Dull Eyes || SakuAtsu

By koi_coffee_

280K 9K 7.4K

Dull eyes filled the world, grey and colourless. Only those who had met their soulmate could see eyes of colo... More

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2.9K 112 124
By koi_coffee_

That's who Atsumu needed right now.

The faux blonde searched urgently for his brother, and after what felt like a never ending search, he'd been found.

Osamu was in the kitchen, having a drink and a surprisingly peaceful conversation with Iwaizumi, until Atsumu came over that is.

The action was sudden, and before either Osamu or Iwaizumi could question — Atsumu pulled his twin off to the side, away from the people and the music.

"'Tsumu, the fuck are ya doin'?" Osamu questioned, an unnecessary amount of bitterness lacing his tone.

"'S-Samu, can-.. can we go home..? P-Please?" Atsumu questioned, doing his best to keep his quivering tone silent. Yet Osamu was always quick to pick up on it.

"Why? 'Tsumu what-"

"O-Osamu," Atsumu cut him off, his tone now worryingly urgent. "I just-.. I wanna go home.. please.."

The need in his brothers tone, like as if he was just begging to get out of there. Osamu knew he wasn't playing, he didn't get what happened, but it didn't matter at the moment — if Atsumu wanted to go, then they were going.

"M'kay, m'kay — c'mon, get yer stuff an' we'll go home." Osamu nodded to himself seeing Atsumu agree, afterwards feeling said blonde grab onto his sleeve as they walked back into the crowd.

After a bit of walking, the two had made it to the front door and got their things on rather quickly. The entire time Atsumu felt like breaking down, but he couldn't, not in a house jam packed with people.

Before the two had left however — Osamu left Suna a message, saying something happened with Atsumu and that they were headed home.

After that, they'd quickly made their way out the front door, heading into a cold and silent night. Well, semi-silent as Atsumu's soft sniffles could be heard every now and then, despite him not speaking a word.

The entire walk back had Osamu on edge, Atsumu looked ready to break, yet he hadn't said a word. Someone so openly expressive of himself, was dead silent despite looking ready to explode.

Normally he'd be swearing up a storm, bawling his eyes out, or at least saying something. Which of course led Osamu to wonder — what was so bad that it caused his silence?

That questioned lingered in Osamu's mind until they had gotten home, as the second the front door was shut, Atsumu latched onto him for dear life.

Hesitantly, Osamu hugged Atsumu back, lightly rubbing his twins back. He'd gone to ask what was wrong, yet Atsumu had beaten him to speaking.

"FUCK!" The faux blonde yelled, the first word he'd uttered after Osamu seen him in tears, and yet one simply word displayed more emotion than he would've guessed.

Atsumu's tone was shaken, yet it was filled with anger, sadness, confusion and something Osamu dare called regret.

"'Tsumu, what the hell ha-" Osamu however cut himself off this time, as he felt a weight pull him down.

Atsumu on that moment, barely being able to hold himself together, had called to his knees, Osamu following suit as he held his brother close.

"'Samu h-he.. he-.." Atsumu stopped, the blonde letting out a painful cry as he held onto Osamu tighter. To put it simply, he was in pain, an unbearable pain.

"Shh, 'Tsumu yer hurtin', just.. let it out, we can talk properly later.." Osamu kept it at that, and after feeling Atsumu nod, he stayed silent.

What filled the house were painful cries, endless sobs, and mumbled sentences which happened to be a failed attempt at try to speak on what happened. The only thing is, Atsumu just couldn't bring himself to do it, he couldn't find the words.

He just wanted to cry, he wanted to scream, he wanted it all to be a dream. A very bad dream.

But not everyone's that lucky, for Atsumu, this was reality, and reality was absolutely crushing.

The twins stayed like this, holding one another in an attempt at comfort during a moment that was absolutely heartbreaking. Never once had Osamu seen Atsumu break down this bad, never once had it been bad enough to have the blonde screaming and in tears, which only left him to wonder more just what happened.

