final round - lrh

Galing kay whiskeyluke

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the story of a boy and a girl who rely on each other to keep one another alive emotionally and physically. ... Higit pa



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Galing kay whiskeyluke

 Before I could make sense of Luke's words, his hands gripped my waist harshly and pushed me against the closest wall. I hardly am capable of letting out a gasp of surprise as his lips feverishly meet mine in a matter of milliseconds.

I don't dare miss an ounce of it as I meet his hungry lips, having wanted to do this ever since Michael interrupted us earlier. I relish in every second of it as the need between the two of us is nothing short of hot and desperate.

As my back leans against the wall, Luke tugs my waist towards his, forcing our hips to meet as he raises his hands above my head, having complete power between the two of us.

And I love it.

I don't hold back from wrapping my arms around his neck, desiring to eliminate all distance between the two of us and feel him more than I ever have.

My back is arched completely as my head tilts up entirely, our faces parallel from one another as we take in the privacy of his office and this moment of being completely alone.

Luke's lips move in a speedy fashion against my own, nothing I can't keep up with as I refuse to be the one to falter in this heated moment.

I didn't realize just how desperately I needed this.

Luke drives his tongue between my lips, increasing the pleasure as I can't help the moan that comes from me, the intensity of this situation riling me up in every way possible.

The second Luke hears my moan that's filled with desire, he presses against my hips, forcing them to once again meet the wall as he lowers our kiss, allowing for our heads to be vertical with one another. My heart races incredibly against his chest as I have no doubt that he can feel every beat of it.

In fact, I practically whine as he removes his lips from my own, instead, beginning to plant kisses against my neck, his curls tickling my jaw as I shut my eyes in bliss.

I'm so caught up in the feeling of his lips that I hardly hear him as he practically growls against my neck one word that has my legs nearly shaking.


You've got that right, that's for damn sure.

He doesn't wait for a response, instead, bending over and hooking his arms under the back of my legs, hoisting me in his grip completely as I widen my eyes in surprise.

I'm thankful I do as I wish I could capture the smile that's on his lips as he looks up to me, my hair curtaining his face slightly as he holds me in a strong, intense grip that promises my safety as my hands place themselves on his shoulders.

Due to this small moment of a lack of contact between the two of us, I don't hesitate to speak.

"You don't have to tell me twice."

Luke's smile widens, as if loving the words that leaves my lips and I can't help but appreciate this quick moment of a soft side to him. Even though I know it won't last, nor do I want it to right now, it still has my heart fluttering in a way that I couldn't describe even if I tried.

"Glad we're on the same page then."

I don't get to respond, instead, my lips are the ones doing so as they feel Luke's instantly, not a second of hesitation between the two of us. Luke removes me from the wall, desiring to guide me elsewhere as he keeps a firm hold on me, giving me the ability to relax in his arms entirely as I focus on nothing but the feeling of the passion being delivered between us two right now.

There's something thrilling about the code word we've created between the two of us that initiates the contact between us two in order to ensure the two of us are on the same page. It's easy to consider it as a quick moment of consent as we verbally tell one another what we need in the moment and the other has the ability to decide whether they want to continue with where we're headed or take a step back.

It's nothing short of hot to me as I've always viewed a man who looks for consent absolutely sexy.

Lucky for Luke, there's nothing more in the world that I want more than him right now. Especially as I can feel just how riled up he is in this moment. He had his turn and right now, it's my time to shine.

TIme to relieve some stress from this guys life.

Deciding to lead us in the proper direction, one of my hands reaches down between us, desperate to feel his bulge against my palm as my imagination is running wild at the thought of the size of him. It terrifies me considering I haven't exactly done anything with another guy since my graduation night but it also excites me because I feel so strongly for Luke and I know the connection we share will only make these experiences that much more incredible.

As my hand comes in contact with his hard, covered member, I feel his movements halt in the slightest, as if taken aback by the foreign feeling that I'm sure he hasn't experienced in a while either.

And I'd be damned if I didn't take advantage of every second of it, making sure he's at his high at all times.

Due to my own intruding thoughts, I run my hand down his length, my lips keeping up with his pace regardless of the gasp that begs to leave my lips as it's confirmed just how large he is.

Not like I doubted that one for a second. But holy hell, I didn't even know they could be this big.

Luke seems to notice where I'm pushing things so he removes his lips from mine, a shaky breath leaving his lips before he rests his head in the crook of my neck. A smirk crosses my lips, hoping more than anything that my actions are leaving him stunned and breathless even though the best is yet to come.

He leaves shaky breaths against my neck, myself repeating my actions as I tilt my head back and clothes my eyes, imagining all the fun the two of us could have.

