Saving Each Other

By emilysbooks_

35.9K 800 351

Briar Halt is 21 and is a senior at University of California. She has a simple list to follow this year 1. St... More

Character Aesthetics


1K 27 20
By emilysbooks_


I end up leaving the house not long after I woke up. Heading back to my apartment, I got a note from both Aspen and Emerson that they weren't home. My classes were cancelled so I get to do one of my favorite things,


I change into a pair of grey sweats and West's jersey, sitting outside on the patio with the new book I just got, The Spanish Love Deception, I love it. I text West right before I start reading it that my classes were cancelled and then turned my phone on silent and began reading. 


I have no idea how long I've been reading for since I haven't picked up my phone since I started reading. I really fucking love this book, definitely going into my comfort reads. I'm on chapter 26 when I get a knock on my apartment door. Putting my book down I go to get the door, and am meet with an stress-faced West. 

"Hey West, whats going on, everything ok?" I asked genuinely worried about why he was so worried. 

"Briar I texted you like thirty times and called you so many times your voice box is full." He says fiddling with my ring on his finger. 

I go up to him and wrap my arms around him, and when I do, he relaxes. 

Whispering in his ear, "I'm sorry West, I was reading." 

"You were reading?" He questions, double checking. 

"Yes and oh my god my book is so good," I begin moving my way into my room as he follows after me, sitting on my bed, "This girl and guy well there like work enemies anways I literally love this book," I look up at him and he is staring at my intently. 

"Oh I'm sorry, I tend to rant about my books, I love them so much, and I get told a lot no one cares, but I just get so excited you know?" I say nervously. I got a lot of hate from friends and family about how I need to stop ranting about my books since no one cares, I'm trying to fix it buts its really difficult. 

Grabbing  the back of my thighs, he moves me to sit on his lap so I am not straddling him, "I like hearing you talk about your books, and anyone who doesn't, doesn't deserve to hear them." He says smiling at me. I rest my head on his shoulder. 

He whispers in my ear, 

"I like seeing you in my jersey." I smile back up at him, 

"So do you have any plans," He questions, 

"Nope I'm free," I say. 

"Great we are going on our first official date, right now." He states. 

"You know how long it takes me to put an outfit together?" I question him, "Next time please leave a note somewhere like on the fridge that you are planning something, so I know." 

"Noted." He laughs. 

I get up to go get dressed, 

"Casual is fine right?" 

"Yep." He gets comfortable on my bed, leaning against my headboard. 

Her fit^^^^


By the time I put together an outfit its an hour and half later, and my room is a complete mess, which I'll clean later, maybe not. 

We leave the apartment, and get inside of West's jeep, an he refused to let me open my own door. 

"All I'm saying is that I have working hands, I can open a door." I say putting on my seating belt. 

"Just because you can, doesn't mean you should or have to when I'm here." He says kissing me. 

"Did you eat anything?" He questions, starting the drive to I don't know where.

"Yes."  I don't hesitate. Don't say it too quickly or too slowly. I also have my list of foods I can say I have eaten which is usually the next question. I answer just at the right time, so no one questions me. 


A bagel. 

An omelette. 

Those are my breakfast options. 

"What did you have?" He questions just like I knew he would.  Since its around lunch, I go with a safer option, 

"I had a cream cheese and salmon bagel." I say looking out my window, changing the subject, "Hey where are we going?" 

"Its a surprise." He says smirking. 


First stop, a fucking book store. My favorite place to be. 

"Shut up West, you brought me to a book store," I say looking over at him in the drivers seat. He looks confused by my reaction, so I lean over the center console, kissing him. 

"I love it, thank you" I whisper against is lips. Kissing me back, he moves his way to open my door. 

"Just to warn you I tend to spend lots of time in here." I say as he opens the door for me. He ends up grabbing a basket, which confuses me since I don't plan on spending much money, I have to stop buying books when I already have so many at home. 

I end up picking up a book called, "A Love Hate Thing." I read the back, and I love it, but I still put it back. West grabs the book and puts it in the basket. 

"West-" I say to tell him to put the book back, but he cuts me off by kissing me.

Turns out I had to learn that every book I picked up, West put in the basket, so I tried very hard to pick up less books, which is diffficult. There were a dozen books in the basket. 

"West I can't buy all those books," I say at him, annoyed. I would have to go around the store putting the books back where they belong because I always feel bad whenever I don't. 

"You aren't buying them, I am." He says going to the cashier. 

"No." I state. That would be over 100 dollars, there was no way he ways paying. 





And before I know it we are leaving the book store with a dozen new books, and half of them are hardcover.

"I'm paying you back" I say as he begins driving. 

"No you aren't." He states, and I sigh. I always feel bad when people buy me stuff, I don't want to be a burden. 

I look towards the window, when West's grabs my hand, lacing his fingers through mine, kissing me hand. 

"I'm sorry for buying you books." He apologizes. 

"Thank you, I think."


Wests ends up driving us to a museum. He remembered. 

I mumbled under my breath, "Stop being so fucking perfect." 

"Mhm?" He says opening my door, I give him a kiss, holding his hand as we head into the museum. 

We end up coming around a painting, of two people, a man and a women, dancing. I move closer towards it just looking at it. The way the two people stare at each other, they look so utterly and irrevocably in love. I want that. 

West grabs my hand, turning me away from the painting bringing me into his chest. 

I lean my head on his chest asking his, 

"What are you doing?"

"Recreating." He says grabbing my hands and putting and arm around my waist, so we match the people in the painting. I look up at him and laugh, covering my mouth. 

He looks at me with a look I've never seen before, at least not one directed at me. He is looking at me the way you smile when you go to bed the night before your birthday, or when Christmas break is the next day. When you're freezing cold and get a blanket or a heating pad. When a butterfly or ladybug lands on your finger. 

"Why do you cover your smile." He questions, still looking at me. 

"When I was a sophomore in high school, a guy said, "Why do you smile like thats, it's so weird." in front of all my friends, so I just cover it." 

"Well don't, he was an idiot and I like your smile." He says kissing me. 


We must have been in there for hours, but it felt like minutes.

We entered the car again, and West began driving.

"Home?" I question. 

"The house?" He questions back at me. 

I nod towards him, leaning my head against the seat, falling asleep. 

Authors Note:

I got myself smiling at my screen while writing this chapter. 

Don't be a silent reader.

I made a tiktok account for this story so if you want to get a closer insight on some of the characters the @ is @donotsnitchpls1

As always constructive criticism is welcome but this is my first story so it isn't going to be perfect<33

Semi Edited. 

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