The Music Time Machine -- Jon...

By Amympr96

10.1K 94 31

In the year 2015, In the bustling city of central London. A young woman named Amy is working late one evening... More

Just a Thunderstorm
The Morning After
Husband and Wife
Take me to the Hospital
Mission Time Travel
Drawing board
Let's party with the band
Breakfast and Karaoke
Take me Home, Thunderstorm
Cure for a broken heart
The last stand
The Charity Ball
Back to Normal
New Identity
New Identity part 2
I can give you everything
Me, Myself and I
I'd die for you
Vancouver here we come
Erotica Spice
Honey moon phase
Detroit Rock City
Make a wish
I got sunshine
Going Down the rabbit hole
A White Christmas
Our House
Studio Time
New Jersey on the road
Super power
He speaks to me
Becoming Mortal
Double Trouble
Blaze of Glory
Little Bongiovi
Star-Spangled Band
Love of my life
No more machine
The new show opener
I'd live and I'd die for you
A Rockstar's wife

Meet the family

157 1 0
By Amympr96

21st February 1986 / New Jersey

Jon's POV

"Babe?! Can ya come here for a sec?" My voice echoing through the bathroom as I swipe my hand across my beard. She hums away to herself as she slides into the bathroom "Yeah?". "What do you think? should I shave it off?" massaging my hairy chin as I intensely gaze at my reflection in the mirror. She shuffles round so she's in front of me, taking a moment to scan my face. My head tips back, groaning with bliss when she starts lightly scratching my hairy chin "That feels good". "I like it baby.... you look hot.... it makes you look older" My brows knit together with concern and worry "Old?!?". "Not old.... just..... older... ya know.... I mean you are technically 30 years older than me" A devilish grin curves her lips. I huff out a sigh, my jaw clenching with frustration, she knows I hate it when she brings that up "I'm shavin it!!". "NO!! Baby.... I'm sorry... just leave it on for abit longer...... Pleaseeeeee" Batting her lashes at me enticingly "Hmmm fine.... but don't bring that up again... I mean it". "I'm sorry...." Whispering into a sweet delicate kiss, humming as she pulls away. 

The ringing of the house phone blares through the apartment, ripping us apart. I jog out the bathroom, just making it to the phone before it goes off. 


"Hey Jonny"

"Ma.... how you doin? I was just gonna come over today"

"We're doin good honey.... hows everyhing going with you?"

"Oh great.... Rich and I have been workin with Desmond Child for writing the new songs.... just hope it comes together okay"

"I'm sure it will honey"

"So uhhmm... What did you want anyhow?"

"Welll you'll be goin to Canada in a week so.... we wanted you and Rosie to stay over for the weekend.... we really want to get to know Rosie more sweetie"

"Yeah sure... that sounds great.... I'll ask her... see what she says"

"Alright well..... Spaghetti and Meatballs for dinner"

"Ahhh man.... Ma you get me"

"I know"

"Listen uhh.... I better go now.... I'll see ya shortly okay? bye"

"Bye son"

I place the phone back in the holder and turn to face Rosie who is waiting patiently to see what my mom said. "It was my mom" She sweetly smiles up at me, remaining silent, sensing more to come. "She asked us to stay the weekend.... seeing as I'm leavin next week..... they wanna get to know you more...... so what do ya say?" She closes the gap between us, hooking her arms at the back of my neck "I'd love to.... I wanna get to know them too". "You wanna go pack a small bag babe?" softly caressing her arms "I'm just gonna quickly go in the shower". She walks round me and flicks the shower on, turning her back to me. I take my opportunity and spank her on the ass, forcing her to yelp out and stumble forward a few steps "Mmmm... Love that!". "L---Love what?" Stuttering out her words nervously, her cheeks flushing pink. "Your body..... so perfect.... so sexy" My hungry eyes scanning every inch of her lusciously curvy figure. She bursts into a fit of giggles while pushing me towards the door "Let me shower Jon!!". 

I trudge my way through to the bedroom, stripping out of my pyjamas and swinging open my wardrobe. I pull out a pair of sweatpants, shirt and trainers, seeing as I'm at home, I usually just wear sweatpants every day. I huff out a sigh of frustration when I see my stiff length standing to a attention. We still haven't had sex yet so I've been getting hard so easily, not that I didn't before but even more so now. I slide on my sweatpants which now have an evident bulge from my pulsating vein. She can usually tell straight away when I'm hard which makes it even harder to resist the growing urge. 

