Vergil's Irritation Rises

By Haise_Sasaki_Soul

180K 3.6K 2.4K

Virgil got thrown into a world with questionable customs. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 (Valentine's Special)
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Omake: Salty Reunion
Omake: Salty Reunion Part 2
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Short: Mamono Reacts to Vergil
One BEEG Omake pt1
One BEEG Omake pt2
Chapter 34 (Fox Season)
Chpter 35

Chapter 18

5K 94 54
By Haise_Sasaki_Soul

Vergil Pov

I glared down at the Mamono currently either cowering or hesitating to approach me.

After my little stunt, their desire to try me has ceased altogether. Druella however, is a different story.

Druella: I need you to come with me.

Vergil: And why would I do that?

Druella: My Mother's colleagues are in danger, especially a Pharaoh. Her kingdom is being overrun by these things.

She pointed at a disintegrating corpse of a Behemoth.

Vergil: Why should I make it my problem? From what I've read, shouldn't she be powerful enough to not be overrun? But then again, Demons don't really care as long as they have numbers.

She became confused to what I referred the Demons that invaded.

Druella: Demons? But that's impossible! Mother turned every monster into Mamono!

I sighed.

Vergil: I'm guessing that you weren't listening carefully if your mother has told you. How disappointing. But I suppose, a mind of a warmonger that thinks forcing humans to become Mamono would bring world peace.

She was about to say something but I threatened her with Yamato.

Vergil: You and your followers think that you are smart, but the one doing the thinking is your crotch rather than your head. Sure, strategizing an invasion which succeeded until they appeared is a somewhat redeeming quality but all in all. You're nothing but a child in an adult's body.

She seethed with anger.

Druella: How dare you insult me! I have the-

I cut her off.

Vergil: The power to level cities and to turn every woman to a Mamono, yes? What else? I've heard that so many times, so much so that I am annoyed on how much pride one can have.

I sheathed Yamato, but my glare kept her in place.

Vergil: I've seen people with great power fall, some are caused by my blade. The others by the other.

I continued without letting her a chance to speak.

Vergil: Demon Generals that could destroy anything they deemed so. Humans that tried to become gods, yet all they became are Demons. And men that sought power only to become mindless slaves.

I stopped, waiting for a reply. None dared to speak, not even Druella who only continued to seethe with anger.

Vergil: But just to clarify. You dared not to fight Proto Angelo and only cowered behind your army. Such foolishness your followers have. A single promise of a husband is enough to bring them to your side. Foolishness, all I see are genocidal maniacs who has no thought of the future.

All of the Mamono looked offended and are about to charge at me, only to stop as I continued.

Vergil: All you think is having a husband, yet you never think about the future of Humanity when all men are Incubus and the women, whatever monster that changed them. Think about it yourself Druella. From the stories I've heard from the Mamono I trust. Your mother bled sweat and blood, burned her skin and took a blade for her weakened husband. Just so there would be peace between Mamono and Human. Yet here you are, adding more pressure to the almost broken bridge your mother painstakingly made.

Her facial features transformed from anger to confusion. I suppose it will take more to get it inside that thick skull of hers.

Vergil: Your mother has created peaceful alliances where both Human and Mamono could live in Harmony, yet you decide to spit on your mother's dream by turning her ideals into something a tyrant would force upon it's people. Now Mamono friendly villages are starting to doubt their Mamono citizens, people slowly fearing them as news of Human settlements being attacked by multiple species of Mamono under the Demon Lord's Daughter reaching their ears.

She was about to retort, only to stop as she found the tip of Yamato poised at her neck.

Vergil: I remember saving a Mamono child. She was happily living in her parents in her village when you and your army arrived. She told me that you were denied troops by the Chief, so you burned the Village down without hesitation. Not only that, you've turned her happy family into ashes. Her memories of her Parents loving each other like how normal couples would, destroyed by you turning her mother into a whore. Now Everytime you came near us, she wouldn't stop shaking and being afraid of you.

Shock is evident on her face, as her eyes glazed but deep in her memories.

Vergil: Now do you remember? Topaz admired the dream of your mother. Now that you took it and changed it, no longer she feels safe around other Mamono in fear of becoming like her mother. She only now trusts me and another accomplice. I'm certain you've kept your true intentions from your mother, thinking it would be a surprise.

