Chapter 33 - I killed someone

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Samantha's POV

"Me and Damon have something to take care of. Nick will come with us. You all can go to the house." Emily called out heading for her car.

"I have to go home. My family is having this stupid barbeque that I have to attend." Missy sighed.

"I'll come with you." Jasper offered.

"See you later." I called out waving. We went to Marc's car and he placed me in the front seat. Ah memories.

"Who is riding with us?" Marc asked the others.

"We will ride with Eric and Aaron." Karen dismissed.

"Ok see ya." Marc waved getting in and shutting the door. We rode home in silence as I looked out the window.

"Home sweet home." Marc called as he parked the car as Eric pulled up next to us. He got out and I undid my seat belt, waiting. No need to even try. Like expected, Marc came around and opened my door. I held my arms out bored and he lifted me.

"You finally got the hang of this!" He praised and I glared at him. He shut my door with his foot and jogged up to the house. He unlocked the door and kicked it open.

"I swear, when yall get married, the whole carry over the threshold thing will be meaningless." Eric predicted and I looked at him with my jaw dropped.

"Shut up!" I squealed in embarrassment.

"Oh even I know yall will be married one day." Karen blurted out.

"You know nothing!" I denied as Marc took me over to the couch.

"Why so defensive?" Aaron raised a brow at me and I dropped my head in my hands.

"Oh stop bothering the poor girl or you won't even be invited to the wedding." My mom joined. I grabbed a pillow from next to me and threw it at her.

"Okay guys. Stop before she hurts herself trying to hurt you." Marc scolded sitting next to me.

"Your not helping." I frowned as he put an arm around me.

"No need hiding it. I mean really. Look at that huge rock on your finger!" Marc joked and I growled at him.

"It's not an engagement ring!" I yelled.

"The  take it off." He challenged and I looked at him incredulously.

"I don't have anything to prove." I stated looking at my ring.

"Where is my phone?" I asked, now realizing I haven't seen it since before everything went down.

"Here." Mom said pulling it out of her pants pocket and handing it to me. I looked at it expecting like a million missed calls and texts from my father but then I remembered.

"Um I know I haven't asked and no one has mentioned it but is dad....." I began.

"Did I kill him?" I swallowed looking up at my mom. She looked at me sadly.

"He is gone. Yes." She answered softly. I blinked a few times. This felt so unreal. I killed someone.

"I'm so sorry Aaron." I apologized. Mom and Karen dealt with him the way I did. I know they were not mad at me, but with Aaron, he had no idea. He still had a decent relationship and I killed his father.

"Don't. Never apologize for that. I would have killed the bastard myself if you hadn't." He promised.

"I killed a man." I mumbled looking at my hands.

"You had too." Eric condoned.

"But I am a murderers now. I killed my own father." I whispered ashamed.

"Listen to me Sam. He deserved what he got. You protected yourself. You are not a murder. Murderers kill to kill. There is a difference." Aaron bent down in from of me and grabbed my hands.

"I went that day with the intention of killing him. It may have been in defense at the time, and he may have deserved it, but I was set on killing him anyway. When I found out he had mom and Karen I knew I wanted him dead. I am a murderer for that. I was so angry. I hated him for everything he did to me. For everything he did to Mom and Karen. But no matter how much I hated him for what he did, I still loved him. He was my dad." I choked up and Aaron hugged me.

"Your not a murderer Samantha. You are a good person. If you weren't, you wouldn't feel guilty. You wouldn't still love him. I would have killed him. Hell, I wanted to. I am disappointed you got to him first." Marc honestly spoke.

"You saved us Rosie. You are a hero not a killer." Karen soothed.

"Honey. I am proud of you. You are a hero. You did what you had to do. You are home and not in prison right now because even the police know you are not a murderer. Don't ever think that." Mom came over and took me from Aaron's grasp to hug me also.

"I don't associate with murderers." Eric joked trying to lighten the mood as he bent down and kissed the top of my head. I chuckled softly.

"Oh shut up. You just wanted a reason to kiss me." I teased pulling away and wiping my eyes.

"True. But can you blame me? Your hot." He winked and Aaron shoved him in the shoulder.

"Dude. She is betrothed to your brother!" Karen gasped and I blushed.

"No I am not! You are just jealous that a fine hunk of man kissed me instead of you. But I cannot blame you. You were locked away for a while." I shot back and now it was her turn to blush.

"I can fix that."  Marc wiggled his eyebrows and I smacked his arm and pointed a finger at him. Before anyone could say anything else, Eric leaned in and kissed Karen's cheek.

"Better?" He asked smugly.

"No kidding!" Karen breathed out and I cackled like a hen before falling backwards against the couch in a fit of laughter.

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