The Heiress

By chaelisabestgirlsx

235K 14.2K 6.4K

If Chaeyoung could use any three words to describe herself, she would say that she is rich, beautiful, and ex... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130

Chapter 17

2.5K 156 93
By chaelisabestgirlsx


Jungkook stared at the contrasting pixels of black and white in front of him.

For some reason, he felt nervous and maybe a little excited. Though this is not his first time seeing someone hack into a phone, this is the first time that he watching someone as proficient as Chaeyoung.

Jungkook is also feeling proud and ecstatic. He did not choose the wrong boss after all. She is not only rich and beautiful, but she is also very smart and talented.

Suddenly, hysteric laughter broke out. It was clearly a laughter of triumph.

"Finally!" Chaeyoung was beaming from ear to ear.

"So, am... again, May I know why you asked me to come? I mean... you can obviously do it all by yourself." Jungkook said. Although he is very happy to witness this scene, he is also very uncomfortable.

Lisa is still staring at him and Chaeyoung seemed oblivious of it.

"Hmmm... I am doing the illegal stuff. But I need someone to watch it. In a while, she will call someone and I want you to listen to the call, then record and trace it."


Seeing that Jungkook seemed to blank out. Chaeyoung immediately clarified.

"Oh... for evidence purposes." She shrugged.

"I... I mean can we even do that? Can we listen to their conversation?"

"Why not?" Chaeyoung let out a giggle. "I didn't let you do the illegal stuff so this should be fine right?"


"Don't worry, No one will know. I mean I won't tell anyone." She gives him a victorious smile.

Jungkook looked at Chaeyoung then fixed his gaze at Lisa. What if Miss Manoban will betray them?

Chaeyoung is playing with the country's satellite. This could land them into prison. Although he used to hack into companies before, it is nowhere as dangerous as this.

Understanding what Jungkook wants to say, Chaeyoung immediately walk towards Lisa.

The moment that Lisa sense Chaeyoung walking towards her direction her whole aura immediately change. Her gaze turned as gentle as they can be.

"Don't worry about Lisa. I can trust her." Chaeyoung said, her face solemn. She does not understand Lisa yet. But she will. She knows she will. Soon.

"So, yeah. I will leave you here with Jin. Do not! And I mean it. Don't take your eyes off that monitor. She will call him any second now." She continued. Then she drags Lisa into her room.

Leaving a stunned Jungkook and Jin inside the mansion's guest room.

The walked towards Chaeyoung's room is actually pretty short. After a few seconds, they were already inside her room.

Chaeyoung made sure to lock her room before she sat down, resting her elbows on the small study table in her room.

"So? Aren't you going to tell me what you know?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

She does not understand why Lisa always seems so tense around her.

Alright, she dragged Lisa. And that might involve a little physical contact. Still, it should not warrant this type of reaction.

Isn't Lisa overreacting?

What Chaeyoung didn't know was that Lisa is tense not because of the touch. But because they are actually inside her room.

Just the two of them.

In the middle of the night.

Both of them healthy and not sick in any way.

With the door locked from the inside.

Lisa might not admit it but she is afraid.

Afraid of what might happen.

Although her soul is actually old, she still in inexperienced. What if...

While Lisa is over thinking. Chaeyoung is slowly getting impatient. "You're not going to tell me?"

Her question sobered Lisa up.

"I have some information about Sunmi's backer. He is not a simple man." Lisa relaxed. She might just be over thinking things.

Chaeyoung is still in her teens. She should not think about lewd stuff like that. At least not yet.

"I know." Chaeyoung nodded. "Do you know anything else aside from that?"

"I've dreamed of him before. He is a big stockholder in a big company that handles some talents. He will soon have Yuri contracted as an artist." Lisa explained, hoping that Chaeyoung will believe her. She does not mind if Chaeyoung will laugh at her.

All she wanted is to warn her. She is afraid that Chaeyoung will also want to become an actress just like her step-sister. Just like in her past life.