"You're playing a dangerous game, little girl."

I smirk in satisfaction, pushing things only further as I stretch my fingers in order to wrap around him completely, squeezing it the slightest bit as I anticipate what's to follow.

"What are you gonna do about it?" I ask, my tone low as I open my eyes once more, desperate to see the look on his face as I know I'm pushing the best buttons possible at this point.

In fact, the second I hear him suck in a sharp breath, I know I'm absolutely done for as he reaches for my wrist, tearing my grip from his erection before bending the two of us down, my knees quickly meeting the floor as my hands separate from his neck.

I gasp in surprise at the abruptness of his actions and am about to do something when he takes the next course of action. It leaves me absolutely speechless as he hunches over and grips my chin in his palm, forcing me to look up at him as I see eagerness in his eyes.

"You like to be punished, don't you?"

I don't respond, knowing that'll only fire him up further as I keep my lips in a thin line, shutting my mouth entirely as I don't dare to look away from his gaze.

"All you do is test my patience," he continues, clearly appreciating the moment of authority. "You came in here and told me all about Ashton kissing you because you knew you'd get this kind of reaction from me."

I keep my mouth shut because we both know I didn't tell him about that to piss him off. We know I told him that because I respect what's going on between the two of us and felt as if it was something he should know. However, for the sake of the intensity of the situation, I remain silent.

"Now, here you are talking back to me when we both know who's in control here," he says, making my knees practically weak as I beg my body not to show any signs of weakness. Unfortunately though, his words have one hell of an impact on me. "How many times do I have to punish you before you finally understand, Lila?"

Lord have mercy.

I suck in my lips, proving further I have no intentions of giving him the responses he desperately desires.

In noticing this, Luke immediately mutters curse words under his breath, his hands reaching for the belt that I'm so thankful he wore today as watching him undo it has my mouth practically dry. His curls dangle from his forehead as his erection is incredibly obvious through his pants, giving him away completely as I know he wants this just as much as I do.

Once the belt is removed from his belt loops he tosses it to the side, his hands finding the button just as quickly, desperately seeming to get rid of any restraining clothes in this moment.

All I do is watch him in desperation as I remain on my knees, ready for whatever he wants to give me.

With one flick, his pants button comes undone and he tears his pants down skillfully, the pants coming off with his shoes as I feel my heart race in nerves. I haven't done anything like this in forever. What if I'm bad? What if I do something wrong? All I want to do is give him the best physical contact he's ever had in his life.

I'm terrified I won't be able to accomplish that.

As I'm wrapped in my own thoughts, Luke once again grips my chin, pulling my head up sharply as I look to him with wide eyes, having not expected the action.

"I have to make sure you are absolutely okay with this, Lila, understand?" he asks, an intensity still in his voice, his tone still dark and commanding but showcasing sincerity above it all. "You tell me and I will happily punish you in another way."

I see the way his lips curve at this and I'm sure it's because he knows that I want to do something, however, he wants to ensure that this is something I want to do and am okay with doing. This makes me only that much more eager as I love this controlling side that still desires above all to make sure I'm comfortable with the situation at hand.

"What's it that you want me to do, sir?" I ask, deciding to fire him up just as equally. My hands reach for his black briefs, fingers dipping inside of the band as I hold eye contact with him, blinking my eyes gently. He swallows harshly, his Adam's apple bobbing with the action as his eyes darken. "Because I've got a million ideas running through my mind right now that I'm okay with-- this definitely being one of them."

I don't wait on his response, instead, I tug down his briefs, watching him spring free of them as I'm sure my surprise is written on my features completely. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if my face went sheet white as I take in the sight of him and acknowledge that his height is not the only massive thing about him.

"Fucking hell, James," Luke says, using the name he calls me when he's in a position of authority. This sends a shiver up my spine as I want him to use his authority in every way possible right now.

Knowing he hasn't seen the half of it, I reach towards him, gripping him completely in order to intensify things for both of us as Luke sucks in a sharp mouth.

Running my hand up and down the length of him, I watch as he shuts his eyes and throws his head back, giving me the reaction I so desperately desire as I want nothing more than to reciprocate everything he did for me.

"So tell me more about my broken wrist, Lieutenant Hemmings," I say, once again using a name of power for him that I know has his drive igniting.

Luke's eyes snap towards me, a thirst in them I've never seen before as he once again reaches towards me, gripping my chin just as he had done previously. I keep my movements along him consistent as I don't dare give up.

"You sure have a lot to say for someone who's currently on their knees for me right now," he seethes, shooting an aching pleasure through me as I can't help but bite my lip as a reaction of his words.

