
By canadianpurplesmurf

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*****THIS STORY WILL BE COMING DOWN! PUBLISHING IT ON AMAZON KINDLE!****** "What really happened to you?" He... More

Chapter 1 - What did I ever do to you?
Chapter 2 - Detention
Chapter 3 - Woman what?
Chapter 4 - Lies
Chapter 5 - Get out
Chapter 6 - We found our guy.
Chapter 7 - Handsy Pansy
Chapter 8 - ARE YOU AN ALIEN!?!?!
Chapter 9 - Oh no...
Chapter 10 - Are you a yellor belly?
Chapter 11 - Time to go home
Chapter 12 - What happened!?
Chapter 13 - Just let it go
Chapter 14 - Friends
Chapter 15 - One to Ten
Chapter 16 - Better than the average bear
Chapter 17 - Friends Forever
Chapter 18 - Be Nice
Chapter 19 - Cracked
Chapter 20 - Last day of freedom
Chapter 22 - Back to school
Chapter 23 - He's Gone
Chapter 24 - Phone Call
Chapter 25 - Dying Happy.
Chapter 26 - Against the odds
Chapter 27 - Letting go
Chapter 28 - Fighting
Chapter 29 - Somthing to live for
Chapter 30 - Hello Sleeping Beauty
Chapter 31 - I need you
Chapter 32 - Not again
Chapter 33 - I killed someone
Chapter 34 - Be mine
Chapter 35 - Never letting you go
Chapter 36 - Happily Ever After

Chapter 21 - Phones, Challenges, and Arguments

1.1K 26 20
By canadianpurplesmurf



I woke up to giggling. I opened my eyes and looked around to see Missy and Jasper smiling and looking over at me. I noticed that Missy was holding her cell phone up and I wondered what was so funny. Wait a second....

"Are you recording me?" I asked incredulously and that made her and Jasper laugh more.

"This is too good NOT to record!" Missy declared and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"What is? Watching me sleep and possibly drool? Fascinating stuff." I replied sarcastically as I went to sit up realizing I was still lying on Marc's lap. I rubbed my eyes a couple times before turning to look at Marc who was looking at me with a grin.

"Ok what gives? What did I do that is oh so amusing?" I asked bored.

"I was not aware that you talk in your sleep Samantha. And you move also. I thought we told each other everything." Missy mocked and I froze as I saw her lower her phone. Oh god.

"What?" I stupidly blinked and looked from her to Jasper. I refused to look at Marc not wanting to see his face. Oh God! What did I say or do? Remembering my dream I was having made me feel nauseous.

"What were you dreaming about?" Jasper teased knowingly and I blushed.

"I was being chased by a baby demon who was trying to kill me after killing my family. Then the momma demon came and yelled at the baby for doing bad. But it was all just a misunderstanding. All he wanted was dog biscuits. After it was sorted out he brought my family back and apologized." I retorted quickly hoping they believed that lie. To my defense, I have dreamed that before so it was not a complete lie. They all looked at me before bursting into laughter.

"Uh huh." Missy chuckled disbelievingly and I cursed myself.

"Did the little demon finally get his doggy biscuits?" Mark teased and I blushed again as I heard the humor in his voice. They clearly did not believe me.

"He killed my family. He deserved a spanking not a biscuit!" I argued seriously making them laugh again.

"Did you.....kiss the demon?" Missy asked curiously with a twinkle in her eye. Oh no. No! No! No!

"I kissed my sisters cheek when she was brought from the dead." I supplied pathetically.

"Well I have never seen you kiss Missy like that. I feel betrayed." Jasper spoke enjoying my obvious awkwardness.

"Yeah I thought I was your sister." She added trying to hide her smile.

"A kiss like what? It was a simple peck on the cheek. I don't know where you got an idea that it was anything more. You did not see my dream." I defended miserably grasping at straws. I knew I was caught in my lie. I should have stopped but no. I keep digging my hole bigger and bigger.

"You are right." Marc chimed in and I relaxed slightly. Maybe they fell for it. Wait...

