Entangled Lives

By Simran3381

101K 4.6K 2.9K

After fulfilling the deal Prachi made with Rhea, she was left heartbroken. And to make things worse Rhea was... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XXXX
Chapter XLI
Chapter XLII
Chapter XLIII
Chapter XLIV
Chapter XLVII

Chapter X

2.5K 108 63
By Simran3381


Prachi woke up the next day and groaned lightly. Her throat was dry, eyes sticky and her head pounded. Another groan left her lips, side effect of crying all night long. Nothing new. She got up and reached for water on her bedside table. The water hydrating her mind ought to make make her brain work. 

The glass almost slipped through her fingers when the happenings of last day rushed and processed in her head. Her eyes caught moisture remembering her friend's demise and then proceeded to widen as she remembered what followed.

What has she done?

How can she let months worth of pain and hurt go down the drain in just a week moment of emotional unstableness? She had just let herself open her heart's pain that she had kept within herself. She had done something that will do nothing good but the opposite, for sure. GOD How will she even face him? This is going to be painful, yet again.

He surely will question her and she'll have to get a million lies through her teeth, again. She'll have to crush what tiny spark of hope there will be in his heart, again. She'll have to insult his love, again. She will have to break him, AGAIN. She would much rather jump in front of a moving train than cause him to go through the misery of heartbreaking.

What has he done?

To be getting so much pain. He was nothing but a pure soul. He had supported and trusted her when no one else did. Even when he himself hated him with his entire being. No, he never hated her. He could never hate someone. He don't have that in him. 

He was just annoyed with her, just like she was, at first. But still he helped her through every thick and thin. He never wronged anyone. Even when he was so foolishly dead set on being a Bad Boy, he did nothing bad. Cause he is good. Best one could ever hope to be.

Than what was his fault to be getting so much pain?

She forcefully made her way towards the bathroom to freshen up. She looked at herself in the mirror and sighed in a bit of relief. At least a night of deep slumber had prevented her from red and puffy eyes. Then she remembered how she fall asleep and a soft red blush hued her cheeks. A feeling of shyness overtook her previous guilt and she felt her lips turn a bit upward. She really was totally out on the floor, but she had dozed in and out when Ranbir had laid her on the bed and kissed his forehead.

She quickly got ready and made her way downstairs, a neutral expression taking her features. Her steps flattered a bit when every single gaze turned to her as she made her way to the dining table. No one uttered a single word. She took a seat next to Shahana and passed everyone a small reassuring smile. Firmly avoiding her comforter from previous night. Though it was really difficult as he was sitting right in front of her. Looking at her with a glint of something strange in his eyes. Something that Prachi can not risk to find out as she might get lost in him.

Act cool Prachi, Calm down. But no, with everyone staring at her, how can she be normal? She took a deep breadth, "I'm fine, please stop staring at me like I might break into tears at any given moment." She stated, and everyone had the decency to look away for a moment. Prachi felt good, sometime saying out how you feel isn't as rude as it seems.

"When will we leave for temple Massi?" Shahana asked, trying to change the topic and Prachi gave her a grateful look for taking attention away from her.

"By twelve, the Puja is timed at one, it'll take about half an hour to reach there." Pragya said, serving everyone.

"Rhea will be there straight from the airport." Pallavi filled in.

As soon as Pragya served her breakfast, was when Prachi realized how hungry she really was. She smiled thankfully at her mother and tried her best to focus on her breakfast rather than everyone's glances at her. She quickly shoved a full spoon in her mouth and as soon as it got out of her mouth, her eyes widened. In her try to ignore everyone and hunger, she had done a mistake. A rather hot mistake. She had not paid any thought to what she put in her mouth, but whatever it was. It was scorching hot.

Her sharp intakes of air, heaving torso, wide eyes and flapping hands didn't fail to gather the attention of those who weren't already looking at her.

She hastily picked up a glass nearby, that was most probably Shahana's and drank the little water it had. It did as much good as the amount it was. Not paying attention to everyone shouting over each other to give her something cold to drink, she herself picked up a half filled glass of juice in front of her and chugged it down in one go.

