Walking Disaster- Hosie

By hosiesmp3

45.1K 1K 105

There are two girls, pretty obvious. One girl is a party animal, the other one likes to stay away from crowds... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Authors Note
Update :)
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 6

2.1K 57 8
By hosiesmp3

Hope's POV
I see my aunt Rebekah and my uncle Kol standing outside my door. My aunt just walks in like it's her room. I turn around and she sits on my bed. My uncle also walks in after I turn around. I close the door and look at them, confused.

Ko: Oh, right. What'd we come here for Rebekah?
Re: Well I actually wanted to talk about this special girl who captured our nieces heart.
H: You guys are overreacting.
Ko: Love is something to never overreact about darling.
Re: As if you know anything about love Kol.
Ko: That's why I'm married to Davina, right? It's love.
Re: Not the love we are talking about, this is simply teenage love.
Ko: Oh right. I completely forgot.
H: It's late at night, shouldn't you guys be asleep?
Ko: The real question is, is shouldn't you be asleep?
H: Yeah actually I should be, you guys are bothering me with nonsense.
Re: Nonsense? Love isn't nonsense Hope.
Ko: Yeah what Rebekah said.
Re: Kol you aren't helping.
Ko: As if you have anything else to say.
H: Can we just talk about this tomorrow? I have school.
Ko: Actually we just called the school and they said that tomorrow you get to stay home.
H: So you probably made up some emergency meeting.
Ko: Well actually I just said that you won't be coming to school tomorrow. Mostly because you are "sick" even though Mikaelson's never get a cold.

Rebekah scolded Kol. I chuckled a little bit and then the conversation started up again.

Ko: Do you really think love in nonsense?
H: No not at all.
Re: So are you having relationship troubles already?
H: No, I'm just tired.
Ko: Well we are having an important conversation, sleep can wait.

And with that Freya and Davina barged into my room. Is this a whole new family reunion? Can a girl just get some sleep around here?

F: So who's the girl?
Ko: Well the girls name is Josie. Or is that just a nickname?
H: It's a nickname, her real name is Josette.
Ko: So my darling niece pays attention to her lover. How Klaus like are you exactly?
H: My dad doesn't pay attention to his lovers. He simply gives gifts and calls it a day.
Ko: Don't ruin the fun.
Da: Okay Kol, that's enough. Let the girl speak.

I look at Davina and she gives me a small smile. I sit down in a chair in the corner of my room. Freya sits down on the floor, I don't know why. Davina stands by the door. Rebekah and Kol are on my bed, literally laying down. Taking up the whole space.

H: So where do you want me to start?
Re: Well start from where you guys met.
H: Okay. It was the second day of school, I believe.
Ko: How fancy. Such a love story.

Rebekah slapped Kols arm. I chuckled and went back to my story.

H: Well she was dating this girl Penelope at the time, nothing really happened. We just talked a lot, laughed a lot and then Landon came up to me.
Ko: And he kissed you, that son of bitch.

Rebekah and Freya slapped him this time. Davina laughed and I smiled. I decided to go back to my story.

H: Then Landon kept asking me weird questions. Basically on the line of why I "started dating" Sebastian.
Ko: The quarterback? Really? That's a downgrade.
Re: Kol if you don't shut your mouth, I'll literally tape it together.

Everybody in the room let out a chuckle. Then there was a soft knock on the door. Davina opened it and my mom came through the door.

Ha: I started hearing stories being told up here. Heard most of it but continue.

I nod at my mom and she sat on the floor with Freya. I went back to my story.

