Walking Disaster- Hosie

By hosiesmp3

45.2K 1K 105

There are two girls, pretty obvious. One girl is a party animal, the other one likes to stay away from crowds... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Authors Note
Update :)
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 2

2.7K 56 3
By hosiesmp3

Hope's POV
It was now the next morning, I get up and get dressed. After getting dressed, I go downstairs and eat breakfast with my family. Cleo arrives early this morning, normally she wants to be late to school. After eating I walk out of my house and go to Cleo's car. I sit in the passenger seat and Cleo turns around and I see Josie.

Josie gives me a small smile and I return it. I have some questions for Cleo but I'll ask them later. After a long drive to school, we all got out of the car. Cleo starts walking away and I feel a hand grab my wrist. I turn around and Josie stands there.

H: What's up?
J: Why weren't you at the party?

I completely forgot that I told her that I might go to the party. How could I have forgotten? It shouldn't be that hard to forget.

H: Parties aren't really my thing, I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I also didn't have your number or I would've told you.
J: Okay, just wanted to know. You missed some interesting stuff last night.
H: Well let's walk to class and talk about it, shall we?

Josie nods and I give her a small smile. We started walking towards the school. She talked about how Cleo made out with some guy that wasn't her boyfriend. Then she went quiet and stopped walking.

H: Hey, what's wrong?
J: Oh, nothing. Just remembered something from last night.
H: You wanna talk about it?
J: Maybe after school when we hang out. If that's okay?
H: It's definitely okay, take you time to open up to me. I don't want to rush you into trusting me like that.
J: Thanks for understanding.

Josie gave me a small smile and we start walking to the school again. Once we got into the building, I walk away from her. I know the rules with the cheerleaders and everything. Cheerleaders can't get caught with walking with the "nerds" and my friends. She probably doesn't know any of it because she grabs my hand and walks to a empty classroom.

J: Why'd you try to separate from me?
H: There are rules.
J: What rules?
H: My friends and I can't walk with the cheerleaders.
J: Why?
H: I don't know, ask Sebastian.
J: Okay, well can I tell you a little secret?
H: Yeah sure, what's up?

She looks around as if it's a very serious secret. I get a little nervous even though nobody is around. She leans in and she whispers into my ear.

J: I don't care about the rules.

She pulls away from her spot and I look down at our hands. We are now holding hands, I look back up to her.

H: You're a rebel, you know?
J: Yeah. Now I'm gonna walk you to your locker and you'll just have to deal with it.
H: I don't know if that's a good idea Saltzman.
J: Well Mikaelson I don't care. Now lead the way to your locker.

I loosen my hands but she's still holding them. I look down at them and she follows my gaze.

J: I'm not letting go either.
H: Why?
J: Why not.

I playfully roll my eyes and we walk to my locker. Landon comes up to us and talks about the party.

H: I'm glad you had fun Lan.
La: Me too.
J: I should get going, see you after school Hope.
H: Bye Jo.

Josie walks off with a smile. I look back to my locker and smile. Landon notices this and nudges me.

La: You got a crush?
H: No, she's just a friend. Plus you know the rules Lan. She can't date somebody like me, like us I mean.
La: She seems like she doesn't care about them.
H: She's in a relationship with Penelope as well. I'm not gonna become some home-wrecker.
La: Whatever you say, let's go to class.

I nod and we walk off to our first class. He kept talking about the party and how there was almost a fight. I nod at everything he says so he thinks I'm listening. My mind goes somewhere else at that moment and I have this big smile on my face. I keep thinking about Josie and how she apparently doesn't care for the rules.

La: What's with the big smile goof ball?
H: Oh n-nothing. Let's get inside class.

Once we walked into the classroom, everyone turns and stares at me and Landon.

H: Why are they staring?
La: I think they're only staring at you.
H: Why?
La: You walking with a cheerleader kinda sums it up, don't ya think?

The teacher walks in and everyone scatters to their chairs. I sit down in the back and take notes. A piece of paper lands on my desk. I look around and see Josie wink at me. I smile and shake my head. I see her smile and then she turns her attention to Penelope. I look back at the paper and shove it in my pocket before I could get caught with it. Class was boring, all we did was take notes.

