Shoto's Twin Sister

By Glitter_Crazy

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NOT AN X READER AND NOT INCEST Might be a bit of an OC x Katsuki Make sure to check out the Scenarios book I... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Eimi Todoroki
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Clarification Chapter
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 47

834 32 17
By Glitter_Crazy

Izuku's POV

"Give him back!" I screamed as I watched the villain jump through the trees and away from us. I heard the others yell something along those lines as Shoto threw some ice in hopes it would slow the villain down.

"We have to go after him, but how?" Shoto mumbled before an idea popped into my head.

"Guys, listen here..." I started explaining my plan and before I knew it we were in position.

Shoto and I were standing on either side of Shoji as he held onto us with his dupliarms. Tsuyu's tongue was wrapped around us while Uraraka used her quirk on us to make us float.

"Make sure you have a good hold on them." Uraraka said as we floated up slightly.

Shoji nodded and then Tsuyu hopped around to get some momentum before hurling us off in the direction of the villain who took both Kacchan and Tokoyami. At the speed we were going, it didn't take any time as we crashed into the masked villain. We all yelled as we fell to the ground, luckily making it into the clearing where the other heroes were, but not so lucky as more villains were also there with them.

"Whoa, whoa. What's this?!" Someone exclaimed as the dust cleared from around us. "Oh, hey, wait, I know these kids. Who are they?" The same voice said as if it were questioning itself.

"Give Kacchan and Tokoyami back to us!" I demanded before blue flames came into my vision.

"Look out!" Shoto yelled as he put up an ice wall to protect us but the villain disappeared from under us. The ice wall also didn't last long as the blue flames were super hot. Way hotter than Shoto or Eimi's flames. Wait... Eimi!!

My eyes widened before I quickly shut them so they wouldn't get burned from the flames. I heard Shoto call for us as Shoji grunted that his arms were burning.

Once the blue flames went away, we got attacked. Shoto was dealing with another masked villain while the blonde girl from earlier went straight for me.

"Hi, Izuku! My name's Toga!" She giggled while frantically waving her arms before she jumped on me, causing both of us to fall to the ground.

"I've been thinking since I saw you... but you'd be so much cuter if you just bled a little more! Let me help!" The look in her eyes truly terrified me, she looked as if she was having so much fun and that she wouldn't change what she was doing for anything.

"Midoriya!" I heard my name being yelled as the girl I now know as Toga was thrown off me.

Shoji stood in front of me as I sat up, gaining my breath as much as I could.

"What's with this guy?" Shoto questioned as I heard ice form as well as the sound when it broke. We were all then pushed back as the villains all stood close to each other. I then blinked a couple of times, to check that I wasn't just imagining it and my eyes widened when I saw that it was true.

"Eimi!" Shoto's voice called out in a hurry as soon as he also saw what I saw.

A black-haired villain with purple scars was holding Eimi over his shoulder, a tight grip on her back. When she wasn't with us I feared she might've got caught up with another villain, but to see her in the arms of this one, unconscious, was just the worst possible outcome I could've imagined. Not only do they have Kacchan and Tokoyami, but they also have Eimi with them too. 

The villain didn't say anything about taking Eimi as well unless it was a last-minute decision by that patch-work villain. Shoji had to hold Shoto back as he tried to get over to his sister. The villain holding Eimi looked over at us with a small gaze before he smirked and laughed at us.

"Like the newest addition to the group? Other than dear Bakugo of course." He chuckled as a portal formed near his feet. In one swift movement, he dropped Eimi into the portal, which earned a gasp from Shoto before he growled. 

Before we could do anything to also get into that portal, it vanished from our sight. It was now that the first mask villain was checking his pockets only to stop a question why his hands were empty.

"I figured your quirk must have something to do with these marbles, right?" Shoji spoke up while holding two blue-tinged marbles in his hand. "So these have to be Tokoyami and Bakugo, right?"

"You rescued them!" I almost cried in relief before the masked villain laughed.

"Colour me impressed. Just as I'd expect from someone with so many hands."

"Nice going, Shoji!" Shoto yelled out as he tried to distract the weird masked villain with more ice. We all started to run with the marbles but were cut off by a dead end. I looked back to see if we were getting chased and only paused as I saw no one was moving. I then watched as the black-haired one was about to let out an attack but the first masked villain held out his arm.

It was then when the masked villain slightly moved his mask up to reveal two marbles in his mouth. My eyes widen and as soon as they did, the two marbles that Shoji was holding turned back to normal only to release chunks of Shoto's ice.