H: I pretended to date him actually. He said he'd make up some lie about how me and Josie did something in a closet in a schools classroom. I didn't want her to have a bad reputation especially sense she was in a relationship. I wanted her to be happy, later on in the day I ignored Josie and Cleo. Thinking I was making the right choice but they pulled me into a classroom. Josie went off on me kinda, making me realize my mistakes. Josie ran off, Cleo told me that I messed up pretty badly. Which I had no idea on how I did. I thought I was making the right choice.
Re: She was starting to gain feelings for you Hope.
H: How would you know that?
Re: She basically got hurt by you ignoring her, she probably texted you and called you thousands of times, she even probably kept thinking if she did something wrong for you to do and last but not least you never explained to her why. You probably ignored her after the whole closet incident which was bad on your part but go on with the story.
H: I know I made a mistake. I just wanted to protect her. I even tried telling her that. Later that day we hung out, I explained everything. Then she told me she was in a love triangle and how she wants to impress Penelope. I helped her out and gave her my best advice but when I was hanging out with Cleo. Josie kept calling and texting me. I ignored them because I thought she should've been hanging out with her girlfriend. Cleo told me to answer the phone, so I did. Josie asked many many questions and then she asked if I could go over to her house.

My mom, Rebekah, Freya and Davina all looked at each other. They seemed like they were thinking of something. Kol and I looked at each other confused. Freya spoke up this time.

F: Hunny, never ever ignore her again. Something tells me that we'll have to get you a new phone by the end of the month.
H: What do you mean?
Re: Well obviously this girl loves you so much that she'll blow your phone up.

After my aunt said that, my phone vibrated. I looked at the time and seen it was 3am. Why was Josie up? I smiled at my phone and everyone looked at me and awed. I looked up and everyone told me to text her back or what Freya said might actually come true. I opened my phone up and went to messages.

-Text messages-
J: Hey...
H: Is everything alright?
J: Just had a nightmare, could you possibly sneak through my window or something?
H: I could definitely do something. Just give me a couple minutes and I'll be there.
J: Okay, thank you.
H: No problem.
-After Text messages-

I looked at everyone and they looked at me confused.

H: I'm finishing up the story and then one of you guys have to drop me off somewhere.
F: Okay well hurry up.

I nod and continued my story. Everyone seemed interested.

H: Cleo drove me to Josie's house and dropped me off. I spent the night over there and her family were all really nice and cool. After that I went back home. School was normal but Lizzie kept saying how Josie and I were having heart eyes for each other. I also made a fool of myself and I stood up in class after Penelope spit lies.
Ha: About what sweetie?
H: About love, she said it's to protect the one you love and the whole time she was looking at Josie. As if it was something for her to hear.
F: You got overprotective?
H: I don't know, Josie left the room and Cleo and Penelope chased after her. After that the game happen, she got hurt pretty badly. The coach wouldn't let me on the field but I pushed past him and helped Josie to her feet. Then tonight happened.
Ko: Did she at least break up with Penelope?

Everyone looked at him. He looked confused.

Ko: Did she or?
H: Well Penelope broke up with her. I thought I already said that?
Ko: Oh maybe you did. I don't know. Anyways where do you need to go?
H: Oh right, I need to go to Josie's house.

Kol jumped up to his feet and dragged me downstairs. I said bye to everyone who was up. I had a bag packed and Kol drove me to Josie's. Once my uncle dropped me off, he made sure I got inside safely. Josie opened her door and I walked in. I waved my uncle off and he drove away. I wrapped Josie in my arms right after he was out of sight. She hugged me tightly. I closed the door with the heel of my foot, I swept Josie up off her feet and made my way to her room. Once we got to her room, I laid her down on the bed. I took my bag off and put it on the floor. I laid down next to Josie and Josie quickly snuggled me. I wrapped an arm around her and played with her hair.

J: Thank you for coming tonight.
H: You're welcome, love. Get some rest, I'm not going anywhere.

I feel her nod her head and she quickly fell asleep. I smiled replaying the night over and over again. After it hit 4:30am, I fell asleep. I get to skip school tomorrow so hopefully my uncles or aunts pick me up early enough.