"We did not see your dream but your reactions were interesting. Would you like to see for yourself? We got everything on camera." He added and my heart plummeted into my stomach.

"No I am good. No need for me to watch myself drool." I waved a hand dismissively and snickered nervously.

"Oh don't worry. There was no drooling." Jasper assured as he and Missy moved over to me crouching down in front.

"Seriously guys. I don't need to see myself sleep." I tried again but it was in vain.

"Humor us." Jasper said ignoring my pleas. Missy lifted her phone and hit play on a video and turned up the volume. I saw that I was smiling and mumbling incoherent words which I silently thanked the good lord above for. I could not make out complete sentences but a few words caught my attention. So hot, Love, and kiss. Oh damn! I groaned and lowered my head but Missy wouldn't allow it.

"Here comes the best part!" She declared as she poked my arm to make me look. I warily looked to see that I was snuggling into Marc's lap more and more. That is not TOO bad....I mean really. I snuggle with teddy bears. Same thing. My reassuring thoughts all flew out the window when I saw myself reach up and grab Marc's hand that was rested on my shoulder. I cringed as I brought his hand to my face and kiss it. But not just kiss it. I was trying to make out with the thing! I swear! It was like watching Ryan Gossling and Rachael McAdams kiss in the rain in "The Notebook." It looked like I was seconds away from jumping his bones. Well jumping his hands bones. And by the way my dream way going, I probably would have if I hadn't woken up. Not to mention, the whole time I was kissing his hand I was making these weird noises! OH MY GOD! WHAT WAS THAT! That sounded in between a goat and a dolphin. Then I released his hand and I was glad it was finally ending. Boy was I wrong. I then gripped Marc's knee! My hand massaged as far up as it could go before stopping in front of my face. My face was scrunched up in this weird expression and I prayed to God that was not my "O" face! The noises I made continued and the mumbling continued until I woke up. Kill. Me. Now.

"That must have been one hell of a sexy demon! Or Missy should start worrying." Jasper concluded and I glared as much as I could.

"I think you did a great job on my hand and everything but my center southern part of my face feels a little left out." Marc complained pointing to his lips. Those God forsaken lips of death!!

"Too bad!" I exclaimed lunging for Missy's phone. She quickly dodged me and laughed.

"Delete it!" I demanded reaching again and she shook her head in protest. I chased after her as she giggled like a little girl who just met Justin Bieber.

"I will drag you to a Miley Cyrus concert I swear to God!" I threatened and Missy looked at me in horror.

"You wouldn't!" She narrowed her eyes at me and I smirked.

"Oh I would." I assured and she seemed to think about it.

"Missy! Don't do it! She is bluffing! I wouldn't let her get you! Plus she wouldn't put herself through that just to make you go!" Jasper convinced and I felt my threat become neutralized.

"JAZZ PASS!" I shouted looking at him and he smiled.

"Not my phone. Therefore your plea is void." He commented proudly and Missy laughed. I took her moment of distraction to tackle her to the ground.

"OH GOD!! Where is the pudding? We need pudding!! And a kiddy pool to hold it!!" Jasper exclaimed in panic.

"Forget the pudding! My girl is on top of your girl and totally kicking ass!" Marc argued and they both herded around us as we rolled around the floor.

"Just give me the phone!" I shouted as she held it out of reach.

"NEVER!" She declared laughing. Our legs intertwined as we continued to switch up positions. I then moved up and pinned her arms down with my right hand and pried the phone from her fingers. I smiled victoriously before Marc then reached down and took Missy's phone and waved it tauntingly above me. I jumped up off of Missy and took a step towards him. I began jumping up and down trying to reach the phone as he held it out of my reach.

"Come on!" I whined in defeat and he laughed.

"You have to earn it." He shrugged and I looked at him in disbelief. Without further word I jumped on him making him stumble back. When he did not fall like originally planned I wrapped my legs around his waist to hold myself up along with one arm wrapped securely around his neck. I heard cat call whistles behind me but ignore them as I reached up with my free hand for the phone. Damn his tallness!

