Chapter 1 - What did I ever do to you?

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I will be dedicating a each chapter to one of my fans or just to someone who catches my attention. That could mean just by replying to a comment i make. You never know. Thanks to everyone who reads my story.

Samantha's POV

It was Friday December 18th, the last day of school. I hate school but it beats being at home any day. I was invisible at school, and for me that's a good thing. I had no friends and that was probably for the best. I had enough to worry about without having to worry about someone else. Everyone was out for Christmas break and we were not coming back until January 4th.  As I walked into the building, I bumped into someone. It was Addison Mitchel a.k.a. the most popular girl in school.

"I'm sorry" I said picking up Addison's fallen books.

"Yeah you should be. Now get out of my way bitch." She spat snatching her books out of my hands. Addison  pushed past me as her friends followed. I sighed and walked to homeroom to see none other than Marc Rivers, the most popular guy in school surrounded by his friends. He got every girl he wanted and was now blocking my entrance to homeroom. Lovely. Today just wasn't my day. I looked at the clock in the hall to see how much time I had. Two minutes. I really didn't want to bring attention to myself by asking him and his followers to move. I waited for another minute but it didn't seem like they would be moving anytime soon. I sighed with dread.

"Excuse me." I said with my head lowered attempting to pass. Maybe he would just ignore me.

"Well hello there." Marc grinned. So much for hoping.

"Hi." I mumbled quietly trying to scurry around him.

"Where are you going hottie?" He winked blocking my way with his arm.

"Trying to get in class that seems to be blocked by an idiot." I replied getting agitated. I was known to have quite the temper.

"Wow that hurt.... It hurt deep right here." He placed his hand to his chest. His friends chuckled.

I chose to not answer him, avoiding his gaze that was still aimed at me.

"So.....what are you doing after school today?" He asked smiling at me.

"Busy." I said ducking under his arm and heading to my seat just as the tardy bell rang. Marc and his minions swarmed in. Strutting over in my direction, Marc sat in the seat next to me. Great.

"Hey again" He chuckled. I groaned.

"So about after school..." He started. I looked at him in disbelief. I had already told him I was busy and he was seriously asking me again? Come on! Give a girl a break! Is he that stupid?

"What about it?" I asked annoyed.

"Want to hang out?" He flashed a cocky grin.

"No." I replied looking straight ahead.

"Why?" He asked resting his chin on one of his hands.

"I said so."

"Why?" He continued.

"I don't want to." I stated again as if it wasn't already obvious.

"Why?" He smirked.

"Because I can't stand you." I huffed rolling my eyes.

"Why?" Marc questioned again with amusement.

"Because, your you!" I threw my hands in the air in frustration.

"Wh..." He began.

"If you ask me why one more time, I'm going to strangle you." I threatened.

"As long as you're touching me baby, I don't care." He snickered. I groaned putting my head on my desk hoping he would go away.

"Me. You. After school." He demanded and I lost what little control I had left.

"No for the millionth time! NO NO NO! N.O. NO! Do you understand? NOOOOO! NEVER! NOT GONNA HAPPEN! Do you want me to continue?" I spat angrily. I was not in the mood for this. Why is this happening again? Oh yeah. Because I am an idiot who was trying to get to homeroom on time!

"So is that a yes?" Marc raised his brow in question.

"LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!" I yelled angrily.

"Miss Rose, I will not have that language in this class. I will see you after school in detention." Mrs. Briggs reprimanded.

"UGHHH!" I groaned again slamming my head back onto my desk. Oww. Not smart.

"She is such a BITCH!" Marc insulted with a smile.

"Mr. Rivers, you will be joining Miss Rose after school in detention." The teacher said calmly as if she was discussing the weather. Marc looked over and blew me a kiss. That jerk did that on purpose! I HATE HIM!!! The bell rang signaling it was time to go to first period.

"See you after school babe." Marc called over his shoulder as he sauntered out the door.

"What did I ever do to you?" I asked looking up at the ceiling.


This is a story I started on over a year ago but never finished. I am going through it and changing it up a bit. I hope it turns out better. I am not, by no means, the best writer or anything like that. I haven't written alot but I hope it doesn't suck too bad. haha Hope you all like it and hope you comment. Let me know whatcha think please and thanks you! :)

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