Chapter 25 - Dying Happy.

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PICTURE OF KAREN => => => => => => => => => => => =>

I stood there in disbelief and shock. Karen? Karen who? It couldn't be MY Karen. She was dead.

"Who is this!" I asked again angrily.

 "Karen. Rosie it really is me." She pleaded and I started shaking.

"Your lying. She is dead!" I cried out in anger. Marc kept asking who it was and looked concerned but I ignored it. I heard shuffling on the phone and froze.

"Sam. My precious Sam. This is your mother. It really is. Me and Karen have been kept locked up all this time." Another female voice spoke. I gripped onto a shelf next to me for support. This was not happening.

"What?" I squeaked in horror.

"Your father, he has us locked up somewhere. He comes at least twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. He dropped his phone when he left so that's why we are calling you. We need help. He will probably be back sooner for his phone." My mother explained.

"Prove it. Prove you are who you say you are. I swear I will kill you if you are lying to me." I threatened in between tears. If my father was messing with me, so help me God!

"The hippo danced with the water melon to marry the queen on the beach of chicken." She quoted and my hand flew to my mouth as a sob broke lose. It was her. It really was her! That was our secret code when I was little.

"I'm going to find you! I promise!" I declared shakily.

"I believe in you. But be careful please!" She begged. She was crying.

"Is it only you two?" I asked hoping somehow Sarah and Tabitha would have been hidden away as well.

"Yes. It is only us." She confirmed sadly and I was beyond broken hearted. 

"Delete this call from the phone and slide it under the door. I don't want him to realize I know about you." I instructed trying to be strong.

"I will. We love you." She added and I sucked in a breath.

"I love you too." I whispered as she hung up.

"What happened?" Missy asked scared.

"They are alive." I stared at the phone in my hands.

"Who?" Marc asked grabbing my face in his hands to make me look at him.

"Karen and my Mom." I sobbed and shock passed over their faces.

"How?" Jasper asked confused.

"I don't know but my father has kept them locked away all these years!" I explained growing angry.

"I have to save them!" I continued.

"Let's call the cops. I don't want you near that psycho." Marc ordered and I shook my head.

"I'm sorry, I can't risk it." I cried before pushing him backwards and running out the closet.

"SAMANTHA!!" He called after me. I could hear the three of them chasing behind me. Any other day they may have caught me. Especially in this condition. But not today. Today I have a reason to fight, so I was going to fight. I ran with all my might and ignored the sharp pains stinging my body. I ran with one thing on my mind. Blood. I was out for blood. That son of a bitch was going to die today. That I was determined to accomplish. I would die trying, but I wouldn't be the only one. I ran out the school and down the road. I had to get to my father's house. Soon the calling of my name disappeared and I knew they would be going for help. I didn't have much time. I took a shortcut through the woods all the while earning knew scrapes and bruises. I didn't feel pain, I felt pure rage. Maybe this is what people meant by adrenaline rush. I ran and didn't know how long I ran but I reached my house and slowed. I saw my father's truck was still in the yard. I snuck around back and went up to my room window. I always left it cracked and I knew that would be the only place I was sure he wouldn't be. I looked around and began climbing the tree next to the window until I was high enough to maneuver myself into the house. Once in, I slowly moved towards my door. I stopped and listened for any noise on the other side. After a couple minutes I pushed my door open enough to peak through. I didn't see anyone so I stepped out and headed towards the stairs. I heard a loud noise coming from my father's room. He was cursing and throwing things around. He was probably looking for his phone. I quickly went down stairs and towards the kitchen. I grabbed the biggest knife I could find and headed for the front door. I heard his room door open and I took off outside as fast as I could. I hid in the bushes and waited. I figured this would be the best time to leave some sort of goodbye for everyone. I didn't know what the outcome of this would be, but I wasn't expecting it to be good. I pulled out my cell phone deciding on making a video for everyone. I spoke low and quickly trying to keep it short as I could. By the end of the video I was in tears. I ended the video and made a alarm telling them where to check for the video. It would go off every hour daily until someone disarmed it. I wiped my eyes focusing on the house again.  Soon enough my father stumbled out and walked around the back of the house. I discreetly followed and watched him retreat into the woods. I kept a safe distance and remained hidden within the trees as I kept him is sight. After about a ten minute walk, I began to recognize where we were. This was our old camping site. I watched my father walk to the end of a tree and bend down. What was he doing? He grabbed something and lifted it. It was like cellar in the middle of the woods. Kind of like the ones someone would use when there was a twister. I never knew about it. He stepped into the contraption and I waited. After a few minutes he reemerged holding his phone. I hid further in the woods and waited for him to walk off. As soon as he was out of sight I ran towards the tree he was once at. I bent down and searched for a handle of some sort before coming across a small loop like hook. I pulled up on it and laid it backwards on the ground. I turned and looked again to make sure he was long gone. Once I was satisfied, I rushed down into the basement area. It was freezing and lit only by a flickering light bulb that hung from the ceiling. The ceiling was so low I had to dodge the dangling light bulb. The walls were dirty, covered with mold and god knows what else. It smelt fowl and the floor was so flimsy I worried I could fall through it at any moment. The floor was also covered in dirt and glass, probably from a liquor bottle of my fathers. I looked around and saw a hallway to the left. I slowly walked down it until I reached the end, where a door was present. I turned to make sure my father hadn't come back before taking a shaky breath. I gripped hold of the knife tighter and twisted the doorknob in front of me. When I tried pushing it open it wouldn't budge. I tried again with no use. It was locked, I concluded. I placed the knife blade through the side of the door hopping to be able to push the lock to the side. After about three minutes I felt it click. I pushed the door open and was met by flickering light. I saw a couple figures hunched together in the corner. I ran to them and fell to my knees.

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