Key To My Heart || Slugterra

By justaradomgurl

39.2K 1.3K 2.6K

"Goodbye Ales, wait for me. I promise, we will meet again." ... She thought her life could not get any worse... More

Author's Note
Alessia's Arsenal of Slugs 1
Alessia's Arsenal of Slugs 2
01| Key To My Heart
02| The Discovery of Slugterra
03| The Shane Gang
04| A Special Friend
05| Rescue Mission
06| Truth or Dare
07| Girl Talk
08| Slugs
09| First Ever Mission
10| The Infurnus
11| Conflict
12| The Encounter
13| Beast Forge
14| Mecha Race
15| Red Hook
16| Elessia
17| The World Above Our Heads
18| Revenge
19| Confession
20| Rooftop
21| Intense Slug Hunting
22| Slug Run
23| Victory
24| Illusions
25| Mecha Update
26| Undertow Cavern
27| The End
28| First Kiss
29| Birth
30| Missing Slugs
31| Underground Hideouts
32| Blakk Citadel
33| Doctor Blakk
35| Hospitalised
36| The Key
37| Remembrance
38| Connection
39| Love Story
40| Mission Impossible
41| Indeed
42| Threat
43| Hope
44| First Day
45| Junjie
46| New Finding
47| The Past
48| Shadow Clan
49| Discovery
50| Battlefield
51| United
52| Come Back To Me
53| Aftermath
54| Reunion
55| Dinner
56| Woods
57| Outing
58| Insecurity
59| Secret Garden
60| Key To My Heart

34| Twist

498 21 68
By justaradomgurl

The back of my head was aching like there was no tomorrow, and the pain never subsided ever since I woke up. The rest of my body was numb and screaming in pain for being in the same positions for too many hours. My mouth was dry, my stomach growling loudly. Dried blood clotted the cut on my lip and the cut on my abdomen from the Mecha Bull.

Not to mention, I was very close to mentally going insane.

But looking at the bright side, I am so grateful to have Strange, my White Boon Doc. She never stop healing me ever since I woke up in this hell prison, even though she was still inexperienced and certainly does not have enough power to heal me completely.

"Strange," I called out to the slug on my shoulder, ignoring the horrible headache I was getting. My head was spinning wildly, even though I had woken up a long time ago.

Now that I think about it, I do pass out pretty frequently in Slugterra and have these terrible headaches, but they usually don't hurt after a few hours of consciousness.

This time, however, the pain did not subside, but instead amplified as time goes by. Another wave of dizziness flooded my mind and I winced.

"What is wrong with me?" I mumbled under my breath.

"Strange?" I looked over at her. She was clearly exhausted on my shoulder, but she never stopped gleaming.

"Strange, stop healing me. I'm fine," I said, out of breath. "Rest. Take a nap. I need you to heal your friends. I can't stand looking at them like this any longer."

The ghouls in the red slug carrier growled at me with glowing red eyes, as if they knew what I said and they certainly don't like it.

Strange's glow vanished and I immediately felt like a huge lump of weight was dropped on me. Without her help, my body was trembling in pain. She could sense the immediate change of state of my body and she chirped worriedly.

"I'm fine," I assured, biting my lower lip. "Please get some rest. You need to heal your friends."

I looked at her but she looked hesitant to get off my shoulder to rest. I rolled my eyes and glared at the goons that were guarding my cell outside.

"Did they tell you to never leave me?" I asked, and she nodded softly. I glanced outside my cell again, and had eye-contact with one of the two goons, which he immediately broke.

"Sleep on my shoulder," I said and forced a smile for Strange. She hesitated, but gave in eventually. I could tell that she was extremely exhausted. She nudged her head into my neck, and fell asleep almost instantly from overworking herself.

I had no idea how long I have been stuck in this chair for, but I need to get out of here.

My slugs need me.

Dalinda needs me.

Slugterra needs me.

I need to tell the gang about Blakk's plan before the Darkbanes are teleported here.

My body had slightly recovered so I tried to break myself free from the tape around my wrist. I could feel the burning friction on my skin, but I didn't care.

I need to get out.