It was cold and sweet. Her throat felt some ease. Not to take any risk of her taste buds numbing. She filled the glass again and drank half of it before leaning back in her chair. She looked up and her gaze met with the eyes she had been trying to avoid. Amused and teasing. Not just a glint, and not even trying to hide it. He stared at her unabashed. She frowned at her before smiling at everyone else who were asking her if she was alright.

After everyone had resumed their talking she found herself looking at him and saw that he had the same expression. She stared blankly at him and he back with a smile playing at his lips.

What has gotten into him? She ate her breakfast smiling and nodding when someone looked at her. Though still peeking at Ranbir here and there, and averting her gaze whenever he caught her, that was every single time. She looked to her right to see Piyush take a seat next to Shahana.

"So soon Sleepyhead?" Shahana asked.

"Oh hello, I've been up even before you. I just went to drop Bhai at his conference." Piyush redeemed.

Prachi was about to ask but Piyush answered her question just as she opened her mouth, "Don't worry, he'll be back before we leave for temple."

Prachi shut her mouth and nodded.

She looked over at Ranbir and saw him sporting a blank look. She completed her breakfast and reached for her juice again. And there it was again, that smile on his face. She gave him a questioning look and took a long swig of juice only for his smile to turn into a grin. Aryan, who was looking at the exchange nudged Ranbir and raised an eyebrow. Ranbir leaned to the side and muttered something to him and Aryan an identical grin broke on face. She finished her juice and narrowed her eyes at them.

Aryan cleared his throat and said, only for the four of them to hear, "Ranbir, why aren't you having some juice today?" Shahana frowned at the out of blue question.

"I had some, Aryan." Ranbir said, trying to stifle his laughter. "But before I could finish, eewazstuln."

"What?" Prachi couldn't help herself but ask.

Ranbir smiled, reaching for a new glass and filling it half, lazily, with juice. "I said, Before I could finish, it-was-stolen." He said each and every word slowly, making sure to get every syllable clear. Prachi and Shahana shared a befuddled look.

Stolen juice? Prachi's head turned back so fast she saw blur. Her eyes widened as it downed upon her that in a fit to calm the burning sensation, she hadn't paid attention to what she grabbed, or whose glass she get a hold on. She had drank juice from Ranbir's glass. The same he had been drinking from. Not only that, she had again poured in the same glass and had been drinking from the same glass over her breakfast.

Great just what she wanted.

And it did not help that her face was as red as the apple that was in the fruit basket. He winked and her eyes got more big, if that was possible. She glared at the glass with an intensity that Ranbir was thinking it might crack by the draggers thrown it's way, but it just made him smile so much that his cheeks were hurting.

Prachi felt a small pressure on her hand and looked at up to see everyone staring at her. Maybe someone had asked her something. She looked around at everyone and Aryan and Ranbir were trying their best to look normal but their shoulders still shook with laughter.

"Geez Pika, elders were just discussing your marriage and you are already lost in your wedding dreams." Piyush teased and her eyes almost bugled out of their sockets. Arhana as well as Ranbir had their jaws dropped opened.

"What?" Prachi said, glancing at Ranbir from the corner of his eyes.

"Not necessarily now, princess. We were just talking how Rhea and Ranbir were childhood friends and how they gradually fall in love." Ranbir and Aryan shared a disgusted look at this. "I haven't been there to know what kind of boy you like. So we were just discussing that. So, what is your dream boy like. Do you also have a childhood sweetheart? Don't be shy. Do you have a type?" Abhi asked, trying to get close to his other daughter.

"Prachi have already told me that she will marry whoever I choose for her, Right Prachi?" Pragya smiled at her.

Abhi intervened, "It doesn't mean she don't have any choices. Tell Princess, what kind of boy do you like?"

Piyush said with his most innocent face," Her kind is extinct Uncle. Shay had been asking her this question since childhood, and her answer had never changed." He did his best imitation of Prachi, saying "I don't want a big house or rich boy, I want my future husband to be honest, sweet-spoken, kind and mature. He should not speak too much. But whatever he speak should be truth and sweet. He should not be a showoff. His simplicity will be what will win my heart. I'll be happy with whatever he bring by sheer hardwork. And most importantly, maa should approve of him. That's the kind of boy I want." He ended with a dramatic sigh.