"Or maybe I'm just wondering why you haven't done anything yet," I press even further. "My patience can only run so thin."

I drop my hand from him, shooting him an evil smile as I'd certainly like for the pace to be picked up. His eyes narrow, as if challenging me for my words. I'm sure he doesn't like me questioning him but I know it's encouraging him to make this that much more enjoyable for the two of us.

He doesn't release my chin, causing my head to straighten as I don't take my eyes off of him in a challenging manner. I can see in his gaze just how much he loves this and I can't help but think the same.

I almost never want it to end.

Shortly after, I feel his thumb and front three finger press against either side of my jaw.


I do as he says immediately, causing him to release his grip around me as he stands straight once more. I don't move or say anything, waiting for him to initiate the next move. My mouth hangs open at his request and I don't dare move an inch.

"You promise me one thing, James."

I nod my head, watching his eyes narrow as he looks down at me in such an intimidating manner.

"If this is something you're uncomfortable with or I do something that you're not okay with, you stop me immediately. Understood?"

And regardless of the fact that I'm quite literally on my knees for the man in front of me, I can't help but feel every single butterfly swarm through my stomach.

Therefore, I nod immediately in order to show I'll do just that. However, I doubt Luke could ever do something to make me uncomfortable.

"Words, Lila," he says, as if desiring to break the moment between us shortly in order to get a confirmation he's comfortable with. "I need to hear you promise me that."

Holy hell, I'm putty in his hands.

"I promise," I say, my voice sincere as I don't look away from him. "I'm not going to let you do something I'm not okay with."

Luke holds my gaze a moment longer as if waiting for me to show any signs of hesitation. However, I refuse to do so as I hold his gaze with an intense look in my own. I want this just as bad as he does at this point considering I want nothing more than to return the favor.

The thought of Luke coming undone in front of me is a sight I could only ever dream of. I would love to see the effect that I can have on such a strong and confident man.

I want to see him weak at my touch.

Due to this, I don't wait for him to say anything further, and instead, take matters into my own hands as I reach for him once more. Luckily, he doesn't stop me and instead lets me pick up where I left off as I try not to overwhelm myself with the size of him.

I should've guessed that much.

I bite my lip in nerves, wondering how the hell I'm going to fit this inside of my mouth as I'm moments away from pushing things a step further between us. I just don't want to look like an idiot. Especially when he showed such skill and expertise.

Therefore, I try to be just as confident as him as I curl my fingers around him and begin planting kisses at the base of his erection, slowly making my way to the top as I desire to tease him a bit before going all in.

"Ahh," I hear Luke seethe almost instantly.


Slowly moving my hand along with my kisses, I try to give every inch of it attention as I don't dare slow down or show any signs of incompetence.

In fact, the second I reach his tip, I run my tongue down the length of him, my eyes looking up, desiring to catch his reaction as he looks at me with hooded eyes and slightly parted lips. I can see the way he's trying to hold back a reaction as he doesn't want to show any signs of weakness in front of me.

Unfortunately for him, I won't stop until I get the reaction I want.

Dragging my tongue up once more, I decide we both have had enough of the teasing and I'm ready to really show him what he deserves.

For that reason, I don't hesitate as I allow my tongue to glide over his tip before replacing it with my lips, causing an instant gasp to come from him. I don't let his reaction slow me down as I push my head down, needing more of him as my hair is quick to begin curtaining my face.

I go to tuck it behind my ears but Luke is quick to step into action as he reaches for my hair, pulling it back before making sure to pushing it behind my ears just as I intended to.

Due to his help, I focus on getting as much of him as I can to the back of my throat, knowing it'll be nearly impossible to fit all of him as I hardly feel like I'm halfway.

As I push further, a groan emits from his lips in response and I can't help but look up in order to catch him throwing his head back as his lips part in pleasure.

Holy hell, he looks so sexy.

This is all the encouragement I need as I move my hands from beside me, instead, placing them on the back of his thighs in order to push his body towards me, forcing him to make his way further into my mouth.

"Fuck, Lila," Luke says, his voice coming off as weak for the first time since I've met him.

That's when I realize that at this moment I have him wrapped around my finger.

Slowly pulling back in order to give my mouth a break before attempting to take him in even further, I barely allow for my lips to graze his tip before I once again push against his thighs, feeling him go inside even deeper which causes my eyes to water slightly. Even as I'm reacting in such a way, I can't help but feel like I'm not getting nearly as much of him as I'd like to.

Nonetheless, he reacts in the best way possible as his groans are enough to play in my greatest of dreams as it's a sound I'll never get sick of. Especially when I know that I'm the cause of them. I need more of it.

