y/n Stark (Loki x Reader)

By A_Loki_Variant

208K 5K 2.4K

(Loki x Reader) [COMPLETED] y/n Stark, the daughter of billionaire genius Tony Stark and Pepper Potts, arrive... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38 (the end)

Chapter 15

4.5K 127 33
By A_Loki_Variant

Loki's pov
I saw Natasha and Wanda come running, out of breath and wrinkled clothes.
-What happened?- Tony asked -Where is y/n?- He asked not seeing her.
-We...around...vans ...fight...men...- Wanda spoke disjointed words between them, she must have been quite shaken.
After making them sit down and calming down, they told us what had happened.
-Are you saying that those who attacked you could be Hydra?- Asked Tony.
-Yes, there were five of them. We tried...- Wanda said, lowering her head.
-It's my fault. I shouldn't have asked her to go out.- Natasha said, covering her face.
-Quiet Nat, it's not your fault. You did everything possible.- Bruce said, approaching her and hugging her.
-Fuck...I knew I had to go with them...it's my fault...- I said walking back and forth around the room, running a hand over my face.
-No, brother, it's not your fault.- Thor stood up and tried to calm me down.
-Yes, it is. I'm her guard, I had to be with them!- I said, raising my voice.
-It's not any of your fault.- Steve said -Now, let's wait for news. If they have taken her they surely want something.-
-They want me, you know it too, Steve.- said Bucky, who until now had been silent -Deliver me to them and that's it.-
-With much pleasure.- Tony said -First he takes my parents away from me, now my daughter too.-
-Tony, calm down.- Steve said putting himself between the two -We have to cooperate if we want to bring her home. And no, Bucky, we're not going to hand you over to Hydra.-
-Tony, calm down and go tell Pepper, Steve calls Fury. It will be easier to find her if we also have the help of S.H.I.E.L.D.- Romanoff said.
While they were trying to come up with a decent plan, I decided to go out and get some fresh air.
-I should have been with them...- I said sitting on the ground and leaned my head against the wall.
I didn't even want to think about never seeing her again, not hearing her sing, yelling at Tony or just watching her read.
I hated myself for not being more careful.
-Loki...- I heard a voice calling me, I turned and saw Natasha -It's not your fault, you know, right?-
-Yes, it is. She probably hates me now.- I said.
-No, don't worry she doesn't hate you, nobody hates you. But now we need your help to save her.- she said.
-I am useless, I was not even with her when she needed me.-
-You are not useless, we need you here. Soon we have lunch, then Fury will arrive and we will decide what to do.- she smiled.
-Okay ...- I said giving up.
-Come inside?-
-Soon, I want to stay here a little longer.-
-Okay, but know that no one is angry at you.- she said and then entered.
I found myself thinking about the night we had danced.
She was gone less than a couple of hours but it felt like days.
After half an hour I went back inside and went to my room, lay down on the bed and looked at the ceiling until I fell asleep.
The next morning I went to the kitchen, hoping it was a dream, I looked for her.
But when I saw Tony sitting on the sofa with a cup of coffee in his hand and some scary dark circles I knew it really happened.
We spent the morning thinking about where she could be, when at some point a notification came.
-A video has arrived, from an unknown sender, sir.- Jarvis announced.
-Play it.- he said and the video played on the screen.
-Hello Avengers. As you can see, we have a guest here who you know very well. Baby, look at the camera and say hello to your dad and his friends.- when I saw her my heart skipped a beat, he ordered her to speak but she stood still without saying anything.
-y...y/n?- I heard the uncertainty in Tony's voice.
-They're the Hydra guys, look at the jacket.- Bucky said.
-Honestly, I'm not going to look at the kidnapper's jacket, when our priority is to save y/n.- Tony said, raising his voice a little.
-I'll ask you another time, then I'll turn to the bad ones.- the man repeated, but she remained motionless.
-Please, say something...- I whispered to myself.
-Remember it's your fault.- he took a remote control from her pocket and clicked a button, and I saw her grimace in pain.
-No y/n...- I saw Peter move his gaze.
-Say hello to dad and his friends.- the man repeated.
-H...hello dad...hello Av...Avengers...- she said, I clearly saw the pain and terror in her eyes.
-Now dear Tony, I only ask you to deliver Bucky to us and we will let your beloved daughter come back to you...-
-Don't do it! Don't let him get to Bucky.- she said.
-How does he think of me when his own life is in danger?- Bucky asked.
-I don't know, go ahead with the video, Jarvis.- said Tony.
-We do not speak without consent. Where are your manners? I have to say Stark, I thought you educated her better.- he said and then took the button again.
-Ahhhh.- she complained and we saw her fall to the ground.
-I swear that when I find you I'll kill you.- Tony said, slamming his fist on the table.
-You'd better hurry up Stark, because if she blows my nerves I will kill her.- he smiled and the video ended.
-We know that she is fine and that she is alive, that's the important thing.- Thor said.
-I kill him.- said Tony, with an expression I had never seen before, he was terrifying -Jarvis, can you find the coordinates from where this video was sent?-
-I can try it sir.- said the computer and went to work -But it will take a while, the data is well encrypted.-
-How long will it take? - Steve asked.
-In a variable time from half an hour to two days.- Jarvis rested.
-Two days?! - I asked frightened -Two days is too long, it could be too late.- at that moment the door opened and Pepper entered, with her makeup dripped and her eyes red, and ran to Tony.
-Do you know something?- she asked.
-They sent us a video...- it started again and showed it to the woman, who burst into tears.
-My little girl...- she said, hiding her face in the fire in Tony's neck.
-We'll bring her back here, safe and sound.- he said, hugging her.

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