Walking Disaster- Hosie

By hosiesmp3

46.7K 1K 105

There are two girls, pretty obvious. One girl is a party animal, the other one likes to stay away from crowds... More

Author's Note
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Authors Note
Update :)
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 1

4.5K 69 8
By hosiesmp3

Hope's POV
It was now the first day of school, I was nervous mostly because I didn't have my best friend Cleo by my side. Cleo would normally help me talk to people but she had to go sign up for cheerleading. That means I'd have to talk to somebody alone. I see Landon and walk up to him.

H: Hey Lan.
La: Hey, how was your summer?
H: Let's walk and talk about this.

He nods and closes his locker. We started walking towards mine and we talked about our summers. My summer included mostly of hanging out with Cleo and her boyfriend. There's been times where I'd hang out with Landon but he'd always tell me to leave by the time his parents got home. Everyone says that Landon has a crush on me but I don't believe it. He's just a friend, and I'm not looking for anybody. Not ever sense my last relationship with Roman. Roman cheated on me, I should've known sense his reputation is him being a player. Landon has always made sure to keep me smiling and sometimes I think about if I like him more than a friend or not. He's always spent his time with me, making sure I'm taking care of myself. Once we reach my locker, Sebastian runs into Landon.

S: Watch it dork.
H: Sebastian, literally just stop. It's not cute what so ever.

Sebastian turns around and walks up to me. I stood my ground and smiled at him.

S: What'd you say?
H: You heard me. Everybody in this school knows all about how daddy has your back, right? That's the only reason you are a quarterback in the first place.
S: You better watch your mouth.
H: Or what? You gonna become abusive too?

I seen a couple people record me and Sebastian arguing in the halls. A teacher walks up and pulls Sebastian away. Landon looks at me surprised and then sees everyone recording. Everybody puts their phones down and walk off. I get into my locker and I put some things away. Landon hugs me and thanks me and runs off to class. I smiled at him as he walks away and I grab my books I head for first period.

-45 minutes later, class is over-

First class was boring, now I have to make my way onto my second. Landon catches up with me and Rafael is followed closely behind him.

La: Hey, Rafael is hosting this party. you should come.
H: I gotta study, maybe next time?
R: You'll meet two new girls Hope, come on. just go.
H: Okay I'll try.

Cleo comes up right beside me and the boys walk away. Cleo nudges into me and I stop walking.

C: I want you to meet a couple people from the cheerleading team. Come with.
H: You know I don't do crowds.
C: They're nice, plus it's only 2 people. Not a huge crowd.
H: I don't know, I gotta get to class. I'll think about it.
C: Okay, I'll go tell them. Have fun in class Hopey.

I nod and walk straight to my second class.

Cleo's POV
I walk straight to where I told the 2 cheerleaders to wait. Once I got to them, they look confused.

C: She said she'll think on it.
?: I thought you said we could meet her?
C: Lizzie, don't start. She'll meet you guys. I'll make sure of it.
L: Okay, well I gotta go. Bye Cleo.
C: Bye.

Lizzie walks away and Josie stays still. I look at her confused and she looks down.

J: Here's my number by the way.

She hands me a piece of paper and I give her a small smile. She walks off, catching up with her sister. I walk to my second class, which I was really late to.

-45 minutes later-

Josie's POV
The second class was over, this day was going by slow. I bumped into somebody on my way out of the class.

J: Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to.

I bent down and helped her grab her books and papers. I accidentally touched her hand and pulled it away quickly.

J: I'm sorry once again. I should really watch where I'm going.
?: It's okay. Thanks for helping me, I'm Hope. What's your name?
J: Josette but you can call me Josie.
H: Okay, I hope to see you again soon.
J: Are you going to the party tonight?
H: I- I don't know. Maybe.

Cleo comes up to Hope and she gives me a small smile.

C: I see you met Hope.
H: You know her?
C: Yeah, she's on the cheerleading team. I actually wanted you to meet her first but Lizzie has Josie following her around a lot.
J: It's just a sister thing, I'll talk to you guys later. I gotta meet up with Lizzie.
C: Okay, bye Jo.
J: Bye Cleo.

I walk off, leaving Hope and Cleo to talk. I meet up with my sister and she talks about how some girl went off on Sebastian. She shows me a video and I see Hope going off on Sebastian. That was pretty hot, nobody would ever stand up to him. Lizzie began to talk more about it.

J: Hey, can you calm it down Liz. Sebastian kinda deserves it. He bullies everyone in his path.
L: Don't talk about my future boyfriend like that.
J: Well it's true Lizzie.

Sebastian walks up to us and I greet him with an awkward smile. He rolls his eyes and kissed Lizzie's cheek. That's disgusting, I walk away from them, not wanting to see that anymore.

-2 hours later-

Hope's POV
It was now lunch, the seating is usual. Jocks and cheerleaders sit together. "Nerds" sit together and then we have my friends and me who sit together. Landon, Rafael, and Kaleb sit by each other. Mg and I sit across from them, it's a good table. Today was different, Josie was walking towards us.

J: Could I sit with you guys?
La: Actually cheerleaders-
H: Yeah, sure you can sit here.

Everybody at the table looks at me confused, Josie sat next to me in an open seat. I continue to eat my fries while everyone talks. Josie is kinda quiet but she makes sure to join in on the conversation every now and then. Mg nudges me and I look up at him.

M: Did you hear anything we said?
H: No, what's up?
J: They were talking about how Mg wanted to become a magician.
H: Really? That's cool Mg, you're really good at magic tricks.
M: Thank you Hope.

One of the cheerleaders come up to us and grabbed Josie's hand and dragged her away. She was blonde, tall, and she had some big, bushy eyebrows. They seemed like they were arguing and everybody's eyes went towards them.

K: What has blondie's panties in a bunch?
M: Probably her new boyfriend.
H: Probably, well I'm gonna go now. Goodbye guys.
M: Bye Hope.

I got up and grabbed my tray and took it to the trash. I walked out of the lunch room and ran into Penelope. The biggest bitch in the school, nobody likes her.

P: Watch it.
H: I'm not in the mood today Penelope.
P: What, you gonna cry about it?

I roll my eyes and continue to walk away.

P: That's right, walk away freak.
J: Pen, stop it.

I stop when I hear her voice. I turn around and looked at her confused.

P: Jojo, you got a soft spot for her too now?
J: She's my friend Penelope, I'm not gonna let you hurt her even if we are secretly dating.
P: Well we can make it known to the world if you want. I don't mine calling you mine in front of everyone.
J: You know my rules Pen, leave her alone.
P: Or else?

I see Josie playfully roll her eyes and kiss Penelope's cheek. I turn around and continue to walk to my locker.

-End of the day-

Landon's POV
Everyone was now piling out of class, finally the day was over. I walk over to Hope and see she is quickly pack up her stuff.

La: Hey, what's going on?
H: Nothing, I just need to go home and study.
La: Come to the party, please.
H: No, I'm good. I'll see you tomorrow.

After that Hope quickly walked away and I stand there. Somebody comes up to me.

?: Relationship issues?
La: Oh hey Josie. Actually I'm not dating her. Hope and I will only ever be friends. I don't like her like that.
J: Is she in a relationship?
La: No, she's single. She doesn't really let herself get close to people anymore.
J: Could you tell me why?
La: That's not my place to tell. I'm sorry. Maybe try getting her to open up. She'll warm up to you.
J: How long?
La: For what?
J: For her to become my friend?
La: Just give her some time. She's not used to cheerleaders talking to her, the way you do.
J: What do you mean?
La: You're sweet, kind, caring. Unlike everyone else except for Cleo. Cleo is pretty cool. She's actually Hope's best friend.

I see Josie nod and we say our goodbyes and leave the school. I drive to my house and listen to my music all the way up. I'll get Hope to go to the next party. I'll even ask Cleo to help. Maybe even Josie could help.

-At the party-

Josie's POV
Lizzie was off, drinking and partying. I stayed by the drink table, moving to let people through to get drinks. I don't really party, I only came for Lizzie. Cleo comes up to me and hands me a drink.

J: No thank you.
C: Let loose girl.
J: Fine.

I took the drink, I drank it in a couple of gulps. I grabbed another drink and drank it. Cleo grabbed my arm and we went to the dance floor. I let loose and Cleo was kissing up on some dude. I pulled her away and she looked at me confused.

J: Don't you uhm have a boyfriend?
C: Oh shit, I just cheated.
J: It's fine, uhm we just won't tell anybody. Things will be fine.

Next thing I know the guy Cleo kissed is now face to face with her boyfriend. I look at Cleo and she looks like she's about to pass out. I grabbed a chair and helped her sit down.

J: You don't look so good.
C: Yeah. Can you drive me home?
J: I can't do that. Let's just take you up into a room.

She nods and I help her back up. I walk her up to a room that didn't have anybody in it. I lay her down into the bed and tucked her in.

J: Get some rest.
C: Could you stay?
J: I don't know if Penelope will be happy about that.
C: She's very possessive over you.
J: No she's not.
C: Yeah she is. She doesn't let anyone look at you or hug you or anything. You have to keep to yourself for most of the night. Here's Hope's number by the way.

Cleo gave me her phone and I type in Hope's number. I give Cleo her phone back and look at her confused.

J: Why do you want me to have her number?
C: She'd be to shy to ask and I know Penelope won't let you go anywhere near her.
J: Why?
C: I can't tell you that. It's not my place.
J: Hope is very lucky to have you and Landon as a friend.
C: We're the lucky ones Jo. Hope will come around to trust you just as much as she trusts us.

I smile at Cleo's words and Cleo falls asleep after that. I grabbed my phone from out of my pocket and decided to text Hope.

-Text messages-
J: Hey Hope, this is Josie. Cleo gave me your number. I hope it's okay to text you.
H: Hi Josie. Aren't you supposed to be partying?
J: Well I would be if Cleo wasn't sleeping on me.
H: Why is she sleeping on you?
J: She's drunk. Could we hang out tomorrow?
H: Would Penelope be okay with that?
J: I hope so, I really want to get to know you.
H: Yeah I guess we could hang out. What time?
J: After school?
H: Okay, we can hangout after school. I gotta go to bed. Goodnight.
J: Goodnight Hope.
-After text messages-

I was scrolling through Twitter. Lizzie bursts into the room and drags me out of it.

J: What is your deal? Cleo is in there all alone.
L: You have a girlfriend Josie, you shouldn't be cuddled up to someone like that.
J: She's just a friend Liz. I can have friends.
L: Penelope isn't happy about that.
J: She doesn't get to control me Lizzie and neither do you!

Everybody's eyes turn towards me and my sister. Oh god what did I just start. This could all go bad. Lizzie drops my arm that she was pulling on. I cross my arms over my chest and we have a stare down for a couple of minutes. Tensions were high and everyone was still looking at us.

L: I don't control you, you follow me around!
J: If I'm not by you every second of the day, you come find me! The same goes for Penelope!

Penelope was standing in the front of the crowd. She looks like she's about to cry. I uncross my arms and Penelope walks out of the party.

L: Look what you did, you're going around breaking more hearts like you used to when you use to have your party animal accidents.

Lizzie walks away and I chase after Penelope. She was just now walking out of the door. I finally caught up to her and stopped her.

J: I'm sorry, please just let me make it up to you.
P: I don't need your apologies Jojo. Just make it up to me.
J: That's it?
P: Mhm, you said all that stuff in the heat of the moment. I forgive you.
J: So I'll pick you up at 8 tomorrow.
P: Morning or night?
J: Night.
P: Okay see you then.

Penelope leaves the party and I go back to Cleo. I just need to see if she's good to drive herself home and then I can drive home. Cleo was wide awake, putting her shoes on and grabbing her keys.

C: Remember give Hope some time to open up to you.
J: I will, see you at school tomorrow.
C: You too.

Cleo leaves and I go and find Lizzie to tell her I'm leaving. I can't find her anywhere so I just go home. Once I arrive home, I plop down on my bed. I quickly fell asleep not ready to face school tomorrow.

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