It was now hours later, which means lunch time. I grab my lunch and go to my usual spot. This time Josie is waiting there at my table with my friends. She's laughing and talking. I smile and sit down in my chair. Everyone looks at me and I give them a confused look.

J: I should get going, I'll see you guys later.

Everybody says bye to Josie and they all still look at me while I eat my food. Landon decides to break the silence.

La: Have you guys seen Josie and Hope walk in the halls today?
H: Can we not get on that subject?
M: I'm sure everyone seen it. Why were you guys holding hands?
H: She wouldn't let go.
R: That seems like bullcrap. You should take her away from Penelope.
H: Raf don't make her seem like a prize. That's not respectful or appropriate for that matter.
La: You seem a little protective of her, don't you think?
H: I'm not protective of her, you guys should just know not to treat anyone like some prize.

Everyone looks at me shocked and I go back to eating my food.

Josie's POV
I go to the "cheerleaders" table and sit down across from Lizzie. Everyone was talking until I showed up.

J: What?
L: Why are you walking around with some loser like that?
J: Hope?
L: Yeah.
J: She's not a loser. She's actually really kind.

Everybody looks around at each other and then all eyes are back on me. I meet all of their eyes and look back down at the table. I should've just listened to Hope. I shouldn't have walked her to her locker. Shit what is Penelope gonna think. I completely forgot about her for a second. I look behind me after hearing a loud noise. Penelope slammed her hands on Hope's table. Oh god this can't be good.

P: So loser what are you doing with my girlfriend?
H: Nothing, there's nothing going on between me and her.
P: Stay away from her or else.
H: Or else what? You gonna go call mommy and daddy and hope they can do something.
P: No, I'll call yours. You know the rules, stay away from her freak.

I get up and walk towards Penelope. I'm a little pissed off.

J: Actually babe, I decided to walk her to her locker. I just wanted to make some friends. I don't really care for the rules and you should know that. Rules aren't really my thing.

I feel everyone's eyes on me and I get a tiny bit nervous but I hide it.

P: You wanna hang out with a loser?
J: If she's a loser, then count me as one too. There shouldn't be some rule to keep everyone against each other.
P: There's rules for a reason, nobody gets along.
J: Maybe because everyone is so entitled to their egos.
P: I'm not entitled to my ego Jojo.
J: Well I'm pretty sure you are if you literally have to keep up with your bitchy act.

After I said that, I walked out of the room. Everyone seemed surprised by what I said. I know I shouldn't have said that but it's to late. I sit down on the bottom of a stair case and see Hope walking around the halls.

J: Shouldn't you be at lunch?

Hope seemed a little scared and then finally makes eye contact with me. She walks up to me and sits next to me.

H: Ya know, you should also be at lunch young lady.
J: Can't, I already made an exist.
H: Well make an entrance then.
J: I couldn't do that.
H: Why not?

I look down and shake my head. I smile and look at Hope.

J: I don't do the whole dramatic entrance stuff.
H: Mhm I can see that. You didn't have to do that ya know.
J: Well I did it and I don't regret it.
H: Why?
J: Because honestly I'm tired of how everyone treats each other.
H: It's gonna be like that for awhile.
J: I know. I should probably go apologize to Pen.
H: Her ego could use a little bit of deflating.
J: You think so?

Hope nods and I look down at the floor, smiling. I've been smiling a lot around her. I even forget about Penelope for a bit when I talk to her. Who knew someone could have such an affect.

H: I should go before people think that there is something between us.
J: What do you mean?
H: You stood up for me which means people will start to think things.
J: Then let them think. I don't understand the problem with that.
H: You really don't like the rules.

We chuckle a little bit and then a bell rang. Which meant to go to your next class. We both stood up and Hope begins to walk away. I grab her wrist and give her a hug. She hesitates with returning one but she eventually does. I pull away from the hug and gave her a small smile. I walk off to my class.

Cleo's POV
I see Hope standing in front of the stairs, looking confused. I walk up to her and she shakes her head.

C: What's up with you?
H: Uhm n-nothing. I gotta go.
C: You have a crush, don't you?
H: What, n-no. I'm not ready for that stuff yet.
C: Yet?
H: I'll explain later, I'll see you after class.

