Chapter 8 - ARE YOU AN ALIEN!?!?!

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 "Hi there." Marc said grinning.

"Bye." I replied.

"Ouch." He laughed.

"What movie do you want to watch?" Eric asked getting up and walking to the TV.

"It doesn't matter" I shrugged.

"SCARY!" Marc shouted and grinned at me. Does he think I am one of those girls who freak out watching scary movies? It didn't even bother Sarah and she was the grisliest girl ever.

"Not too scary because Nick is in here." Jasper interrupted and I smiled at him.

"Ok how about..... Final destination? Nick, for some reason, loves those movies." Eric said laughing.

"I have never seen it." I admitted.

"What? Are you serious?" Marc asked looking at me.

"Yes, I don't watch TV much anymore." It wasn't a lie. I never watch TV at home and I don't go to the movies a lot. Actually I have not been to the movies in years.

"Well a friend is borrowing part one and we don't have part three. We only have part two." Eric announced.

"Well I have not watched it in forever anyway. I forgot what happens in it." Jasper commented.

"I think it is the one with the plane?" Nick said uncertain.

"Just put it in. We will see." Jasper dismissed.

Eric began to play the movie. It was not that far in, maybe 10 or 15 minutes, before it showed this girl in a car with her friends. I had never even heard of final destination, so I had no idea what to expect. Suddenly not too long after that, it showed a giant truck ram into the car with the girl and her friends. I flinched and felt like my body was now on fire. I looked away from the screen and closed my eyes concentrating on breathing. I heard all the screeching of tires and crunching of metal. The screams almost made me lose it. Concentrate! I scolded myself as my breathing increased. I still had my head down and eyes closed. My eyes were burning and I focused on not crying. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder and I jumped violently. My eyes shot open and they made contact with Marc's.

"You okay?" He asked concerned.

"Yeah. I remember now I have already seen this movie. I just didn't remember the name of it. I don't really like this movie." I lied still refusing to look at the screen. I could tell that, once again, Marc did not believe me.

"How about we watch a different movie everyone? Maybe a comedy? I actually really hate this movie." Marc said with a chuckle trying to convince everyone to go along with him. I hope they did.

"I don't care. If everyone else doesn't mind." Eric said shrugging.

"Fine by me!" Missy said smiling. Marc got up and quickly turned the movie off and begain looking through the other movies.

 "How about..." Marc started scanning through the movies.

"17 Again!" Nick exclaimed.

"Never seen it." I said.

"OH MY GOSH! WHAT ARE YOU, AN ALIEN!?" Jasper asked shocked.

"Ummmm no?" I said and everyone laughed. Marc put in the movie and came back over and sat beside me.

"Does this have any car crashes or anything like that?" I asked looking at the screen.

"No. Why?" Marc asked looking at me curiously.

"Just wondering." I sighed and watched the movie. The movie was really funny.

"Zac is so hot!" Missy exclaimed smilling.

"Who?" I asked.

"Zac Efron!" She squealed looking at me like I was crazy.

"The main dude?"

"YES!" She nodded, stunned.

"Wasn't he in some musical or something?" 

"High school musical." She said smiling.

"Oh, well I never saw that either." I laughed.

"Me and you seriously have to have a movie night one day!"

"Ok......He is cute though." I agreed laughing.

"Cute? CUTE? NO! HE IS FREAKING HOT!" She sighed and Jasper looked at her.

"I mean he is ok." She said shrugging.

"Your are definitely like S....." I began but stopped.

"Like who?" Missy asked.

"No one." I said looking away.

"That dude is not cute, you are cute." Marc whispered and I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up. I'm not falling for it." I stated looking at the screen. He snickered and pretended to yawn.

"Don't think about it." I glared at him.

"What?" He asked innocently.

"That yawn thing where you try and put your arm around a girl." 

"I wasn't going to do that." He denied. Liar, liar, pants on fire!

"Yeah right." 

"No seriously." He said. Then he stretched and put his arm around me.

"I was going to do that."

"Well move your arm." 

"But I'm comfortable." He whined.

"I don't care." 

"Well I do, so I'm not moving." I groaned and leaned forward, propping my head on my hands so he would not be touching me. He then put his hand on my back and I looked at Missy as she saw him. She looked shocked. I snarled at Marc.

"Remove your hand."

"No." He refused. I leaned back and pinned his hand between my back and the couch.

"You think that hurts?" He chuckled. I huffed and reached back grabbing his hand and threw it in his lap.

"Feisty. I like it." I tried ignoring him and watched the movie. He put his arm back around me and I sighed. I just let it go and continued watching the movie. I leaned my head on Missy's shoulder and smiled as she giggled. Marc then laid his head on my shoulder and I pushed his head off me but he did it again. I sat up and looked at Missy. She gave me a sympathetic smile and I just gave up. He was like that throughout the rest of the movie.

"You smell good." He smiled, his breath tickling my shoulder.

"That is what a bath will do for you. Maybe you should try it." I insulted, getting up along with Missy when the movie ended. I saw Jasper walk towards the kitchen so I followed him.

"Hey Jaz." I greeted.

"Hey Rosey." He smiled.

"Can I ask you something?"

"You just did" He teased.

"Just kidding. Shoot." He gestured to me to continue.

"Ok well, what do you think of Missy?" I asked looking at him.

"She is very nice." He answered slowly.

"Do you like her? You know LIKE like her?" I asked and he looked at me for a second.

"Why do you ask?" 

"I just thought it seemed like you did." 

"Does she like me?"

"I asked you first."

"Yeah, I do like her." He said awkwardly.

"Go for it." I smiled encouragingly.

"Do you think she likes me?"

"Yes I do. Go!" I said pointing to the living room.

"Ok. Thanks." He said smiling as he passed me and went up to Missy. I followed him out and watched as he pulled her to the side. She looked at me and I smiled then she looked at him. They started talking. Yeah baby!

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