Chapter 28 - Fighting

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Marc's POV

Sam was still in a coma and I was beyond worried. I was so anxious for her to wake up. She was still not breathing on her own and she has been this way for over a month! Her mom and Karen were released from the hospital after only two weeks and have been staying with us. They were both really nice and I really liked them. Karen had already become good friends with all of us . Mom and Elizabeth picked up where they left off. All of us have taken turns staying with Sam at night and there has been no change. Addison had even stayed a couple nights. She was a completely different person then what I was use too.

My mom talked to the principle at our school and they arranged for all of us to be home schooled for the remainder of the year. The school would send a teacher to my house or the hospital with our work. They even had a special tutor for Karen, since she had not been in school for so many years. We all helped her as much as we could and she was a quick learner. I don't think I could bounce back as quickly as she had. Aaron had explained his situation to the head at ECU and they were working with him as well. He did most of his work online and had been staying with us.

Everyone went to get something to eat and I decided to stay with Samantha. I never liked leaving her. Not even when someone else was with her. I know I must have been depressing all this time. I could tell everyone else put on strong faces for each other and tried to smile but I couldn't do that. I did not have the energy to do that. I ran a hand through my hair and looked at her. Her face looked a lot better considering the swelling had went down and the cuts and bruises were practically gone.

"Hey Sam. I know I have called you sleeping beauty but I didn't think you would take it to this extreme." I joked halfheartedly.

"I never realized how pointless and boring my life is without you." I continued.

"How sad is that? Jasper is less scatter brained than usual which is totally your fault. And Missy is less bossy. See what I mean? Boring right?" I questioned as if she would answer.

"The doctors say you can hear me if I talk to you but quite frankly, it feels weird to be talking to myself. You were the crazy one, not me. So why don't you do us all a favor and wake up? I will be your eternal slave if you do." I chuckled hoping that would somehow wake her up. I groaned and put my head in my hands when I heard a loud high pitched beep. I looked up and saw that the machine flat lined. I felt as if I was going to die.

"No. Don't you go and do that Sam!" I ordered. Jumping up from my chair.

"NURSE! SOMEONE! HELP!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Samantha Rose! Listen to me damn it!" I demanded shaking her frantically. A couple nurses ran in with a cart.

"Sir you need to step out." One of the nurses stated as she looked at the machine. She grabbed some paddles from the cart.

 "Clear!" The nurse called and placed the paddles against Samantha's chest. Samantha's body jerked but she still laid their motionless. She did that a couple more times but still nothing.

"SAMANTHA!" I yelled again.

"Sir you need to leave." The nurse said again.

"Marc! What's happening!" Dad asked worried as he approached. When he saw what was going on he turned around and prevented the others from entering. I could hear them begin to cry in realization.

"Marc! Come on. You need to wait out here!" Dad spoke grabbing my shoulder. I yanked away from him.

"I am not leaving her! Sam!" I screamed heading towards her. Dad grabbed my arm and Eric soon joined to help.

"You being here is not going to change anything! Let them do their job! Come on!" Eric argued pulling on me as I struggled against them. I continued my rant not wanting to leave her. It was no use. They dragged me out and my dad pulled me into a hug.

"I'm sorry son. There is nothing we can do for her. She has to fight now. All we can do is hope she does." He whispered sadly refusing to let go of me. I was breathing heavily from anger and agony. Eventually I gave up and sobbed into my father's shoulder. I knew he was barely holding it together himself. I stood there hoping and praying she would pull through. She had too. It couldn't end like this! Let her live God! Please! I will do anything!! Fight Sam! Fight!

I pulled away from my father and walked a few feet away from everyone and punched the wall. I kept myself propped against the wall by my fists and closed my eyes. I heard someone talking and I looked to see the nurses leaving out the room. I rushed over to one of them and looked at her pleadingly.

"Is she..." I trailed off and she gave me a small smile.

"She is alive. Still in the coma though." She replied sympathetically and I nodded before walking past her and into the room.

"Told you she was a fighter." Karen whispered next to me. I looked at her then back at Samantha.

"She has a lot to live for now. She won't give up that easily." She assured even though I could tell she was trying to convince herself as well.

"I hope she knows that."

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