"That was a copy and paste of your mother's wish-list of her dream boy." Abhi stated with an amused look.

"And look what she got." Vikram stated and everyone broke into a fit of laughter, while Prachi blushed a deep red.

Ranbir was fuming. One could almost hear the ringing sound in his head. If they paid any attention, that was. Aryan rubbed his arm trying to calm him down.

"HA HA." Prachi said to a hystarically laughing Piyush.

"And by the way, Prachi's choice has changed, very much, and I know who fits it." Shahana said, without realizing what she was saying. It was when everyone stopped laughing that she processed the words that left her mouth. Cringing internally, she turned to Prachi who was looking like she could kill.

She took a hold of the the younger girl's hand and practically dragged her out of there. Completely missing the comment Pragya passed.


Ranbir and Aryan who had excused themselves after the girls left weren't fortunate enough though. Ranbir who was much hopeful by Shahana's comment was now restless as he thought of Pragya's voiced thoughts.

"Maybe both sister's have something in common. Now that I think of it, maybe I know who Prachi has come to like."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Ranbir recklessly ran his hand through his hair. Pacing to and fro in his room while Aryan was situated on the bed.

"Maybe she know that Prachi still loves you." He mused and Ranbir came to a halt.

"No, can't be. If it was true, then she would have stopped this wedding by now." Ranbir contradicted and resumed his pacing.

"Then there is just one conclusion left. She has chosen a boy for Prachi." Aryan said. "And by that corkscrew haired boy's comment that followed Maami's, the second one is most probably right." This made Ranbir face the seated boy with a look of sheer fright in his eyes. Fear of loosing his love to someone else. He left the room, a destination in mind. The destination of heart.

"They both might be different, but they seem to have fallen for their bestfriends."

Piyush's comment ran through his mind as Ranbir made his way towards Prachi's room. His mind occupied by rapid thoughts. Thoughts of worry that clouded his mind for the fear of losing her, and thoughts of hope that said that she might confess to her as she had crumbled yesterday.

He didn't even realized that he reached the room. He came to his senses when he found himself standing face to face with the closed door. He knocked on the door but it creaked open with the little force exerted on it. He entered the room and found it empty. He was just about to turn around and leave when he heard water running in the bathroom. He decided to stay. He walked to the balcony and looked over at his balcony, Aryan was there.

He entered the room again and looked over at the pale pink dress that was laid out on the bed and his mind drifted over to the morning where he had seen Aarav wearing something same. His heart was overtaken by a sudden surge of jealousy. He heard the bathroom door open and Prachi exited rubbing her wet hair with a towel. She froze seeing him there and a determined look overtook her previous shocked visage.

"What are you doing here Ranbir?" She asked averting her gaze.

"I want to talk to you." Ranbir said looking intently at her face.

"But I don't. Look, whatever happened yesterday, it was just a week moment for me when I-"

"When the wall you have built around you crumbled, and you let me in. To the real Prachi who love me and only me." Ranbir cut her off, saying each word while taking a step towards her.

But Prachi wasn't going to repeat yesterday's mistakes again. She stood her ground. "No, I don't love you. I never loved you. Is it that difficult to get through your skull?"

Ranbir grabbed her upper arms and swirled her, making her back hit the wall near the wardrobe and she shuddered at the coldness hitting her back.

"You love me Prachi, you ever have and forever will. And don't even try denying it. Your surrender yesterday said it all." Ranbir stated.

"No, it was just a week moment. I do not love you." Prachi gritted through clenched teeth.

"You don't love me?" Ranbir asked.


"You don't?" He took a step forward.


"At all?" He moved a little more closer.


"Then why is your heart trying to jump out of your chest?" He asked softly.

"No it's no-" She couldn't complete as he silenced her with a finger. He stopped her fidgeting and there it was. Clear as a day. Her heartbeat. Literally filling the room with it's erratic beating. A tint colored her cheeks as she got caught in her lie.

His eyes roamed her eyes as he whispered, "Why is your heart beating so rapidly, Prachi?"

