The gothic lolita and the bat...

By AliceMoon08

10.5K 331 35

From on my earlier works Hellboy and the lolita had a lot more views and likes than I thought and I figured w... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7
Chapter 8.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 18.
Chapter. 19
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.
Chapter 41.
Chapter 42.
Chapter 43.
Chapter 44.
Chapter 45.
Chapter 46.
Chapter 47.
Chapter 48.
Chapter 49.
Chapter 50.
Chapter 51.
Chapter 52
Chapter 53.
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
chapter 56

Chapter 9.

297 10 0
By AliceMoon08

At the end of the week Isabella's friends where at the airport in leaving Gotham, of course Isabella was there in seeing them off along with Cori and his Aunt and Isabella's mother. What Isabella's mother didn't know was her friends help her move some items of her back to California and some of them with them, the same with Cori since he planned on moving in with Isabella on the same day she planned on moving back to California. Isabella made sure to post not only a goodbye post on her instagram but a short video of her friends saying goodbye to Gotham, not long after the group of friends left Cori showed Isabella a text when it was just the two of them in Cori's room at his house. The text said "End your relationship with Miss O'Day and you'll never half to worry about money again." The sender was unknown but seeing that message made her worry

"Your not going to take the offer are you?" Cori had put up his phone before he hugged her in his arms

"You accepted me for who I am besides my aunt. Now I have more people I can trust and understand me, of course I'm not taking the offer." Isabella started to tear up from happiness and that happiness ended when Cori tried to kiss her and she stopped him by putting her hand on his mouth when he was just an inch away from her mouth, that action confused Cori as he pulled himself away and looked confused.

"Even this won't let me kiss you on the lips?" Saying that Isabella looked a little worried as she answered him

"You think it might be possible not to kiss? I always found it gross in real life no matter what gender. I'm sorry." Isabella was worried that Cori would find it a problem like with her crazy ex, but instead of making it her problem Cori was calm and took both her her hands into his.

"Bella...Would you mind answering some questions. I think I might know why you don't like kissing?" Hearing that confused Isabella of course but she answered Cori's questions when the two sat on his bed.

"Have you ever been sexually attracted to anyone?" Isabella nods her head no in response before Cori asked her another question

"Okay..Do you want to have sex or engage in sexual practices in the future or near future?" Isabella looked away from Cori as she nod her head no and as her face started to turn red from embarrassment but Cori kept going.

"At some point when your married do you want to want sex to be a part of that relationship?"

"No...never." Was the verbal answer Cori got from Isabella then she looked back at Cori

"I always never pictures myself having sex with anybody it grosses me out to the core. The same thing with kissing, I'm alright with contact with a human being but that's pretty much it."

"Bella I think you might be asexual?" Hearing Cori say that surprised her, she was aware of the LGBTQ community and some of her friends where part of it but she hadn't heard that word before. The more Cori explained to her what it meant the more it made sense about herself, although she did keep quiet about her stash of yaoi manag's she kept hidden from her mom, she didn't feel comfortable telling him. Cori was happy about Isabella being asexual, it proved that she would never cheat on him and being loyal to him just like he was loyal to her.

When school came Isabella and Cori knew they had to do make up work for assignments they missed which they didn't mind in doing and saw coming, Isabella decided to wear her gothic military coord because she felt like it

Of course she couldn't wear her hat so she just put her hair in high ponytail that suited the look, along her posting her dress on her instagram for her fans before going to school. Arriving at school the couple did go to the principles office.

"Ahh Miss O'Day...w-welcome back. glad you and Mr. Williams are feeling after being sick." Was what the principle said with a almost scared smiled Isabella signed before she spoke

"Cut the act I know my friends black mailed you and the teacher's staff, I wanted to apologize for that." Saying that made the principle breath with relief before he questioned her

"How the hell are you friends with those people, the one that looked like you was a real piece of work. Her and those two others, why are you friends with them?"

"The girl that looks like me turns out she's my long lost cousin. As for the OTHER two, let's just say I'm very well loved with my friends and would go to great lengths for me." Was what Isabella said to the principle and he believed her one hundred percent, the couple insisted on doing make up work for the days they missed in which the principle was happy to give to them and seeing how honest the two where and in not wanting to take advantage either.

During classes where a little normal, Tim was happy to see Isabella again in class. The day before Isabella texted Tim in asking him to help with with some makeup work which he was happy in  doing, he didn't tell her that he and his brother where keeping an eye on her while she was out for a week. Tim acted surprised hearing that Danica was revealed to be her cousin and Tim told her that the two did look like they could be related when he first met Danica since they looked so much alike, unfortunately the more popular with Isabella very strong popularity on Instagram with now over million followers a lot of classmates wanted to be in her circle. Some students even tried dressing a little similar like her mainly the jewelry and head pieces since it was obvious that couldn't afford the dresses she wears since they where brands,Isabella was happy being around Cori and Tim mostly since she preferred there company and knew they wouldn't take advantage of her. Isabella also felt a little worried at the same time it was obvious a lot of the popular girls liked Tim and where jealous of her for being so close with someone from the Wayne Family even though he was adopted, it wasn't just Tim Cori had girls crushing on him before Isabella moved to Gotham which increased some of her haters that where too immature to just move on or brush it off.

