Memories Bring Back You ✔️

By ZiamArmour

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[COMPLETED] "Here's to the ones that we got Cheers to the wish you were here, but you're not 'Cause the drink... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 18

521 40 52
By ZiamArmour

Liam woke up in the middle of the night to notice he is hugging Ted. Thinking that Zayn is just in the washroom and Liam being too tired and sleepy to check, he fell asleep again.

The next morning, he woke up with Zayn playing with his hair.

"Goodmorning, Zayn," Liam smiled brightly. He is happy to wake up with Zayn by his side. Although he can feel a little tugging in his heart by how those bruises look, Zayn being with him is enough to cover things for now.

"Baby, go eat. I have prepared food for you."

Liam's brows knit in confusion. Is it just me or he sounds tired?

Liam, you idiot, he just got back yesterday and he has bruises littering his body. Of course, he'll be tired.

"Right, Zayn. Come on. Let's eat." Liam stood up and Zayn held him by the hand as they walk together out of the room.

"I got hungry, Baby. So I ate first. I do not want to wake you up earlier." Zayn said which confused Liam. They always dine together. Liam, he only ate a little last night, remember?

Zayn sat beside him and just stared at him while eating, occasionally petting his head or arranging his hair. But he does not say anything. And neither does Liam. They are in a comfortable silence.

After eating Zayn washed the dishes like he used to. And Liam is waiting for him to finish. He was looking at his phone and reading for e-mails when a glass broke.

Oh, Zayn slipped a glass from his hold.

Zayn stood there silently. His hand still in the form of holding a glass. He seems... shocked. Strange. Liam stood up to get a broom when he saw Zayn bend down to pick up the sharp pieces of glass.

"Zayn, no!" He exclaimed loudly. He does not want Zayn to hurt himself. What is he thinking, picking up the glass shards?

Zayn looked at him. And for once he thought he saw fear in Zayn's eyes. Turns out, his eyes are just alarmed from Liam's sudden outburst. Zayn's hand is shaking a little? Liam is not sure with what he saw so he blinked and looked again. Zayn is not shaking. Phew, I thought I scared him.

"I will get a broom, Zayn."

Liam quickly cleaned the area and disposed the glass pieces properly.

"You have work, right, Baby?" Zayn asked him as he hugs Liam from the back. His voice a little sad.

"Yes, but I will be working here. And do not worry about ZJM, Zayn. I have contacted the lawyers to manage things for you."

"Oh~ Really? You'll stay here for the day?" Zayn said. And Liam can't help but smile at the excitement hidden in Zayn's soft voice.

"Yes, Zayn."

"My very good Baby. I just do not want you to go to work alone." Zayn said as he sniffs Liam's neck and tracing it with his nose in the process.

Liam giggles. Damn, my boyfriend being my boyfriend. "Come on, Zayn. I have work to do. But I'll sit on the bed. You can hug me the whole time. Just a suggestion though."

Zayn willed Liam to face him and Zayn kissed him full on the lips. Ahh~ those soft lips. "I'll do it anyway."

Liam blushed and laughed as he dragged Zayn towards their room.

The day went by pretty normal and domestic. Zayn cooked their lunch. Them eating together although Zayn's food intake is lesser than what he normally would eat. But Zayn assured him that he is fine and that it will take a while to get his appetite back because his body is still recovering. And of course, Liam believed him.

When Liam works and Zayn has nothing to do, Zayn will just back hug Liam. Sometimes he would put his face on Liam's neck. Kissing Liam's neck, shoulders or back. Rubbing circles in his back. Occasionally massaging his tensed shoulders.

And if Liam is not busy anymore, they would cuddle in the bed and Zayn would give him butterfly kisses all over his face down to his neck.

And Liam is delighted at that. Sometimes Zayn would talk to him and sometimes, he will remain quiet. But he never initiated a conversation except 'Baby' and 'I love you'. But Liam is not complaining. He is used to Zayn's quietness and occasional chatting. Zayn sometimes speaks a lot when emotions overwhelm him. And sometimes he does not for the same reason. Him speaking puts Liam's heart at ease.

