Bonded (Niklaus Mikaelson)

By niklausssmikaelson

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After being sent away Adelaide comes back after 3 years. She already knows about the supernatural world but s... More

Part 1
The Martins
Werewolf curse
Hello father
Moving in
Ricky Ric
He's back
The Curse
Werewolf bite
Werewolf hunt
Night affairs
Cupcake loss
Short story
The reckoning
Phone calls
Ghost world
OG witch
Coffin chase
Birthday ball
Find me
Karma's a bitch
My little target
One more stake
Rupert, Emmy and Mila
Back to the 20's
How far does my bond go
Come back to me
A day of peace
And then there were 10


144 5 0
By niklausssmikaelson

Adelaide's POV

"Chicago was a magical" Nik said

"Yh, well, i'll take your word for it. Like I said I don't remember most of it" Stefan said

"Down to buisness then"

"Why am I still with you? We had our fun, your hybrids failed. I mean, don't you want to move on"

"We're going to see my favourite witch. If anyone can help with our hybrid problem. It's her"

Nik took us to an old looking bar on the side of the road. It wasn't too small but not big enough to throw one of Caroline's annual parties

"Looks familliar, doesn't it?" Nik asks

"Can't believe this place is still here" Stefan says looking around

"You gotta be kidding me" A tall black lady with short hair says

"So a hybrid walks into a bar, says to the bartender-" Nik says

"Stop. You may be invincible, but that doesn't make you funny"

I snort to myself taking a seat on one of the tables in the corner. Finally someone humbled this man, his ego was getting too out of hand

"I remember you" The lady says looking at Stefan

"Yeah. You're Gloria" Stefan says


"Shouldn't you be-"

"Old and dead? Now, if I die, who's gonna run this place,huh?"

"Gloria's a very powerfull witch" Nik whispers

"I can slow the aging down, some herbs and spells. But don't worry it'll catch up to me one day" Gloria says

"Stefan, why don't you go fix us up a little something from behind the bar" Klaus says

"Yeah sure thing" Stefan says

As Stefan walks off I try to go with him but Nik pulls me back by my arm

"You look ravishing by the way" Klaus compliments

"Don't. I know why your here. A hybrid out to make more hybrids, that kind of news travels especially when you're running around with the Martin's finest. The last time I saw a Martin was in the 1920s. Doesn't stop the whispers though. Witches say this generation is deadlier than the others" Gloria says while turning to me

"Yes she hasn't killed me yet but it doesn't stop her from annoying me every second of the day" Nik replies

"You kidnapped me so you have to deal with me. Maybe you should've thought about it before you decided to take a teenage girl hostage" I say

"What am I doing wrong? I broke the curse" Nik asks

"Well obviously you did something wrong. Look,every spell has a loophole but a curse that old, we'd have to contact the withc who created it" Gloria replies

"Well that would be the original witch. She's very dead"

"I know. And for me to contact her i'll need help. Bring me Rebekah"

"Rebekah. Rebekah is a bit preoccupied"

"She has what I need. Bring her to me"

"What is this?" Stefan holds up an old picture of him and Nik with their hands wrapping around each other.

I knew there was some unspoken tension between them but this was a bit unexpected

"This doesn't make any sense why don't I remember you?" Stefan asked

"You said it yourself that time had a lot of dark holes" Nik replies

"If you knew me, why haven't you said anything?"

"I'm a little busy right now memory lane will have to wait"

"I just wanna know who was doing the bending" I smirk

"I may not remember any of this but I know I'm not gay" Stefan says annoyance clear on his face

"Don't say that, you'll hurt Nik's feelings"

"What the hell is going on. Answer me" Stefan says while grabbing Nik's arm

See this is what I'm talking about. I wonder who will lean in first. Maybe Nik he seems more dominant, he was definitely bending Stefan over. Probably spanked his arse a few times.

"Lets just say we didn't get off to a brilliant start. To be honest I hated you" Nik says

He starts explaining a story but i decided to zone out, it had no importance to me whatsoever.

"So I knew another original vampire?" Stefan asks

"If you can't handle it then don't ask" Nik says while walking away

Nik walks up to a casket and opens it to reveal a woman covered in grey veins and a flapper dress from the 1920s. The dress looks nice apart from the large blood stain and dagger picking out of her chest.