"B.. Be.. Because" She shivered as he tucked her wet hair tendrils away from her face, his fingers brushing her cheeks and resting his palm under her ear as his thumb rubbed against her soft cheek. Her lower lip trembled as the warmth of his hand was absorbed by her skin. She was finding it difficult to meet his gaze, and even more difficult to concentrate on breathing. It took all she had not to melt in his touch.

Pragya turned out to be Angle in disguise for her as she broke her trance when she knocked on the door and called Prachi to come soon and informed that Aarav had arrived.

"O-Okay Maa." Prachi answered trying to keep her voice as stable while being pressed against the wall.

She waited to make sure that Pragya left and spoke to Ranbir. "Leave or I'll shout."

He just smirked and raised an eyebrow, "Shout? Really? Go on. Everyone will come and it'll be good for me to break the alliance with Rhea."

"You'll do nothing of the sort." Her eyes widened.

"Then say you still love me. Tell me why are you doing all this" He asked, clutching her arms again.

"I don't love you." Prachi stated stubbornly.

"Tch, Tch, Tch, Tch, you are such a bad liar Prachi. You can't lie to save your life. Even a child with chocolate smeared all over his face lie better than you. You love me, only me, with all of your frantically flipping heart. And for that love filled in your heart, for the sake of my love for you. You'll not wear that pink ruffles over there at the bed, but you'll wear something else. Something else, anything but that dress." Ranbir said moving backward towards the door.

"Why will I do anything that you tell me?" Prachi asked his retreating figure.

"Because I love you." And you love me. He thought the last part to himself before leaving her dumbstruck.


Ranbir was frantically taking out his clothes before shoving them back in his closet. He don't know what he wanted to wear. But his jealous self was sure on one thing that he wanted to match with Prachi.

Aryan sighed heavily from his place on the couch as he saw his best-friend cum brother reject what looked like fifteenth outfit. "What are you even thinking of doing? You really think Prachi will obey your plea?"

"I hope so." Ranbir said, rejecting sixteenth outfit as well.

"According to me, you want to match Prachi, I think you should go for something pink. If she decided not to go by your words. Then you'll match her." Aryan aired his master-plan.

"And what if she did wore something else? Then I'll match that Aarav." Ranbir shuddered at the thought.

Aryan stifled his laugh as he couldn't help himself from picturing the scenerio. "Do you think he'll be able to pull off pink?"

"Haven't you seen him? He looks like he was a Fashion Magazine model in UK." Ranbir cursed his luck under his breadth.

"Aaha" Ranbir exclaimed, looking at a jacket. "My heart is saying, she'll choose this color." he turned to Aryan with the piece of cloth in his hand.

"I have full faith on your heart and the love it has for Prachi, bro. I know you guys have your hearts attached with some special strings. I know she'll most probably choose this color. But I can garuntee you, if Rhea saw you two matching, she'll burn this jacket to ashes along with your plans of matching Prachi" Aryan shot the near possible future.

"I'll have to be a bit subtle with this colour, but still profound." Ranbir said turning back to his clothes.

He choose to overlay it with a different shade, so that Rhea can not say anything to him and hoped his stars to make Prachi feel his heart's content and choose something same.


Ranbir was fidgeting with his hand, standing with Aryan in one corner in the Hall. He was becoming restless for the revelation of what Prachi wore. It wasn't just for her clothes, it would mean a great deal for his heart and morale. For Heaven's sake he would be able to breathe normal for a while. His fidgeting seized when his probable rival made his way out of his room. As much as it hurt Ranbir to confess, Aarav was Rocking Pink. And his fidgeting started again.

Aryan, leaning to side a bit, muttered discreetly, "Bro, you are behaving like a teen on his first date, Stop Fidgeting."

"What do I do? My nerves are like I'm anticipating Board results, if not bad. Every couple is dressed in matching colour, and I too want to go as a couple, with Prachi. You know if we wore matching colors, then godji won't be confused na, for who is my other half." Ranbir muttered back. When he looked up as per why he hadn't retorted back anything, he just met with a stunned Aryan, who seemed to be looking past his head. Ranbir turned to his side to spot Shahana who was looking at Aryan with a blank reaction.