As if the demons could hear my thoughts, I heard the sound of the glowing bars descending and followed by footsteps. I looked up and glared at the man that just entered the cell.


He walked towards me and crouched down to my level, beside the slug carrier. He kept a straight face on as I glared angrily. His gaze then left mine and fell on the cut across my stomach.

Then, what he did next confuses me.

He grabbed a bucket of water from under the table and begun to clean my wound for me with a piece of cloth.

I raised an eyebrow at him and hissed softly when his drenched towel came in contact with my wound. His expression was still unreadable, he was still wearing his straight, serious face.

"Please let my mecha and slugs go," I breathed and he stopped what he was doing. He smiled softly before he continue to clean my wound.

"It escaped," he said, and my eyes widened. "And I'm here to make sure that intelligent beast doesn't get to you."

I smiled softly.

At least Dalinda is safe.

"If you ever make it out of here alive, you have to see a doctor," Twist said, his eyes never left my wound. "One hit at the back of your head and you went unconscious. That's not normal. I didn't even use my full strength on you."

I stayed silent as I watched him. He bandaged my wound before he looked up at me. His eyes met mine and I examined his. He also had blue eyes, but his blue was lighter than Eli's, and they were evil.

I know that for a fact.

He stared at me for a good whole minute, the entire time I didn't know what to do other than to glare at him. His eyes then left mine and landed on my lips.

He raised his hand with his towel and I ducked my head instinctively, shutting my eyes, afraid that he might hit me like Doctor Blakk did, but the impact never came.

My eyes sprung open when I felt something warm against my lips.

He was wiping away the dried blood on my lower lip with his towel that was soaked in warm water.

After he was done, he headed out of my cell with the bucket of water. A second later, he returned with a plate filled with human food.

"Eat up," he demanded as he reached the plate out to me. I looked away.

"I'm not hungry. Give it to my slugs."

"You haven't eaten or drank anything for the past two days," he said as he took a spoonful of food and placed it in front of my mouth.

I glared at him and turned away.

"Get me out of here and I promise you I'll eat."

He sighed, before he placed the plate on the table and crossed his arms at his chest.

"You know, you could've just lied about joining Tad and then betray him. Save yourself," he said and looked at me straight in the eye.

"I will never join Tad," I stated. "My friends are coming for me once they realised I'm missing. I don't need to join Tad to save myself."

"I'm afraid that it may take a very long time," Twist chuckled as he grabbed a nearby chair, placed it in front of me and sat on it.

"Loki and I have been training for the past three years, and he is now independent enough to go on solo missions. He is able to produce an exact replica of anything he wishes, and most importantly, he is able to read people's mind; he can give perfect answers to whoever's questioning him. You may be stuck in here right now, but to the Shane Gang, nothing's wrong back in their little hideout. You, your slugs and your mechabeast are all still there."

I broke eye-contact with him and stared at the ground.

"Why are you doing this?" I finally asked him.

"Doing what? Joining Tad?"

"Why are you being nice to me?"

He let out a throaty laugh, before he said, "Tad entrusted me to keep you alive. If he orders me to kill you, I will do it without a second thought."

"Twist," I said and looked up at him. "Why are you working for Tad? Why work for those that are influenced by Dark Water?"

He stayed silent. His expression darkened.

"You know exactly why," he said, his voice getting dangerously low. "They must've told you."

"Following his footsteps will lead you to nothing," I said sternly. He chuckled as he leaned forward to me.

"Tad has a promising plan for the future of Blakk Industries, Alessia. He promised a world where we would rule over Slugterra. A world where we have the power to do anything we want. How is that 'nothing'?" he questioned me. "Once we have built the Terraportal, the Darkbanes will be on our side, and the Shane Gang can do nothing to stop us."

"They are lying to you," I said, and he rolled his eyes at me. "Doctor Blakk's final goal is to wipe out the human race and destroy Slugterra alongside the Darkbanes. His plans and Tad's are not aligned."

"You're just making things up to try to get me to be on your side."