Hope ran off in a total different direction then where her class is. I watch her run off and shook my head. I catch up with Lizzie and we walk to our classes together.

Hope's POV
I ran away from Cleo, thinking about the hug that me and Josie shared. It felt nice being in her arms but that doesn't mean anything, does it? I'm thinking about it way to much that I bump into somebody.

H: I'm sorry.
S: Watch it freak.
H: Sebastian? What are you doing in these halls. You don't have any classes down here.

I see a red head walk out of the classroom that was empty. I look at her and see hickeys down her neck. I look over to Sebastian and I see some hickeys on him. I thought he was in a relationship with Lizzie. I feel anger rise up and I don't know why. I shouldn't be angry.

H: Are you cheating on Lizzie?
S: What, no. Why do you say that?
H: Besides the fact you have hickeys and that red head has hickeys kinda says it all.
S: Just don't tell Lizzie please.
H: Why? She should know. I'm not going to allow you to destroy her like that.
S: She doesn't even like you Mikaelson.
H: I don't really care, you should tell her or I will. I'm not afraid to tell her.

He shakes his head and I see some emotion. Was it guilt? I don't know but he grabs my arms and pins me up against a wall. We were in a closet.

H: Get off of me.
S: Promise you can't tell Lizzie. If not things will get worse.
H: You won't seriously do that here. Get off of me Sebastian.

He now has my hands pin over my head. I look at him and he smirks. I shake my head and kick him off of me. I run out of the closet and he follows me. He tackles me to the floor and makes me face him.

H: Get off of me!
S: Not until you promise!

I hear footsteps and I look up and see Josie. Oh god, this is bad. She'll think something completely different. Sebastian switches us and now I'm on top. I try to get up but he makes me pin him to the ground. I keep fighting to get up.

H: Get off of me.
S: What do you mean? You're on me.
H: You are literally forcing me to be like this. Get off of me.

I see Josie getting closer and good thing she didn't notice me just yet. I look back at Sebastian and he's smirking. I find my strength and get up. I back up into a wall and Sebastian is up on his feet, walking towards me.

H: Stay away.
S: What are you gonna do about it? You have no where to go.

I look around, trying to escape. I take a big gulp and Sebastian gets closer to me with an evil smirk.

S: You know you want it.
H: I really don't though.

I look and see Josie finally see us in the hallway. This is so bad. Josie will hate me. Once Josie got to us, she clears her throat. Sebastian turns around and sees Josie.

J: What are you doing?
S: She started it.

I look at Sebastian in disbelief. He can't be serious right now.

J: Not what it seemed like when I was walking up here. So tell me the truth.
S: That is the truth. She was trying to jump onto me.

I roll my eyes and cross my arms. He's seriously sticking with this. That's stupid, just plain stupid. Josie looks at me and winks. I get confused and Sebastian doesn't notice any of this.

J: Wow Hope, he's in a relationship. How could you do this?

I look at her confused and pissed off. Is she seriously sticking to his side of the story. Sebastian smirks and I see Josie shaking her head. I get more confused.

J: Sebastian, you really suck at lying.
S: Wait what?
J: I see your little smirk. You only smirk when you know you'll be getting your way. Just wait til my sister finds out about this.
S: You can't tell her.
J: I will but right now, you should probably go to the principals office.

I smile at Josie and she smiles back. Sebastian storms off to the principals office and Josie let's out a laugh. I look at her confused and she covers her mouth.

J: Sorry wrong timing. I'll walk you to class sense you seem to always get yourself into trouble
H: Not on purpose.
J: Come on, let's go.

We start walking until she grabs my hand and we walk into an empty classroom. I look at her confused and she sits on a desk.

J: You know, I seen everything go down. The whole you and Sebastian thing.
H: It didn't seem like it when I kept looking at you and you'd look at something else.
J: I seen everything. I just knew when you'd look at me.
H: How?
J: I just knew. You aren't very secretive about it either.
H: So you watched me struggle?
J: It was funny, I wanted to see where it would go.

I roll my eyes and she laughs. I look at her confused.

J: I'm just kidding Hopey. I didn't actually see all of it go down. I just seen that you were pinned up against a wall by him and knew I had to help out.
H: Hopey?
J: That's all you got from that?
H: N-no, well I mean yes but no. Maybe.

