Vergil's Irritation Rises

By Haise_Sasaki_Soul

181K 3.6K 2.4K

Virgil got thrown into a world with questionable customs. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 (Valentine's Special)
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Omake: Salty Reunion
Omake: Salty Reunion Part 2
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Short: Mamono Reacts to Vergil
One BEEG Omake pt1
One BEEG Omake pt2
Chapter 34 (Fox Season)
Chpter 35

Chapter 16

4.8K 100 39
By Haise_Sasaki_Soul

Vergil Pov

I frowned as an old man continued to berate her daughter to the wrongs she haven't even done yet.

Noscrim: And what did I tell you about peasants! They're just using you!

I held myself back from cutting down the man right then and there. The fact that we are inside one of the rooms in the church, is enough for me to strike him down, but I still need him.

I adjusted my cloak, which the Priest noticed and glared at me.

Noscrim: Now take this filth off the sacred grounds and never talk to him again! Understood!?

Wilmarina: Understood, Priest Noscrim.

Wilmarina asked me to follow her, which I nodded but glared at her Father. He froze like a deer in front of a car.

Once we were out of earshot, Wilmarina apologized for her Father's behavior.

Vergil: It is fine Wilmarina. I may not have any experience with that kind of parent, but he is certainly is an asshole.

Like I'm the one to talk myself, but let's not compare myself to him. He's much too tame compared to me. Why am I making this into a competition?

Vergil: Ugh, I am certain that growing up under him is punishment enough.

Wilmarina giggled and sighed sadly.

Wilmarina: You have no idea.

Vergil: I suppose I'll be continuing to rely on Miss Fullmoon for more.

At the mention of Sasha. Wilmarina slightly frowned but quickly gathered herself.

Wilmarina: I can be of help. With my status as a Hero, I can pretty much go wherever I want.

Vergil: Very well, I'll rely on you as well then.

She smiled, as if getting an upper hand.

We walked outside the church, Wilmarina being greeted by both the common folk and soldiers alike. Occasionally, a Noble would also give his or her greetings to Wilmarina.

We arrived at where Mimil and the others are recovering. Mimil herself now sported bandaged around her left arm and left foot, as she herself told us she has dislocated her foot.

While her healing magic is potent, proper rest is still needed as it requires Mana to cast. Which in turn, exhausts her.

Vergil: How are you doing Mimil.

She flinched when I called her name.

Mimil: I-I'm doing mostly fine now, Sir.

I frowned slightly.

Vergil: I hold no status to be called as such Mimil. Just call me Vergil.

She seemed to release some tension at my comment.

Vergil: I have heard that you're the most powerful mage within Lescatie. For a child such as yourself, it is impressive.

She frowned, it seems she has bitter memories of the topic.

Mimil: Yes, though it did take a me a moment to memorize certain spells.

I sighed, placing my hand on her head and rubbed it.

Vergil: It must be difficult, having your childhood taken away from you at such a young age.

She is surprised at my action, and the fact that someone actually pitied her.

Mimil: Why, why are you doing this?

Her eyes watered, as she refused to believe some stranger cared for her wellbeing.

Vergil: I used to be the same. Although we have different reasons, we both know how it feels to be alone. To be revered as a prodigy, to be no longer innocent at a point.

Of course there is a bit of lie there, but getting her on my side is much more important. After all, she might know a spell that could send me home.

Her tears streamed down from her face, as her hands snaked behind me and hugged me tight. Her face buried on my shoulder and her muffled cries vibrated through my chest. I patted her head, which continued long enough for her to calm down.

Vergil: Now rest well and heed my warning. You too Wilmarina.

Wilmarina snapped out of her stupor, slightly blushing from her blunder.

Vergil: There is something big going to happen, and I am certain it is nothing good.

The two listened intently, even if Mimil was still slightly sniffing.

Vergil: If you are on your last legs, I want you to run at the fountain. The very one at the center of the Plaza. I am not sure what kind of danger would befall on Lescatie, but I want you and the others informed.

The two nodded.

Vergil: Now Mimil, if possible. I want you to erect a barrier around everyone that came to the fountain. The barrier itself must be strong enough to withstand twenty assaulting catapults simultaneously.

Her prideful demeanor returned, only more determined to actually put greater effort on my request.

Mimil: Please, you're talking to the strongest mage of Lescatie. Something like that is child's play for me.

I patted her head, which she enjoyed greatly considering she pressed herself more on my palm.

Vergil: Now for you Wilmarina. I want you to save your strength. As I said before, an even greater danger might suddenly appear.

She nodded, determined to follow my instructions.

Vergil: Good, now Wilmarina, tell Mersé of our secret. And if you have someone else in mind, tell them as well.

Wilmarina: Will do, Teacher.

I nodded.

Vergil: Now I must go and prepare.

I gave my goodbyes. By prepare, what I meant to say is to prepare the children of the sudden increase of numbers within the Mamono Orphanage. Well, I can always return to Siel's Village.

Vergil: Let's just hope they wouldn't target Lescatie, though I highly doubt it would happen.

Morning came, allowing me full view is Siel's Village. I must admit, it has be a while since I visited. Now then, on to business.

Once I entered, I was greeted by the Village populace, all with smiles and grins marring their faces.