"I'm telling the truth! Doctor Blakk told me his plan himself! He is bringing the Darkbanes' army here to destroy Slugterra. Kill all those who disobey him and ghoul those who obey. There won't be any prosperity or power! There will only be a world filled with violence and death, until we kill each other and end the human race! You're being used, Twist. All of you are! Even Tad! You have to listen to me!" I tried my best to tell him the truth, but he wasn't convinced at all.

"You could have done a much better job at lying to me," he laughed at me, but I kept a straight face.

"If I wouldn't lie to save myself, why would I lie to save you?" I asked, and he silenced himself.

"Forget it. Why should I even listen to you?" he hissed at me. "A follower of the man that killed my father."

"That was not what happened," I snapped at him.

"That was exactly what happened."

"No it isn't-"

"Shut up!" he yelled at me furiously. He grabbed my shoulders and leaned in on me with a scowl. I could feel Strange woke up from her nap and was hugging my neck in fear.

"You have no idea what I've been through, Alessia! No idea! If it wasn't because of Will Shane, I could've lived a much better life! He took my life away! He doesn't deserve to live! The Shanes owe me-"

"How could you possibly be this blinded? Listen! If there is anyone in Slugterra that you should be hating on right now, it should be your father! He was the one who tried to take your life! He was the one that almost killed you by driving you down that cliff! And Will Shane..." I took in a shaky breath as I glared fiercely at him.

"He... he saved you. He gave you a new life. A life where you wouldn't have to carry your father's burden on your shoulders! A life where you can be anyone you want to be! A life where you can make a change! A life where you are finally free! And this, THIS, is how you repay him?"

He was speechless. He stepped away from me in shock.

A laugh echoed through the room and Twist raised his head to look at the opening of the cell. I took in a sharp breath as I struggled to break free from the tape, but it was fruitless. The process only burned my skin more severely.

I looked up and was shocked to see a tall, well-built man standing at the door. I have never seen him before. He was certainly buff but not as big as Doctor Blakk. He was wearing a torn white shirt, with a weird-looking armour over it. His helmet had two horns that resembled Doctor Blakk's Mecha Bull, with four sharp teeth covering his face.

A weird looking ghoul perched on his shoulder as he made his way into my cell. He stared at me expressionlessly, before he looked at Twist.

Wait, that's a Boon Doc! A Goon Doc! Could it be...

"Will Shane?" I whispered, but it was loud enough for them to hear. Will took one glance at me, before he completely ignored my presence.

"Eli is here. She has to be put to death," the Goon said, and I gritted my teeth.

"Twist! Don't do it!" I pleaded for my life in a shaky voice, but I realised he didn't obey the Goon. He was looking at him, rather surprised.

"Tad's orders," the Goon continued as he stared relentlessly at Twist. Twist did not move a muscle, and the Goon looked at Twist suspiciously. "Is there a problem?"

"Why would Tad suddenly change his mind?" Twist questioned.

"Because Blakk is stupid enough to tell her about our plan," the Goons answered, and that was enough to proof to Twist that I wasn't lying. With his hand hovering just above his blaster, Twist glared at the Goon, ready to react to any sudden moves.

The Goon let out a deep, long sigh.

"She told you, didn't she?" the Goon asked, but Twist kept quiet, trying very hard to remain calm.

"Fine. I'll do it myself," the Goon said as he pulled out his blaster and aimed it at me with a Hop Jack loaded in it.

My heart skipped a beat and I tried to break the chair with all my force. The chair tumbled over and I landed on the ground with a loud thud, knocking the side of my head to the ground. I was seeing dots in my vision as I struggled to stay conscious. The chair cracked slightly, but it was still trapping me.

"No!" Twist yelled as he kicked Will's blaster upwards at the same time when Will pulled the trigger. I watched in horror as the Hop Jack transformed and screeched like a demon being released. It collided with the ceiling right above me, and in a few seconds, it exploded.

At the corner of my eye I spotted Strange squeaking urgently below me and I quickly hid her under my body, before tonnes of rocks fell and crashed into me.

"ALESSIA!" Twist yelled for me, but it was too late. I winced as sharp-edged pieces pierced through my skin. An excruciating pain swiped through my entire body, before everything went completely numb.