The bedroom door swings open, prompting me to spin on my heels. My cock springs out when I see her completely naked wet body standing in the doorway, she really knows how to tease the fuck out of me. Her endowed chest glistening and jiggling as she nervously walks in. She halts in her steps when she notices my bulge, her lips straining to hold back a giggle. 

"Jonny?" Even her voice is so enticing and alluring. My hand tugs and pulls at my stiff cock when I find myself staring at the sweet spot between her legs. "Jonny??" She starts to back away towards the door, looking like a lamb being hunted by a lion. Her eyes widen when a demon like growl escapes my devilish smirk, sounding like a deprived horny dog. She whimpers nervously and darts out the door, prompting me to chase after her. She makes it down the hall when my hands grip her waist like a vice, abruptly spinning her round, forcing her to elicit a deafening squeal. In a mad panic, she stumbles to the floor, pulling me down on top of her. Her legs circle round my waist, having no other place to put them. My head falls into the crook of her neck, inhaling a deep breath, groaning as her sweet aroma seduces my senses "Mmm.... you smell so good..... like a sweet strawberry". She lets out a tiny moan when my tongue flicks across her sweet spot, like a lion playing with it's food before feasting. "Your skin is so soft... like silk" My hands slide up and down her waist, sighing with satisfaction. She invades every part of me, all of my senses are under her control. An image of me fucking her right here on the floor passes through my mind, prompting me to pull away from her "Hmm... I love you". She coos sweetly, rubbing her nose against mine "I love you too". 

Maybe she is ready to have sex, I'm not sure but until she tells me she is, I don't want to attempt it, or push her into it. The last thing I want to do is scare her off, so I'll do anything I can to make her happy. 

She jumps out the car with such excitement when I pull into my parents house which she has seen before but never been inside. I slide out the car with our bags, leading her over to the front door. I tug at the handle, swinging open the door, the smell of meatballs wafting into our faces. I can hear the pitta patter of footsteps as soon as I close the front door. "Jonny is that you?" My mom's angelic voice echoes through the house, gradually getting closer "Yeah ma..... I'm here with Rosie". My mom pounces into the hallway, looking rather over excited at seeing Rosie "OH!!! I'm so glad you're both here..... put your bags near the stairs and come on through..... you're fathers just in the living room". 

Rosie's POV

Jon confidently walks on through, leaving me to nervously shuffle through the door by myself. His mom notices my nerves and doesn't hesitate to rush to my side "Don't be nervous honey.... we won't bite I promise" Leading me into the living room as she whispers soothing things to me. Honestly I never thought about it until I actually got here, that I don't actually have a family, my parents died when I was a baby then my grandparents died when I was 15, which has left me by myself until now. Jon glances over to see his mom clutching my hand, leading me in like a child. His brows knit together with utter confusion and concern, I can tell he was itching to ask but he remained silent, leaving his questions for later. He tapped the empty space next to him on the sofa, luring me over with an encouraging smile. "Hellooo... you must be Rosie we've heard so much about" His dad who I have to say, Jon is the spitting image of, jumps out of his seat and bounds over to me, holding out his hand for me to shake "Yeah... I'm Rosie... nice to meet you". "Now you didn't tell us she was such a pretty thing kid" He glances over his shoulder at Jon, who snickers in response. "You better keep her away from your brothers" Jon rolls his eyes with humour, shaking her head in disbelief "Where are they?". "They're both in their room" Jon shuffles forward off the sofa "I'll go get em". 

While Jon is upstairs, dragging his brothers out their room, I make myself comfortable on the sofa. "Would you like anything to drink Rosie?" I hum lightly while I think of what I want to drink "Just a soda please". Carol scurries off to the kitchen to whip me up a soda, leaving me with Jon's dad, who is also called John. "So uhhmm... tell me more about yourself... how you met my son?" His gaze turns serious, he's clearly curious about this mysterious woman who has turned his sons head. "Uhhhhmm...." I trail off into silence while I think of what to say, seeing as I can't tell him the truth "We met in London.... last year when he was playing at the Dominion Theatre". "Oh.... were you at the show?" , "Oh no.... I worked there then we met again at a bar after the show" Trying my best to come up with a new story that he would believe. 