They are about to sleep and he is lying in Zayn's arms. He does not want to because Zayn has bruises all over his body and he might hurt Zayn with his weight and movements. But Zayn just looked at him sadly. And just like that, Liam gave in.

"Zayn, hmmm. I want you to go back to work after a week from this day. Okay?"

"That would be too much days of absence, Baby." He can feel Zayn's hand massaging his scalp and it feels good. Makes me sleepy.

"But, Zayn. Your body needs to recover. Please."

"No, Baby. I do not want you to go to work alone and eat your lunch alone."

The best boyfriend ever!

"If I work at home, will you not insist on working at your office?"

Liam can feel Zayn nod in agreement. But Zayn spoke. "But I can stay. You have taken too much days at home. Your company needs you. I can manage alone. Can I at least drop you off to work?"

"No! I do not want you to go home alone. What if..." Liam, let him be the one to open up. "Wh-What if your body is still too tired to drive a car."

"Driving a car is easy, Baby. Come on. Trust me."

I have taken too much time off my company. Liam sighed.

"Okay, Zayn." I will trust you. I will trust you again.

"Now, why don't you sleep? My baby will have a long day tomorrow, right?"

"Hnnnm" Liam hummed in response. Zayn's heartbeat is his lullaby.

"I love you, Zayn," Liam said sleepily. He can't help but yawn as his eyes drooped.

"I-I love you so much, Baby." He heard Zayn said unclearly if there his voice cracked, he did not hear it.

Liam woke up to some rustling. It was Zayn standing up and removing himself from Liam's hold.

"Sleep back, Baby." Zayn said softly as he stroke Liam's hair.

"Hmmmn. W-Why?" Liam asked groggily.

"I will just get some water, Baby. Go back to sleep." Zayn pats his butt gently. Lulling back him to sleep.

When Liam woke up, he is hugging Ted. And Zayn entered. His eyes look tired. Why? He is a morning person. He does not usually look tired after waking up.

"Oh, my Baby's awake." His smile does not even reach his eyes. Dark circles are forming under his puffy eyes. Zayn, what is happening? "Why are you looking at me like that, Baby? Come on. Let's put some food in your tummy."

Zayn took Liam's hand in his as he let Zayn lead him out to the table.

Zayn served Liam his food and he put a little for himself. Appetite is not back yet?

"Zayn, you're food is not enough." Liam said disapprovingly. His cooking tastes different than usual. Liam just shrugged it off.

Zayn softly chuckles. "It's fine, Baby. Come on. Eat fast. You still have to work, Baby."

Liam pouted as he ate.

The next moment, they are in the car and Zayn is driving with eyes on the road. So focused that his brows knitted.

When they pulled up in front of his building, Zayn let out a sigh of relief. Liam can feel his heart breaking because there is something different with Zayn. I should convince him to see a psychologist.

"Baby, we are here. I will be here later, okay? Come on, give me my kiss."

Liam smiled brightly as he held Zayn's face and gave the latter a deep kiss.

"Hmmmn. Enough, Baby or I'll lose my control. Now, go," Zayn said huskily on his ear and that made Liam flush.

"Y-Yeah, right. Bye, Zayn. Now, let us have a video call, okay?"

"Is that necessary, Baby. I will be fine. I will text you right away when I arrive home."

"It is necessary."

"Come on, Baby. I might not be focused because I will just stare on your face."

"I will cover my camera. Zayn, we agreed about this."

Zayn nodded and video-called him.


Liam nodded. Clearly, Zayn is not happy with the set-up. But it is hard for Liam to trust Zayn completely now because he still does not know what happened and Zayn is acting weird.

"I love you, Zayn."

"I love you more, Baby."

Liam climbed out of the car and Zayn sped off.