I opened my eyes and I was in a dark room, all alone. I forced myself to stand up and my gaze roamed around the suspicious room to spot an exit. It was like I was stuck in an invisible box; there was no way out of it.

Out of nowhere, a bright light was shone over me. I covered my face with my arm to adjust my eyes to the light, before I placed my arm down.

"Come on out Alessia! You can't hide forever!"

A voice echoed through the room and I saw myself hiding under the bed. I remember that day. We were playing hide and seek in the Shane hideout, and I was a literal pro at it. Eli was searching for me and I was the last one to be found. I remembered that I hid for an entire day before I gave up and came out to surrender.

I watched the memory played around me, the smiles and giggles of the Shane Gang filled the heartwarming atmosphere, but suddenly, the screens around me shattered into pieces, and vanished into thin air.

There was complete silence, before another light shone upon me.

"Love your moustache, by the way."

Kord smirked at Eli. I remember this day too. It was Eli's eighteenth birthday, and Burpy had drawn a moustache on Eli while he was asleep.

The memory played around me, reminding me of my family and slugs, but again, the screens shattered and vanished.

What is going on?

I thought to myself as I was once again being left alone in the darkness.

"Blue, is everything okay?"

I felt my chest tightened at my child-like voice. It was me, three years ago.

I could never forget that day.

I watched as we cuddled in the treehouse, adoring the beautiful night sky. We were in our own little world, without fear, without pain.

The big screen froze in front of me, and before I knew it, it was torn apart like a large curtain being tore from the middle. I stumbled backwards in fear as I watched the two pieces of the memory burn in fire and became ashes.

Then, as the millions of ashes flew past me, everything was gone. No more memories, no more feelings, no more darkness.

There was just... nothing.

Eli's pov
All I could feel was the overwhelming guilt building up inside me as we fought our way through the goons on the battlefield in front of the citadel.

Phoenix and her child were in a canister on my bandoleer as I fired Burpy at a group of goons, which set them all on fire. He flew back to me, returned to photoform and landed on my shoulder.

"Go go go go!" I yelled hurriedly as we raced across the field. The towering black doors of the citadel creaked open. We pulled our mechas to a stop in the centre of the open area as four Darkbanes walked out of the buildings, each with two gattlers in hand.

"Find cover!" Kord screamed for his life as we swerved our mechas away and took cover behind enormous piles of rubbles and trenches. The Darkbanes howled loudly, before firing countless ghouls that rained on us.

"I'll finish them off with a fusion shot! I need cover!" I spoke through the earpiece as I inserted the double barrel into my blaster, with Burpy and Joules loaded and ready to go.

"We're on it!" Dana replied.

I released Lucky's brakes and drove him out of cover. The Darkbanes locked their target on me as hundreds of ghouls were coming in my direction. I pulled out my blaster and aimed it at the army of megamorphed ghouls, and pulled the trigger. Burpy and Joules megamorphed, before they spun together, creating an indestructible ball of a mix of fire and electricity.

Burpy and Joules shot their powers at the ghouls, forcing them to return to photoform before it struck the four Darkbanes, sending them flying across the citadel.

"I'm going in," I said as Lucky charged towards the citadel with full speed.

"No, Eli! Do not go in there by yourself! It's not safe!" Mia warned through her earpiece, but I didn't care.

All I could think of was Alessia.

I can't afford to lose her again.

"It's fine! I'll fight off a few goons to clear out the path in the citadel for us!" I defended as I loaded up Rookie my Blastipede, one of my strongest slugs.

A demonic cry tore through the skies before a shadow thrusted onto a stalactite, causing it to fall and crashed onto a hidden Darkbane near the entrance of the citadel. The large shadow dived down and landed in front of me as I brought Lucky into an immediate halt. She spread her wings and roared at me, stopping me from going any further.

I sighed as Dalinda raised her blaster teasingly behind her.

"Dalinda, I know I'm risking my own life, but Alessia may be in great danger right now!" I said urgently, but she thought otherwise. She looked at me sternly, not moving a muscle.

I sighed as I looked down at Phoenix and Aurora. "Sorry."

