Bowers gang x reader POLY

Par Patrikis_Macivari

283K 5K 2.1K

• Headcanons for Poly relationship between the Bowers gang and the reader. • By "Poly" I mean everyone in the... Plus

• HI •
• How It all began•
• realizing they're not that bad •
• them actually asking you out •
• nicknames •
• Dates •
• Cute little things they do •
• when it comes to the public eye •
• Them meeting your Parents •
• Mornings •
• Them dealing with your Period •
• Nailpolish •
• when you fall asleep in class •
• When someone hurts you •
• They get you a pet •
• Alone time with Pat •
• Alone time with Reggie •
• Alone time with Henry •
• Alone time with Vic •
• Colours they'd love on you •
• one thing they admire •
• When you're mad •
• When you paint •
• when you have a Nightmare •
• I love you's •
• when you're sick •
• Mistletoe? •
• Patrick's disappearance •
• Patrick's disappearance pt2 •
• Patrick's disappearance pt3 •
• Presents the gang would hate •
• Christmas dinner •
• when you go ice skating •
• Christmas movie night •
• not so very pleasant secret santa •
• christmas shopping •
• Christmas caroling •
• Christmas with the gang •
• putting eyeliner on them •
• happy new year!!! •
• Bleaching Vic's hair •
• Nightmare pt2 •
• Valentine's day •
• when you're upset •
• when they're hörny •
• Thunderstorms •
not a chapter
Patrick x his Fridge memes
• Nightmares pt.3 •
• Nightmares pt.4 •
• Nightmares pt.5 •
• showers •
• Rainy day •
not a chapter but must read
• Stretch marks ♡ •
• best for last •
• cousin?! •
• comfort •
• It's Return •
• It's Return pt2 •
• It's Return pt3 •
• It's Return pt4 •
• It's Return pt5 •
Question ://
• It's return, the end •

• being close to the gang •

10.6K 177 95
Par Patrikis_Macivari

• so it's been quite sometime..
• already two months have passed since you entered this school for the first time

• and you've made some friends
• yay
• one of them, one you considered to be your closest, was a redhead named Beverly Marsh.
• you and her had your Lockers side by side, in fact, your first meeting was her helping you with the opening of your locker when it was stuck.

• Bev looks out for you.
• for example, she's told you countless of times not to hang out with the Bowers gang.

• did u listen?
• *minion voice* Aae no.

• so yeah, you hung out with the gang.
• since that day at the lunch table, you've decided to keep a close eye on the boys.
• you strictly believed that they were much more pleasant than they appeared to be.

• so you're basically investigating.
• or so you thought at the beginning.

• you're so called 'investigation' had failed about a month ago, because you realized you had taken a liking at the gang.

• yeah it's only been 2 months at school and now you have not one, but four crushes....

• um yeah you're screwed.

• obviously nobody knew this. Not even Bev, because she'd think you're crazy.

• but still, the whole school could clearly see that you've been close to the boys so basically everyone considers you a part of their gang.

• the boys do too.

• you take notice in all the things they do for you... that's probably the main thing that actually made you fall for them in the first place.
• you see how different they are around you.

• They always try to stay near you or if they're not, they will keep an eye on you at all times.

• they ask you to sit at their table during lunch.
• they listen to you and pay attention.

• and you're loving it
• you loooovee all this attention.

• but here's the thing that made you actually fall in love with them...
• they were walking you home one evening after school (let's just pretend Reggie's car was broken down or something sorry Amy)
• what gentlemen they are

• or so you Thought | (• ◡•)|
• they saw Richie...

• and everything got out of hand.

• you saw them run up to him, calling him names and threatening the poor kid
• he seemed so scared, you're heart sinked to the bottom
• it hurt more because you knew Richie, you've talked to him before through Bev, and You loved him and god you wished nothing happend to this innocent little soul...
• he was looking at you for help
• overwhelmed and ready to actually cry that moment, you couldn't say anything - because you were hurt and disappointed in your friends.

• they all turned to you suddenly
• as if only now remembering you were there.

• Reggie was the first to regret what he did - You looked so small in his eyes right then. And hurt, because of him and his boys who apparently all shared the same brain cell.
• Vic's heart broke too, he knew that You had been friends with Richie Tozier, he should've just let the kid go and not put you in this horrible situation.
• Henry was probably the one who was affected by your behavior the most. He knew he was feared and he loved that, but being feared by you, was definetly something he would never wish for. His heart hurt at the sight of you.
• Patrick, well... he didn't regret any of what he did, he just, saw your tears slide down your cheeks and it made him feel uncomfortable. Because he knew that the gang was the cause of it and he actually cared for you enough to not want to see you cry.

• they stopped.
• they let Richie go, who just ran away from this awkward situation.
• you, on the other hand, stood still.
• of course you were relieved that Rich was as alive and well as he could have been, but you were still heartbroken.
• maybe it wouldn't have affected you too much if it wasn't one of your friends you love most...

Anyway enough about Richie I just adore him. who doesnt right?

• the boys slowly approach you.
• you try running but Vic is close enough to garb your hand.
• they all gather in a circle around you and hug you..

• they promised they'd reduce bullying other kids and will try never targeting Richie unless he does anything to offend you or something.
• they apologize, or more like Belch and Vic apologize for the whole gang.

• that made you believe they truly cared about you.
• and so you forgave them.

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