Am I Falling For Him???

Oleh Meenajothi

327K 18.2K 2.7K

Many times I asked myself, Is there any link between Love and Beauty?? Does it happen between only with the... Lebih Banyak

Who was he ??
Thinking about the Stranger
Sowmiya's Marriage
Instant Bride
Nuptial knots
Mysterious Groom
Secret Out
Ramya's Agony
Post Wedding Ritual
First Gift
Ex - Girlfriend
Naughty Abhi
Ramya Faces Humiliation
Guilt Striken
Abhi Returned???
Flight Travel
Abhi Saved Ramya
Abhi Is Hurt
Smart Move
Ramya's Wish
Grace Period
First Date
Abhi's Care
Akash Turns Cupid
Bike Ride
Night Drive
Getting Closer
Anonymous Call
Abhi's Ignorance
Heart Broken
Abhi's Past
Ramya Suspects Abhi
Abhi and Ramya's Tiff
Subadra's Lie Out
Ramya Regrets Her Act
Ramya Fall For Abhi
Ramya's Love Gift
Priyanka's Plan Backfired
Priyanka's Evil Idea
Abhi Feels Inferior
Ramya Confront Abhi
New Beginning
Abhi's Love Gesture
The End - Dreams comes True

Ramya Gets Suspicious

4.9K 333 25
Oleh Meenajothi

It was a sunday afternoon Abhi decided to take Ramya to Jeganathan's house as per his request. They have planned to go there for lunch. Even Ramya wants to know about that family, she felt something fishy with them.

Ramya gets ready by wearing her sea blue colour designer saree with matching jewels. Absolutely she looks beautiful in that outfit, thinking about Priyanka and her family she wants to look better in front of them in every way. Unknowingly she developed a comparison in her mind with Priyanka. Atlast she looked in the mirror and felt content seeing her own reflection.

Meanwhile that time Abhi came out from his room by calling Ramya's name,

" Ramya.... Are you....." He was dumb struck seeing her looking stunningly beautiful. Ramya's face turned pink seeing his reaction, he was looking at her like he was going to eat her, she looked down avoiding his gaze as she was embarrassed.

Still his gaze continued on her, she felt her cheeks burning hot. She couldn't take it more, she knew he was affected by her. But she was extremely shy at that moment, so she cleared her throat to get his attention. As she expected he came out of his trance and looked at her once again from head to toe, Ramya flushed and turned to the other side.

Abhi walked towards her slowly and reached her, his breath touching her shoulder, she blushed. Instantly she felt goosebumps and pinched her saree, closed her eyes to control her nervousness. Soon after his breath shifted from her shoulders to her earlobes, she was breathing heavily by closing her eyes. She was fearing whether he would have heard her heartbeat. Slowly his warmth was coming so close to her, the distance between them was gradually reducing, still she did not dare to open her eyes to see him.

He touched her shoulders and murmured in her ears , " Ramya open your eyes". She wanted to oblige his words but felt difficult to do it.

Abhi said in a deep voice " Ramya open your eyes, right now" it looks like he ordered her possessively. She was unable to resist his order, and opened her eyes like a flower blooming.

He chuckled, his hands traced her collar bones, then shoulder and slowly moved down towards her hands. He interlocked their fingers and tightened his hug. His torso touched her body, she shivered in his touch. Gently he placed his face on her shoulders and whispered in her ears in a huskily,

" You look gorgeous", he pressed his face on her neck crooks. His moustache tickled near her ears, she felt sensuous with his proximity. She blushed immensely and tightly held his arms encircled her tender body. His fragrance and touch does something with her, she felt so weak to stand on her feet. Gradually she was falling on him by reducing the distance between them. Her lips became dry, she licked it and gasped for a breath. He kissed her soft earlobes and bite it gently, she was drowning in a different world.

A sudden pull, he twisted her body by turning her waist, she fell on him completely. Her whole body touched his, she was totally shy and thrusted her face on his broad shoulders. He smiled looking at her red face, he tried to pull her away from him to see her whole face. But she didn't move an inch, she stuck with him and hugged him more tightly by encircling his waist with her arms.

He was tempted to kiss her by seeing her so close to him. He pinched her chin and made her look at his face. Her face and earlobes fully turned as red apples, he pressed his lips on her forehead and passed to her plumpy cheeks. He brushed his hard cheeks with her soft cheeks and started to kiss on both sides. He looked at her eyes which were closed for a while, he was calmly looking at her pretty face.

After kissing her cheeks she thought he was going to give his first kiss on her lips. Unknowingly she expected that and waited for him to take a step. But he didn't do such,still she was in his arms realising that she was confused and opened her eyes.

She was shocked to see him lost somewhere, his forehead frowned. She felt a pain of rejection, she was confused when he suddenly stopped and lost somewhere during their intimate moments. She looked at him once again still he looked lost, she was hurt. She shuddered and tried to break their hug immediately, her eyes shed tears, lips trembled unknowingly.

Realising her movement and efforts to break their hug, Abhi gained his senses. He thought she felt unpleasant in his arms. He looked at her face, misunderstood her tears and instantly left her like he touched something that should never be touched. She was shocked.

"I'm sorry Ramya, I crossed my line. I know I made a mistake, please forgive me. You said no physical relationships in these six months, I shouldn't have done it. I'm sorry" said Abhi sincerely.

Ramya can't believe her own ears she was confused at his suddenly changed  behaviour. Sometimes back he was trying to get closer now he was feeling guilty for that. She thought in her mind,
" Is he really hesitant just because of his words to her?? Or something else??"

Subconsciously her thoughts went back to their early married days. This is not the first time he avoids her during their intimate moments, this is the second time after their marriage. Though he was kind and took good care of her, she felt there was some wall between them. Looking at her frowned face, Abhi apologised again, Ramya nodded her head and left the place without a word.

Following her Abhi too went down to the living area. He informed his mother that they were going for lunch outside his friend's house. Ramya was shocked, she thought
" Why was he lying to his own mother?? He said that both the families were friends for a long time. Then why this lie??"

After bidding bye to all, Ramya and Abhi left for Priyanka's house in a car. The journey was very quiet. Abhi looked so rigid, he didn't have a word with her. Generally he talks with her or sometimes teases her but today he was very calm and he looked unhappy.

Ramya was getting anxious seeing him, thinking about the recent happenings she felt that something changed in Abhi's behaviour in recent days. She wants to know the reason behind this, she asked him directly

" Why did you lie to Aunty, that we are going to your friend's house?? What's happening??" , Abhi looked on.

To Be Continued...


Hey Guys!!!

I hope you all will like this story and If you are impressed with my new chapter, don't mind posting your comments and sharing your votes.Your support is the most important thing for me to write further. I believe you will keep supporting me.

Thank you

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