When the rest finally arrived, we rode into the citadel in a triangle formation, with Lucky and I leading the way and Dalinda and Trixie by my sides.

Fighting the goons along the hallways was the easy part. When we got deeper into the citadel, more Darkbanes showed up, and we were quickly running out of slugs.

"Eli! We need to split up! Someone has to go get Alessia now or we all die!" Dana yelled as she knocked down a Darkbane with her new Mecha Snake's tail.

"No!" I insisted, "We split up to save you the last time and Alessia got into trouble. I'm never having that happening ever again!"

Burpy set a row of Darkbanes on fire before we dashed through the long hallway. I loaded up Bugsy my Hoverbug and swerved a corner, which led to yet another long hallway.

Kord and Pronto fired at the two Darkbanes that got in our way, while Trixie and Dana fired their Phosphoros to lit up the dark hallway.

At the very end, I saw a cloud of red smoke ascended from the right opening. A black figure ran out of the corner and towards us.


I furrowed my brows and raised my blaster, immediately recognising the man from his voice.

"Eli please! She's not breathing!"

I heard a few gaps and yelps, and my muscles stiffed.

Twist was carrying a slug carrier with ghouls, a bandoleer, a staff blaster, a backpack, and a woman's corpse. Dark blood and deep cuts covered her body. I could feel myself hyperventilate, aghast at my worst nightmare as Lucky pounded heavily towards her.

This can't be happening.

"T-That's fake! That must be an illusion!" Pronto screamed at the top of his lungs, and that was enough assurance for me to pull the trigger.

Twist came to a halt when he saw the megamorphed Hoverbug soaring towards him. He let go of the items that he was holding onto and fired a Grimmstone at it, knocking it away. After making sure Bugsy was down, he glared daggers at me. The arm which was holding Alessia, and his slinging gear, were now soaked in blood.

"ARE YOU CRAZY!?" he yelled at me angrily. "Alessia needs your Boon Doc," he said as he crouched down and laid her head on his thigh. "NOW ELI!"

"Do it!" Kord yelled worriedly as he fired his Arachnet at the Darkbanes chasing after us. "If it was an illusion, the Grimmstone would have disappeared when Bugsy hit it! This is real!"

This... This can't be real.

A drop of sweat slid down the side of my face as I loaded up Doc and Charger, my Fandango, and fired them at Twist. They megamorphed alongside a group of Fandangoes fired by the rest and fused together, before hugging Alessia's body that was in Twist's arms, gleaming extremely brightly. Human's naked eye could not handle the brightness even when they are closed.

The slugs returned to photoform as we came to a halt in front of Twist and Alessia and we hurriedly dismounted from our mechas. We ran out to her and crouched down.

The ghouls in the slug carriers were healed, and so was Alessia. Her body was still covered in blood, but her wounds were all sealed up.

I pushed Twist aside and held her face. She was as pale as a ghost under the red liquid.

"What did you do to her?" I growled, my voice getting dangerously deep as I glared at Twist. My hands were trembling, tears were starting to make an appearance at the corners of my eyes.

How could I possibly allow this to happen? She deserves none of this.

"She's finally breathing," Twist said with a finger hovering under her nostrils, ignoring me. "But it's faint. We need to get her to a hospital."

Dalinda growled as she pushed her way through the crowd towards Alessia. When she saw her senseless slinger, her face tensed up as she rumbled at Twist.

Twist gulped as he raised both hands in the air. "Good girl. Please don't kill me," he pleaded. Dalinda's tail grabbed Twist by his waist roughly and dragged him onto her seat, before she gently lifted Alessia and placed her in Twist's arms. The rest of us took the cue and headed over to our mechas.

"Hold onto her," I warned Twist right before Dalinda took off and dashed like lightning through the multiple hallways. We followed her, firing at all the goons and Darkbanes that tried to stop us.

Dalinda fired Nade at the entrance and destroyed the massive entrance doors. The doors crumbled down, causing smoke to arise. She exited the building, immediately took off and soared high, flying to Bonnie Spring Caverns.

How's the story so far?

Hope everyone's enjoying it and having a good time!

ps don't forget to vote and comment if you fancy :)

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