Our attention was drawn to the living room door when a stampede of footsteps and laughter comes bounding down the stairs. "Jon you're so gross" A taller boy enters the room first, giving Jon a nudge with his elbow "You better not tell a soul Tony... I'll kick your ass" Tony giggles back at Jon before launching himself onto the sofa next to John. Behind Jon is a younger boy, who only looks about 11 years old, he's rather adorable trying his best to hide behind Jon. "Babe... These are my brothers Tony and Matt" Wrapping his long arm around Matt, giving him a tight squeeze "It's nice to meet you both". My head whips round when a small shadow looms over me "Hi..." Matt bashfully smile at me, his cheeks flushing pink "Hello Matt". "Sit down son... It's rude to stare" John reaches our his arm, pulling Matt onto the sofa next to him. 

The hours tick by and I'm starting to get rather tired now, feeling myself melt further into Jon's warmth. "You tired babe?" I coo and sigh in response which is all he needs to hear "Alright... I'll show you my room...". We slide off the sofa and he leads me out the living room and up the stairs. He swings open a door and my eyes light up straight away when I see It's Jon's old bedroom, where he slept right up until the end of the last tour "This is mine... my parents kept everything the same". I walk into the room ahead of him, my curiosity leading me round the room to scan everything in sight. The room has since gotten a thin layer of dust over everything and the blinds look like they haven't ever been opened. I stop in my tracks when I see a picture of Jon as a very young boy sitting next to a young boy, holding a baby in his arms "That's me, with Tony when Matt was a baby". 

"you look so adorable" I coo as I swipe my finger across the picture, prompting Jon to cringe with embarrassment "Ughhh.... no babe" Yanking the photo from my hands and placing it back down on the shelf. Another photo of Jon with a young woman catches my attention, prompting me to pick it up for closer inspection. Jon sighs deeply and bites his lip "Think that's enough of the history lesson" Yanking it out my hands and placing it face down on the shelf. I nervously shuffle on my feet, biting my lip "I'm sorry...." My gaze falling to my feet. "No.... you didn't do anythin wrong" Slumping himself down on the bed as he trails off, sadness and pain in his eyes "She's called Dorothea.... I met her when I was 17... fell in love... she stayed with me through the start of my career but then when it came to the second tour... she decided she had enough and broke up with me...". I carefully sit down next to him, my hand rubbing circles in his back "I've been distracting myself with writing so much.... but the closer it gets to the tour.... the more worried I get that the same thing is gonna happen with you.... that you'll leave me". "Jonny.... I'm sorry that happened... but I won't do that.... I can't promise we won't argue once or twice.... But I won't leave you... I'll try my best to support you...." A light hearted laugh slips his lips "I mean... don't get me wrong though.... if you're ever an asshole... trust me... I'm good at walkin away" His laughing silenced upon hearing my words, his smile dropping into a straight line. "Yeah... I like that about you... I find that really attractive in a woman... someone independent.... but doesn't mean I'd be happy if you left" His arm circles round my waist, pulling me closer. "Well.... at least we're on the same page about that" He nods in agreement nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck. 

"What was the matter? when we first got here? when my mom walked you in the living room" My head drops to my lap, feeling embarrassed "I just... I was excited then I got to that door and... the sudden realisation that I've been alone since I was 15 hit me right in the face... It's just been me... I mean sure I met Sammy when I was 20 but... I still felt... alone in a way.... and I met Jack when I was 16 and he only made me feel more alone.... and then I got to that door and I realised I wasn't alone anymore". He lifts my head up to look me in the eyes, my flushed cheeks are soaked with tears. I coo and sigh as his thumb caresses circles in my cheek, swiping up the tears that lay dormant "I love you". My heart skips and jumps a few beats upon hearing his words, my hand wrapping around his as it continues to caress my cheek "I love you too". 

22nd February 1986

I awaken from my deep slumber, yawning and groaning as I stretch my aching muscles. His old bed is so comfortable that I could honestly sleep in it all day. I turn over and slide my arm out, needy to feel Jon's warmth "Jon..". My eyes pop open when I just feel ruffled up blankets where Jon once lay. I whine out in displeasure and force myself up into a sitting position, taking a moment to scan the small room for him. To my disappointment, I don't see him anywhere in sight, which tells me he's either downstairs with his family or out for a run. 