"I don't recognize her" Stefan says

"Well don't tell her that. Rebekah's temper is worse than mine" Nik says before pulling the dagger out of her chest

"Time to wake up, little sister" Nik sings

"Anyday know Rebekah. She's being dramatic"

"It's only been a few minutes be patient" I say

"Look, why don't you just tell me what the hell is going on? I mean you obviously want me here for a reason right?" Stefan says

"Well you have many useful talents. In fact, I learned some of my most favourite tricks from you"

I wiggle my eye brows to Stefan suggestively to which he promptly flips me off and goes back to conversing with Nik.

I ignored Klaus and Stefan's conversation and continued to look at the woman in the casket you could tell she was pretty even thought she was covered in veins and she was wearing clothes that looked like they were from the 1920s

"We're going to your old apartment" Klaus said

"Can I stay here?" I ask

"If you don't mind Rebekah feeding off you" Klaus responds before leaving with Stefan

He obviously doesn't care much for my safety seeing as he actually allowed me to stay here. Maybe he just wanted some alone time with Stefan, they probably need some time to remember what roles they have in their little relationship. Stefan probably needs to adjust to being a bottom again, but I have complete hope that they'll get back into the rhythm of things. After a few hours a heard Rebekah gasp. I lead the compeled worker to her so she could feed and when she does she turns to me.

"Are you my second lunch?" She asked

"No actually i'm a hostage. I asked to stay 'till you wake up" I reply

"I can smell your blood" Rebekah said, her face growing veins

"I can get you someone else to feed on, but your not touching me" I say

She agrees and I go out to find a suitable meal. I grabbed the first person I could see that being an middle-aged man who looked like he'd had enough of life- completely understandable. At least I'll be helping him end his life quicker. I bring him to Rebekah and let her feed untill he dies

"So why are you here?" Rebekah asks

"I've been kidnapped by your bastard of a brother" I reply with a sarcastic smile

"Well I know that but I mean why did he kidnap you"

"Oh. Well i'm a Martina goddess. According to your brother i'm very useful"

"Do you like my brother?"

"I wouldn't say yes but I wouldn't say no"

"Would you like to help me get revenge?" Rebekah said with a hopefull smile

"Why not" I say standing up

"I like you. We're gonna be fast friends"

In the time we were waiting I explained all there is to know about the 21st century to Rebekah seeing as she'd been sleeping for 90 years, we talked about random things like our likes and dislikes and I actually started to like her. I also explained the whole situation I have with her brother to which she smirked. I asked her advice from a female perspective because as said before, emotions are not my strong suit and for whatever reason they're even more confusing with Nik. When Rebekah sensed her brother coming she vamped us into a hiding spot so we could start out plan

"Rebekah, it's your big brother. Come out come out wherever you are" Nik sings

Rebekah quickly vamp-speeds infront of him and stabs him with the dagger. He easily pulls it out and throws it on the floor

"Don't pout, you knew it wouldn't kill me." Nik taunts

"No but I was hoping it would hurt more" Rebekah says

"Where's Adelaide?"

"Right here" I say

I use magic to make him fly into another coffin before dropping to his knees and squeezing his head in pain

"Did that hurt?" Rebekah taunts

"How many times have I told you to stop doing that" Nik growls

"I don't know. How many times have I done it" I smirk

"I understand that you're upset with me, so i'll let that go just this once" Nik say while getting up

"I brought you a little peace offering. You can come in" Nik continues

Stefan walks in looking as clueless as ever while I struggle to hide my laugh

"Stefan" Rebekah says

Klaus walked towards Stefan and looked in his eyes "Now you remember"

"I remember you. We were friends" Stefan says

"We are friends" Klaus  says

You killed his girlfriend you are not his friend

"And now the reason your here. Gloria tells me you know how to contact the original witch" Klaus continues

"Tho original witch?" Rebekah asks

"What do you have that Gloria needs?"

Rebekah puts her hand to her neck then starts feeling it like she's looking for something

"Where's my necklace. What did you do with it? I never take it off"

"I didn't touch it"

"We need to find it"

"Tell me that's not what she needs. Tell me that's not what she needs Rebekah" Klaus says while shaking Rebekah's shoulders

She pushes his hands away and starts rumaging through her casket throwing everything around. After not being able to find it she throws the casket she was previously laying in at the wall


"There has to be more to this dress" Rebekah complains while walking out of the dressing room

"There's not" Klaus replies

"So women in the 21st century dress like prostitutes then" Rebekah says

"Hello woman of the 21st century here" I say while stepping out of one of the other dressing rooms

"The dress suits you" Rebekah compliments

"Thank you" I say with a smile

"I don't like it" Nik says

"Good thing I don't shop for you"