I shrug and we both let out a small laugh. She looks at the time and gets up quickly.

H: What's going on?
J: We're super late for class.
H: Let's just skip this class.

Josie looks at me surprised that I said that. I am also surprised by it but I don't let it show.

J: Did you just say that we should skip?
H: Mhm.
J: I guess we could skip but uhm wouldn't that seem a little suspicious?
H: It's fine, what happened to not caring about the rules?
J: I see I'm rubbing off on you?
H: Maybe just a little bit.

We let out another chuckle and she sits back down on the desk. I sit on the teachers desk. I think back to the note that I didn't read yet. I pulled it out of my pocket and look at it.

J: Oh, the letter.
H: What does it say?
J: You didn't read it yet?
H: Didn't want to get caught by the teacher.
J: Well open it and read it.

I look at Josie and she now has her legs crossed. I look back at the letter and shake my head.

H: Maybe later?
J: No fun.
H: Sorry.

I hear a door knob being twisted, I look for a way out and seen a closet. It'll have to do. I get up quickly and grab Josie's hand. I drag her into the closet and get into it with her. We were super close this time. Josie looks at me confused and I shake my head a little bit. I gotta make sure that we don't make a noise. Josie went to cross her arms but I push her hands down. I shake my head and then everything went quiet. Nothing was in the room and the only sound was our breathing. I looked through a small crack in the closet and see nobody standing out there. I turn and look back at Josie. I completely forgot how close we were, and try to back up but end up having my back to the closet wall.

J: Explain why we are in here? Or I'm just gonna assume.
H: I heard a door knob turn. I didn't want to get you in trouble.

Josie walks a little closer to me and I feel like I can't breathe. We had such little space between us. So much tension in the air. I open the closet door and Josie closes it shut again. I look at her confused.

H: Don't you have a girlfriend?
J: Don't worry I'm not gonna do anything to you silly goose.
H: Then why'd you-

Josie takes her hand and covers my mouth. She puts her free hand to her mouth and puts a finger on her lips. Telling me to be quiet basically. I look at her confused and then I finally hear more footsteps. I hear some voices and see Penelope and Sebastian. I look over to Josie and make her face away from the crack. I don't think she should see this. She grabs my hands and brings them down to the sides. She looks at me confused, I take a huge gulp. Penelope begins to speak.

P: Jojo we know you're in here.
S: We also know Hope is in here too so come out freak.

I see panic in Josie's eyes. She backs away from me and attempts to open the door. I grab her hand quickly and she looks at me. I shake my head no and she nods. We stay there for what seems like forever.

P: Fine, ignore us. Goodbye Jojo.

Penelope and Sebastian walk out of the room. At least they didn't kiss or anything. I know Sebastian is looking for me. The best I could do is sneak away from Josie and meet up with him. This is my fight, not Josie's. Josie walks out of the closet. I follow after her and she turns around and looks at me. I walk around her and walk out of the room. Not so sneaky Hope, not so sneaky. More suspicious then ever. My phone continues to go off, I turn it off completely, knowing it's Josie. I should ignore her. I should find Sebastian. I should make things right.

After going to a couple of classes, I see Sebastian waiting out side the door. I look up at him and he smirks.

S: Wow you didn't run away. I'm surprised.
H: Yeah, yeah whatever just make this quick.

He takes me into an empty classroom and luckily nobody sees us. I lean on the teachers desk and he walks to an empty desk.

H: I promise not to tell Lizzie.
S: I don't care about that anymore. I have something for you and I think you'll like this.
H: What now?
S: Pretend to date me. Everyone will like your attitude. I can make Lizzie jealous and get her back. You just have to pretend to date me, also I won't tell anybody about you and Josie being in that closet in that empty classroom.
H: Nothing happened in there.
S: I'll make it seem like something happened.
H: Josie and I know that nothing happened.
S: Only you guys would know. So what do you say?
H: I'll pretend to date you on one condition.
S: Go on.
H: You don't bully my friends.
S: You got it darling.

He winks at me and got up from his chair and walks out of the classroom. Oh god what did I just agree to. This isn't right at all. I walk out of the classroom minutes after him. I see Cleo and Josie walking around together. I quickly walk past them, avoiding eye contact. I could tell Cleo got suspicious and stopped me from walking away.