-The Next Morning-

Lizzie's POV
I woke up pretty early. It was 5:30am, I normally wake up at 6:30am so this was early for me. I got up, got dressed and barged into my sisters room. I see Hope laying in bed next to her. I shook them both awake, it took a couple minutes but they woke up.

J: Lizzie?
L: Wakey wakey.
H: Good morning to you too Saltzman.
L: Saltzmans to be precise, you are laying next to one.
H: Hilarious, I'm going back to sleep.
L: We have school so you can't go back to sleep.
H: I'm skipping.

Right after Hope said that, Josie's head shot up to fast. She probably gave herself whiplash or something. Hope sat up quickly and Josie looked at Hope pretty seriously.

J: When were you going to tell me this?
H: I didn't make the decision baby. My uncle did. I didn't have a say in the matter.

Josie stood up and opened her drawers quickly. I looked at Hope and she seemed upset. I whisper in her ear that she should probably talk to Josie instead of being quiet. She nods and I get up and walk out of Josie's room to give them space. Probably for the best.

Josie's POV
After grabbing my clothes, I start walking to the bathroom. Hope grabs my hand and makes me sit on her lap. I look at her and she looks at me.

H: You believe me, right?
J: Mhm.
H: I'm being serious right now. I didn't have a say in the matter. My uncle just called the school and said I was sick.
J: Why?
H: He wanted me to spend time with him so we can talk about you. Actually that's all my uncle has been able to talk about.
J: Only your uncle and which one?
H: Not only my uncle, basically my whole family talked about it for a couple hours. After that my dad went to sleep. I was also trying to sleep until the rest of my family barged in. But I'll finish the story when you get back from school, deal?

I smiled and kissed Hopes cheek.

J: Deal. See you after school?
H: That's if you don't have practice for football. You're still on the team.
J: Oh right, I'll keep you updated on that.

I gave her one last kiss and walked to the bathroom. I got ready for school and walked back to my room. I didn't see Hope anywhere so maybe her uncle picked her up. I walked downstairs after grabbing my bag and see Hope and Lizzie cooking breakfast.

J: Chef Hope and Lizzie.
H: No just chef Lizzie for right now.

Hope walks up to me and pulls a chair out. I give her a smile and sit down. She pushes the chair in and Lizzie serves breakfast. Lizzie and I eat breakfast. We say our goodbyes to Hope and leave for school.

Hope's POV
I text my uncle Kol to come pick me up, he said he'll be right over. I sit on the steps and wait for my uncle to arrive. Once he got here, I got into his car. We drove to the Mystic Grill. They have wonderful food. Once we got seated there, we ordered breakfast foods. Kol looked at me and I looked at him confused.

Ko: So I'm guessing Josie didn't take the news of you skipping school so well.
H: She didn't but then I had to explain on how you wanted to talk about her.
Ko: You are one honest girl Hopey.
H: Not you too.
Ko: Sorry Cleo told me to say that.
H: It's fine.
Ko: Your girlfriend seems to be nice though.
H: She's amazing uncle Kol.
Ko: Well go on, talk to me about her.
H: Wait what?

Kol looks around and I see Rebekah walk up to us. Shouldn't she be at work? Why was everyone taking the day off?

Re: Hello Kol.
Ko: Hello, sit by our niece. She was just about to tell me about this beautiful Josette.
H: Please don't.
Ko: Why not? I wanna know about her.
H: Okay, as you wish.

My aunt sat down next to me and nudged my arm. I rolled my eyes and they chuckled. After a couple minutes of silence, I start talking.

H: Josie is amazing, she's literally perfect.
Re: Tell us more.
H: You guys are literal teenagers.
Ko: We get that a lot. Go on, talk more.

I rolled my eyes and continued on talking about Josie. There were so many amazing things to say about her. She truly was perfect. After talking for awhile, I stopped talking. Kol and Rebekah looked at each other confused. The waiter came up to us and gave us our food. Uncle Kol and aunt Rebekah nod in agreement, understanding why I stopped talking.