"This is hot." Marc whispered in my ear making me bite my bottom lip to prevent any goalphin sounds. That is how I will refer to my apparent moans from now on. Goats and dolphins equal goalphins.

"No this is ridiculous." I countered as I tried ignoring him. He then nuzzled my neck and I squeaked and retreated away from his devious face.

"That is playing dirty! You don't try to tickle someone when they are trying to get a phone from you!" I scolded and he shrugged.

"I play by my own rules." He dismissed and I growled at him. I then got an idea and looked back at my prize that was a few inches from my greedy hands. I put both of my hands on his shoulders and hoisted myself higher on him tightening my legs around the middle of his back instead. His left arm instinctively went under my ass supporting me. My breasts were now level with his face but I overlooked that minor detail and focused on my destination. I heard Marc suck in a breath and heard Jasper inhale almost painfully as well.

"Oh damn. She has him by the balls now." Jasper whispered and I tuned him out. I braced myself with my right hand on his shoulder and reached with the other.

"Now who is playing dirty?" Marc asked hoarsely and I could literally hear him swallow.

"I am earning the phone." I mocked continuing my quest. My hand skimmed his hand as I almost had the phone but he pulled his hand backwards and I groaned. If I lean forward any more he will be practically motor boating me. I looked down at him annoyed and he grinned obviously knowing what he was doing. I decided to try and get acrobatic for my great finale. I took a deep breath and looked up at the phone. Was it worth it? That question was gone within seconds. No way in hell were they going to show anyone else. I gripped his shoulders once again and lifted myself higher. I used my right hand to prop myself on his left shoulder and reached back and quickly snatched the phone from his hands.

"YES!!!" I exclaimed happily. I dropped my hand and quickly found the video I was looking for and removed it from the demented call phone. I let go of his shoulder and dropped my legs from around him in an attempt to get down. I looked up at Marc with a raised eyebrow when I realized he still held me up off of the ground with his arm beneath my ass.

"You can put me down." I deadpanned and he shook his head stubbornly.

"Why not?" I sighed tiredly and he smiled.

"I like you here." He said before lowering his eyes to my chest. I looked down and saw that my shirt had twisted and pulled down slightly showing a significant amount of cleavage along with a peak of my new lacy bra. Courtesy of Missy. I gasped and quickly brought my arms down to cover the girls.

"Put me down." I cried out in embarrassment. I began to squirm in an attempt to get down. Once that was achieved he latched his arms around my waist holding me against him. I banged my head against his chest like a spoiled child. I then began to wiggle again to free myself and Marc grunted.

"She just doesn't realize what she is doing." Missy muttered sympathetically. Yes I do. I am trying to get away. Simple.

"Samantha. I suggest you stop moving." Marc said throatily as he rested his head on my shoulder and his arms tightened. He didn't sound like he was teasing me though which got my attention. What was wrong with him? I hadn't hurt him or anything. I was just-oh. I suddenly became aware that our....bottom half's were level. I was just moving my body in an attempt to escape meaning I was giving little Marcus a lap dance. I could definitely feel him trying to jump out and join our little gathering. I suddenly froze and remained as still as a statue. I felt my face heat up and wanted to die.

"I-" I began to speak when I felt Marc shake his head in protest.

"Just stop talking for a sec." He concluded. I listened and kept my mouth shut. I blame Missy and Verizon! If it wasn't for her and Verizon's stupid idea to make her phone have a fully functional video camera, I would not be in this situation. It seem like forever before he loosened his grip and I took full advantage and took a few steps back. I refused to look at him. I turned and faced Missy and thrust her phone into her hand. I didn't have to look at her and Jasper's face to know they were grinning like mad. Their chuckles confirmed it.

"Where are you going?" Jasper asked amusingly as I took of towards the guest room.

"I am going to write Verizon a letter telling them to drop dead." I hissed and heard them laughing.