He looked to and fro between his two best friends and a smirk broke on his face as he registered their appearances. Accidentally or Deliberately? Heaven knows. But both were sporting same colours. Though in differet shades, but same color. While Aryan had chosen a white T- shirt with denim Jacket, Shahana was gracefully dressed in an Azure colour suit.

"Wow, see this is what I meant. Colour coding couples to make it easier for God." Ranbir said bringing Aryan back to senses, while Shahana diverted her gaze. A rosy hue clearly detectable on her face, indicating that she had heard Ranbir's special comment.

"Shahana, where is Prachi?" Aarav asked, successfully giving Ranbir's mood a sour edge.

"Patience my boy, patience." Abhi said, coming from behind and giving a pat on the questioner's back.

"No, no Uncle I was just-" Aarav rushed to explain himself but got cut Abhi.

"-getting impatient?" Abhi teased and Ranbir's frown deepened.

"What is cheif doing?" He muttered to Aryan who was 'expression-talking' with Shahana, who was standing between Ranbir and Piyush. Looking like the LOC of four boys. Though the war was from just one group, while the other duo was innocently unaware of the numerous murderous thoughts Ranbir and Aryan had for Aarav and Piyush.

"What?" The clueless boy asked.

"Where is that kind of father, who is protective of his daughter and beat any boy black and blue, who try to come near his daughter?" Ranbir complained, "Why is he just playfully teasing him when he should punch him and warn him not to come within ten mile radius of Prachi?"

"How would I-" Aryan started but suddenly whisper shouted, "Bro, I'll be right here to catch you if you faint, Okay?"

Ranbir followed his line of sight and he really felt like fainting. There, his reason of life was coming down. Practically looking like floating down the stairs. Looking every bit as gorgeous as her beautiful soul. She came down and took her place inbetween Shahana and Piyush. Smiling her perfect, heart-melting smile at everyone. Well, everyone but him. But he was too preoccupied by his thoughts to pay any attention to it.

Pragya took the responsiblity of airing the silent question of Ranbir's mind, "Prachi, what took you so long? Someone was getting restless here." She glanced at the boys.

Yes, ME. What took you so long? Ranbir repeated on his head.

"Actually, because of this Shahana. She... she accidently dropped water on my pink dress." Prachi answered, emphasising on the colour a bit more than necessary and Ranbir's face fell a bit.

Ranbir and Aryan raised an eyebrow at the blamed girl who had her face drenched in shock. Shahana had came to Ranbir's room and was now aware of the little challenge cum request between Pranbir. She shook her head and was about to say something when Prachi interupted. "Maa, look it's quarter past twelve, we should go."

They all nodded and made their way out to the cars lined up to leave. Pallavi, Vikram, Dida and Dasi seated in one car. Abhi, Pragya, Purab and Mitali in one car, while Aryan and Ranbir in one along with Shahana who excused herself with "I got into a fight with Piyush and hence will not travel with him." Prachi refused to go with them and choose to travel with Aarav and Piyush.

The ride was unusually silent for Shahana, Aryan and Ranbir. But no one choose to break the silence. As they took the last turn and saw the temple ahead, Shahana couldn't keep it within herself and spoke out clear and loud.

"I... I don't know if I should tell you this or not. But you guys are my best friends, and I can't see you getting hurt. Ranbir, I did not dropped water on Prachi. She herself spilled water on her. I saw her doing it. Though she said that she accidentally did it, I clearly saw that she knowingly did.

She Deliberately NOT Accidentally decided to wear that new dress." Shahana completed hurriedly and almost jumped out as the moving vehicle came to a halt. Leaving Ranbir in daze before a blinding bright smile was pasted on his face. 

A/N:- Hey lovely folks. The summer is killing me. Literally. This high temperature will be the death of me I can assure you of that. Anyways, what do you think of the new chapter? Do you like it? Is so please VOTE and Comment. It boost my morale a lot and inspire me to write for you sweet people. Don't be hesitant of pointing out any mistake you come to find in the chapter. Inline comments are welcome.

# How is the weather in your city?

# What do you think, did Prachi accidentally or deliberately changed dress?

Lots of Love,


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