Ko: You don't want other people to know how in love you are with this girl?
H: Already told you, she wants to keep us a secret for right now.
Ko: Well what do you want?
H: Whatever she wants.

Rebekah and Kol gave me a look that I'll never forget about. They kept talking to each other in the eyes, I knew because their eyes would keep moving.

H: Spit it out.
Ko: How do you feel about hiding your relationship?
H: I don't really care, I'm just glad I got the girl.
Re: Good thinking with that.
H: Thanks I think.

They nod and we eat our food. After eating, we paid the bill and tipped the guy. We walked out to the car, aunt Rebekah said she had to leave. Kol and I got to hang out all day today. Once I got to the car, I felt my phone vibrate. I look at it and see a text from Josie.

Ko: Answer it before she blows up your phone again.

Uncle Kol got inside the car and I decide to not reply. I also got inside the car and he looked at me.

Ko: Did you fast reply her?
H: Fast reply her?
Ko: You texted her back that quickly?
H: Totally.

I lied through my teeth and he could notice it. I really suck at lying. He puts his hand out and I give him my phone.

-Text messages-
J: Good morning, I hope you're having fun with your uncle <3.
-After checking messages-

Ko: You told her about me already? How sweet of you.

He gave me back my phone. I took it back and looked at it.

Ko: Answer her or I'll answer her with the most embarrassing baby photo of you.
H: Is that a threat?
Ko: More like a promise. Answer her.

I nod and did as told.

-Text Messages-
H: Good morning, I am having fun. Shouldn't you be in class?
J: I got all my work done so I can spend the rest of the time texting you <3.
H: Very committed, I see.
J: Why wouldn't I be committed?
H: I don't know.
J: Please tell me you aren't you having second doubts about us.
H: No, of course not. Why would you think that? Does it have something to deal with the nightmare you had last night?
J: Yeah. Can we not talk about the nightmare? Please.
H: Yeah of course. I need you to do me a favor.
-After messages-

I looked over at Kol and he gives me that classic Mikaelson smirk. I looked back down at my phone and see that Josie didn't text back. She's probably busy.

Ko: So what favor do you want her to do?
H: I want you to take me to the back of the school. There's no cameras back there and I know Josie knows her way around school so she could sneak out of there for a tiny bit.
Ko: You'll be paying the price Hope.
H: I know.

Kol nods in agreement to the plan but only if Josie was down for it. She'd have to text back. Once we parked in a parking lot, close to the school. My phone vibrated, I looked down and seen a text from Josie. I opened my phone quickly.

-Text messages-
J: What's the favor?
H: Sneak out to the back of the school, I'll meet you there.
J: That seems risky.
H: You down or not?
J: Sure, just hope we don't get caught.
H: We won't.
-After text messages-

Kol and I got out of the car, we slowly made our way to the back to the school. We dodged every camera we could see. I see Josie sitting on the bench, I smiled. Uncle Kol said he'd be waiting in the car. He ran off and got into the car. I walked up behind Josie and wrapped my arms around her.

H: Hey.
J: Hey.

I sat down next to her after unwrapping my arms from her. She leaned her head on my shoulder and I held her hand.

J: I missed this.
H: Me too.
J: We should do it more often.
H: Sneaking out of class to come out here?
J: Mhm.
H: Risky.
J: But it's fun.

I smiled and kissed the top of her head. She lifted her head and I looked at her confused.

J: Kiss me on my lips.
H: That seems risky, especially with people around.
J: Are you afraid?
H: N-no. Just last night after the party you said-
J: I don't care about that anymore. Nobody's around and if they are then oh well.
H: Change of heart?
J: Something like that. Today people have made me realize a couple of things.
H: Like what?
J: That you should never hide who you are and who you are with.
H: Who told you this?
J: Emma.
H: She's a wise, old lady.
J: Then Cleo told me that I should make our relationship public.
H: Mhm, so you aren't afraid?
J: I still am but I don't want to hide anything anymore.

