Boarding School - SBI

By Horsify

312 51 2

Techno, Tommy and Wilbur had been adopted by Philza, and since then they had been homeschooled. When Philza d... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Eleven

12 2 0
By Horsify

Tommy opened his eyes, but didn't get out of bed, he was planning to lie there for a few minutes and wait for the alarm to go off. While Tommy waited, he stared at the ceiling, and thought a bit.

He was going to get to go home soon, winter break was coming up in only a couple of weeks. That, of course, ment that he had a whole bunch of tests, but he was so excited about going home that he didn't really care.

While Tommy adored his friends at Darwin, mainly Tubbo, he still really missed adoptive father, Phil. And his brothers. He hadn't seen his father at all since he left for school, nor had he seen his brothers much between all of his classes and school work, and all the fun things that he did with Tubbo in the afternoons.

Tommy guessed that the alarm was about to go off, which made him wonder why Tubbo had set the alarm to go off so close to their first class, it didn't make sense to Tommy. Setting it so close to their first class made them rush every morning to the first period on time, and the maths teacher didn't like late students. At all. The timing just didn't make sense to Tommy, although he had yet to confront his friend on it though, and he didn't plan to anytime soon.


The alarm went off.

Not long after the first round of beeping went off, and not long before it went off again, Tubbo sat up rubbing his eyes and mumbling something grumpily. "...fucking hell, I hate that damn alarm. And you wake up before it. Every. Day. No. Matter. What."

Tommy laughed at his friend, mildly amused at him. "Yeah, lucky me. We need to get going though."

"I don't want to."

"Why?" Tommy asked, even though he had an idea or two.

"Remember how we have maths? I don't like her. I don't want to go." By 'her' Tommy knew that Tubbo was talking about the professor. It wasn't much of a surprise though, she wasn't very nice. And maths teachers are supposed to be nice.

Tommy sighed, and rolled off the bottom of the bed and into Tubbo's line of sight. He walked over to his side of the wardrobe, and opened a drawer to start pulling clothes out, and Tubbo got out of bed too, doing the same. They would go to class in their pajamas if they could, I swear.

"Got everything?" Tubbo asked. He asked that every morning now, since a week or so ago Tommy had shown up to maths without his bookbag, that had his textbook in it, which in turn almost resulted in detention. Thankfully though, contrary to what everyone expected, Tommy wasn't given any detention, only a stern warning.

That professor hated Tommy. Tubbo too, and they couldn't figure out why. As far as Tommy knew, he hadn't done anything, and yet, she had it out for him, making it even more shocking when Dr. O'Connell didn't reprimand him for not having his books.

The only reason Tommy could come up with why Dr. O'Connell disliked him was that she also disliked Tubbo, but he wasn't sure why.

So unsurprisingly, after Tommy figured out how the fuck to survive her class and get passing grades (although barely), he started putting more and more effort into planning how to frame her. Or to put it in a less cynical way, he was trying to figure out how to reprimand her.

"Are you going to go to the library again after classes?" Tubbo asked as they entered the cafeteria.

"Probably, why?"

"Just curious." Tubbo answered.

After grabbing their food, they went to their usual spot. For breakfast they had french toast, which was a nice change from the scrambled eggs that were usually served.

They were sitting mostly alone, with the nearest person a couple of chairs over to their right. Tommy wasn't expecting anyone to sit with them, as people never did. Not that he minded, Tommy really enjoyed being with Tubbo. It didn't seem that Tubbo cared either, as he said that he liked that spot due to the lack of people that sat there.

Being further away from other people also allowed Tommy to do dumb shit without getting in trouble or having too many disapproving looks. And on that topic, Tommy started a bit.

He reached for his tiny water glass, they were stupidly small. He had started getting three cups because they were so small, and the lunch monitors didn't put out any pitchers for them to use. Instead, if you wanted more anything you had to go up to the counter to ask for more water.

Getting an idea, Tommy picked up his cup and finished it in one go then slammed it on the table upside down, pretending it was a shot glass.

Tubbo looked up from his food, a little confused, but he quickly saw what Tommy was pretending the glass was.

He leaned forward to Tubbo, and started whispering to him, "These fucking cups, are the same size as a shot glass, and yet they tell us not to go out drinking and become alcoholics." Tommy paused for effect, "But the staff teaches us how to, and train us with these shitty cups, eh? They're encouraging it, Tubbo."

Tubbo burst out laughing, he didn't expect that from Tommy at 8:43 on a Monday morning.

"You know what else?" Tommy continued with his bit, still whispering.

"What else?" Tubbo asked, still smiling widely. He was happy that Tommy was enjoying himself, but worried about where he was taking the bit.

"They're letting us be dehydrated." Tommy said, starting quiet, then going back to his usual volume. "Anyway, now that we've started a mafia, or an organized crime unit, we should probably go to maths. So we aren't suspicious at all."

"What?!" Tubbo exclaimed looking around at his classmates, a few of which were now giving eachother concerned looks. "We can get in trouble for saying things like that!"

Tommy stood up and walked to the dish drop off, not looking back at his now very worried friend. He set his dishes in the buckets, then continued to his maths class, with Tubbo following him, trying to figure out what had just happened.

They got to the maths room early, and when they entered, their professor, Dr. O'Connell, wasn't there yet. Seeing this, Tommy went straight for her desk, and started moving things around. "Tubbo tell me when she's coming."

"What! Why? Are you snooping?"