"Come on! I am proud of you! Didn't know my girl had it in her!" Missy interrupted. I stopped and turned to look at her. Without a word I lifted both of my hands into fists. With the backs of my hands facing her, I banged my fists together twice in a "Friends" fuck off hand gesture. Missy and Jasper looked stunned while from the corner of my eye I saw Marc smile. After all, he was the one who got me to watch "Friends" in the first place. I turned back around and went into the guest room and fell onto the bed. I groaned and threw my arms over my face in horror. I just practically raped Marc's hand and felt him up in my sleep while dreaming about him. I preceded to almost have him involuntarily motorboat my 'muffins,' As if that weren't enough, I went all out and awakened the Marcaconda. He was obviously no longer a little boy.

"Knock knock." A voice called out and I shot up and looked to see Marc standing next to my door. He gave a genuine smile before shutting my door and walking over. He sat on the bed next to me as I looked down at my hands and played with my fingers. I heard him laugh before he pulled me to his side and I tensed up.

"Oh come on. You can't do much damage from this angle." He teased obviously trying to lighten the mood.

"Shut up." I threatened weakly.

"Ok if I 'accidently' turned you on would that make you feel better?" He asked smugly and my eyes widened and looked at him in fear.

"No! No that is not needed! I promise! I am fine!" I rushed to clarify and he smirked.

"Afraid it might work?" He challenged and I felt like I was about to faint. He did not know it but simply hearing that sexy voice of his was enough when speaking the right way.

"No." I replied lamely.

"So you don't think I can? I take that as a challenge!" He said misunderstanding my answer.

"No! I mean no I did not say that! And no challenge initiated! Abort mission abort I say!!!" I exclaimed as he scooted closer to me.

"So you do think it will work?" He asked and I felt like I was doomed no matter what I said.

"I didn't say that!" I sighed in frustration.

"Challenge accepted." He said and quickly pushed me flat on my back. I looked up at him above me with wide eyes. Oh god! The dream!

"Why do you look so scared? It isn't like I am going to kill you." He laughed and tilted his head to the side. Challenge complete. I refused to speak. Every time I talk bad things happen. Or good things. Depends on how you look at it.

"Silent treatment eh?" He observed as he trailed his hand down the side of my arm.

"W-what time is it?" I cut in hoping to distract him. He gave me a toothy grin.

"Last time I looked it was 7:47." He replied casually but his hand kept their assault leaving fire trails of demise down my poor helpless arm.

"Time for bed! School tomorrow! Want to get plenty of rest for the first day!" I tried again but he dismissed my attempt.

"You already took a nap and I am just fine." He slyly transferred both of his hands to my waste. MISSION COMPLETED! STAND DOWN!

"I'm sorry!" I rushed out hoping that would work. His hands stopped in their place and he looked at me confused for a second.

"For?" He asked genuinely taken aback by my apology.

"For earlier. For my unintentional assault on you." I clarified and he grinned.

"No need for an apology. It didn't bother me." He said as he trailed his hands down my waist.

"Working yet?" He added and I gritted my teeth. I could admit that it worked when he began talking and hope he would stop. But that is no guarantee and that would be another major blow to my ego. Or I could lie until he got tired of trying.

"Nope. You should just stop. It is awkward buddy." I answered trying to sound unaffected.

"I never give up on a challenge." He argued.

"If I say it worked will you stop?" I wondered.

"Not now. Because then I will think you are just saying it for me to give up. I want to see that I have won through your reaction." He stated and I gulped in horror. Why didn't I sacrifice my ego? Now I am sacrificing my dignity! He gripped my hips and jerked me down so I was directly under him and our faces were level. Don't show it.

"So...what was your dream really about?" he whispered in my ear and I repressed the urge to shutter. Screw the accents, his voice would make any girl drop when used correctly. And he knew exactly how to use it.

"It isn't important." I muttered and I felt his lips graze my ear and I bit my lip.

"To me it is. I mean you did attack me." He bargained. Well if you must know it was pretty much this. Just add the kissing and groping on my part.

"No I didn't!" I lied.

"Was it about me?" He looked down at me and I almost gave in.

"No. You are so vain." I attempted to come off as serious but I don't think I quite accomplished it with the shakiness in my voice. Fuck you Samantha! GO TO HELL YOU BACKSTABBER!

