The Great Adventure {HP Fan F...

By CharlieA

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I was just a homely, normal every day, muggle girl with a cat and a bunch of books. I had a knack for paintin... More

Authors' Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter twenty

Chapter Nine

800 63 8
By CharlieA



“Rowan, I don’t know what to say.” Harry said as I smiled at him as he opened up my present.

“Well tell her thank you! That’s beautiful Rowan!” Hermione awed as she looked at the drawing of Hedwig I had given Harry for his birthday. I scratched the back of my head.

“Well I mean I heard you had an owl and something recently happened to her, and then with me coming in and you not knowing who I was. And you’re running from the Dark Lord and well I just thought you should have a nice drawing of your owl.” I replied awkwardly as Harry smiled at me and I noticed his eyes seemed to smile as well through the glasses.

“Thank you.” I nodded my head as I went outside while everyone else gave Harry his presents. Dobby was sitting outside with me when Fred and George decided to take a seat next to me by the pond.

“So we’ve come to a determination.” George started.

“We’re going to take you to the joke shop after the wedding.” Fred replied as I looked at both of them with wide eyes.

“What? Really?!” My eyes felt like they were shining with excitement. Last night they had told me that it wasn’t really safe for squibs or muggle-bornes to be around the Wizarding world and then when Molly found out she basically forbid Fred and George from taking me in order to keep me safe. “What changed your guys’ minds? I thought it was unsafe?”

“That’s exactly why we’re taking you!” Fred announced with a grin.

“Fred and I do not quiver at unsafe things.”

“And since mum said you shouldn’t go, it’s obvious that you have to go mouse.” Fred replied with a smirk as he rubbed my head. I tried to smack his hand away but missed. I was smiling from ear to ear.

“Thank you both so much!” I turned around and pulled them both in a hug, which was fairly hard to do. “I’ve heard so much about the joke shop! I can’t believe you guys will actually take me!” They both smiled down at me, one of the most genuinely sweet smiles I’ve seen them have. They must love making their fans happy. “Oh my gosh! I have to tell Lily—“

I stopped cheering as I immediately realized what I had said. Lily, my best friend. I couldn’t tell her. She was still in the real world. “Who’s Lily?” Fred asked curiously as they both looked at me.

I gave a meek smile. “She’s my best friend… we got separated when my friend took me from my house. I haven’t seen or heard from her since that night.”

“Well is she a witch? Maybe she can meet us at the joke shop or you can send her a letter!” George suggested with a smile.

“Unfortunately, she’s a muggle. She doesn’t really know anything about this world like I did. She… probably thinks I’m dead.” I replied starting to feel a tight squeeze in my chest. I forgot how much I missed her, she was like the only family I had. Dobby crawling into my lap, purring as he sensed I was getting sad.

“You’ll see her again Rowan.” I heard Fred say next to me; I looked up to see him smiling down at me. “I’m sure of it.”

Somehow… I hoped Fred was right, but wrong at the same time.

“Well aren’t you beautiful!” Charlie Weasley announced as Mrs. Weasley introduced me, my cheeks tinted just a tad. Charlie was exactly how I imagined him to be. He was shorter and his hair was much longer than the other Weasleys and a little on the thicker side. He had muscular arms with scratches and burns running up them, probably due to the fact he handled dragons. “Nice to meet you Charlie.” I replied ruefully with a smile.

“Have any of my brothers been making passes at you? If not, then they are mental!” Charlie announced, his personality was like a mixture of the twins and Bill. He seemed serious, but also knew how to have a good time like the twins. I could see him getting along with any member of his family.

“Charlie, stop harassing the poor girl!” Mrs. Weasley scolded.

“Yeah Charlie stop harassing the poor girl.” Fred continued as he appeared on the other side of me. “And it just so happens George and I have both tried to court the young lady.”

“Alas, she has turned us both down. She says she cannot choose between the two of us. It would break her heart.” George replied as I rolled my eyes.

“Well good thing I’m here then.” Charlie replied with a grin as I glared at the lot of them.

“I don’t think I’ll choose any of you. Sorry I don’t go for redheads.” I replied with a smirk. It was a lie of course. They were all rather handsome. The twins acted as if I’d crush their hearts as Charlie just winked at me. Mrs. Weasley started scolding the lot for acting so childish as I left to go help with the dinner and cake. My face becoming a little hot. I felt like I was in any fangirls dream with the Weasley brothers fighting over me, even if it was just for fun. Cue intense fangirl moment inside head now.

I was mesmerized as how the Weasleys set up the garden behind the burrow for Harry’s birthday dinner. Fred and George had enchanted a number of purple lanterns all with the number 17 on them. They moved them all around the garden; it was such a beautiful thing to watch all the magic go into decorating. I moved around the table setting it up muggle style, but even then I would get distracted and forget where a plate went.

“Fred, George go wait at the end of the lane for the guests!” Molly yelled from inside the kitchen.

“What do we look like house elves?” Fred joked as George laughed.

“WHAT?!” I heard Molly yell from inside again as I heard a loud pop and then they were gone. I smiled. All talk but when it comes to their mom they’re scardy cats.