Tim wanted to know so badly how she knew Vandal Savage, he knew he couldn't just ask her right out of the blue. However when he and his brother heard that it made a lot more sense from those spy cameras that they had found, another thing he was curious about was hearing that she received flowers way before meeting those two villains from an unknown person. Not only that but about her sup-possibly crazy ex the suddenly disappeared, hearing that Tim wanted to know if he could find anything about him disappearing and what happened to him. He wasn't the only one that wanted to know about Isabella's ex,Dick and Jason where just as curious. Damian was as well in knowing what happened, not long after hearing Isabella talking about her ex with Danica they did some looking into on the batcomputer. With extra research they managed to find a picture of Isabella's ex and did a background check on the guy as they where looked threw police reports on anyone missing or found dead that had a facial match to his, after a few hours they finally found him. He was reported as a deceased john dough around the area of the United Kingdom.

"Someone abducted him and killed him in the United Kingdom?" The one the asked that out loud was Damian in which Dick answered him

"Looks like it, this person wanted to make sure he wasn't found."

"The real question is...who had him kidnapped and killed?" Jason was the one that said that while keeping his eyes on the computer and looked at the deceased image of Isabella's ex saying that he was an unknown John Dough, hearing that Isabella didn't inform neither Lex Luther nor Vandal Savage it had to be someone else that was just as dangerous as those two and someone that Isabella wasn't aware of.

During present day during lunch Tim offered both Isabella and Cori to his place to do makeup work, the couple was a little surprised in Tim's offer but they couldn't say no since both where curious about what the inside of Wayne Manor looked liked and they accepted his offer. Of course Isabella texted her mom what was happening after school and the same with Cori's aunt when he texted her, it was good timing for Cori since his car had stopped working and couldn't afford to get a new car.

After school Isabella and Cori waiting with Tim for his ride that showed up a few minutes after the bell rang and they had waiting, getting in the car Tim had introduced the driver to the couple. With dealing with normal traffic they arrived at the Wayne manor, the couple where impressed by thee outside of the place and was just as impressed by the inside when they went in.

"Isabella, Cori nice to see you two again." The one that said that was Bruce Wayne that came up to the two of them while they where looking around there surroundings from the entrance

"Bruce nice to see you again too. You gave a lovely home." Not long after the conversation both Tim and Bruce shows the two to the library, Cori was impressed by the size of the library and was a bit of a book worm and couldn't help himself in looking threw some of the books. Tim and Isabella saw that Cori would have no problem with the English homework and they decided to work on that assignment together while Cori was enjoying, Tim enjoyed spending somewhat alone time with Isabella. Tim mostly went over with her on what she missed from her first period class since they had the same class in the first place, during the makeup work Tim noticed how fast Isabella was with her math homework without using a calculator. She even helped Tim and Cori with there math work and they where both a little shocked with how good she was.

"I didn't know you where good a math, why aren't you in the advance classes?" Tim was the one that asked her that and she answered with her signed with annoyance and her elbow on the table

" I don't want to be more of a target than I already am. I purposefully get some answered wrong so I can have a slightly above grade average, thankfully I have my grandparents brains my grandfather was a Harvard professor before he retired."

"Wait your math intelligent?" Cori asked her that almost not believing her

"I feel comfortable saying this to you two and this house. Danica and my close friend circle are the only ones that know why. My real IQ is about over 100, if I so please I can have any college on the planet fighting over me. Hell my mom doesn't even know I got paid more than she did in a month when I was doing part time work at her old job during the summer me and her boss agreed in not telling her, I help her old company with some suggesting with there money with the board of directors and I got about $100,000." Both Tim and Cori's jaws dropped hearing the amount she was given as a thanks, they weren't the only ones that where shocked Isabella heard the door open and made her turn around to see the surprised look on Bruce Wayne's face. Isabella knew that he heard her and had a feeling that he was impressed, she made suggesting if he wanted her help with his families company after she was done with her makeup work which he didn't mind. Isabella didn't feel like telling them that she also help Lex Luthor with some numbers and had given her a billion dollars in her aid as his thanks, after an  two hours and a half both Cori and Isabella had finished there make up works and Isabella helped Bruce with his numbers in his study room with him while Tim decided to show Cori around and he wanted to ask him some questions with just the two of them.       

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