That however, was something he wouldn't find out for a while. As it had taken Atsumu over an hour just to stabilize his breathing, nevertheless focus on speaking.

By then, the two had made it to the couch, both now being situated in their common room. Osamu still held Atsumu close as now he needed it most, meanwhile said blonde simply let his tears out in what was now a silence.

Or what was silence.

"'S-Samu.." The faux blonde mumbled, seemingly still for a moment before he looked to his brother.

His eyes were red and puffy already, making Atsumu look even more exhausted than he already seemed.

"Ya ready t' talk 'Tsumu..? 'M all ears if ya are.." Osamu kept his time soft, being harsh in a moment like this was both unneeded and way too risky.

"O-.." Atsumu paused a moment, gulping down rather harshly before speaking again. "S-Sakusa.. he-.."

The second Osamu heard that name, not even a nickname, just Sakusa's name alone — what had previously been a worried face, was immediately replaced with one that could kill.

"What the fuck did he do." The grey-haired's tone had quickly gone from comforting to rather threatening, yet in the moment, Atsumu let it slip.

"He.. a c-complete stranger 'S-Samu.. he was f-fuckin' suckin' face w-with a stranger!" The blonde yelled, a mixture of both anger and something Osamu couldn't quite make out, lacing his brother's tone.

"WHAT!?" Osamu, in the heat of the moment, yelled a lot louder than meant. He got pissed off right quick, and nearly found himself getting up just so he could go to Suna's place and beat Sakusa's ass.

However — After a tug from his twin bringing him back down to earth,, he stopped himself and stayed seated. He'd deal with Sakusa later, at the moment, Atsumu was top priority.

"'Samu.. I- I don't get it, was what we had n-not enough..?" The blonde questioned, but before Osamu could respond, he'd spoken again.

"..I wasn't enough-" Atsumu paused for a moment, being cut off by a painful hiccup. "-for him, w-was I..?"

Oh how badly Osamu was going to kick Sakusa's ass after this.

"Don't ya fuckin' say that! Ya were more than enough for him, he wasn't enough for ya, now don't go thinkin' otherwise, understood?"

"I-.." Atsumu fell silent, he would've spoken against the fact, but the look Osamu gave him made it dead clear he wasn't going to listen to his brother talk down about himself.

"U-Understood.." With a sniffle, the faux blonde nodded, knowing Osamu really was dead-set on his words.

"Good, now," Said grey-haired gently let Atsumu go and pulled down his sleeve, wiping his brothers tears. "How 'bout ya go have a shower, get in somethin' comfy — 'm gonna get some fatty tuna an' we'll watch a movie, how's it sound?"

At the simple suggestion, Osamu gave an internal sigh of relief seeing how he almost got a smile out of Atsumu. It wasn't much, but it was something to get his mind off what'd just taken place, and more importantly, it was progress.

After agreeing, Atsumu hesitantly peeled himself away from Osamu and made his way upstairs. Of course being ever so careful as to not trip on his way up.

After he'd disappeared from Osamu's line of sight, said grey-haired took out his phone and instantly opened his and Suna's messages. He was going to say something about Sakusa, but it looks like Suna beat him to it.

•°•°•° ~—~•—•~—~ °•°•°•


'Samu💞: 'Tsumu an I are leavin, somethin happened, I'll let ya know later
[read 1:27am]

*Rin❤️ sent an attachment*

Rin❤️: No need to, I caught him red handed

Rin❤️: I'll be over later on to check on 'Tsumu, see you then <3

'Samu💞: M'kay, see ya later <3

°•°•°• ~—~•—•~—~ •°•°•°

"That bastard, he's so fuckin' dead.." Osamu mumbled to himself as he glanced over the phot Suna had sent.

He quite literally caught Sakusa red handed, they had proof of the exact thing that made Atsumu fall apart. And if anyone thought Osamu wasn't going to use it against Sakusa, they were far past wrong.

Look out Sakusa, you've just made a new enemy.


what do i love more than fluff?

drama ofc >:D

~koi ☕︎︎

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