Liam never for once left his eyes on Zayn. Observing him while driving. He has a glimpse of Zayn's hand on the steering wheel. His grip is tighter than ever.

Zayn, what am I going to do with you?

When Zayn finally arrived in front of his house's gate, both of them exhaled sharply.

"Now, Baby. You have to work. I have to go. Bye, Baby."

"Bye, Zayn. I love you."

"I love you more."

And Zayn ended the call.

Liam has a busy day at work. He has to work on all pending tasks he has that cannot be done while at home and it took so much of his attention that he did not notice what time it is.

When he was done, he looked at the clock and it is already 5:12 P.M. Shit. Shit. Shit.

He took his things quickly and ran towards the elevator.

He almost flew from elevator towards the exit. His heart pounding when he saw Zayn is not yet there waiting for him outside.

He can feel his tears on his eyes.

No. No. No. He took out his phone and he saw missed calls from Zayn. Where is he?

He was about to call when the familiar car pulled in front of him. He rushed to open the door and he surprised Zayn by throwing his arms on him and sobbing.

"Aww~ Baby. I got stuck in the traffic. There was an accident along the road." Zayn explained rubbing soothing circles on his back.

"You scared me, Zayn."

"Baby, I am fine. Trust me."

"The last time I did, you were gone for a day and half." Liam said without thinking and he felt Zayn stiffened under his touch. Fuck you, Liam.

Liam broke from the hug and saw Zayn in deep thoughts. I need to break the tension.

"Alright, Zayn! Let's go home. I had a looooooong day at work. I am soooooooooooo tired."

Zayn chuckled at his childish tone and without saying anything, he took him home.

While Zayn is cooking, Liam is relaxing on the sofa waiting for Zayn to call him. I am that spoiled, okay? Be jealous.

"Baby, dinner's ready!"

Liam jumped to his feet to go to the dinner table to eat and he sat beside Zayn.

A delicious-looking food is prepared in front of him.

He took a bite and still, Zayn's food tastes delicious but different.

He ate and finished his food. He ate a lot because he was hungry. And Zayn. Zayn ate a little again.

Something is not right. Something is not right.

He unconsciously bit his lower lip.

"Baby, what are you thinking?"

"Oh~ Nothing Zayn. Just some unfinished works."

"Okay, Baby. My Baby is working hard." Zayn smiled approvingly at him. "But don't overwork, okay?"

"You are there to take care of me, Zayn," Liam flashed a toothy smile.

"Yes, Baby. Of course."


They are now on the bed and Liam is lying down on Zayn's chest. Hearing his boyfriend's heartbeats eases him and completes his day.

"Zayn, you know you can talk to me, right," Liam said gently and out of the blue.

"Hmmmm." Liam felt Zayn nod a little.

"I'm sleepy, Zayn."

"Sleep, Baby."

"I love you."

"I love you more, Baby."

Liam slept with a smile on his face.

He woke up in the middle of the night again. Hugging Ted. Zayn is not on his side, but he is so sleepy to mind. This is the third time. That is the last thought on his mind before he fell asleep again.

Liam woke up again. When he saw he is still hugging Ted, his sleepiness went away. Where is Zayn? He looked at the clock and it is still 2:30 A.M.

He slowly got up to look for his boyfriend.

Liam did not find Zayn in the kitchen and in the livung room. The comfort rooms are empty. There is one room more and that is the guest room.

The guest room is left locked so when he twisted the knob and it clicked open, Liam knew right away that Zayn could be there.

He is hearing grunts before he opened it completely.

When, finally, he can see everything in the room with a lamp turned on, his heart clenched painfully. He put a fist on his mouth to stop himself from crying out.

Zayn is twisting and squirming on the bed. His forehead sweaty and he is crying.

My boyfriend is having nightmares? Is that why he does not want to sleep beside me because he does not want me to see him or disturb me. And he looks tired ever morning because he can't sleep after some nightmares?