I quickly make the bed and strip out of my pyjamas, placing them on the bed and pulling my new clothes out my bag. One I'm all dressed, I quietly sneak out the bedroom, trying my best not to make any noise as I tip toe down the creaky stairs. I make it to the bottom of the stairs, inching towards the living room door with my hand stretched out towards the door handle. "Good morning" I involuntarily squeal out with shock and jump round to see John just coming out the bathroom "Oh... sorry... didn't mean to startle you". "No It's alright...Uhhm... good morning" My voice all breathy as I try to calm myself down. "Jon's just out for a run.... I swear that kid never stops.... cmon.... breakfast is nearly ready" Ushering me through the living room and into the kitchen, where the dining table is. 

"So yeah.... He's just a little 13 year old runt and he comes over to me and he says 'Dad.... I'm gonna be a rock star' and I look over to my wife and back down to him and I said 'Well.... alright then'" I burst out into a fit of giggles "That is so cute" My heart clutching my heart, feeling it ache beneath my skin. "I can remember when he got involved with all those older women... they wouldn't leave him alone... I was so angry... he was only 13" Carol's words immediately spark intrigue and curiosity, Jon has never ever mentioned a fling with older women before but he did say he was 12 or 13 when he first had sex. 

 "What's goin on here?" All our heads are turned when Jon's voice echoes from the doorway "Oh.... just telling Rosie stories about you". He rolls his eyes and groans out in frustration "Oh geez.... so It's all bad then huh?". "Not at all.... we told her the times you got arrested.... when we bought your first guitar... When you hit puberty---" His eyes widen with horror, he quickly lifts his hands up in the air "ALRIGHT ALRIGHT..... Please no more". 

"I am never leaving you alone with them again" He pecks me on the forehead and slumps down on the chair next to me "It's been fun... It wasn't all stories about you... I told them stories about me... when I was young". A flash of intrigue and curiosity flashes through his eyes "Okay... I wanna hear this" Leaning forward in his seat.  

We end up sitting for a while just passing stories round, the only thing we're missing is the moon and a camp fire. I can see Jon's eyes light up every time he hears a different story about me, clearly eager to hear more. I only wish I had photos from my past to show him, but I guess he can wait 30 years to see them, seeing as I did literally take all my belongings to his house before coming here. 

"So Jonny tells us.... you can sing... in fact he said you are amazing" My eyes nearly burn a hole right through his face "Oh he did?". He knows I hate it when he tells people because they always ask me to sing them a song and like a polite little girl I always give in and sing a song. "We'd love to hear a song Rosie... if you could" I'm inwardly screaming with frustration while outside I'm smiling away "Of course.... Jon.... go get your guitar". He cowers like a scared child before jogging off upstairs for his guitar. He can't go anywhere without his guitar, he loves jamming or writing the odd tune. 

My hands slide into the appropriate positions, allowing myself to appreciate the guitar in my hands before breaking into the song. I exhale a deep breath, my shaky fingers starting to pluck a few random strings "Uhhm... so...Jon I told you about my angry phase when I was a teenager.... but I didn't tell you that this song became my theme song.... I was 16, going on 17... still angry but... anyway.... this is it". I exhale a deep breath before strumming the chords to the song. 

"Just like a white winged dove

sings a song, sounds like she's singing

ooh ooh ooh

just like a white winged dove 

sings a song, sounds like she's singing

ooh ooh ooh

And the days go by, like a strand in the wind

in the web that is my own, I begin again

said to my friend, baby (everything stopped)

nothing else mattered

He was no more than a baby then

well he seemed broken-hearted 

something within him

but the moment that I first laid

eyes on him, all alone

on the edge of seventeen...."

Somewhere in the middle of the song, my eyes closed, they tend to do that because I get so into the music and carried away. A deathly silence fills the room when I come to the end of the song, prompting me to open my eyes. My heart flutters when I see Jon's eyes are brimming with tears, but as soon as I see them, he sniffles them up, quickly composing himself before his parents see. "Wow... you're great Rosie.... Jonny was right" John is the first to pipe up and praise my talent with a wide grin. "That was beautiful Rosie" His mom gives me such a warm smile, something I haven't seen often of in my life. "Thankyou" Bashfully looking away in hopes the embarrassment will end. "How come you haven't been signed by a record label yet? I'm sure Jonny could talk to someone... he's done it before---" I quickly cut her off "No No... I've never wanted to be a singer.... It's just something I enjoy doing... Thankyou though". Jon still hasn't uttered a single word which is starting to worry me into thinking he didn't like it. He's gazing at me so intensely, I can almost feel his eyes on me. 

