Chapter 11 - Time to go home

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Jasper's POV.

I had to admit. Samantha is way better than I thought she was. All this time we went to the same school and even some of the same classes and I never had anything to do with her. I like her a lot.....well not like THAT but I could definitely get use to her being a part of the family. And now she is friends with Missy and she helped get us together. Well at least, get a date.

"What be wrong wit cha partner?" Missy laughed looking at Samantha.

"What?" She asked looking at me and Missy.

"What is wrong with you?" I pouted.

"Nothing. Why do you ask?" 

"You seemed distracted." Missy explained.

"Oh sorry. I zoned out a little but I'm good." She reassured. Me and Missy nodded and I caught a glimpse of Marc who was glaring at me. What the hell?

"Ummmm I am feelin a bit uncomfortable right bout now ladies. I do believe someone it plotting to kill me in hur and I don't seem to understand why that would be. Do you think yall could help me wit this hur problem?" I whispered to the girls. Samantha seemed to know what I meant and looked away but Missy looked at us confused.

"What are you talking about?" Missy wondered. I moved my eyes in the direction of Marc and Missy looked.

"I don't know. You didn't do anything to upset him did you?" She asked looking at Marc then me.

"No. I just noticed." I really had no clue.

"Rosey?" I called and she looked at me and Missy.

"Do you know? You seem like you know something." I asked and Missy turned to her.

"No, he is weird. You should know that." She replied. What the heck did I do?!

Samantha's POV.

Marc is still glaring at Jasper. He must like Missy. That's the only thing I can think of. What other reason would he have to be mad at Jasper? I don't remember him doing anything wrong. I looked at my phone and saw that it was already 8:45.

"Samantha? Are you going to stay tonight also? You are welcome to if you want." Emily asked and Marc snapped out of his evil trance thing and looked at me. I sighed dreading what I was about to say.

"I probably should go home."

"No I want you to stay!" Nick pleaded sadly. I want to stay more than you know little buddy. You have no idea.

"I need to. I can't stay here forever but I will come back tomorrow to see you if that's alright with you parent's." I promised. Unless I am dead.

"Of course you can. You can come over any time you want." Emily agreed and Mr. Rivers nodded.

"Thanks again for everything. I will see you tomorrow." I said putting a smile on my face. I wonder if they noticed it was fake. I hugged everyone except Marc bye.

"Bye Rosey." Jasper and Eric said at the same time then laughed.

"I am the only one who can call her Rosey!" Jasper declared swinging his arm around me.

"Well fine. I will call her Rose." Eric said laughing.

"Bye sweetie. See you tomorrow." Emily bid her goodbye.

"Bye. Nice having you over." Mr. Rivers added with a warm smile.

"Thanks Mr. Rivers." I said smiling.

"Damon. Mr. Rivers makes me feel old." He scrunched his nose, chuckling.

"You are old dad." Marc argued.

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