My hand reaches for whatever I can't fit in my mouth as I also attempt to use it to help push more inside of me, feeling frustrated by my own inability to do so.

In fact, I feel so frustrated that I decide to just go for it and try to push back all I can, ignoring the uncomfortable feeling as I'm met with him hitting my gag reflex, causing me to gag on him instantly, the sound echoing through the room as Luke is quick to react.

I'm assuming he's about to keep me where I am, appreciating the feeling of him all the way at the back of my throat but he surprises me as he grips onto all of my hair, tugging on it causing him to escape from my lips as he tilts my head back, making me look up at him.

"Don't push yourself, you hear me?" he asks, his tone intimidating as he once again doesn't let his demeanor fall, but he continues to make sure I feel comfortable.

I nod my head, the feeling of him tugging on my hair while I'm on my knees for him feeling nothing short of thrilling. I'm surprised by my own hunger and lack of sanity in this situation as I'm putty in his hands without him even realizing it.

"I hear you, sir," I say, knowing he wants words and knowing he wants me to know that he's in control.

"Good," he says, releasing my hair, allowing me once again to straighten my head as I continue to look up at him. "Then, go on."

Say less.

Picking up right where I left off, I grip onto his base once more and wrap my lips around him as if he were my favorite flavor lollipop. The thought is enough to make me smirk as I pump him with my left fist and guide him inside my mouth with my right.

I can't help but moan at the thought of this all, knowing that we're in his office, away from everyone else as I desperately try to give him some form of pleasure after a long day for the both of us. The reality of the situation is, anyone could walk up at any moment and I think that's what makes this all the better for me.

We have to be secretive but that doesn't mean either of us are willing to hold back in the slightest.

After all, first we started down by the waterfront and now here we are in his office where so many different soldiers come in and out of daily. The thought that they'll never know what's taking place in here right now is enough to send a shiver up my spine.

As my moan echos against him, I hear Luke suck in a sharp breath, immediately feeling the effect of the moan as he once again reaches for my hair, holding it in his grip as opposed to pulling me away like he had done previously.

"Fucking hell," he says mostly to himself, causing me to look up at him again, wanting to see the weak expression on his features as I take as much of him as I can.

As our eyes meet, I see the way that he looks to be putty in my hands as there's a soft look on his features regardless of the sinful act that's taking place right now. I know he feels weak due to the pleasure taking over him and I'm sure he typically controls the speed in order to regain some sense of power but it's clear he's holding back for my sake.

For that reason, I decide that I wouldn't listen to him and I would push myself further as I bob my head down on him completely, ignoring the instant gag that comes from me as a reaction as I just want to fill my mouth completely as a result.

Luke seems to lose his will to fight against me trying to push myself and I notice that in the way that he pushes down on my head slightly, as if helping me get him inside of me all the way.

"Oh my- fuck, Lila," he says, my lips finally finding the base of him as tears prick at my eyes and I can feel a mixture of my own spit and his pre-cum coating my lips in a way that I hope doesn't make me look disgusting once I pull away.

As a result, I'm about to pull away in order to take a deep breath but Luke does it for me as he once again tugs my head back, forcing me to look at him as I'm sure the tears are evident in my eyes as I take in a deep breath, preparing to once again go down on him.

"Holy fuck," he says, seeming just as breathless as myself. "You're so fucking sexy."

I smirk at this, appreciating the words as they only encourage me further. I take the opportunity to run my tongue along my lips, desiring to free it from any of the remnants from my sinful actions. The second I do so, I prepare to once again find my way to the length of him but I'm prevented from doing so as Luke leans down, his lips finding mine in a matter of moments which takes me by surprise.

He's going to kiss me after what I just did?

Nonetheless, he kisses me as if my life depends on it and moves his lips in a rhythm that seems to emulate appreciation and lust as he makes sure to kiss every inch of my lips. I mirror the kiss, wanting to take advantage of every second as it feels so good after what I had just done, and what I will continue to do, for him.

It's as if the kiss makes me feel appreciated after what I did.

He continues the kiss for a few more moments, as if wanting to deliver a message of appreciation which encourages me even more as I know that he won't take advantage of situations like this and instead, will make sure I know that he's appreciative of every second of it.

Therefore, I'm the one who pulls away, wanting to continue as my hand doesn't waste a second before gripping onto him.

"We can stop if you're getting tired," he says to me, as if wanting to continue to prod the thought into my head that I'm the one who has the power to end this all.

I shake my head, pumping him a few times before saying, "You're not getting off the hook that easily."