"I will accept that answer." He stunned me and I looked to see him smiling. He knew. Oh my god he knew!!! Samantha Lily Rose I swear I am going to murder you in your sleep! Marc's lips came in contact with my jaw and I felt like I was about to have a heart attack. Stay calm. Stay calm you stupid bitch! His lips made their way down to my neck.

"Marc. J-Just stop. You don't have to prove anything. I-I know you're a ladies man so you obviously have skill. You don't need m-me to prove anything." I stuttered as his lips of satan traveled to the base of my throat and I swallowed back a moan. I have a spot! Holy shit! I have a mutha fuckin spot!! Marc apparently realized this too because he then sucked the area and I swear I was just a smidge away from jumping him.

"You are going to leave a mark! Stop!" I hissed unconvincingly.

"How funny. Marc is leaving a mark. If that isn't a sign I don't know what is." He bit lightly and I actually squeaked. Screw dignity!

"I lied earlier! Challenge complete! Mission successful! You win! You can stop now!" I spit out quickly as I began to squirm. I felt his lips turn into a smirk before finally pulling away. Asshole. He moved to look down at me for a few seconds and I kept my expression as serious and blank as possible.

"I don't believe you." He denied. Before I could reply he connected his lips with mine. He bit my bottom lip making me gasp and his tongue snaked its way in. His right hand was tangled in my hair as the other traveled my body. My hands were, and had been, pinned against his chest the entire time. My fingers gripped onto his shirt for dear life as he viciously devoured my mouth. He wasn't being gentle about it let me tell you. He was urgent and commanding. It was like he had so much pent up energy that he had to let out into the kiss. I felt like my head was going to explode. I didn't understand the feelings that were having their way over my body. I wanted to pull away and stop kissing him but I couldn't. It was not just because I was physically handicapped at the moment. There was a strong part of me that wanted this. That scared me more than anything. I could barely think as his lips did their magic. His journeying hand came to an abrupt stop at my hip. He gripped me tightly and pulled me impossibly closer as his other hand in my hair did the same. I could no longer control myself as a whimper escaped not used to such intensity as Marc was directing towards me. I couldn't believe how much I wanted him at this moment. I was sure I was making my goalphin noises again. I could not really focus on if or not I actually was but I knew I was making some noises. I could feel them in my throat. I just hoped Marc was too preoccupied with his current activity to notice. Well no doubt he would believe me after this. How could one person be so good at kissing? He wouldn't even need a résumé if he wanted a job for kissing. Just demonstrate his abilities and he would be hired on the spot. He is like the devil of kissing. Once ol' Luci gets a hold of you, you are good as gone. Not much longer, although it felt like eternity, Marc pulled away almost regretfully for our much needed oxygen. My lips were sore and I could tell they were swollen. This is what I get for skipping practice and going straight to the pro. He didn't make a move to get off of me or let me go but if I said that is what I was thinking about I would be lying.

"Believe me now?" I asked breathlessly. Stupidly not knowing what else to say caused me to be an idiot. I felt like stabbing my own self in the boob. Marc took a few seconds to collect his breath before answering. I don't blame him. He did his job well and should be promoted to employee of the month. Better yet, employee of the year. Actually employee of eternity should do it. As I waited for a reply, I found myself looking at his lips. Damn you satan!

"I'm not sure." He confessed and I looked at him like he was from mars. I suddenly felt better about my lack of brain cells because it seemed I was at least smarter than him.

"You better be glad you're pretty." I muttered to myself.

"Pretty? I thought I was hot?" He joked and I averted my eyes onto the plain white ceiling.

"Congratulations on the self-confidence." I replied refusing to look at him. I knew I would do something to prove his point if I looked at him.

"You are quite hot." He removed his hand from my hair and gently caressed the side of my face. I held my breath as I tried not to look at his hypnotizing eyes or toxic lips.

"Thanks for the confidence boost." I nervously said not feeling that confident.

"Why won't you look at me?" He interrupted and I reluctantly looked at him. He smiled and I sucked in a ragged breath. I am Eve and he is the forbidden fruit I have taken a bit out of multiple times. I am so going to hell.

