"
Then there was silence.

You finished your shower and dressed before heading into the living room where George sat next to Sirius.

"Samantha" he said getting to his feet
"Hi Siri- uhm dad"

Sirius shook his head and took a few steps towards you.
"Are you okay honey"
"I'm fine"

"It's okay if you aren't" Sirius said his eyes sad
"It's alright, I mean I didn't know her. You knew her better than I did"
Sirius nodded and stepped closer

"Am I in danger?" You asked finally
"We don't think so, David never said anything about finding you.

But we will have a member of the order or whatever we are now around for the next few weeks"

You nodded and looked at George and then back at Sirius

"Just you and me dad" you whispered and Sirius finally grabbed you and pulled you into his arms.

Last Summer // George Weasleyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن