smile สšโœฉษž beastars


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on a hiatus! (Legoshi x Male! Human Reader) [A bit of a crackfic, slow updates] " ๐‚๐จ๐ง ๐Ÿ๐ฅ๐จ๐ซ๐ž๐ฌ ๐ซ๐ž๐œ๏ฟฝ... More



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" legoshi, but with his everyday monologue "

   "Everyone, I'd like you to meet our newest member!" Sanu gestured toward the human boy, who has already changed into the white T-shirt and red sweatpants that were given to him.

   Everyone that was present stopped rehearsing and looked at him, all in wonder and surprise. He got a little uncomfortable underneath everyone's stares, making him shuffle his feet, a thing he tended to do whenever he got nervous or anything like that.

   "Go on, introduce yourself." Sanu whispered to him. "Or do you want me to do it for you? That's completely fine, too."

   He stuffed his hand in his pockets, and tried not to make any eye contact with anyone he didn't know. Els was there, but she was at the side of the room, so it would be awkward if the other side didn't hear him. So, he looked straight forward to a wall, and voiced his introduction as bold as he could.

   "M- My name is (Y/N)," YOU ARE SO FUCKING AWKWARD. "and I... I transferred from the gardening club."

   That's what I have to say... right? He blushed in embarrassment when it stayed silent, looking at Els for help, desperately.

   She ushered him to keep talking.

   Worst. Decision. Ever.

   "I- I hope I can get to know you all," He heard a distant BITE ME, but it seemed everyone else was too distracted by him to notice it. " friends."

   Sanu gave him a small push forward, and he gave his hand out to the closest person. Bill.

   Bill chuckled and shook his hand roughly, making the human stumble a bit. The human had a fit build, but compared to the tiger... he felt like a flower petal.

   "Little man, I can tell you'll be fun to hang around with! I'm Bill, by the way."

   Am I supposed to respond to that?

   "I hope I at least get on your good side, Bill."

   Suddenly, a door closing could be heard from the distance. Everyone got up to ask the human questions, or just to say hello, but he looked past them all towards the noise. A familiar pair of ears faced him, twitching when he muttered,

   "Legoshi?" I'm so fucking dead.

   The taller students moved, and the boys made brutal eye contact. The both of them quivered under each other's stare, (Y/N) beginning to sweat and Legoshi's mouth going agape.

   What is he doing here?! They both thought at the same time.

   As soon as the wolf sniffed his scent, it alarmed him that the human felt nervous, overwhelmed, etc.. He got out of there before either of them could feel worse, (Y/N)'s eyes watching him as he exits.

   The crowd cleared after Sanu rushed them away and told them to get back to their rehearsal areas, but Els walked to his side.

   "I saw you looking at Legoshi. If you're scared of him, just know that he's actually really kind. He's not like Bill either, I noticed that you felt nervous around him." She empathized with him.

   "I'm completely fine, Els. It'll just take me a while to get used to having to be around carnivores... the large ones, I mean."

   "That's fine." She perked up suddenly. "Hey, I've got my part all finished for the day. Want me to show you the ropes? You'll probably have to work backstage, though. You're kinda too late to act with the rest of them."

   "No, I understand. Go ahead and show me around, if you will."


   "So... Legoshi."

   The two stood next to each other, working on the lights during the show. The boy talked silently, covering the mic that was attached to his headset.

   Legoshi answered with a hum. He could still smell the nervousness from him, but it was very faint this time. Though, he could smell a familiar one along with it.

   "I'm kinda sorry I couldn't get you out of that mess earlier. I was just... surprised. I mean, a grey wolf and a dwarf rabbit isn't something you see everyday, now is it?"

   Legoshi glanced at him, making sure to pay attention to the lighting as well. "Nothing happened. I kind of ran away before she could do anything."

   The scent went away. "Alright, I trust you with that."

   It was during the last act, Legoshi finally faced the human. He was only watching everything going down on stage, fairly into it all.

His face, it makes him look so young... does he ever smile? Based on what I've researched, humans should gain wrinkles the more they do that.

The wolf looked onstage, and Louis was just about to perform his last line.

I guess it turns out we have a lot more in common than we both might think. But, his scent... it's familiar to that night.

The whole thing replayed in his head. A specific scent triggered his carnivore instincts, and he almost devoured someone.

There was more than one. His own, but that rabbit girl was mixed with it.

His mind flashed back to when she tried to seduce him, when he saw a stain of blood on the boy's shirt right before he walked out.

I... I almost devoured the boy that's standing right next to me, and he's starting to get comfortable around me too. Their scents together, it was too much for me.

I hope he's doing alright with that wound, then.

The boy is lucky he is free from Haru's scent, especially after... y'know.

The curtains closed, and the applaud of the audience was so loud. So loud, that Legoshi almost didn't hear when Louis fell to the ground, passing out from the pain of the injury in his leg.

Everyone surrounded the hostpital bed where the red deer laid, asleep. (Y/N) stayed a bit distant, standing behind the mongoose. Louis knows of his transfer, but the two haven't exactly spoken meaningful words to each other yet, only orders and clarifications.

Everyone looked down, worried for his well-being, until they heard rustling and a groan.

"Louis!" (Y/N) flinched a bit at the loud cheer, something he scolded himself for not expecting.

"What... wait, I remember! What about the audience?" Louis looked at everyone, expecting an answer.

Everyone stayed silent, unsure of what to say, until Sanu spoke up. "Don't worry, you collapsed after the curtain was fully shut. They didn't see anything at all."

There was silence.

"Anyway," Bill spoke. "It's 8 o'clock at night, the medical team checked you out, and according to them, you broke your left leg."

Louis' eyes widened at that. "Looks like that means you won't be able to take the stage for tomorrow's performance."

Sanu scolded Bill for being straightforward, everyone talking over each other afterwards. Meanwhile, the human in the room stared at Louis. The only emotion could be found in his eyes, and it was annoyance.

So, this little fawn was too stubborn to even warn anyone about a broken leg. It kills me to even think about it,

He clenched his fists, stuffing them in his pockets.

and it's getting fucking annoying.


"Huh?" Louis called for him. He calmed down as everyone looked at him.

"You will be my replacement."


"For tomorrow's show, you'll be playing Adler." He says the name so... delicately.

The boy's face contorted from confused to flabbergasted. "Um... may I ask, why?"

Louis scoffed and looked him directly in the eye. "Our bodies are fairly similar, and I've seen you come to our rehearsals. All of them."

In the boy's head, the floor collapsed and he was free falling. He tried to look beneath him for the ground, but he just couldn't, and fell faster instead, making him feel lightweight in the real world. What- Why am I falling so fast?!

"Surely, by now, you know everything about the script, the movements, the role."


Sorry this one was so long!

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