Chapter 4 - Lies

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"Hello?" I called out.

"SAM!" He shouted through the phone.

"OWWW! I do have an ear you know." I laughed.

"Sorry I miss you so much. How have you been?" Aaron asked.

"I miss you too. I am fine I am at a.......someone's house." I concluded.

"Who? A boyfriend?" He asked.

"EWWW! NO! I can't stand the boy but his little brother is so sweet. He is my new little buddy." I smiled at Nick.

"So you are at a boy's house?" 

"Yes I am, but nothing like that." I assured, scrunching my nose at the thought.

"How old is the boy or boys?" 

"What is this 20 questions? The jerk is 18, his younger brother is 8, and I don't know how old his older brother is. Looks about your age." I answered. Marc glared at me and I stuck my tongue out at him. Idgit.

"Which one is your buddy?"

"Nick the 8 year old." I laughed. He could be a tiny bit over protective sometimes.

"Who is the jerk and the other one?"

"Eric is the oldest and the 18 year old is Marc the jerk" 

"HEY!" Marc yelled offended.

"Is that the Jerk?" Aaron asked.

"Yup." I said popping the p.

"Why are you there if you can't stand the dude?"

"It was involuntary." I glared at Marc.

"How?" Aaron inquired.

"Long story." 

"The Jerk did it?" He asked.

"Yup." I popped the p once again.

"Let me talk to him." Aaron stated.

"What? No!" I refused. Whoops.

"Why?" He asked innocently.

"Because......I said so." I argued weakly.

"Samantha, let me chat with the boy." No way Jose!

"Chat? Is that what they call it now?" I asked sarcastically.

"Ha ha funny. Where is dad anyway?"

"Home." I replied shortly.

"Why don't you call and let him know you are ok?"

"Already did." I lied.

"Ok. Guess what?" He began excitedly.


"Guess who is coming for a visit you in a 3 days for a whole month?" No way. Don't be playing with my emotions boy!

"You?" I asked hopefully.

"Yes!" He confirmed and I squealed.

"AHHHHH!!!! Oh my gosh!! Are you serious?!" I asked sitting up with a giant grin.

"Sure am."

"HOLY SNICKERS! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS! I can't wait! I miss you so much! We have to hang out the whole time you are here!" I exclaimed ecstatic.

"Yeah your right. But I have to go now. I will talk to you later. I love you." 

"Love you too Aaron! Bye!" I let out one more squeal before hanging up smiling.

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