I started to walk away. Not even batting an eye to the surprised Mamono around us.

Vergil: I want you to reflect on your actions. While I, have a priest to kill.

The sound of heavy steps drew closer as a few rows of Knights started to file in front of me.

The timing of their arrival actually impressed me. Now then, time to take out the trash, as Dante would say.

Priest Noscrim then suddenly came to view along with five other people, and from what I could get from their clothes. I'm guessing the three are the Princesses and the two are the King and Queen.

Noscrim: You! You brought them here! I knew I should've ordered the guards to kill you as soon as you arrived! Knights! Kill him!

The Knights slowly surrounded me, while some others stayed back to protect Noscrim and the royalties.

Vergil: You truly are a fool.

I sighed, deciding to no longer entertain those around me. I adjusted my collar, and let out not even a quarter of my Demonic Power.

The shockwave was enough to make Noscrim stumble and fall while the Royalties held on to each other, the Knight's stood their ground thanks to their training.

But nonetheless fell on their backs, as they frothed in the mouth while unconscious.

Now that I think about it, while being V. I saw this "Meme" Nero watched with Nico. The video itself contains this scrawny built man with a green shirt, brown pants and mustard blonde hair who also has a bit of a stubble growing on his chin. It goes something like "I'm not even using one percent of my power"

Vergil: Why am I reminded of that? Children these days will do anything for entertainment.

I mumbled under my breath. But, back on topic. Now that the Knights has been taken care of. I walked towards Noscrim.

He tried to scramble away but intimately found his back on a pile of rubble. I picked him by the neck and raised him up.

Vergil: While I know this is hypocritical, but. Truly, you are worse at being a father than I am.

Thankfully only he heard me as the Royalties backed away and the Mamono busy trying to pick up Druella who is in a state of shock.

Vergil: While I haven't met my son for years. You raised your daughter like she was nothing more but a ticket to even more power. I admit, I did something similar but you.

I chuckled menacingly.

Vergil: I know your Chief God would forgive you.

For the first time in many years. I smiled openly as my teeth showed and the feeling of pure satisfaction washed over me as I broke his neck.

Vergil: But I'm not.

I dropped his dead body on the floor and my eyes found the Royal Family huddled together while one of them bravely tried to protect them. For being afraid, her form is satisfactory.

I only sighed and rain slowly started to fall. I walked back to the fountain, now all eyes on me as I slowly walked through the blood being washed away by the rain.

I stopped, noticing a small tuff of hair covering the sides of my vision. It seems that my hair has came down with the rain.

With a sigh, I used a hand to fix my hair. But the disturbing part is I've heard something stabbing into flesh. I looked around, but after seeing nothing if the ordinary I created a portal to my destination.

Once I stepped out, I was greeted by a hug from Topaz. While Meera affectionately rubbed her cheeks against my shoulder. I mean, I get it but, why of all things to do, why this?

Vergil: That's enough Meera, and what did I say about jumping on me Topaz?

Topaz blushed from embarrassment.

Topaz: To not jump on you everytime you come back?

I sighed, pulled her off me and patted her head.

Vergil: Just don't over do it ok? And Meera, please not in front of many people.

I offhandedly ordered Meera after seeing the glares from the group. Siel certainly can keep a pokerface, Ryoko sneered and glared, while Fumiko frowned.

Vergil: Now before you ask, I'd like to gather every important head outside the walls.

I didn't gave a second glance at their uncertain gazes on my back. I suppose today would be the day I reveal my secret. After all, war is coming.

It took them exactly five minutes to find me outside sitting in a Seiza on the grass.Topaz and Meera then immediately sat to my sides, much to the chagrin of the others.

I sighed, seeing the former Order Heroes being uncomfortable in this situation seems more like a comedy skit than anything.

Vergil: I know all of you want answer. But first, have you ever heard of Demons?

Primera: You mean those blue skinned whores?

I sighed, of course their default thought would be them.

Virgil: You better behave yourself child. Don't make me regret my decision of sparing you from a fate worse than death.