I look up at him, a smile on my lips that he's quick to return as I watch his hand reach for his hair, desiring to grip onto it as he prepares for what's to come.

Guiding him towards my mouth, I take him in once more, my eyes focused solely on him. I don't miss the way his fist clenches around his curls, tugging his head back in order to once again squeeze his eyes shut and let out a loud groan.

All the powers in my hands and I love it.

"Fuck," he says, his hips thrusting towards me as if instinctively, wanting me to take more but not forcing it in any manner.

I receive the silent message, once again pushing him further down my throat as I straighten on my knees slightly, hoping it'll give me more leverage.

"Just like that, fuck," Luke says, using his hand to rake it through my hair, pushing it back completely so it doesn't get in the way in the slightest.

I use the opportunity to rub my hands up and down his upper thighs, desiring to feel more of him as I hope this will serve as more pleasure for him in this situation.

His thighs are nothing short of muscular as I can practically feel every muscle with every inch that I graze. It amazes me that he truly can have it absolutely all.

Once again, his hips start thrusting towards my mouth, needing more that I'm more than willing to give. I make sure to take the opportunity to run my nails slightly against his thighs, applying a pressure that is nothing short of pleasurable in a situation like this.

Luke seems to notice my lack of hands that please any parts of him that I can't reach so he grips onto my hair, holding me in place as he takes control in thrusting inside of my mouth, stripping the power from me completely.

As a result, I squeeze his thighs instantly, allowing for him to do this as pants leave his lips and he doesn't hold back in pushing himself as far as he's comfortable with, knowing I can't handle him in his entirety.

My eyes water as a result, looking up to him, needing to see his reaction as he bites his lips and moves his hips towards me in a way that almost is enough to have my eyes rolling towards the back of my head.

"Fuck, I don't know how much longer I can last," he says in one breath, his head bowing as I can see this overwhelming situation is taking over him and he is trying to hold out as long as he can.

I decide to ignite things further, wanting for us to both have some form of control so I remove one of my hands from his thigh, guiding it towards his balls in order to massage them in a way that will intensify his orgasm that much more.

The second I grip onto them, he lets out a loud groan, his movements becoming slow for a moment as I know I just changed the game completely.

"Lila," he moans, sending sharp, careful thrusts inside of my mouth as I gently massage his balls, careful not to be too rough with them.

The sound of him entering my mouth is loud enough to practically be heard all the way across the campgrounds, only making this that much more exciting to me as I know he's giving it his all right now in order to reach the best orgasm possible.

"Fuck, I'm going to-"

Knowing he's close, I squeeze his thigh further, my other hand continuing to massage him as my mouth keeps up with his sloppy thrusts that are hardly consistent at this point.

He doesn't finish his sentence, instead, he pulls out completely, his hand finishing the work as I open my mouth, prepared to tell him that he doesn't have to pull away.

However, he beats me to it, "Take off your shirt, right now, James."

I abide, not questioning him the slightest as I strip myself of my shirt, tossing it in a corner without hesitation. Luke takes a moment to take in the sight, his eyes darkening as he pumps himself off, the sight being nothing short of hot.

I arch my back, knowing where he wants to cum so I don't question it as he throws his head back with his eyes squeezing shut.

"Fuck, Lila," he whines, his voice coming out weak as I see his muscles straining at this point. "I-I-"

He doesn't get to finish his sentence because within seconds, he's coming undone all over me, filling my chest with his orgasm as the muscles in his arms and hands are insanely evident, showing that he's truly giving it his all in this moment.

I keep my eyes on him, not daring to look away as I soak in every second of this, almost wanting to do it again just so I can see him in this state for a second time.

Luke comes down from his high, a few groans escaping his lips as he breathes heavily, sweat coating his forehead as he takes his hand, dragging it through his hair in an exhausted manner.

I'm about to stand up on my own when Luke recognizes this instantly, instead taking the honors to do so as he reaches under my armpits, helping me stand up from my kneeled position as he brings me to my feet.

I smile at the gesture, waiting for him to say or do something as my eyes remain on his.

Luke looks down at my lips, a small chuckle leaving his own. I furrow my eyebrows, silently asking him what's so funny before he breaks the silence, "Do you think Ashton's still going to want to kiss you after that?"



i told yall this was gonna be a wild one

is everyone okay with this?? is this too much?? lmao like I said I've been reading a lot of ff and have been inspired by other smut and wanted to pick mine up a bit. it'll probably only build from here so lmk if this was too much/at the point of too much

hope you liked it nonetheless!

lmk your thoughts, as always I love and appreciate you all! thank you for being so patient!

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