"He still has them!" Shoji sighed in frustration and I could only grind my teeth together.

"A magician never has just one trick, foolish kids." 

Shoto's POV

It was at this moment that we all charged at the villains in front of us. We would try anything if it meant saving our classmates that we could see. As we ran forward, the portal appeared again, yet bigger and not on the ground.

"Bye bye, hope to see you soooon!" The blonde villain called out to us as her and the others started walking through the portal. I shot some ice and managed to hit the villain's hand which was holding the marbled Tokoyami and Bakugo. They flew out of his hands and me and Shoji jumped forward to grab them.

I looked to the side to see that Shoji was successfully able to grab one of the marbles so that left the other to me. As I was just about to get the marble in my grasp, a hand came out of nowhere and grabbed it instead.

"Poor little Shoto Todoroki." The raven-haired villain chuckled as I felt my body fall past him in slow motion. I got up as soon as I could only to watch as the villain started to disappear into the portal. Right when he was doing so, the marble expanded to reveal that the one he grabbed was Bakugo.

His face was shocked and slightly scared. His sharp red, glaring eyes full of panic rather that anger.

"Kacchan!" Izuku screamed as he ran faster to where we were. I still tried to reach out and grab him but my efforts were in vain as the villain and Bakugo sunk into the portal before it vanished.

I could only stare as where the portal was before I looked down at my hand. I was so close to getting him yet I wasn't close enough. Dammit! It was then when I heard a bloodcurdling scream and I looked back to see Izuku screaming into the ground with tears running down his face.

I got up to go over to him and before I even got to him my vision started to get blurry because I realized that they also have Eimi. I'm glad we were able to get Tokoyami back, but the damage that was done was too much for us to handle. I stumbled over to Izuku before starting to rub his back. 

Tokoyami and Shoji then came over and shielded us from oncoming people as well as trying to calm us down. We both just lost two people who were important to us, and even if I didn't like Bakugo that much, he still made Eimi happy which in turn made me happy, so it still hurt like a stab to the heart.

Eimi's POV ~time skip to when they rescue Katsuki~

"Arggg." I groaned as I sat up with a terrible headache. I reached around for my phone but didn't feel it. Did I leave it in my pocket again? I asked myself as I reached into my sweater pocket and pulled out my phone. Yep, I'm never gonna learn, am I?

I went to check the time only to realize it was dead.

"Of course it would be dead if I didn't charge it last night..." I trailed off as I began to question last night. I looked at my hand to see that there were some cuts and bruises, but no signs of dirt or blood. I looked down at my arms to find there were bandages all over them.

"What kind of training did I go yester-- ah!" I stopped midsentance as everything from last night came flooding back to me. Kota, Izuku, Katsuki, everyone. What happened?? Where am I?

I pulled the blanket off of me but then stopped quickly. This didn't look like a hospital, like at all. This was a normal room, one with a dresser, closet, bed side table and everything. But the real question was, whose room was this anyway. I put my phone back in my sweater pocket and was about to get up when something shined in my eye.

Looking to my left, I saw a slightly opened drawer and for some reason, I was really drawn to it. I slowly inched over and opened the drawer more to find a picture frame. Huh, I'm getting some dejavu right now.

I shook my head before grabbing the picture frame and holding it up so I could see what was on it. It was a little dark, but I could just barely make out what was in the frame, and the only way I could fully understand the picture anyways, was because I've seen it many times before. My eyes weld up with tears and I hugged the frame close.

It was a picture of me and Touya. I was sitting in his lap as he showed me his quirk. It always amazed me how it was such a pretty blue flame. Wait... blue, flame? I got a flash back to when I saw the forest burning and the faint blue flame that was coming up from the trees.

I then heard foot steps coming towards the door and I panicked. I quickly put the picture frame back in the drawer and closed it before jumping back into the bed and pretending to still be asleep. I don't know if where I am is where Touya is, but I'm just hoping that I'm not going to get hurt.

The door opened and then closed fairly quickly before the sound of footsteps stopped right in front of the bed. I was turned on my side facing away from the being who was standing over me and I couldn't help but start to shake a little. I think the person noticed because they moved the blanket up on my shoulders before carefully rubbing my head.

I froze slightly because the way that this person rubbed my head in such a soothing manner was exactly how Touya would rub my head when I was younger. Tears started to form in my eyes as I tried to stop myself from making any sounds, but the person then stopped rubbing my head and I felt the edge of the bed dip down a bit. This told me that the person sat down beside me. I tried to quiet myself but I could do much.