I nod and Josie cups my face in her hands, she passionately kisses my lips. I pull away and she leans her head back on my shoulder. I place my hand on her thigh.

J: Finish that story you were telling me about earlier.

I nod and I told her everything from last night, how my dad would want to me her, how my uncle Kol was acting like a literal child and how basically everyone in my family knows about how me and Josie met. Josie lifts her head up and I look at her.

J: Your father wants to meet me?
H: Mhm.
J: When exactly?
H: Whenever your free I suppose.
J: What about your mom?
H: I think everyone wants to meet you.
J: Wow that's nerve racking.

I take both her hands in mine and give her a small smile.

H: They'll love you, I promise.
J: Are you sure?
H: Mhm, you could even probably go shopping with my aunt Rebekah sense she's such a little kid.
J: So they are that interested in a teenage relationship?
H: Mhm, it's insane.

We both chuckle. We sat in silence for awhile until my uncle came up to us.

Ko: Hey Hope, we gotta get going.
H: What's up?
Ko: Freya needs us to help babysitting.
H: Babysitting?
Ko: Mhm.
H: Uhm okay?

I get up and look at Josie. My uncle gave her a small smile and held his hand out.

Ko: Hi, I'm Kol. I'm her uncle, I'm sure you've heard of me before.
J: Hi I'm Jo-
Ko: Josette, I already know. I've heard a lot about you. Good things, obviously.
J: Uhm okay?
Ko: You should invite her over some time.
H: Uncle please stop, you're being embarrassing now.

Kol and Josie both laughed. I smiled, it made me happy she was getting along with somebody in my family. They shook hands and me and my uncle walked off after saying goodbye. Josie went back to classes. Once we got home, Kol opened the door.

Ko: I seen a teacher so I told you we had to leave. I'm glad they didn't catch her.
H: So you lied?
Ko: Something like that, but Freya actually needs your help with baby cousin Nik.
H: Okay, go shopping or something.

Kol nods and drags my dad, Elijah and my mom with him. Freya called me over and I helped her out.

Josie's POV
After seeing Hope, I kept smiling like crazy. Obviously Cleo and Lizzie would question it. It was now lunch and Mg was the only one sitting by me.

M: I seen you kiss Hope.
J: Mhm, she's a good kisser.
M: Wow anything else I should know?
J: Well her family wants to meet me and I don't know how to see about it.
M: Feel proud, nobody really met her family unless your Cleo or Maya.
J: What do you mean?
M: Oh you didn't know about Maya and Hope?
J: No?
M: Oh well they were basically hooking up with each other, Hope didn't want anything to do with Maya so she cut things off with her.
J: When was this?
M: Well it was during the summer for the most part. Maya was kinda a huge person in Hopes life.

I look at Mg and he gives me a small smile. Lizzie and Cleo walk up to the table. We ate our food and Mg and Lizzie walk off. Cleo looked at me.

J: So who's this Maya chick?
C: Oh that's what you and Mg were talking about?

I nod and she looks down and takes a deep breathe in. She looked back up at me.

C: Maya was the only girl Hope was with. It was over the summer, Maya fell in love with Hope but she had to move. Hope quickly ended things and after that she thought that if she stopped opening herself up to people then they wouldn't leave. As you know Roman is a player, he left her. Maya loved her but had to move and Hope ended things because of it. But I'm gonna say this right now, Maya meant nothing to Hope. Hope would always distant from her and only really want her for sex. Also Hope looks at you with literal love hearts. She looks at you as if your the only girl she'll ever love. Or person to be exact, she truly loves you.
J: You think so?
C: I know so, over the past week, I've seen her smile thousands of times and it's all because of you. You keep her happy, you keep her sane. Now something else is up so what's going on?

I chuckled to myself and Cleo looks at me confused. I shake my head and look back at Cleo.