"Yes, now keep a look out for me." Tommy said.

Tommy was standing at Dr. O'Connell's desk, quickly opening and closing drawers, looking for anything interesting. Homework, test answers, something weird of hers that he could try and ransom, anything really.

Tommy had quickly scanned all of her drawers, and started ruffling through the papers on her desk, when he found a calendar and a medium sized notebook under it. He started to open the notebook, just to see if it was worth taking, but before he could see anything in it, he heard Tubbo whisper yell, "She's coming!"

Now, the thing about Dr. O'Connell is that she power walked. Knowing this, Tommy grabbed the calendar and the notebook, and ran back to his desk with Tubbo just in front of him, also rushing to look inconspicuous.

Tommy quickly stuffed the items in a side pocket of his book bag and zipped the flap. He turned to Tubbo to start a forced conversation with his very nervous friend, so that if Dr. O'Connell noticed her missing items, she wouldn't be too suspicious of them.

Tubbo started talking about the first thing that came to mind. "So... what was that all about?" They could hear Dr. O'Connell's footsteps from the back of the classroom now, quickly approaching.

"Uhh.... Yeah. I thought it would be funny?" Tommy responded, although in the way he said it, it sounded like he was asking a question more than it sounded like he was making a statement.

"Really?" Tubbo responded doubtfully.

"Yeah?" Tommy answered nervously. It sounded like Dr. O'Connell had stopped walking, and they could hear muffled talking from the hall.

Tubbo was very happy that they didn't bother with security cameras in the classrooms, if the school did the boys would be toast. "There's no way that was it. You said that we are part of the mafia. Why."

"Well... I thought that it would be funny. Also, I got a good reaction." Tommy said. He could hear the professor walking towards the classroom again, the talking had stopped.

Tubbo sighed. "Fair enough." Dr. O'Connell was almost at the door. "The question is, which one?" the professor walked in, and Tubbo gave her a little wave.

She looked over at them, blatantly eavesdropping. Tommy assumed that she noticed the lack of her books. "Good morning!" Tommy said.

Dr. O'Connell sat down heavily at her desk, and shoved some papers in a pile. "Do you guys know where a little green notebook is? I confiscated it earlier, it was on my desk. I need to... return it to the student sometime soon."

"Sorry, no. I don't often go snooping." Tommy answered, laughing at the end to show he wasn't serious. He seemed to think that his lie was good enough for Dr. O'Connell, and went to reach in his bag to pull out his maths book. Thankfully, Dr. O'Connell didn't think he was lying, and he was safe. For now.

The entire class, Tommy and Tubbo were on edge. They expected her to suddenly just know what they had done.

But that never happened.

After an agonizingly long class, it was over. Tommy was the first out the door, with Tubbo a couple people behind him. It even surprised them how quickly they managed to get out.

From the classroom, they went straight outdoors. The moment they were outside, they started running. Tubbo took the lead after a moment, and Tommy fell behind.

Tubbo led them to the willow tree, and they sat down at the picnic table tiredly.

"That better have been worth it Tommy." Tubbo grumbled.

"Hope so!" Tommy answered with false cheer, and he pulled the books out of his bag. He handed the calendar to Tubbo to scan through, as it had less to read in it, and he started reading the notebook.

After a few moments of silence, Tubbo started talking excitedly, "This is all of the maths tests and assignments for the rest of the year, and what will be on it! For every grade!! Do you know what this means, Tommy!?"

"Yeah. We sell the information for super high prices and become fucking rich." Tommy answered, setting the notebook down and putting his hands behind his head victoriously.

Tubbo was shocked at his friend's response. "No!? What the fuck, dude? Why are you making so many mafia jokes? I was thinking of showing it to our friends."

"You're no fun." Tommy stated.

"What's in the notebook?"

"Maps." Was Tommy's short reply.

"Can I see?"

Tommy handed the book to Tubbo, who flipped through it. "Tommy, these are maps of the entire school, with the secret passageways. Some of these I didn't even know about...."

"That's so cool! When can we take one?" Tommy said excitedly. He was happy about their small victory over the staff.

"I don't see why not. I also know about some secret rooms," Tubbo pulled a wristwatch out of his pocket, he kept it there because he didn't like wearing it. Tommy thought that Tubbo might like having a pocket watch instead. He planned on getting Tubbo one over winter break and giving it to him when they got back. A late birthday gift if you will. "We have time before our next class, we could go now."

"You know, I think that the maths professor was lying about where she got the notebook. Anyway, hide them back in your bag."

Tommy stood up from the bench, excited, and Tubbo got up as well. With Tubbo in the lead, they went further down the hill, almost to the stable but not quite that far. Then they walked parallel to the school, before going back up the hill and entering through a different entrance than usual. It looked like not many people used the entrance, but it was still used just enough that the door still opened, though it took a bit of effort. They slipped in with only the creaking of the door to show that they were there.

The hall they were in was very dusty, with a thick layer of dust over most, but not all, of the paintings that lined the walls.

Tubbo walked over to one of the cleaner paintings, and pulled on its frame. It swung open on both silent and hidden hinges, revealing a lit and dark passageway behind it.

From what Tommy could see, the passageway was totally clean, not a speck of dust to be seen.

"Please don't turn out to be an axe murderer." Tommy whispered. He stepped in anyway, and Tubbo came in right behind him, closing the painting-door behind them.

Word Count: 2146

A/N: Totally didn't base those secret doors off the ones you make in Minecraft lol

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