It must be because I took off my cloak. Well, they already are familiar with my face so I suppose it is just courtesy of me to show my face.

I immediately went inside the in, to say Ryoko was surprised that I'm back is an understatement. She immediately leapt on me with a hug, big enough to even make Dante uncomfortable.

Vergil: Can you get off?

Ryoko smirked smugly as she still clung on my body.

Ryoko: My, for how long you've been gone, you never changed.

I pried her off my body, to which she pouted.

Vergil: I am changing, albeit slowly. That and everything just gets under my skin lately.

She giggled.

Ryoko: So what brings you in today? Should I call Siel?

Vergil: I was about to see her actually, but I supposed you can do that now that I am here.

She rolled her eyes but agreed to my request. Soon enough, She came back not just with Siel, but also Fumiko.

Siel: Vergil! Glad to have you back. Is there anything you want me to sell?

I rolled my eyes at her.

Siel: I suppose I couldn't blame you for me not expecting that, but anyway. I'm here for another reason.

The three immediately went serious, allowing to tell them my plan in the upcoming invasion.

Siel: So you basically want us to house people from Lescatie? Isn't that, I don't know. Stupid?!

I sighed.

Vergil: And what would civilians do? Complain? Mostly likely, that's all they can do anyway. After all, many of the men here are more than capable fighters.

Siel: Yeah, but that doesn't change the fact you want us to House those Order following sheeps.

I sighed and placed another Gold Orb on the table. Siel's eyes became hazed and drool slightly dripped from the edge of her lips.

Ryoko: Siel! Wake up! Don't let the artifact blind you!

Siel: Hehe~ shiny~ ehh~ must have shiny~

Isn't that supposed to be a Dragon's hubris?

Fumiko: How underhanded of you to do Vergil.

I smirked.

Vergil: I won't deny that, but back on topic.

I took back the Gold Orb and hid it under my long coat.

Vergil: They are good men, in fact. Their children are forced to follow the "Teachings of the Chief Goddess" at a young age. Blinding their beliefs and forcing them to grow to be the "Ideal" citizen. But all I see are a bunch of old men abusing their power.

The grip I have on Yamato tightened, making my knuckles white and hand slightly shaking.

Vergil: And as much as I would love to slit their throats. They're still part of a government that keeps the place running, so if I do so. Their government system will collapse, seeing how the King and Queen are mostly just figureheads.

Siel sighed and looked at me directly in the eyes.

Siel: Fine, I'll start freeing up space in the town hall where at least a hundred people can stay. It will be crowded but there will still be some leg space.

I smiled.

Vergil: Thank you, now then. Has anything interesting happened while I was gone?

And so, we conversed until nightfall.

Vergil: Thank you for the warm welcome everyone.

Siel: Think nothing of it, you've done us great help in the past so it's only natural.

Fumiko: Yes, thanks to you. My social awkwardness is now somewhat better.

She blushed and tried to hide her face behind Siel, which is a funny sight to see considering Siel is half her body in size.

Ryoko: Yeah, just don't forget to visit us again alright? But how will you get back to Lescatie? It would take four days just to walk there.

Vergil: I have my ways. Now don't tell anyone about this, especially Druella. I don't like the feeling she gives me when she's around.

Siel rolled her eyes while Ryoko laughed.

Siel: Like I'd like that warmongering bitch.

I smirked. I suppose it's only natural for her to know what's she's been doing.

Vergil: Until we meet again.

I unsheathed Yamato and proceeded to cut the air infront of me, causing Yamato to create a portal.

I glanced back at them to see their surprised and shocked faces. So this is how Dante feels when showing off, I might get used to this.

I walked in the portal, but just before I fully go through. I pulled out the Gold Orb again and threw it at Siel. To which she almost dropped it.

I shook my head in amusement and fully go through the portal. At the other side, I found myself inside the forest and a sense of relief somehow settled itself within my chest.

Now I know what I did was hypocritical, but seeing as I have trust on them, I suppose it wouldn't hurt.

I started to walk, enjoying the night inside the forest as I head back to the Orphanage.

I certainly wouldn't deny that the atmosphere is calming. Maybe a bit of violin would also help enhance such setting. It wouldn't hurt to enjoy a bit of classical music for the time being.

I found myself in a clearing, the full moon shining over the open sky and fireflies scattered around the open area.

I stood in the middle, taking a deep breath of fresh air and exhaled. It has been a while since I played with my new violin that was given to me.

I pulled it out from my pocket dimension and placed it on my collarbone. Without any more hesitation. I played.

Time felt like it has stopped around me as I enjoy the only other hobby I have growing up. The song reminding me of the time where everything was perfect, a time where my brother and I spent fighting over which genre of music is better.

A time where Father smiled at us while holding mother within his arms. The song ended, and everything resumed back to normal.

With a satisfied sigh, I hid my Violin within my pocket dimension once more and left the clearing.

Vergil: I should remember this spot for future activities that involves my hobbies.

And so, I continued my peaceful trek back to the Orphanage. But now, satisfaction filled my very being.

Well then, a three day pause from updating. Oh well, shit happens, anywho. The song Vergil played is Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven. So what do you peeps think? Good? Good. Anyway, the battle for Lescatie is almost near! That's all. SOUL out! Lol

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