"You look nervous. Do I make you nervous?" He asked leaning closer and I bit my tongue.

"Do I make you nervous?" I countered and he grinned.

"Extremely." He answered and I felt like smacking him for torturing me like this.

"Where is Jaz and Missy?" I changed the subject. If they were recording us I swear Blondie was going to get it!

"They left to hang out at her house when you came in here." He winked and I blushed. That little traitor. My murder plans were cut short when I felt Marc's finger trail across my bottom lip. Monkey. Carrots. Toyota. Smurf. Pillow.

"Ring." Marc broke my attempt at distraction.

"What?" I questioned confused.

"I thought we were playing the random game." He spoke shrugging. I said that out loud? I am cursed. A higher power is out to get me.

"No. I didn't mean to speak out loud." I admitted shyly. He nodded and suddenly gripped my thighs flipping over. I wrapped my arms around his neck in surprise as we switched positions. He was now on his back and I was straddling him.

"Much better." He teased as he wrapped his arms around me so that I was lying flat on him. I ducked my head into his shoulder in embarrassment as he chuckled at my expense.

"You are so cute." He declared and I just continued to cower away into his shoulder.

"Well well well. What do we have here?" I heard a new voice greet and I froze. Just. My. Luck.

"Nothing. Just some friendly bonding." Marc said nonchalantly and kept his embrace around me tight. Well he had the idea right I guess. No need to jump up and pretend I wasn't wrapped around Marc when we were clearly caught so I just remained unmoving.

"Is she sleep or something?" The voice asked again when I didn't move.

"Nope she already had a nap earlier. She is just a little shy. I think it is adorable." Marc kept one arm around my waist as his other moved to pat my head like a dog. I growled at him.

"Do that again and I will bite you." My threat being muffled in his shoulder.

"That's my little sis! Don't let a man control you! You got to take charge!" Aaron approved jokingly and I groaned lightly. I would never be able to look at any of them again.

"Oh don't worry. She is harmless." Mark reassured as he pated my head again. You bitch.... I will teach you. I opened my mouth and bit down on Marc's shoulder. Not hard enough to cause damage but hard enough to get my point across.

"What the- did you just bite me?!" Marc exclaimed in surprise.

"Since you insist on treating me as an animal, I will act like one." I defended my actions.

"If you don't marry her I will!" Eric laughed.

"No you won't." Marc snorted in disapproval.

"Why not?" Eric questioned happily.

"She is off limits to everyone." Marc explained seriously. I lifted my head to look at him in annoyance. What makes him think he can decide who gets me?

"Excuse you?" I raised an eyebrow in challenge.

"I am your best friend and I will decide if anyone is good enough for you. So far no one is." He continued.

"Thanks bro. I feel special." Eric pretended to be offended and I held my left hand up to Eric to signal his to stop talking before looking back at Marc. I heard who I assumed was Aaron making a whistling noise. You know the one I am talking about. The whistle that means 'Ohhh you are in trouble now buco!'

"Well bestie..." I paused exaggerating the word.

"I think I can decide for myself weither someone is good enough or not. And for the few that pass by my radar I have Aaron for." I hissed and Marc cocked an eyebrow.

"Oh really? Well the last time I checked you weren't that good at deciding who was good and who wasn't." Marc countered and I froze looking at him in shock. Did he just go there? He seriously just threw that in my face. Well I would be lying if I said that it didn't sting a bit. I looked at him for a second before nodding my head.

"Well I did choose to trust you but apparently that was a blunder on my part as well." I choked out before getting off of him.

"What just happened?" Eric asked confused as I quickly exited out the door.

"Sam! Wait! I'm sorry I didn't mean anything by it!" Marc pleaded and I heard his footsteps behind me.

"Yes you did." I argued and continued walking  towards the living room. I pulled out my cellphone from my pocket about to call missy.

"Sam I am sorry. I got caught up in the moment and didn't think about what I was saying." Marc pleaded.

"It is fine. It was my fault for expecting anything different." I replied. I began dialing Missy and waited for her to pick up.

"Who are you calling?" He demanded but I ignored him.