I watched as the guests started to come in, Hagrid with his awful yet nice looking suit along with Remus and Tonks. I tried to remembered what happened in this part as everyone were talking, Fred and George took a seat next to me as everyone said hi to one another and wished Harry a happy birthday. I noticed Mrs. Weasley kept glancing at the gate and finally remembered. “Scrimgeour.” I whispered to myself as Fred looked at me.

“What did you say?”

My eyes widened slightly, “I said scrumshich! It’s gibberish for delicious.”

“What is—“

“I think we’d better start without Arthur,” Mrs. Weasley interrupted as I let out a sigh; I needed to stop talking to myself when other people were around. “He must have been held up at—oh!”

Immediately a bright silver light came upon the table and soon there was a small silver weasel standing up on its hind legs. My eyes looked at the Patronus in awe. It was beautiful and so life-like. It spoke quickly and quietly with Mr. Weasley’s voice, “Minister of Magic coming with me.” The Patronus vanished and soon Lupin and Tonks were gathering up and leaving in a hurry.

“The Minister—but why?—I don’t understand—“ Mrs. Weasley began and then for some reason when her eyes caught sight of mine, it almost seemed like they screamed as if she’s just come on a realization. “Fred—George!”

Before I could even process what exactly happened, Fred pulled me out of my seat making myself bang my knees in the process and pulled me inside just as I heard a loud crack. He placed his hand over my mouth as he quickly and quietly led me up the stairs. Once we were in the safety of Fred and George room he moved his hand. “Fred! What the hell was that about?”

“Sorry, but we can’t let Scrimgeour know you’re here. None of us trust him enough.” Fred replied as looked down at me with a smile, “So we get to stay up here for the time being till the old scrooge leaves!”

“Fred, you don’t have to stay up here with me. I’m a big girl.” I replied with a smile as I sat down on one of the twins’ bed as he sat next to me.

“Well it keeps me distracted from how hungry I am.” Fred replied as I heard his stomach grumble. “Oi! You made Harry a drawing for his birthday!”

I stared at him quizzically, “Yes? Way to state the obvious?”

He flicked my nose as I smiled, “Bloody hell woman, if you’d let me finish. I didn’t know you were an artist.”

“Well you never asked.” I shrugged as Fred grinned.

“Well miss artist, why haven’t you made your two best friends, Georgie and I a drawing?”

“Again, you never asked and this one was for Harry’s birthday.” I replied with a smile.

“Well here I am asking mouse, I would like a drawing of something brilliant.” Fred replied as I rolled my eyes.

“Fred, you have to give me something to work with. Do you want a self portrait or a drawing of an animal or a girlfriend?” I asked as I felt myself tense a little, why did I just now ask about a girlfriend? Fred smiled.

“Lucky for you, I do not have a girlfriend. Many admirers, yes. None of them have captured my heart though my fair lady.” Fred winked as I rolled my eyes.

“You and your many admirers, how ever do you do it Fred?” I asked with a grin as he smiled.

“I’d like a drawing of anything. Surprise me Rowan. You say I’m so predictable, so give me something that isn’t predictable.” Fred grinned as I smiled at him.

“Challenge accepted.”

I looked at Fred as I noticed he was staring at me, as if he was studying me. My brown eyes locked with his dark blue ones as if we were having an intense eye contest. I had read something on the Internet once that if you stare into someone’s eyes longer than six seconds you either want to kill them or have sex with them. I was pretty sure I didn’t want to kill Fred. But I couldn’t have sex with Fred, he was a character in a book! I think I was at about five seconds with the eye staring before I shut my eyes. “Rowan?” I heard Fred laugh lightly. “What in merlin’s beard are you doing?”

“Closing my eyes before six seconds.” I replied nonchalantly trying to pretend it was no big deal, I do this everyday.

“And why are you doing that?”

“Because Fred… I can.” I replied not really sure where I was going with that sentence.

I heard the door open before Fred could respond, “Fred, mum sent me up here to—What is she doing?” I heard George’s voice as Fred laughed.

“Georgie, I’m not sure. We were having an eye contest and then she closed her eyes.”

I opened my eyes to see Fred had stood up and was grinning at me, that cheeky bastard knew it was no ordinary eye contest. “Well I didn’t want to have to comfort you for when you lost.” I replied as George smiled.

“Ro’s showing her competitive side more.”

“Rowans just afraid that she’ll fall in love with me for staring in my eyes too long.” Fred smirked down at me as the three of us started to make our way downstairs. My cheeks tinted slightly, but I covered it up with my retort.

“Oh please Weasley, I’d never fall in love with you. You’re too busy falling in love with yourself.” I replied with a grin as Fred winked.

“Challenge accepted.” George laughed as he looked over at me.

“Ro doesn’t know what she’s gotten into, no one can resist the Weasley charm.”

I rolled my eyes, I knew they were joking, but I couldn’t help feel a little intimidated. I wouldn’t fall in love with Fred or any Weasley or any person in this world for that matter. A dream can only last so long and even though this may be real, I’ll have to wake up eventually.

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