Why Zayn? Why do you have to put me first? When will I have the chance to take care of you? Or is it me? Have I not cared enough? Have I underestimated your trauma?

He rushed to Zayn'a side. Wiping Zayn's face with his palms. Liam whispered, "Zayn, it's just a nightmare. Just a nightmare. Wake up. Wake up. Liam is here."

Instead of calming down after saying his name, Zayn thrashed violently. Grunting and saying 'Liam' over and over again.

Liam cried silently with him as he tries to restrain Zayn's movements to hug Zayn and when Zayn's hand shoved him hard, his cheek hurt from the force. And he can't help but let out a loud yelp that caused Zayn to wake up.

When Zayn eyes darted on him, Liam was holding his red cheek. Shit. Shit. Shit.

Liam saw how Zayn's confused eyes turned to horror the moment he saw Liam holding his cheek. It hurts. It hurts to see him like this.

Liam immediately took his hand away from his face and tried to smile to calm Zayn down. But it is not working. Zayn continued to stare at him in horror. As he gingerly brought his finger to touch Liam's cheek.

"Zayn, I am fine it was an accident."

Tears form in Zayn's eyes.

"Baby. I hurt my Baby. I am so sorry. I am so sorry."

Liam wanted to scream that by acting like this, Zayn is hurting him more.

Liam was shocked when Zayn scooped him up to his arms and walked towards the door while muttering a hundred of 'sorries'.

"Zayn, I am fine. I am fine. Please. Believe me. It is not that pai-"

Before he realized it, Liam was on his feet again and before he could react, the door closed and locked. Zayn is inside alone.


"Zayn, I swear. Open the door this instant! Zayn!" Liam pounded the door. His fist hurting.

But Zayn is not opening the door. And all Liam can hear are sound of things thrown and breaking around. Zayn's agonizing screams.


Liam looked for the spare key, but shit it is inside the room. Zayn, you're so cunning. The door and knob strong that he can't push it open.

"Zayn, please!" Liam is screaming and crying at the same time. "It's not your fault! Please! Please!"

"Talk to me, Zayn! Why are you doing this to me!?"

"Zayn!" Liam weakly pounds the door as he kneel in front of it. "Zayn! Open this door!"

All he could hear are muffled cries of Zayn and Zayn apologizing over and over again.

"Zayn! Put some ice pack on my face if you're sorry! Come on!" He is trying everything to coax Zayn to open the door. His cheek really did not hurt that much. It was just red and he was just shocked.

"ZAYN!" Liam yelled frustrated.

The door clicked open.


"Baby, I am so sorry," Zayn fell to his knees at the sight of his Baby crying so hard and shouting. He embraced Liam's body as Liam continued to cry on his shoulders.

Zayn no longer cries. His focus is on the man in his arms crying his heart out like there is no tomorrow. And it hurts his heart in more ways than another. He does not like seeing Liam in pain and what is worse, it is him who is causing it.

"I am so sorry, Baby. I am so sorry."

Zayn broke from the embrace and held Liam's face with his hands. His Baby's face is red from crying. His eyes puffy and his lips formed a frown. I am so sorry, Baby.

"I did not mean it, Baby. I am sorry for hurting you."

"I am fine, Zayn. But I am hating you right now." And indeed, Liam is not joking. On his eyes is rage and resentment.

"Don't hate me, Baby. I love you." Zayn leaned to kiss Liam's on the lips but the younger pushed his chest. It is the first time Liam did not welcome his kiss because his Baby did not want it. And it hurts.

"I hate that I can't hate you, Zayn. I hate it. Because it hurts. It hurts so fucking much when I am here, but you do not see me as someone who can be a companion. Yes, Zayn. You protect me well. Thank you so fucking much for that, but I want to protect you too. Be there for you. And how can I do it when you don't talk to me." Liam screamed his thoughts at Zayn and Zayn understands.

At some point he carried all the weight because he does not want to burden his Baby. Zayn has been a burden enough.

"Zayn, am I a bad listener?"