"Interesting." Chaeyoung gets up and opened her laptop. "Do you know, why does Sunmi know a man like him?" She asked.

Chaeyoung remembered that someone will scout Yuri after their university's farewell party just a day after Yuri's birthday. That would be two months from now.

If Sunmi's backer is the one who paved the way behind Yuri's acting career. Then the question that they should be asking is... Why?

"I asked Jin about it and he said, they have some interactions about 18 years ago. I have the complete files in know what? Give me your laptop"

Chaeyoung obediently give Lisa her laptop and what she saw astounded her.

Lisa's fingers flew into the keyboard. She just hacked into her own computer. Lisa sure knows what she is doing.

In less than a minute, Lisa was able to access the files and handed the laptop back to Chaeyoung.

"Didn't know you could do that." She said.

"You don't know a lot of things about me." Lisa retorted with a smirk.

Chaeyoung did not say anything as her attention was in her laptop. Rows and rows of informations flooded her eyes.

"Hmmm... I see." Chaeyoung's thoughts were interrupted by a knocked in the door. Lisa immediately opened it.

"Young Miss, Sunmi just called someone. I think you need to hear this"


On the other side of town. Sunmi is pacing while holding her phone.

This is the second time that she called him, yet there is still no answer.

After the fifth ring, someone finally picked up the phone.

"Speak." an irritated voice can be heard on the other line.

"Henry! I need your help. Yuri is in trouble! You have to help her!" Sunmi slurred.

"I heard." Henry Lee answered lazily. "Your daughter is stupid. What does it have to do with me?"

"I am warning you! Yuri is your daughter. I am not going down alone!"

"Hmmm.. think I'm afraid of your petty threats? You know I can make you and your daughter disappear within 24 hours. Right?"

"Do not test my patience! What do you think will happen if the Wang Family will know about what you did?" Sunmi taunted.

"Fool. Someone is already digging my past. If it's not the Wang Family then who could it be?"

Henry Lee's statement made Sunmi shiver in fear. Does that mean that the Wang Family knows about what she and Jacob did?

"W-what do you mean?" She inquired.

"What else?" He mocked. "Someone is digging up your secrets. Seems like your daughter is not the only one in trouble."

"Henry! We are not going down without you! Jacob and I did not kill Claire. It's you. You made it happen."

"Right. Keep believing that." She heard him chuckle.

"Your daughter is in trouble! Please... I'm begging you. She was not able to get the favor of Lisa Manoban. She... If Chaeyoung is going to pursue the-"

"Did you say Lisa Manoban? The Lalisa from the Manoban Family?" Henry's sudden interest in Lisa Manoban somehow gives Sunmi a little hope.

"Yes. I thought she liked our daughter. But it turns out she liked Chaeyoung. That bitch! have to help our daughter. Please. I will do anything." She begged Henry.

"Hmmm... I will." Henry said after a moment of silence. "I will be back in three days. I want you to introduce me to my daughter."

"No. That cannot be! Yuri... she does not know anything about you. Jacob is her-"

"None of my business. I want to meet her." Henry declared. "Also, do not do anything to slight Chaeyoung and Lisa... Especially Lisa.

Then she heard another chuckle before the line went dead.


Somewhere overseas...

"Master. Are we really going back?" An old croaky voice echoed inside the room.


"How about the madam? Are we going to bring her as well?"

"No. I want you to take care of her. Make sure she does not hear anything related to her daughter." Henry Lee said, his face solemn full of deeply hidden emotions.

The old man inside the room nodded.

"Did you hear anything about him?" He asked.

"Yes. He is still not aware that he had a daughter. I believe he already gave up looking for the Madam. He is still clueless of the Madam's true name."

"Hmmm...continue watching his every move. Do not let him know that he had a daughter!" Henry Lee said before he turned his back from the old man.

He then walks towards the bookshelf in his study and pulled one of the books at the top.

The bookshelf suddenly open.

He started walking down the path inside the bookshelf that leads him into a room underground.