C: Why are you ignoring Josie and mine text messages?
H: My phone died. I'm sorry.

I quickly walk off, making it more suspicious. Why are you being so suspicious? I could've walked away without making things so weird. I feel arms wrap around my arms and I'm being dragged into a classroom. How many times am I going into a classroom today? Jeez.

C: Tell us what's going on.
H: Nothing is going on.
C: I know when you lie. What's going on?
H: Nothing.

I look at Josie and she seems a little hurt. Why? She shouldn't be hurt. Nothing happened. All there was, was tension.

J: Why do you keep avoiding me?
H: I'm not.
J: Stop the bullshit Hope. You left the classroom we were in. Why?
H: I just had to do some thinking.
J: Like what?
H: It's nothing, it doesn't matter.

Sebastian walks in and winks at me. I shake my head at him and he continues to walk in.

S: Hey babe, I finally found you.

Josie looks at me shocked, angry and confused. Why was she angry? I don't even know why. Cleo looks at me surprised that everything was happening so fast. I give Sebastian a small smile.

H: I'll meet up with you later.
S: I'll be waiting.

Sebastian walks out of the room and Josie shakes her head.

J: I-I thought you hated him?
H: All out of love.

Ew disgusting Hope. Stop this madness and just tell them the truth. It shouldn't be that hard.

J: Tell me this is a joke.
H: Jo. I'll see you after school and explain everything later. Okay?
J: Just explain now Hope. It's not that hard to do some explaining.
H: You don't get to say that Jo. There's nothing between us like that.
J: Right. I'm just gonna go.

And with that Josie walked out of the classroom. Cleo looks at me and shakes her head.

C: You messed up Hope.
H: What do you mean?
C: You'll have to wait and see.

Cleo walked out of the classroom and I feel my heart break. I really did mess up. I walk out of the classroom and met up with Sebastian. We walked the halls and I could tell Lizzie was getting jealous. Why'd he pick me? What'd I do for this to happen. I get to my locker and shove my books into it. Sebastian walks off and Landon comes up to me. He hands me a letter. I give him a small smile and he shakes his head. He tries to walk away but I grab his arm before he could leave.

H: What does it say?
La: It's an invitation silly. You'll be going to a party now that you're dating Sebastian. Why are you dating him?
H: I'm fake dating him.
La: Wait what?
H: I'm fake dating Sebastian so he can get Lizzie back.
La: Why?
H: I don't know.

I see him pull out his phone and hits a stop button. He puts his phone back into his pocket and walk off. I shut my locker and go to my next class. That was really weird.

Landon's POV
I finally got a recording of Hope saying she's fake dating Sebastian. Josie wanted me to do it. I gladly helped her because I know she secretly has feelings for my best friend. I finally found Josie standing by an empty classroom. We walk into it and I pull my phone out. I hand her it and she plays the recording. I smile at her all happy, I am finally helpful. Kinda.

J: Thanks Landon.
La: No problem. Now let's talk.
J: About?
La: Why you wanted me to do this?
J: Oh, just to help out a friend.
La: Aren't you with bitchy Penelope?
J: Penelope doesn't matter right now. Hope matters more.
La: Are you confessing your feelings?
J: What no, she's a friend.
La: How do you feel around her?
J: I love being around her. When I'm around her it feels like I can be myself. I even forget about Penelope for awhile. I smile more around her. Why?

I look at her and raise an eyebrow. She realizes what she just said and covers her mouth. I think she realized she messed up there. At least I got a confession.

La: See you're in love Jo.
J: I'm with Penelope though. I don't want to hurt her. I love Pen too.
La: But your heart lies with Hope.
J: What no. That's not what I'm getting at.
La: Yes it is. You're just afraid to admit it.

Josie looks like realization is happening right now. I look at her confused and she starts pacing around the room.

J: What do I do?
La: Confess?
J: What if she doesn't feel the same?
La: I don't know.
J: What do you mean?
La: Well when you walked away she had a big smile on her face. I think that was the very first one I seen in awhile.
J: I should stay with Pen for right now.
La: Whatever makes you happy.
J: Don't do that.

I look at her confused and she shakes her head. She walks out of the classroom and I follow after her.

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