No, Baby. No. Zayn shook his head in disagreement.

"I can be better for you. I won't speak so much. I would be quiet. Just please, talk to me. Talk to me, Zayn. It kills me to see you like this without me doing anything. When you walked away from me the second time around, I start to question my position in your life, Zayn. Am I really your boyfriend? Do you see me as one? If so, then why would you not share your burden with me?" Zayn can perfectly see the betrayal Liam feels and Zayn knows where he fell short.

I just do not want to be a burden to you, Baby.

"You can be vulnerable in front of me, Zayn. No matter how many times, no matter how repetitive it gets, I will be your number one supporter. Do not paint a picture that you are invincible, Zayn. You are human. You get hurt. You get scared. But this human," Liam pointed at his chest. "This human has me."

Liam holds his face, the warm palm of his hands send comfort to him. With a gentle voice he said, "You can cry, Zayn. You can scream. You can talk. You can let me see those."

And just like a switch inside Zayn, he embraced Liam. His shoulders shakes as he cried. He just cried with no words. No explanation. No excuses. Zayn cried in the arms of the one whom he promised love and protection, and the one person who offers him the same.

And Liam just rubbed his back soothingly, so comforting. It is like a cushion in a bed of hard rocks.

When his sobs subside, Zayn spoke.

"I am sorry, Baby. I am sorry for unintionally hurting you. I just do not want to burden you."

Liam stays quiet, allowing him to speak.

"I am sorry, Baby. I do not want to wake you up when I have nightmares. So I chose to stay in the other room. And I cannot sleep after I wake up. I cannot sleep without you."

"Baby, my memories. They were scary. The things I remember with Jan Bunmi in it were at least bearable. But- But the things I remember with the man who has a leaf tattoo, William, they- they were the worst, Baby. They were the worst. And maybe that was why my brain chose to bury it deeper than my other memories."

Liam tightens his hands around Zayn. And it gave Zayn a sense of security and assurance.

"I do not want to tell you. You will see how broken I am that I am beyond repair. I-"

"No, Zayn. You are not broken beyond repair. You will heal. You can heal."

"But, Baby-"

Liam held his face again and placed a lingering kiss on his lips. Warmth surges in his heart at the love and acceptance he feels. When Liam broke from the kiss, Zayn smiled brightly. It is the first time he smiled so bright since he returned. Even with tears on his face, he smiled.

"I love you, Baby. I love you so fucking much. I love you more than I love my life."

"Zayn!" Liam pouted.

Oh. Wrong choice of words.

"Now, tell me, Zayn. Did you already kill that fucker or do I have to kill him myself?"

"No, Baby. I already did." Zayn's hand clenched in anger.

When he went inside the black car, Zayn was immiedately tied. And his mouth gagged and he was blindfolded. He did not show any protest because his Baby could still be in danger. No matter how easy it would be to take these men down, he can never let William hurt the only one he loves.

"Aren't you such an obedient thing?" One of the men talked. His finger traced Zayn's face in a sickening manner and Zayn wants to vomit.

"He's a sight, right? No wonder Boss' son is head over heels for him. Even I like women, I can say he's attractive." The one driving said.

Zayn rolled his eyes. 'why, thank you for your compliment.'

The whole car ride was full of nonsense talks.

They arrived in an abandoned house ten hours from the city. He was given no food and no water.

They took the blindfold off. No one is around and there were no streetlights to be seen along the way nor were there houses.

Zayn followed where the men would lead him. He still can't see William.

When they were inside the stinky house, the men threw him on the floor and gave him a good beating while they were laughing. There were about five of them.

Zayn can remember the times he got beaten up two years ago. And it almost triggered his panic attack. It is never easy to deal with a trauma.

He even drank last night, thinking he could sleep deeply without nightmares since he remembered everything William did and said to him. But, he was wrong. His sleep was plagued with dreams. The good thing was he did not thrash around like he used to two years ago.