"I'm sorry we had to meet this way." A voice called out. My tears flowed stronger than before because that was definitely my brother's voice. Even if it was slightly deeper, I could still recognize it anywhere. I moved my body up a bit as I rested on my elbows before slowly looked over to the side to see the man beside me. His hair was black and his scars more present, but it was no doubt my big brother.

"To-touya?" I stuttered out as the man nodded softly before reaching his arm out to move my hair from my face. Before I even knew it, I launched myself into his arms and held onto the back of his shirt, my face in his chest while I cried. He held onto me tightly and rocked me back and forth just like he used to when I would hurt myself or find myself crying when I was younger.

The hug couldn't last as long as I wanted it to because we heard someone call out from the other side of the door.

"Dabi, Shiggy says you need to come down now. You can deal with that girl later, she's still knocked out right. So come on." A female voice said and Touya looked at me with a sad smile. I looked up at him before he pushed me down back onto his bed and stood up.

"Okay, I'll be down in a sec. I need to change." Touya-nii called back and got an okay as a response before the girl left.

"W-wait!" I whisper-yelled to him and he paused before turning to me.

"Don't worry. I'm only needed for persuading Bakugo to join, but I'll be back."

"You have Katsuki too?" My eyes started to tear up and Touya quickly bent down and wiped my cheaks before holding them lightly in his hands so I'd look at him.

"I won't let them do anything to him, I'm planning of a way to get you two out of here and then you can get Keigo to tell you the rest, okay?" 

"H-hawks knows where you are?" I sniffled as Touya-nii nodded.

I watched as he stood up, grabbed his trench coat and went to the door. He gave me a smiled before he walked out and then closed the door, leaving me to think about all that I just learned.

Katsuki's POV

"He's coming down in a second!" The crazy blonde chick said while skipping through the door she left through.

"Good, we need everyone to be here to get this done." The damn hand bastard said while rubbing his neck with his hand. Something he did very often and it creeped me out, but I would never let these bastards know that.

It wasn't long before the patchy guy walked through the door and went into his normal spot from all those other days. I've been here for 3 days and they only do this at the end of each day. And by this, I mean asking me to join their dumb group. Like hell I would. 

The hands bitch started on his tangent again about how I should join his gang of shitheads and I only stared blankly at him. I think I irritated him because he started to scratching his neck faster than before and he started to growl slightly. He then stopped and pointed to another one of his members.

"Twice, release him. We can't expect him to join us if we treat him as a hostage."

"As you say so boss! I don't want to! This boys scary!" The weird masked one known as Twice called out before he walked towards me with slow steps, clearly being nervous. Is this his bog idea, unchain me and he thinks I'd automatically join him? That's really fucking stupid.

I wait for the villain to take off the chains and cuffs before I activated my quirk and blew him away.

"Like hell this would change my mind! You guys should get a life, there's no way I'd join your dumb bitch group!" I yelled while standing in a fighting stance. I kept my center of gravity low incase one of them were to jump at me and I watched as the 'boss' growled before I swear I saw a smirk on his face.

"Dabi." He said and my attention was turned to the patchy guy. "Go get her. They're close, aren't they? Maybe this will persuade him."

Dabi only nodded before leaving the room once again. I could've followed him or made a dash for the other door but decided against it as I didn't know there was someone else here. Just who else do they have here. I thought their only objective was to capture me and that's it.

It wasn't long before we heard foot steps from behind the door before it opened. Dabi had his hand firmly placed on the shoulder of the girl and my eyes widened when I saw who it was. She was looking around confused and when her eyes landed on me, they started to fill with tears and she tried to run over to me but was stopped by the other man's grip on her.

I saw her body begin to shake as she was terrified of where she was, it looked as if she just woke up.

"Ah, so she's awake now. This makes it a lot easier." The handman laughed as he motioned for Dabi to bring her over to him. I made eye contact with Eimi and nodded very lightly as she was lightly pushed forward by the villain holding her and right when they were walking past me, she slammed her heal on the villains foot before pushing him. She quickly ran over to where I was before she crashed into my arms.

The villain cursed while he held his foot and I quickly held Eimi in my arms while still keeping an eye on everyone in the room. 

A/N. Duh duh duhhhhhh! What's happening and whats gonna happen?? Wait and find out! Hope you enjoy this quick update!

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