The room is elegant yet simple.

He looked at the woman lying on the bed. If anyone who knows Chaeyoung would see the woman, they will say that they look almost exactly the same.

He then slowly lifted his hands and touch her pale cheeks.

"I'm sorry love... I cannot let him have you. You are mine Claire. Only mine."


The room was in thick silence.

Everyone was looking at Chaeyoung. Their eyes full of questions, inquiring, asking. Wanting to know how she felt.

What they just heard is not just some evidence. It was nothing like they expected.

"Huh. It had been one hell of a rough day guys." Chaeyoung blankly blurted out before she went outside the room without sparing anyone another glance.

Lisa immediately followed her.

Chaeyoung didn't know what to say. She was still shocked or maybe more like wondering.

She wondered how come she didn't notice this before. Yuri does not look like Jacob nor Sunmi.

She wondered if that Henry Lee also helped destroy her life before. In the near future, Henry will become a part of Yuri's life. Is Yuri aware of his existence in her past life? How about Lisa? What it her connection to the man named Henry Lee?

She didn't notice when she arrived in her room. All she knows is that she is already standing at the window. Staring at the light that can be seen outside the mansion.

"She is not my sister," She thought out loud. "And Jacob is involved in my mother's death."

Her blank look changed into a serious one. Her brows furrowed as fury can be seen slowly rising in her eyes.

Her father just asked someone to kill her mother and maybe including her. What kind of monster is he? Is it not enough that he cheated on her mother?

She clenched her fist. This is the first time that she felt so much hatred against her father.

After her rebirth, she always thought that she could live her life happily. Away from everyone who hurt her. She didn't hate anyone as much as she hated them now.

She always thought what happened in her past life was the product of her own doing. Now it seems that she is wrong...

"I don't know that man." She heard Lisa murmured behind her. "I haven't heard of his name before I asked Jin to investigate all this."

"I will never betray you nor lie to you." Lisa added.

Chaeyoung let out a long sigh as her face relax. "I know."

What she needed is to know now is the whole truth.

"He is planning something against us. We should be ready." She said before she turned towards her laptop.

"I will not file a case against Yuri nor Sunmi. Prison is just too easy for them." She declared before typing a series of letters.

"I will stand with you. I am always here whenever you need me." Lisa assured her. She is even ready to accompany her in hell.

That is how important Chaeyoung is in her life.

Without her then there will be no point in living.

"Hmm..." For some reason, she always felt that she can trust Lisa. She thought about her motives before, but she quickly realized that she wouldn't get anything from doing all this.

What she forgot to think is the fact that by doing this, Lisa will get her to open her heart for her.

A 'ding' echoed inside the room.



On the next day, Chaeyoung called the authorities and asked to let Hyuna, Yuri, and Eunwoo go. She then went into her office with Lisa in tow.

When Chaeyoung arrived, she immediately started working on her computer.

Her company will officially start in a week, of course that includes her cafe.

However, all of her employees started working 2 days ago.

Although she is planning a lot of things against the Park Family, she can only do it step by step. She couldn't just ask her grandfather or Lisa to destroy them. She will never be satisfied with that.

She started typing into her computer. The first thing that she needed to do is destroy her father, Jacob. And to do so, she needed to destroy his company first.

An evil smile can be seen in her face as another ding can be heard from her computer.


On the other hand, the whole city was in an uproar because of a scandalous video about Yuri and Eunwoo started to spread online.

Guilt and shame can be seen in everyone's faces as the truth came at them like a huge bomb.

Chaeyoung is the innocent one. And everyone judged her, even avoided her like a plague.

"Ayah... how can we be so blind? How can we throw away the diamond while polishing the rock?"

"I know. That Yuri looked so pitiful. I remember seeing her cry in our class once. You would believe that Chaeyoung really bullied her."

"Wahhhh... My Goddess is not a goddess after all!"

"That Yuri is truly shameless. I never thought that she would want to do that to her sister."

"Hmp... and she even dreamed of having Miss Lalisa for herself."