Thinking about Liam anchored him to think straight in this situation. His bound hands tried to reach for a very small knife tucked in his waistband. He has kept this since he started training.

He carefully and tightly held it as the beating continue. His adrenaline was at its peak. And his focus like that of an eagle's. He gently rubbed the blade on the thick rope. Hoping it will break soon, before William reaches the place.

When it broke, Zayn smirked.

A foot was about to land on his face but he caught it and twisted it in such manner that the leg was completely dislocated.

The man fell on the floor and screamed loud.

Zayn skilfully stood up and took his gag away. And before the other man can reach for his gun, Zayn snatched it first. His moves are fast and unpredictable. He puts the gun on his waist as reservation.

William did not expect me to fight, huh? He did not even let them bring firearms.'

They fought hand to hand. Sometimes, Zayn got punches when it was getting too much but after a while, all his opponents are on the ground writhing in pain. Still unsatisfied, Zayn one by one strangled them. The lesser the blood, the lesser dirt to clean.

One after the other. He painfully yet quietly killed them. They begged but Zayn was deaf to their pleas. His face void of emotion as life drained out of the men's bodies.

He dragged them and piled them in the dark corner.

After he was done, Zayn cried. The fact that he killed people was too much but his rage was too much. And his priority was to get out safe and return to his Baby who must be losing his mind now.

'I hope Louis already had an idea of what happened and try to keep Liam safe.' The man can only pray.

He sat on the ground, heaving deeply. His heart was beating irregularly in his chest. In anticipation to get his hands on William Payne.

Zayn can hear a car parked outside. He immediately hid his hands on his back. And lowered his head, as if he's weak.

William Payne entered the house alone and Zayn could feel no one was around except them. 'Perfect!'

William, being an idiot, did not look for his men. Instead, his sole focus was on Zayn. He was confident he had Zayn in his hands.

He tilted Zayn's head and when he saw bruises, he smirked.

"Weak as ever, Malik. You can never outsmart me. I am actually offended that you cannot remember me. Out of all the things I did-"

"You are not worth remembering." Zayn said angrily.

"Oh, little boy is speaking. But the day at your office you grew weak at the mention of my son's name." William taunted him. "It's a shame you lived. I should have killed you two years ago. Now, you have caused me so much trouble."

William stood up. And paced on the room. So lost in his own narrative. Twirling a gun on his hand.

"Remember when I gave you and forced you to eat spoiled food? Oh, the twists of your face. Right, I wore mask back then. Such a shame you did not see me smile. I love cutting your skin back then, Malik. It made me release all my frustrations. Torturing you were happy times.

"I researched about you, Malik. The night you told me you loved my son. Lo and behold! You were an heir of a big company, motherfucker! I coordinated with your aunt.

"She was a greedy woman, but not as greedy as me. She had been stealing behind your back while giving you an average life. Poor, Zaynie."

Zayn could only seeth in anger. He was waiting for the right time to attack. He wants to give William a painful death.

"We had to keep you alive. You were richer than we thought. Even richer when we knew about more inheritance you have. But we should have killed you then. So now, I will finish what we have started. I will finish it slowly. You gave me headache, you arrogant bastard!" William put his gun on his holster and held a knife instead.

Zayn saw this as an opportunity. Thinking Zayn was bound, William got nearer to him and was about to slice his skin on the face open when Zayn held his wrist and twisted it harshly.

William screamed curses and dropped the knife. He was about to reach his gun with the other hand Zayn beat him to it. He stole William's gun. 'Now, I have two guns.'

"Fucker!" William screamed.

"That's you!" Zayn retorted. He lifted William like he weighed nothing and dropped him to the ground with a force. Zayn can hear some bones break.

William jaw got dislocated so he can't form coherent words. He can only scream.

"You could never hurt me now, William. And you will be forgotten. You would rot in this house together with your men and no one would look for you. Worms would eat your flesh and your body would decompose here. Your blood will run dry. And nobody will look for you." Zayn said menacingly at the body lying on the floor.