J: Well I might be meeting Hope's family soon. I don't know when.
C: That's what has you all worked up today?
J: Yeah, do I act differently? Do I act more polite?
C: Hope's family would rather you be yourself around them. You'll see when you meet them.
J: Okay, well let's go to class.

She nods and we walk off to class. After class, I got ready for practice. I text Hope to tell her I'll be at practice. I go to practice and it was hard. The coach told everyone to go get a drink and they all did. I just sat on the ground, he walked over to me.

Coach: What's up with you?
J: What do you mean?
Coach: You seem distracted, at the game, you were completely focused.
J: Oh yeah, no I'm good. I'm not distracted.

Lizzie walks up to us.

L: She's very much distracted.
Coach: By what?
L: A certain girl.

I looked away from them and seen Hope standing by a car. Nobody was with her. She leaned on her car, she gave me a small smile and a tiny wave. I smiled and turned to look back at the coach.

Coach: Who's this girl? I'll need to speak with her.
L: Right over there.

She points over at Hope and the coach nods. He cancels practice for the rest of the day and walks over to Hope. Surprisingly she stood her ground, I looked at Lizzie and she gives me a smirk. I roll my eyes and she goes off and flirts with the guys. I get up and slowly make my way to the coach and Hope.

Coach's POV
I walked up to this young girl, she stayed in one place.

Coach: Ms. Mikaelson, you have been distracting an team player of mine.
H: I'm aware of that.
Coach: Are you now?
H: Mhm.

We both laughed with each other. I was great friends with her dad, I didn't have any beef with the man. Things were great.

Coach: Well practice is over, you can take her away.
H: I definitely will.

Josie walked up to us. I pretended to be mad and Hope understood what was going on.

Coach: Stop coming around here, got it?
H: You got it sir.

I walked off and Josie and Hope began to talk.

Josie's POV
Once I got up to them, coach walked off. I looked at Hope and she shrugs her shoulders.

J: What were you guys talking about?
H: How I distracted you. You really get distracted by me?
J: Oh shush, what else happened?
H: We laughed, my dad is good friends with him. They talk all the time.
J: So you didn't get in trouble?
H: No, why do you ask?
J: Because he seems like the type of person to not like his team getting distracted.
H: Okay well what's on your mind?
J: You, you and you.
H: Wow seems pretty important.

We both chuckle and we got in her car. She started the car up and drove away. She placed her hand on my thigh.

J: Cleo and Mg told me a couple things today.
H: What'd they say?
J: Well they said I should feel good about meeting your family.
H: Mhm, anything else?
J: Yeah, they said that only Cleo and some girl named Maya met your family.
H: Oh uhm, those are all true.
J: I know, Cleo told me a bit about her.
H: Maya meant nothing to me.
J: Cleo told me that too.
H: I bet she did. How do you feel now that you know about my past?
J: It's your past, I understand why you did everything. I can't really get upset over it.
H: Did you get upset when they were talking about her?
J: A little bit because I thought it recently happened but Cleo told me the whole story and I pushed past it.

Hope drove to some lookout and stopped the car. She got out of the car and I followed after her. She sat down on the hood of her car and I sat next to her.

H: I didn't want you to find out by them but I'm glad you know about it.
J: You don't seem happy about it?
H: I am, now let's change the topic.
J: Okay, what should we talk about?
H: I realized your mom isn't home, where is she?
J: Business trip.
H: When will she be back?
J: She said she'd be back before my birthday.
H: It must suck to have a traveling parent all the time.
J: Doesn't your family travel?
H: They stopped traveling ever sense I was born.
J: Oh okay.
H: Mhm, would you like to meet my family tonight?
J: If that's okay with them then yeah I'd love to.
H: You sure?
J: Mhm.
H: Okay.

