When You Know You Know

By itstilliswhatitis

58.6K 4K 2.5K

@zpanacea asked me to write a story where Harry is a radio actor and Louis is a devoted listener. Louis has n... More



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By itstilliswhatitis

Saturday meant date night. He had already showered twice. Fixed and refixed his hair three times so far. His bedroom was a total mess from the amount of clothes that he had thrown around, rejected.

He was nervous about the date and that was a good sign. It was way too early to tell but he had a good feeling about him. He could be a potential boyfriend in the future, maybe even the one. Okay, now he was really getting ahead of himself. He chuckled slightly embarrassed. He finally settled for some nicer dress pants and a blue button-up shirt with short sleeves that matched his eyes. It wouldn't hurt to show off his tattoos a little. A small cross on Harry's hand told him that the man wasn't repulsed by it. He was curious to find out if he had any more tattoos.

It was time to go so he took one last look in the mirror before he grabbed a jacket, put some shoes on, and got his wallet and car keys. He drove over to Harry's apartment complex and got out. The front door was still open so he headed to Harry's apartment and knocked on the door. Harry opened it with a dimpled smile and Louis just wanted to reach out and poke one of his dimples but he contained himself. Instead, he took in Harry's appearance. He was dressed in some black high waist trousers, a black shirt with his cheat on display, revealing two swallow tattoos and the top of something tattooed on his stomach. He had pink suspenders and his lips and nails were painted in the same shade. To top it, he had a pearl necklace around his neck.
"You look absolutely stunning!" Louis said and Harry's smile grew even wider.

"Thank you. So do you. That shirt is the same color as your eyes. Gorgeous." Harry said.

"Thanks. Ready to go?" Louis asked.

"Yeah, let me just get my bag." Harry said and turned around. He returned shortly thereafter with a handbag, matching the pink. Louis smiled fondly. Of course, he had a handbag. He couldn't think of anyone else that would pull that off but Harry did. He mixed feminine and masculine effortlessly and he was adorably wonderful.

They headed to the car and Louis opened the door for him before he got behind the wheels. He turned on the radio to avoid an awkward silence and Queens Bohemian Rapsody started playing. He looked over at Harry and wiggled his eyebrows and Harry giggled.
"You're on!"

They started to sing the lyrics together. They both busted out laughing when they came to the opera part. Harry took the high part, squealing in a loud falsetto while he took the lower part. By the time they reached the restaurant, they were headbanging to the guitar. They stayed in the car to finish the song. When it was over Louis turned off the radio with a grin.
"I'm so glad you know that song. I don't know if I could date anyone who wouldn't at least try to sing it." He joked.

"It's a classic! Yeah, I would have called a cab and left you hanging if you didn't know it either." Harry teased.

"Nice!" Louis laughed while they got out of the car. Harry threw his head back in a heartfelt laughter. They were both in a really good mood when they walked inside the restaurant.

"Hi, table for two. Tomlinson." Louis said and they were shown to their table.

They took a seat and Harry looked around.
"This is really cozy. I love the atmosphere."

"Have you been here before?" Louis asked.

"Nope. First time. You?" Harry retorted while he opened his menu.

"Yeah. Me, Niall, and Liam always go out on Fridays to eat and we always chose a new restaurant, taking turns choosing. Niall picked this one. Three guys together in a place like this drew a lot of attention." Louis chuckled.

"Oh, so that tapas bar wasn't a one-time thing? Your friend Niall seems like a cool guy." Harry said.

"He's the best. Liam too." Louis smiled.

"Zayn is too. I've known him since high school." Harry said.

"That's cool. I met Liam and Niall in college." Louis said.

The waiter arrived to take their orders and they both ordered a three-meal course. Louis asked for sparkling water and Harry took the same.
"You can drink you know. I'm driving so I'm staying sober but I don't mind if you don't."

"I figured that was the reason, or I at least hoped so and I rather have a clear head talking to you so I can enjoy this date and remember it in the morning." Harry smiled.

"Alright then. Sounds good to me." Louis replied.

They continued to talk, never running out of topics. They covered family and hometown before the starters arrived. When they started with the main course they were discussing favorite movies and taste in music. By dessert, they were talking about their view on marriage and kids and were pleased to find out that they have the same future plans.

Louis paid for the dinner and they stayed a while longer before it was time to get back home. Louis didn't want the night to end but he didn't want to push it. Apparently, he didn't have to worry about that. When they were reaching Harry's apartment building Harry turned to him. He glanced at him. Harry was biting his lower lip.
"So it's still pretty early. Do you wanna come inside for a while?"

Oh, he would love to come inside. He cleared his head from dirty thoughts and smiled.
"I'd love to come inside."

"That's what he said." Harry giggled.

Louis cackled loudly.
"That's such a bad one."

"Oh well." Harry winked before he got out of the car.

Louis followed him and locked the car behind him. Harry unlocked the front door and let him inside and they walked over to Harry's apartment.

Harry opened the door and they stepped inside and hung their jackets in the hallway before Harry lead him into the living room.
"So this is my place." Harry said.

Louis walked around, taking it in. Harry's living room was a reflection of him as a person. The walls were painted in a dark purple. Heavy velvet curtains in purple and gold hung by the windows. The couch was dark grey with a lot of purple and creme white blankets neatly folded on top of one of the corners. A round,  creamy white carpet that looked soft and cozy was on the floor underneath the coffee table in gold and one of the walls contained several bookcases. Louis walked over to read the titles of the many books neatly placed there. He wasn't surprised to find that they were sorted into categories. There was classic English literature, a lot of poetry books, and a whole shelf of different plays. He let out a surprised sound and reached for one of the books.
"Waiting for Godot? I love that play!" He said and flipped through the pages.

"Yeah? Me too!" Harry smiled.

Louis put the book back and turned around. Harry was eyeing him curiously.
"This living room is so you. I love it. Cozy." Louis smiled.

Harry seemed to relax.

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