"Hey um are you at home?" I asked as she picked up on the other end.

"Sam-" Marc began but I cut him off.

"Is Jaz still with you?" I wondered.

"Yeah I am ok, Just wondering if I could stay with you tonight." I waited for a reply but never received one because Marc took my phone from my hand.

"Hey Missy. Everything is fine and Sam doesn't need to come over there. See you tomorrow. Night!" He quickly hung up and stuck my phone into his pocket.

"Marc! Give me my phone!" I demanded but he refused.

"Not until we talk this out." He bargained and I looked behind him to see Aaron and Eric watching confused. I sighed and Marc took that as agreement and began dragging me towards his room.

"Samantha?" Aaron called out unsure if he should step in or not. I gave him a small smile following Marc.

"It's fine." I promised and Eric patted Aaron on the shoulder in support. As soon as we were in his room he released my arm and closed the door. I turned around to face him and crossed my arms waiting for him to say what he had to say so I could leave.

"Sam I am sorry for what I said. It was uncalled for and I honestly didn't mean for it to come out that way." He started

"After I found out about what happened I became more protective over you. I don't want you to get hurt again. I know I get carried away sometimes and I am sorry. But I care about you and I will not apologize for that." He finished looking at me.

"I can't help what happened and I couldn't stop it. I am sorry for that and I don't trust a lot of people because of it. I trust you, your family, Missy, Jaz, and Aaron. That's it. I don't think you have to worry about me trusting the wrong people because I will not let myself close to anyone else. But it hurts me when you say stuff like that because it makes me feel stupid. It makes me feel like it is my fault for allowing it to happen. It makes me feel like I deserved it." I whispered sadly.

"I don't want you to feel that way. It wasn't your fault and you certainly did not deserve it. I was just being an idiot when I said it." Marc said as he pulled me into a bone crushing hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck and allowed him to just hold me. I always felt safe when I was in his arms.

"Am I forgiven?" Marc asked gently and snuggled his face into the crook of my neck. I bit my lip to stop from giggling. He knew it tickled when he did that and he was using it to his advantage. I didn't reply but instead just nodded my head against his shoulder.

"Thank you." He sighed relieved and placed a small kiss on my shoulder.

"Can I have my phone back now?" I asked and he pulled away from me.

"Are you going to call Missy and try to escape again?" he looked suspicious.

"No." I laughed

"Ok well maybe you should talk to Missy though. She has been calling repeatedly and my pants won't stop vibrating." He thought and I agreed.

"I will tell her I am fine." I promised and he handed me my phone. I quickly dialed Missy and it barely rung once before she answered it.

"Hey Missy. I am fine. I don't need to come over. It was a misunderstanding and I will see you tomorrow. Sorry I worried you." I explained and Missy demanded I tell her what happened later and I assured her I would. Most of the truth anyway. With a few embellishments here and there. As soon as I hung up me and Marc headed back down stairs and was greeted by Aaron and Eric.

"The Parentals and young child are back home. Said child is being put to bed." Eric saluted.

"Good to know." I stated and saw Aaron looking at me.

"Is the fight over?" Aaron asked and I smiled.

"Yeah it's all good now." I assured and he nodded.

"That was quick." Eric commented and I shrugged.

"I am a very forgiving person." I defended.

"I think it is because neither one of you could stand being mad at each other for too long," He disagreed.

"Oh shut up. I am going to bed. Good night. Visiting Hell tomorrow." I muttered dryly with a groan.

"Glad your excited for your first day." Aaron teased giving me a hug goodnight and Eric followed suit,

"Extremely." I deadpanned and they laughed.

"Well good night bro. I know you are about to turn in early with the Mrs." Eric mocked and waved at Marc. I blushed and walked away as I heard a smack followed by Eric crying out in pain.

"Tell your parents I said goodnight." I yelled over my shoulder before entering the guest room.

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We always despised each other to the core, and we would always find a way to pull each other down and ruin each other's plans. We were like polar op...
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I stand there wide eyed and frozen where I am being held in place. The sounds of fists connecting on skin, cracking under his bloody fists. How can h...