She flinched, causing the rest of the Former Order Heroes to give her a concerned look while slightly frowning at me.

Sasha: But you look like you're the same age as us.

Vergil: Looks can be deceiving my dear, now then. I am in fact older than the lot of you. I may look twenty but in fact, I am over forty.

Their eyes bugged out at the shock of learning my age.

Ryoko: B-But! You look so young!

Vergil: I do not know how I regressed in age, but I'm rather thankful I wasn't regressed further. It would be rather awkward seeing a child act like he is better than you all. But then again, this is me we are talking about.

Some rolled their eyes while Wilmarina and Mersé nodded in agreement.

Vergil: Now then, back on topic. While Demons of this realm is rather erotic and seductive. The Demons you've just recently fought is not from this reality or the next. I highly doubt Wonderland would host such creatures.

Mersé: So you're telling us, that those things are aliens?

I resisted the urge to dent my skull.

Vergil: No. Rather they came from Hell. And no, not the Goddess Hel, but the actual Hell. Like the underworld.

They all nodded while having their mouths open like goldfishes.

Vergil: I have done extensive research on history. And yes, I lied about my amnesia. After all, if I say something ridiculous as "I came from another world". People will think I am insane.

Fumiko: I mean, you have a point there.

Vergil: Now anyway, as I've said. I've done extensive research of history. I have read and interviewed about the great wars and how the current Demon Lord has basically womanized every Monsters.

I waited for a question or a response but nothing came.

Vergil: Ever since I was a child, is have fought them and became powerful. Of course, I had a little advantage on gaining power due to my Heritage.

Wilmarina: Are you some sort of Demon Slayer than could absorb their strength?

Vergil: Close, but ultimately no.

And as if Primera realizes, her eyes widened and immediately shouted.

Primera: Wait! So you mean by me not being alone is!

I scowled at her loudness.

Vergil: Yes child, I have a Half-Breed. Just like you.

Siel: So. What kind of half breed are you?

I sighed and stood up. I suppose I did consulted with myself to let them know.

Vergil: I believe, it is better to show you than to explain it with words.

They were confused at first. But their faces contorted into that of surprise and fear as they felt the Demonic Power I am releasing.

My body slowly covered itself with dark blue scales, my coat slowly integrated into my being as it forms it's own scale like pattern, my head shifted from that of a human and into a ebony colowed head with sharp pointed teeth in a full grin and two horns that spews blue flames is proudly displayed on my head.

Vergil: Surprised? As I told you before, I am superior to every living thing on this world. But right now, many powerful Mamono could give me a fight or so, since I am not using my full potential.

Wilmarina bravely stepped up and stood tall with shaking legs and stuttering voice.

Wilmarina: W-What do you mean b-by that?

Clearly, their fears are not without merit. After all, being exposed to such power can be extremely frightening.

Vergil: I'd rather not reveal my full deck of cards just yet. After all, a war is about to start. Not just between Mamono and Humans, but Humans and Mamono against Demons.

I released my Devil Trigger and sat back down.

Vergil: I am sure you are wondering how such a being like I came into existence. Very well, allow me to give you a brief sentence.

I inhaled and exhaled. Seems like using my Devil Trigger somehow annoyed me. Oh well, if it's anything serious. They'll die by my blade.

Vergil: My mother fell in love with a Demon. That is all.

Mimil: Wait! But that's-

Vergil: Impossible? In your world yes. But I am not in the mood to explain more. For now, I want all of you to help the citizens of Lescatie to feel welcomed. And Siel.

Her ears perked up after I called her.

Vergil: Here, this should cover the expenses for future buildings.

I threw her a back big enough to cover my whole hand. She then opened it, and her eyes widened at the content. Her eyes glazed and drool slowly escaped from her mouth.

Siel: Yes~ I do~

Fumiko and Ryoko then slapped her behind the head.

Siel: Eh, I mean. Yes! These will do for the expenses. Hehe~

She then immediately ran back to the Village.

Wilmarina: Uhm. What did you exactly give her?

I started to walk back before answering.

Vergil: Gold Orbs.

And so, another chapter forced out of my ass. XD lol no. I enjoyed writing this chapter ngl. Anywho, hope you peeps like this chapter! SOUL out!

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