"Your attracting attension"

"Atleast I know they like the dress" I say with a small smirk

"Take it off"

"No" I smirk

"Are we done?" Nik asks

"And why are you so grumpy?" Rebekah asks

"I needed one thing from you for my witch to find out why my hybrids are dying. One thing: your necklace, and you lost it" Nik complained

"I didn't lose it it's just been missing for 90 years"

"So what do you think" Rebekah continued gesturing to her dress

"I like it" Stefan lied

"What? I said I like it" Stefan said

"I can always tell when you lying Stefan" Rebekah says walking back into the dressingroom

"If you need lessons I charge $20 an hour" I say while smirking and walking off to get more clothes

"Nice one. Good work" Nik says

"Your the one that pulled the dagger out of her" Stefan retorted

"I heard that" Rebekah spoke from behind the curtain

"All right, i'm gonna get some fresh air, don't let Addy try on anymore clothes" Stefan says before getting up and heading to the door

"That much alchol isn't good for your heart" I say walking back with 2 new outfits for Rebekah

"I think my heart can take it" Nik says before gulping down another glass

"Ok what do you think about this one" Rebekah said coming out of the dressing room

"Ok that one's nice. Maybe if you add some earings and a necklass it'll be complete" I say

"How about you?" Rebekah says looking to Nik

"You look like stripper"

"No she doesn't! Ignore him"I say


"You left us" Rebekah whinned as Stefan walked into the bar

"Yeah, sorry. Retail therapy was making my head explode" Stefan replies

"Tell me about it" Nik pipes up

"What's she doing" Stefan says gesturing to Gloria who was sat on the floor

"Failing" Nik replies

"It's hard to find something when you don't have anything to go on" Gloria retorts her eyes still closed

"Why don't you use Rebekah. She wore it for like what- a thousand years?" I suggest

"See? Now these 2 offer me a solution. Alright give me your hand sweetheart" Gloria says

"She's uh looking for the necklace huh"

Gloria starts to chant incantations  and after a few seconds she opens her eyes

"I found it"

"Where is it?" Rebekah asked

"It doesn't work like that. I get images. There's a girl with her friends"

"Yes a dead girl sith dead friends if I don't get my necklace back"

"Well I have to dive back in to get the details"

"So dive" Nik says impatiently

"I need more time. And space. You're harshing my juju"

"We can wait" Klaus

"I'm sure you can but that's not what I asked"

"Why don't we come back later you guys must be hungry by now" I say standing up and walking towards the exit

Nik, Rebekah and Stefan took the girls they wanted and compelled them to come back to the storage unit so they could feed on them. I complained about being hungry myself so Nik bought me mc Donald's and a few cupcakes

"My girls dead. I'm bored" Rebekah complained

"You weren't kidding about being hungry" Nik said

"It's been a long day" Stefan replied

"Try being related to her"

"Your being mean. Why you being mean. You used to love me"

"It's been 90 years Rebekah, give him a minute"

"Why are you taking his side"

"Because my dear sister I feel pity for any man that doesn't give you what you want"

"Will you stop making me out to be a brat. I am not a brat"

"A thousand years of life experience says otherwise"

"Well your hardly any better i've spent one summer with you and I already feel like throwing myself of a nearby building" I pipe in

"Fantastic" Rebekah say with a proud smile on her face

"I need to go" Stefan says as he drops the girls body onto the floor

"Where's he going?" Rebekah asks

"To write a name on a wall. It's a long story. Come on Adelaide we're going to check up on our witch"

I left my food with Rebekah warning her not to eat it before leaving with Nik to check on Gloria

"Your sister's nice" I say breaking the silence

"Wait 'till you upset her" Nik scoffed

When we got back to the bar we walked in and all of Gloria's stuff were gone aswell as Gloria herself. Nik being the angry man he is got upset and stormed back to the car. I quickly grabbed a few bottles of alcohol running back to the car with them. Damon's gonna be so happy when he sees what I've collected.

"Gloria's gone, she's cleared out. We need to find a new witch immediately" Nik says storming in

"What's going on?" I ask

"Somethings wrong. He was asking about Mikael. He's not with us Nik I can sense it" Rebekah says

"She's wrong. Klaus" Stefan pleads

Nik vamp-speds up to Stefan snapping his neck and leaving him on the floor

"What about her?" Rebekah says gesturing towards me

"She was your friend a few minutes ago" I say

"She's coming with us. I have a feeling whatever he's hiding is in mystic falls"

2610 words

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