"Hohoho... that Yuri is a crazy woman. My uncle told me that Miss Manoban's true beloved is actually the eldest miss of the Park family and not Yuri."

"Really? Are you telling the truth?"

"Yes. I heard the same thing from my grandfather. He was able to attend the party last night. He said that this Lalisa Manoban declared her love for Chaeyoung"

"Now that I think about it. Miss Lisa will look better with Chaeyoung that with Yuri."

"Hmm, so that's why Chaeyoung did not say anything when the whole school chastised her for seducing Senior Cha. It was because it's not true!"

"Of course how could she seduce that despicable Eunwoo when she already has the perfect woman beside her?"

"Chaeyoung will be my only goddess from now on. Ayah... So beautiful and elegant."

The posted video was out of Sunmi's expectations. She never would have thought that Chaeyoung have the guts to destroy her sister like this.

She  was originally happy when she knew that Chaeyoung did not file any case against her daughter. However, what happened next hit her hard.

Chaeyoung's evidence started spreading online like wildfire and she can only sit there and watch as the video ruin her daughter's reputation.

She already asked Jacob to do something to suppress the video, but he returned empty-handed. He told her that the source of the video is overseas. It is almost impossible to take it out from the web.

Sunmi can't help but call Henry Lee, but to her surprise, his number is already unreachable. She felt helpless.

Henry warned her not to do anything so she can only sit here trying to pacify her daughter while cursing Chaeyoung.

Speaking of Yuri. When she knew about the video, she erupted into her fury state, She cursed and wished she could kill Chaeyoung.

Yuri couldn't stop her anger. She started breaking expensive vases inside her room.

Not an hour went by without the sound of something breaking or a window falling.

"I will not let you get away with this Chaeyoung! Never!" Yuri raged, her face as red as a tomato. Eyes squinting meanly. She will never forgive Chaeyoung for doing this.

No, she will return all this to her. With interest.

"Yuri, calm down. We will retaliate. Okay? Stop this... Yuri listen to me." Sunmi said as she hugged her daughter. Tears streaming down her eyes.

"I will take you to see someone in a few days. I want you to be at your best. Convince him that you need his help in destroying Chaeyoung." She said.


"You will know once we see him."


Days passed and the video is still raging in the top ten most searched video on the web. By now, everyone in the city is aware of what happened in Chaeyoung's birthday.

The issue intensified.

Yuri, Eunwoo, and even Hyuna decided to stay at home and hide from the angry gazes of the people

While Chaeyoung decided to go all out with her investigations.

It was the day that Henry Lee will meet Yuri.

"Are you sure this is fine?" Jungkook asked Chaeyoung for the umpteenth time.

"Why not?"

"Ah..because this could probably land us in prison?" To be honest, Jungkook is just nervous. Chaeyoung decided to hack into the satellite again and used it to her advantage.

"Well, what's the use of technology if we are not going to take advantage of it?" She answered while sipping her tea.

They are currently in Chaeyoung's office with Lisa and Jin.

After the construction is done, Chaeyoung's office is already up and ready. It had a minimalistic designed with high-end computers and security.

"Are you sure this will work?" Jungkook asked again as he looked at Chaeyoung, his eyes full of inquiry.

"Why wouldn't it?"

"I mean is it truly fine to listen into people's conversation using this method? What if the military will notice our presence?"

"I just hacked into Sunmi phone and installed a recording app. What did I do wrong?" Chaeyoung asked confused. She didn't actually believe that she was doing something illegal alright?

Jungkook was about to retort when he was shushed by Chaeyoung.

"Shushed. Henry Lee just arrived."

"A good show is coming!" Chaeyoung said, her eyes full of mirth.

She did not believe that she was doing something wrong. After all, she is just doing what these people did in her past life.

Hide and lurk in the dark. Waiting for the perfect opportunity to ambush the enemy.

In this life, she will not give them the satisfaction in hunting her.

This time, she will be the hunter, and they will become her prey.


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