We are now situated in the living room, just chatting away with each other, Jon barely muttering a word. "I have an idea.... I'll be right back" Carol sprints out the room, disappearing upstairs somewhere, leaving me with his dad and Jon. "So uhhmm... John---" I was so close to asking him a question when his mom comes bouncing back into the room with a few books "Here ya go Rosie" Placing them on my lap. Jon leans forward, looking down at the books with curiosity "Ahh no way!!" He mutters under his breath before leaning back on the sofa, turning his head away in embarrassment. 

I slowly swing the first page open, it reads 'John Francis Bongiovi.... Born 2nd March 1962'. I giggle and coo, knowing exactly what I'm going to be looking at and why Jon is so embarrassed. I bite my lip, feeling a surge of excitement build up from the pit of my stomach as I turn over to the next page. 

"AWWWHH!!!!! OH MY GOD!!!! JONNYYYYY!!!" My voice is all breathy and screechy from excitement. My hand clutches my heart as I coo and sigh, feeling myself fall more in love with him "You are so adorable!!!!!". He sinks further into the sofa, groaning with embarrassment, his hands covering his bright pink cheeks. "And can I say.... you guys are very handsome...." They wave off my comment with a gesture of their hands. "Jon you definitely look like your dad" He tuts his tongue and rolls his eyes at me. 

A few more pages later and he's a little older in these ones but still adorably cute. By this point Jon is squirming next to me, wishing it would all end. 

"Jon you look evil in this one..... but still adorable" Giggling out my words to him. Curiosity prompts him to lean forward and take a look "Oh yeah.... he knows he's gonna kill his girlfriend one day that's why". I growl under my breath and elbow him in the stomach, forcing a grunt out of him "I'm jokin babe... totally jokin". 

As I continue to flick through the pages, his mom finally pipes up "So... Rosie... do you have any siblings?". There it was, the dreaded question I had never been asked until now, not even by Jon. Should I tell them the truth and risk Jon being so angry at me when he finds out I've been keeping a secret from him?. I quickly look over at Jon, giving him a solemn knowing look that he ruffles his brows at "Rosie?". I bite my lip as the guilt from not telling him rises up in the pit of my stomach.  "Yes... I have a twin brother... but he died when we were babies..." Her smile drops into a frown, a look of concern in her eyes "Oh my... That's terrible". "Yeah... It was hard growing up feeling like a part of me was missing.... I had my friends of course but there's nothing like the relationship between siblings" I pause for a moment while I look down at the picture of Jon and Matt, smiling and laughing together. I feel so guilty for not telling him, but It's just too painful of a story to tell. When the man broke into our house, my mom was feeding my brother and he ended up killing them both then my father walked in and he got killed too. My grandparents came round in the morning and found them and just when they thought there was no survivors, they heard me screaming. I lift my head when I feel Jon's hand caress my back, drawing my attention to him with a gentle smile. I don't think he quite understands the extent of how lonely I've been over the years, but I think he's starting to. 

Finally, we've made it into the safety of his bedroom, the guilt by this point is bursting out of every part of me. As soon as he closes the door, I start sobbing my heart out into my hands, my cheeks instantly soaked with salty guilt "I'm sorry". He pulls me into his warm embrace, his hand gently cupping the back of my head "You have nothing to be sorry for". "I didn't mean to keep it from you.... I shouldn't have sprung it on you in there.... It's just so painful" My hands circle round his torso, allowing me to nuzzle further into his warmth. He calms me down in no time by whispering sweet nothings in my ear.  

"I know It's hard..... but could you tell me more about your family? your mom and your dad..... your brother?" It's only natural that he wants to know more about them, considering I barely speak of them "Of course.... where should I start". "Can you start at the beginning?" His expression is apologetic, like he's sorry I have to talk about it, but I honestly don't mind "Sure".

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