We stayed still for a couple hours, watching the sun go down. After a little bit, we got back inside the car. Hope drove to her house, I assume. Her uncle Kol was outside on the steps. That's weird, Hope parked the car and she got out. She opened the door for me and threw Kol the keys. He caught them and she brought me inside. A little guy ran into Hopes arms, which was cute. They hugged and I looked up and seen her entire family.

Ha: Josie, I assume?
J: Mhm, that would be me.
Ha: I'm Hayley, I'm Hopes mom.

She points to another lady and she introduces me to everyone. Freya and Davina seemed nice. A tall guy comes up to and holds out his arm.

Kl: Take it, love. I won't bite. I just want to talk.

I nod and took his arm. He walked over to the living room where nobody was. He sat down across from me.

Kl: So Hayley obviously didn't introduce me but I am Klaus. I'm sure you've heard of me but let's talk about you. Your dating my daughter, right?
J: Yessir.
Kl: Just call me Klaus, no need for all the royalty.
J: Okay.

He started asking me questions, I answered them honestly. Hope stood by the door frame and Klaus looked her.

H: I hope your done talking to her dad.
Kl: I very much am. I approve of her Hope. She's better then that one girl you'd always bring over.
H: Dad, please don't.
Kl: Oh does she not know about her?
H: She does know about her.
Kl: Well Maya wasn't a sweet girl. I never liked her Hope.
H: I know you didn't, which is why she moved and why I ended things with her.
Kl: Would you do the same thing if I didn't like Josie?
H: No, I'd stay with her.
Kl: You'd be a rebel for her?
H: I'd be anything for her.

Klaus looks at me and smiles. He had a nice smile. He looked over at Hope and nodded at her. Hope walked closer to him and he got up. Klaus whispered in her ear and walked off. Hope sat in front of me.

H: I'm sorry about him.
J: So you'd break your fathers rules for me.
H: I'd basically do anything for you.
J: Really?
H: Mhm.

I got up and she looked at me confused. I sat on her lap and wrapped my arms around her neck. She placed her hands on my waist and I smiled at her.

J: I want you to kiss me in front of everyone right now.

Everybody walked into the room and Hope passionately kissed me. I pulled away and Hope looked at me confused.

H: Why'd you pull away?
J: Would you rather me make out in front of your entire family?
H: I don't think they'd mind.

I laugh and Hope smiled. Marcel and Rebekah walked up to us.

Re: Can you guys get a room?
H: Yes we will get a room, if you and Marcel get a room as well. I seen you guys making out over there earlier.

Everybody burst into laughter and Rebekah rolled her eyes at her niece. Freya came out into the dining room with food. Everybody walked over there except for me and Hope. We were still in our position. Freya came over to us and made us get some food. After we ate, Hayley, Elijah, Klaus, Cami, Rebekah and Marcel all got up and slow danced to some songs. I looked at Hope and she chuckles.

J: You guys do this every night?
H: For the most part.
J: Really?
H: Mhm. Freya normally forces me to dance with her.

Freya holds out her hand to Keelin and they go off dancing as well. Hope got up and cleaned everything up. I helped her out, after cleaning everything up. We were in the kitchen. I sit on the counter and Hope continued to clean.

J: Why are you cleaning?
H: It's just so nobody has to clean tomorrow.
J: Oh okay. Do you always clean up alone?
H: No, Freya helps me sometimes.

Freya walked into the kitchen and we heard no music this time. Freya said that everybody went to bed. Hope nodded and looked at me. Freya walked off to go to bed as well.

H: I should get you home.
J: I could stay the night.
H: Are you sure you want to stay the night?
J: Mhm.
H: Okay, whatever you say.

I hopped off the counter and Hope walks me up to her bedroom. It was so nice in here. I laid down on her bed and she walked over to her desk. I looked at her confused. She took something out of her pocket and put it in the desk.

J: What was that?
H: Just a necklace, let's get some sleep.

I nod and she laid down next to me. I snuggled up into her and we both fell asleep.

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