"You mean Liam, my Baby? He would never look for you. He'd even be delighted to kill you. He already suspected you of your involvement two years ago. I just don't want to tarnish our names. This location is great actually. Thank you for choosing the best place."

"Arrrghhhh. Hmmmmmph"

Zayn took the knife and sliced with no particular pattern William's back. And Zayn was deaf to any pleas. He cut the skin with the leaf tattoo. The only thing he knew of his torturer.

He fed William the skin he cut.

After that, he rolled sin over and cut his skin criss-cross with the knife. Only agonizing scream can be heard. Blood was everywhere. William was barely conscious.

He looked at William's watch. It is already 5:30 A.M. Little light can be seen outside.

He rested for a while, letting William breathe a little from the torture. Zayn can hear William's little and weak movements.

After around an hour, he stood up and took the gun on his hand. He pointed it on William who can see the gun's nuzzle. His eyes widened in horror and fear. Much to Zayn's pleasure.

"When I continually asked for mercy two years ago, you showed me none. Instead you tortured me. You could have just stolen things but you wanted more. You want it perfect. You stepped on anyone on your way. Even Liam. You used him against me. Emotionally torturing me by threatening him. Now, I will show you no pity. And remember this, your killer never felt any regret."

He fired the gun at William's forehead. And fired it more on his body until the bullets ran out.

Zayn quickly took William's keys and wallet. And climbed his car. The sun was fully out. Good thing, William's car was heavily tinted.

Adrenaline was still rushing in his system. He could not feel thirst, hunger, exhaustion and sleepiness.

But driving, Zayn did not know where to go. If he goes north, south, east or west. No houses. No people. No signal. The GPS in the car would not work.

So he drove aimlessly until evening. And he sucked at guessing the right direction and he was always led to a dead end.

He drove more around until he saw a person walking. He asked where he was and he was three hours away from the city. The stranger told him which way to go and Zayn thanked him.

It was already 9:00 P.M. when he reached the city's borders. And he can feel his strength wear off. The car's fuel is running low and he was still two hours away from his Baby.

He looked for money on William's wallet. When he found some, he immediately looked for a gas station.

Luckily, there was one nearer than he expected. He rolled down his window to tell the gas station boy of his desired amount.

When the boy saw his state, his eyes widened. But he performed his task nontheless. Zayn paid and left.

Zayn drove slowly and carefully. His sight getting hazy. He felt sleepy and drowsy. Maybe it was the thought of home that sent him relief.

But he pushed himself. It was around midnight when he finally entered the subdivision. Even the security guard was shocked to see him. Zayn only offered him a lopsided smile. And he frantically let Zayn enter.


He parked the car. And he noticed the gate was locked he could not open it from the outside. The only choice left was to climb. And so he did.

He fell on the process of coming down. But he stood up.

He knew where Liam keeps the spare key for the main door. And he thanked his Baby for that.

He opened the door harshly and closed it loudly.


'Baby.' He can only whisper. Thirsty. Hungry. Tired. Drained. He fell unconcious before he can even see his Baby.

Hearing this, Liam threw his arms around Zayn's neck and nuzzled his face on the crook of his neck.

"Oh God, Zayn. I am glad you came back. I am sorry I was not there. Oh, my Zayn!"

Liam embraced him tight.

I said it. I said it. And it is okay. It is okay. I actually felt a lot lighter.

"Baby, you're my anchor."

"I am here, Zayn. From now on, if you feel negative feelings, talk to me. And you have to go back to therapy again, okay? Right away. Tomorrow. You will start tomorrow. I will accompany you. We will heal together, Zayn. I will be here."

Zayn nodded.

"I have an amazing Baby. Thank you for being patient, Baby. Thank you for pushing me to talk. I would not have let it off my chest."

His Baby broke from the hug and looked at him. Liam played with his hair a little.

"You are strong, Zayn."

"Because of you, Baby. Only you."

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